import wx.activex
clsID = '{CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000}'
-progID = 'PDF.PdfCtrl.5'
+progID = 'AcroPDF.PDF.1'
+# Create eventTypes and event binders
+wxEVT_Error = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnError')
+wxEVT_Message = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnMessage')
+EVT_Error = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_Error, 1)
+EVT_Message = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_Message, 1)
# Derive a new class from ActiveXWindow
class PDFWindow(wx.activex.ActiveXWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, ID=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
ID, pos, size, style, name)
# Methods exported by the ActiveX object
+ def QueryInterface(self, riid):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('QueryInterface', riid)
+ def AddRef(self):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('AddRef')
+ def Release(self):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('Release')
+ def GetTypeInfoCount(self):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfoCount')
+ def GetTypeInfo(self, itinfo, lcid):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfo', itinfo, lcid)
+ def GetIDsOfNames(self, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('GetIDsOfNames', riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid)
+ def Invoke(self, dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('Invoke', dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams)
def LoadFile(self, fileName):
return self.CallAXMethod('LoadFile', fileName)
def setShowScrollbars(self, On):
return self.CallAXMethod('setShowScrollbars', On)
- def AboutBox(self):
- return self.CallAXMethod('AboutBox')
+ def GetVersions(self):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('GetVersions')
+ def setCurrentHightlight(self, a, b, c, d):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentHightlight', a, b, c, d)
+ def setCurrentHighlight(self, a, b, c, d):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentHighlight', a, b, c, d)
+ def postMessage(self, strArray):
+ return self.CallAXMethod('postMessage', strArray)
+ # Getters, Setters and properties
+ def _get_src(self):
+ return self.GetAXProp('src')
+ def _set_src(self, src):
+ self.SetAXProp('src', src)
+ src = property(_get_src, _set_src)
+ def _get_messageHandler(self):
+ return self.GetAXProp('messageHandler')
+ def _set_messageHandler(self, messageHandler):
+ self.SetAXProp('messageHandler', messageHandler)
+ messagehandler = property(_get_messageHandler, _set_messageHandler)
# --------------------
+# src
+# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
+# messagehandler
+# type:VT_VARIANT arg:VT_VARIANT canGet:True canSet:True
# --------------------
+# QueryInterface
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# riid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
+# ppvObj
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
+# AddRef
+# retType: int
+# Release
+# retType: int
+# GetTypeInfoCount
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# pctinfo
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
+# GetTypeInfo
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# itinfo
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# lcid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# pptinfo
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
+# GetIDsOfNames
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# riid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
+# rgszNames
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 26
+# cNames
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# lcid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# rgdispid
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
+# Invoke
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# dispidMember
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# riid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
+# lcid
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# wFlags
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# pdispparams
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
+# pvarResult
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:VT_VARIANT
+# pexcepinfo
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 29
+# puArgErr
+# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# LoadFile
# retType: bool
# params:
# fileName
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setShowToolbar
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# On
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:bool
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# gotoFirstPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# n
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# goForwardStack
# retType: VT_VOID
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# pageMode
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setLayoutMode
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# layoutMode
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setNamedDest
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# namedDest
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# Print
# retType: VT_VOID
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# percent
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setZoomScroll
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# percent
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# left
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# top
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setView
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# viewMode
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setViewScroll
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# viewMode
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:string
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# offset
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setViewRect
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# left
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# top
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# width
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# height
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:double
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# printPages
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# from
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# to
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# printPagesFit
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# from
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# to
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:int
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# shrinkToFit
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:bool
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# printAll
# retType: VT_VOID
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# shrinkToFit
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:bool
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# setShowScrollbars
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# On
-# in:False out:False optional:False type:bool
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
-# AboutBox
+# GetVersions
+# retType: VT_VARIANT
+# setCurrentHightlight
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# a
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# b
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# c
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# d
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# setCurrentHighlight
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# a
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# b
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# c
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# d
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
+# postMessage
# retType: VT_VOID
+# params:
+# strArray
+# in:True out:False optional:False type:VT_VARIANT
# --------------------
+# Error
+# retType: VT_VOID
+# Message
+# retType: VT_VOID