# Name: DebuggerService.py
-# Purpose: Debugger Service for Python.
+# Purpose: Debugger Service for Python and PHP
# Author: Matt Fryer
import STCTextEditor
import CodeEditor
import PythonEditor
+import PHPEditor
+import PHPDebugger
+import activegrid.model.projectmodel as projectmodel
import ProcessModelEditor
import DebuggerHarness
import traceback
import StringIO
+import UICommon
+import activegrid.util.sysutils as sysutilslib
+import subprocess
+import shutil
if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
import win32api
_VERBOSE = False
+import wx.lib.newevent
+(UpdateTextEvent, EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
+(UpdateErrorEvent, EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
+(DebugInternalWebServer, EVT_DEBUG_INTERNAL) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
# Class to read from stdout or stderr and write the result to a text control.
# Args: file=file-like object
# callback_function= function that takes a single argument, the line of text
self._lineCount = 0
self._accumulate = accumulate
self._callbackOnExit = callbackOnExit
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ def __del__(self):
+ # See comment on PythonDebuggerUI.StopExecution
+ self._keepGoing = False
def run(self):
file = self._file
start = time.time()
text = file.readline()
if text == '' or text == None:
self._keepGoing = False
- elif not self._accumulate:
+ elif not self._accumulate and self._keepGoing:
# Should use a buffer? StringIO?
output += text
# Seems as though the read blocks if we got an error, so, to be
- # sure that at least some of the exception gets printed, always
+ # sure that at least some of the exception gets printed, always
# send the first hundred lines back as they come in.
- if self._lineCount < 100:
+ if self._lineCount < 100 and self._keepGoing:
self._lineCount += 1
- output = ""
- elif time.time() - start > 0.25:
+ output = ""
+ elif time.time() - start > 0.25 and self._keepGoing:
- self._callback_function(output)
+ self._callback_function(output)
except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
# GUI was killed while we were blocked.
self._keepGoing = False
start = time.time()
- output = ""
+ output = ""
+ #except TypeError:
+ # pass
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
print "Exception in OutputReaderThread.run():", tp, val
except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting OutputReaderThread"
def AskToStop(self):
self._keepGoing = False
-import wx.lib.newevent
-(UpdateTextEvent, EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
-(UpdateErrorEvent, EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
class Executor:
+ PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_WIN = "../../3rdparty/php"
+ PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_UNIX = "../../../3rdparty/php/bin"
+ PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_OSX = "../3rdparty/php/bin"
+ PHP_CGI_EXEC_WIN = "php-cgi.exe"
+ PHP_CGI_EXEC_OSX = "php-cgi"
def GetPythonExecutablePath():
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- path = config.Read("ActiveGridPythonLocation")
+ path = UICommon.GetPythonExecPath()
if path:
return path
- wx.MessageBox(_("To proceed I need to know the location of the python.exe you would like to use.\nTo set this, go to Tools-->Options and use the 'Python' tab to enter a value.\n"), _("Python Executable Location Unknown"))
+ wx.MessageBox(_("To proceed we need to know the location of the python.exe you would like to use.\nTo set this, go to Tools-->Options and use the 'Python' tab to enter a value.\n"), _("Python Executable Location Unknown"))
return None
- GetPythonExecutablePath = staticmethod(GetPythonExecutablePath)
+ GetPythonExecutablePath = staticmethod(GetPythonExecutablePath)
+ def GetPHPExecutablePath():
+ if sysutilslib.isWindows():
+ phpCgiBinPath = Executor.PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_WIN
+ phpCgiExec = Executor.PHP_CGI_EXEC_WIN
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ phpCgiBinPath = Executor.PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_OSX
+ phpCgiExec = Executor.PHP_CGI_EXEC_OSX
+ else:
+ phpCgiBinPath = Executor.PHP_CGI_BIN_PATH_UNIX
+ phpCgiExec = Executor.PHP_CGI_EXEC_UNIX
+ if sysutilslib.isRelease():
+ phpCgiExecFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sysutilslib.mainModuleDir, phpCgiBinPath, phpCgiExec))
+ else:
+ phpCgiExecFullPath = phpCgiExec
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "php cgi executable full path is: %s" % phpCgiExecFullPath
+ return phpCgiExecFullPath
+ GetPHPExecutablePath = staticmethod(GetPHPExecutablePath)
def __init__(self, fileName, wxComponent, arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None, arg4=None, arg5=None, arg6=None, arg7=None, arg8=None, arg9=None, callbackOnExit=None):
self._fileName = fileName
self._stdOutCallback = self.OutCall
self._stdErrCallback = self.ErrCall
self._callbackOnExit = callbackOnExit
self._wxComponent = wxComponent
- path = Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath()
- self._cmd = '"' + path + '" -u \"' + fileName + '\"'
+ if fileName.endswith('.py') or fileName.endswith('.pyc'):
+ self._path = Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath()
+ self._cmd = '"' + self._path + '" -u \"' + fileName + '\"'
+ else:
+ self._path = Executor.GetPHPExecutablePath()
+ self._cmd = '"' + self._path + '"'
#Better way to do this? Quotes needed for windows file paths.
+ def spaceAndQuote(text):
+ if text.startswith("\"") and text.endswith("\""):
+ return ' ' + text
+ else:
+ return ' \"' + text + '\"'
if(arg1 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg1 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg1)
if(arg2 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg2 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg2)
if(arg3 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg3 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg3)
if(arg4 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg4 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg4)
if(arg5 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg5 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg5)
if(arg6 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg6 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg6)
if(arg7 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg7 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg7)
if(arg8 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg8 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg8)
if(arg9 != None):
- self._cmd += ' \"' + arg9 + '\"'
+ self._cmd += spaceAndQuote(arg9)
self._stdOutReader = None
self._stdErrReader = None
self._process = None
def OutCall(self, text):
evt = UpdateTextEvent(value = text)
wx.PostEvent(self._wxComponent, evt)
def ErrCall(self, text):
evt = UpdateErrorEvent(value = text)
wx.PostEvent(self._wxComponent, evt)
def Execute(self, arguments, startIn=None, environment=None):
if not startIn:
startIn = str(os.getcwd())
startIn = os.path.abspath(startIn)
- command = self._cmd + ' ' + arguments
- #stdinput = process.IOBuffer()
- #self._process = process.ProcessProxy(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, stdin=stdinput)
+ if arguments and arguments != " ":
+ command = self._cmd + ' ' + arguments
+ else:
+ command = self._cmd
+ if _VERBOSE: print "start debugger executable: " + command + "\n"
self._process = process.ProcessOpen(command, mode='b', cwd=startIn, env=environment)
# Kick off threads to read stdout and stderr and write them
- # to our text control.
+ # to our text control.
self._stdOutReader = OutputReaderThread(self._process.stdout, self._stdOutCallback, callbackOnExit=self._callbackOnExit)
self._stdErrReader = OutputReaderThread(self._process.stderr, self._stdErrCallback, accumulate=False)
def DoStopExecution(self):
+ # See comment on PythonDebuggerUI.StopExecution
if(self._process != None):
- self._process.kill()
- self._process.close()
- self._process = None
- if(self._stdOutReader != None):
- if(self._stdErrReader != None):
+ try:
+ self._process.kill(gracePeriod=2.0)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self._process = None
+ def GetExecPath(self):
+ return self._path
class RunCommandUI(wx.Panel):
+ runners = []
+ def ShutdownAllRunners():
+ # See comment on PythonDebuggerUI.StopExecution
+ for runner in RunCommandUI.runners:
+ try:
+ runner.StopExecution(None)
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ RunCommandUI.runners = []
+ ShutdownAllRunners = staticmethod(ShutdownAllRunners)
def __init__(self, parent, id, fileName):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
self._noteBook = parent
+ threading._VERBOSE = _VERBOSE
self.KILL_PROCESS_ID = wx.NewId()
self.CLOSE_TAB_ID = wx.NewId()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.OnProcessEnded)
# GUI Initialization follows
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self._tb = tb = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, (30,1000), wx.TB_VERTICAL| wx.TB_FLAT, "Runner" )
- sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
+ sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
close_bmp = getCloseBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CLOSE_TAB_ID, close_bmp, _('Close Window'))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLOSE_TAB_ID, self.OnToolClicked)
stop_bmp = getStopBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, stop_bmp, _("Stop the Run."))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, self.OnToolClicked)
self._textCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(self, wx.NewId()) #id)
sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
self._textCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
- #Disabling for now...may interfere with file open. wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self._textCtrl, self._textCtrl.GetId(), self.OnDoubleClick)
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self._textCtrl, self._textCtrl.GetId(), self.OnDoubleClick)
+ self._stopped = False
# Executor initialization
self._executor = Executor(fileName, self, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
+ RunCommandUI.runners.append(self)
def __del__(self):
+ # See comment on PythonDebuggerUI.StopExecution
- def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment):
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment, onWebServer = False):
self._executor.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
def ExecutorFinished(self):
self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, False)
nb = self.GetParent()
newText = text.replace("Running", "Finished")
nb.SetPageText(i, newText)
def StopExecution(self):
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ if not self._stopped:
+ self._stopped = True
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
def AppendText(self, event):
def AppendErrorText(self, event):
- self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
- self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ def StopAndRemoveUI(self, event):
+ self.StopExecution()
+ self.StopExecution()
+ index = self._noteBook.GetSelection()
+ self._noteBook.GetPage(index).Show(False)
+ self._noteBook.RemovePage(index)
# Event handling
def OnToolClicked(self, event):
id = event.GetId()
if id == self.KILL_PROCESS_ID:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self.StopExecution()
elif id == self.CLOSE_TAB_ID:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
- index = self._noteBook.GetSelection()
- self._noteBook.GetPage(index).Show(False)
- self._noteBook.RemovePage(index)
+ self.StopAndRemoveUI(event)
def OnDoubleClick(self, event):
# Looking for a stack trace line.
lineText, pos = self._textCtrl.GetCurLine()
fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
- fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
- lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
# Check the line before the one that was clicked on
lineNumber = self._textCtrl.GetCurrentLine()
lineText = self._textCtrl.GetLine(lineNumber - 1)
fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
- fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
- lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
filename = lineText[fileBegin + 6:fileEnd]
lineNum = int(lineText[fileEnd + 8:lineEnd])
startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
- openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
- for openDoc in openDocs:
- if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
- openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
- foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
+ lineText = foundView.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNum - 1)
+ foundView.SetSelection(startPos, startPos + len(lineText.rstrip("\n")))
+ import OutlineService
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos)
- def OnProcessEnded(self, evt):
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
-DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
+DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
-class DebugCommandUI(wx.Panel):
- debuggerPortList = None
+class BaseDebuggerUI(wx.Panel):
debuggers = []
def NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange():
- for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ for debugger in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange = staticmethod(NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange)
def DebuggerRunning():
- for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
+ for debugger in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
if debugger._executor:
return True
return False
DebuggerRunning = staticmethod(DebuggerRunning)
- def ShutdownAllDebuggers():
- for debugger in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
- debugger.StopExecution()
- ShutdownAllDebuggers = staticmethod(ShutdownAllDebuggers)
- def GetAvailablePort():
- for index in range( 0, len(DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList)):
- port = DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList[index]
- if DebugCommandUI.PortAvailable(port):
- DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList.pop(index)
- return port
- wx.MessageBox(_("Out of ports for debugging! Please restart the application builder.\nIf that does not work, check for and remove running instances of python."), _("Out of Ports"))
- assert False, "Out of ports for debugger."
- GetAvailablePort = staticmethod(GetAvailablePort)
+ def DebuggerInWait():
+ for debugger in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
+ if debugger._executor:
+ if debugger._callback._waiting:
+ return True
+ return False
+ DebuggerInWait = staticmethod(DebuggerInWait)
- def ReturnPortToPool(port):
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
- if port in range(startingPort, startingPort + PORT_COUNT):
- DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList.append(port)
- ReturnPortToPool = staticmethod(ReturnPortToPool)
+ def DebuggerPastAutoContinue():
+ for debugger in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
+ if debugger._executor:
+ if debugger._callback._waiting and not debugger._callback._autoContinue:
+ return True
+ return False
+ DebuggerPastAutoContinue = staticmethod(DebuggerPastAutoContinue)
- def PortAvailable(port):
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- hostname = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
- try:
- server = AGXMLRPCServer((hostname, port))
- server.server_close()
- if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " available."
- return True
- except:
- tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
- if _VERBOSE: traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " unavailable."
- return False
- PortAvailable = staticmethod(PortAvailable)
- def NewPortRange():
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
- DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList = range(startingPort, startingPort + PORT_COUNT)
- NewPortRange = staticmethod(NewPortRange)
- def __init__(self, parent, id, command, service):
- # Check for ports before creating the panel.
- if not DebugCommandUI.debuggerPortList:
- DebugCommandUI.NewPortRange()
- self._debuggerPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
- self._guiPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
- self._debuggerBreakPort = str(DebugCommandUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ def ShutdownAllDebuggers():
+ for debugger in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
+ try:
+ debugger.StopExecution(None)
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers = []
+ ShutdownAllDebuggers = staticmethod(ShutdownAllDebuggers)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
self._parentNoteBook = parent
- self._command = command
- self._textCtrl = None
- self._service = service
+ self._service = None
+ self._executor = None
+ self._callback = None
+ self._stopped = False
+ BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers.append(self)
+ self._stopped = True
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
+ self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
self._executor = None
self.STEP_ID = wx.NewId()
self.CONTINUE_ID = wx.NewId()
self.STEP_OUT_ID = wx.NewId()
self._tb = tb = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, (1000,30), wx.TB_HORIZONTAL| wx.NO_BORDER| wx.TB_FLAT| wx.TB_TEXT, "Debugger" )
sizer.Add(tb, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
close_bmp = getCloseBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CLOSE_WINDOW_ID, close_bmp, _('Close Window'))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLOSE_WINDOW_ID, self.StopAndRemoveUI)
stop_bmp = getStopBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, stop_bmp, _("Stop Debugging"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, self.StopExecution)
break_bmp = getBreakBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, break_bmp, _("Break into Debugger"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, self.BreakExecution)
continue_bmp = getContinueBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.CONTINUE_ID, continue_bmp, _("Continue Execution"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CONTINUE_ID, self.OnContinue)
+ self.Bind(EVT_DEBUG_INTERNAL, self.OnContinue)
next_bmp = getNextBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.NEXT_ID, next_bmp, _("Step to next line"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.NEXT_ID, self.OnNext)
step_bmp = getStepInBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool( self.STEP_ID, step_bmp, _("Step in"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.STEP_ID, self.OnSingleStep)
stepOut_bmp = getStepReturnBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, stepOut_bmp, _("Stop at function return"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.STEP_OUT_ID, self.OnStepOut)
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, watch_bmp, _("Add a watch"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.ADD_WATCH_ID, self.OnAddWatch)
clear_bmp = getClearOutputBitmap()
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.CLEAR_ID, clear_bmp, _("Clear output pane"))
wx.EVT_TOOL(self, self.CLEAR_ID, self.OnClearOutput)
- tb.Realize()
+ self._toolEnabled = True
self.framesTab = None
- self._notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.LB_DEFAULT, "Debugger")
- sizer.Add(self._notebook, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
- self.consoleTab = self.MakeConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
- self.framesTab = self.MakeFramesTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
- self.breakPointsTab = self.MakeBreakPointsTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId(), None)
- self._notebook.AddPage(self.consoleTab, "Output")
- self._notebook.AddPage(self.framesTab, "Frames")
- self._notebook.AddPage(self.breakPointsTab, "Break Points")
+ self.framesTab = self.MakeFramesUI(self, wx.NewId(), None)
+ sizer.Add(self.framesTab, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
self._statusBar = wx.StatusBar( self, -1)
sizer.Add(self._statusBar, 0, wx.EXPAND |wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 1)
self.SetStatusText("Starting debug...")
+ tb.Realize()
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- self._debuggerHost = self._guiHost = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
- url = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerPort + '/'
- self._breakURL = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerBreakPort + '/'
- self._callback = DebuggerCallback(self._guiHost, self._guiPort, url, self._breakURL, self)
- if DebuggerHarness.__file__.find('library.zip') > 0:
- try:
- fname = DebuggerHarness.__file__
- parts = fname.split('library.zip')
- path = os.path.join(parts[0],'activegrid', 'tool', 'DebuggerHarness.py')
- except:
- tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- else:
- print "Starting debugger on these ports: %s, %s, %s" % (str(self._debuggerPort) , str(self._guiPort) , str(self._debuggerBreakPort))
- path = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(DebuggerHarness.__file__)
- self._executor = Executor(path, self, self._debuggerHost, \
- self._debuggerPort, self._debuggerBreakPort, self._guiHost, self._guiPort, self._command, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
- self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_STDTEXT, self.AppendText)
- self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_ERRTEXT, self.AppendErrorText)
- DebugCommandUI.debuggers.append(self)
- self._stopped = False
def OnSingleStep(self, event):
def OnContinue(self, event):
def OnStepOut(self, event):
def OnNext(self, event):
def BreakPointChange(self):
if not self._stopped:
- self._callback.pushBreakpoints()
- self.breakPointsTab.PopulateBPList()
+ self._callback.PushBreakpoints()
+ self.framesTab.PopulateBPList()
def __del__(self):
- if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
- DebugCommandUI.debuggers.remove(self)
- def SwitchToOutputTab(self):
- self._notebook.SetSelection(0)
+ # See comment on PythonDebuggerUI.StopExecution
+ self.StopExecution(None)
def DisableWhileDebuggerRunning(self):
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, False)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.CONTINUE_ID, False)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, False)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.NEXT_ID, False)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, True)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, False)
- openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
- for openDoc in openDocs:
- if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
- openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
- if self.framesTab:
- self.framesTab.ClearWhileRunning()
- #wx.GetApp().ProcessPendingEvents() #Yield(True)
+ if self._toolEnabled:
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.CONTINUE_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.NEXT_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, False)
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ if self.framesTab:
+ self.framesTab.ClearWhileRunning()
+ self._toolEnabled = False
def EnableWhileDebuggerStopped(self):
self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_ID, True)
self._tb.EnableTool(self.CONTINUE_ID, True)
self._tb.EnableTool(self.STEP_OUT_ID, True)
self._tb.EnableTool(self.NEXT_ID, True)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, True)
self._tb.EnableTool(self.ADD_WATCH_ID, True)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
- #if _WINDOWS:
- # wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().RequestUserAttention()
- def ExecutorFinished(self):
+ self._toolEnabled = True
+ def DisableAfterStop(self):
+ if self._toolEnabled:
+ self.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
+ self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, False)
+ def ExecutorFinished(self):
if _VERBOSE: print "In ExectorFinished"
- try:
+ try:
except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
if _VERBOSE: print "In ExectorFinished, got exception"
- def DisableAfterStop(self):
- self.DisableWhileDebuggerRunning()
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER_ID, False)
- self._tb.EnableTool(self.KILL_PROCESS_ID, False)
+ def SetStatusText(self, text):
+ self._statusBar.SetStatusText(text,0)
+ def BreakExecution(self, event):
+ self._callback.BreakExecution()
+ def StopExecution(self, event):
+ self._callback.ShutdownServer()
- def SynchCurrentLine(self, filename, lineNum):
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment, onWebServer = False):
+ assert False, "Execute not overridden"
+ def SynchCurrentLine(self, filename, lineNum, noArrow=False):
# Filename will be <string> if we're in a bit of code that was executed from
# a string (rather than a file). I haven't been able to get the original string
# for display.
if DebuggerService.ComparePaths(openDoc.GetFilename(),filename):
foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
if not foundView:
print "filename=", filename
startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
- foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
+ if not noArrow:
+ foundView.GetCtrl().MarkerAdd(lineNum -1, CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.CURRENT_LINE_MARKER_NUM)
def DeleteCurrentLineMarkers(self):
openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
- for openDoc in openDocs:
- if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
- openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
- def LoadFramesListXML(self, framesXML):
- self.framesTab.LoadFramesListXML(framesXML)
- def SetStatusText(self, text):
- self._statusBar.SetStatusText(text,0)
- def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment):
- self._callback.start()
- self._executor.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
- self._callback.waitForRPC()
- def BreakExecution(self, event):
- self._callback.BreakExecution()
- def StopExecution(self, event):
- self._stopped = True
- self.DisableAfterStop()
- try:
- self._callback.ServerClose()
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if self._executor:
- self._executor.DoStopExecution()
- self._executor = None
- except:
- pass
- self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerPort)
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._guiPort)
- DebugCommandUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerBreakPort)
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc, CodeEditor.CodeDocument)):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().GetCtrl().ClearCurrentLineMarkers()
def StopAndRemoveUI(self, event):
- if self in DebugCommandUI.debuggers:
- DebugCommandUI.debuggers.remove(self)
+ if self in BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers:
+ BaseDebuggerUI.debuggers.remove(self)
index = self._parentNoteBook.GetSelection()
- def GetConsoleTextControl(self):
- return self._textCtrl
- def OnClearOutput(self, event):
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
- self._textCtrl.ClearAll()
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
def OnAddWatch(self, event):
if self.framesTab:
- def MakeConsoleTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
- panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self._textCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(panel, wx.NewId())
- sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
- self._textCtrl.SetViewLineNumbers(False)
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
- if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
- font = "Courier New"
- else:
- font = "Courier"
- self._textCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
- self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
- self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
- panel.SetSizer(sizer)
- sizer.Fit(panel)
- return panel
- def MakeFramesTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
- panel = FramesUI(parent, id, self)
- return panel
- def MakeBreakPointsTab(self, parent, id, debugger):
- panel = BreakpointsUI(parent, id, self)
- return panel
+ def MakeFramesUI(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ assert False, "MakeFramesUI not overridden"
def AppendText(self, event):
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
- self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
- self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ self.framesTab.AppendText(event.value)
def AppendErrorText(self, event):
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
- self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
- self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
- self._textCtrl.AddText(event.value)
- self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
- self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
- self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
- self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ self.framesTab.AppendErrorText(event.value)
+ def OnClearOutput(self, event):
+ self.framesTab.ClearOutput(None)
+ def SwitchToOutputTab(self):
+ self.framesTab.SwitchToOutputTab()
+class PHPDebuggerUI(BaseDebuggerUI):
+ dbgSessSeqId = 1
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, command, service):
+ BaseDebuggerUI.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ #Note host and port need to come out of options or a pool.
+ self._dbgHost = PHPDebuggerUI.DEFAULT_LISTENER_HOST
+ self._dbgPort = PHPDebuggerUI.DEFAULT_LISTENER_PORT
+ self._dbgTimeout = PHPDebuggerUI.DEFAULT_DBG_MOD_TIMEOUT
+ self._dbgMaxExecTime = PHPDebuggerUI.DEFAULT_DBG_MAX_EXEC_TIME
+ self._dbgSessId = None
+ self._dbgSessParam = None
+ self._dbgPhpIniFile = None
+ self._callback = PHPDebugger.PHPDebuggerCallback(self, service, self._dbgHost, self._dbgPort)
+ self._executor = Executor(command, self)
+ self._service = service
+ self._stopped = False
+ self._allStopped = False
+ self._createPhpDbgSess()
+ def showErrorDialog(self, message, title):
+ wx.MessageBox(_(message), _(title))
+ return
+ def _createPhpDbgSess(self):
+ currTimeStr = str(time.time())
+ (secStr, usecStr) = currTimeStr.split('.')
+ secLongInt = long(secStr)
+ usecLongInt = long(usecStr)
+ self._dbgSessId = "%06ld%06ld%04d" % (secLongInt, usecLongInt, PHPDebuggerUI.dbgSessSeqId)
+ PHPDebuggerUI.dbgSessSeqId = PHPDebuggerUI.dbgSessSeqId + 1
+ self._dbgSessParam = "DBGSESSID=%s@clienthost:%d" % (self._dbgSessId, self._dbgPort)
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "phpDbgParam=%s" % self._dbgSessParam
+ self._service.SetPhpDbgParam(self._dbgSessParam)
+ def _preparePhpIniFile(self):
+ success = False
+ phpCgiExec = Executor.GetPHPExecutablePath()
+ phpExec = phpCgiExec.replace("php-cgi", "php")
+ iniPath = self._getPhpIniFromRunningPhp(phpExec)
+ try:
+ iniDbgPath = os.path.normpath(iniPath + ".ag_debug_enabled")
+ dbgFile = open(iniDbgPath, "w")
+ oriFile = open(iniPath, "r")
+ while True:
+ oneOriLine = oriFile.readline()
+ if oneOriLine == '':
+ break
+ if not oneOriLine.startswith("debugger.") and not oneOriLine.startswith("max_execution_time="):
+ dbgFile.write(oneOriLine)
+ oriFile.close()
+ if _WINDOWS:
+ dbgExtFile = "php_dbg.dll"
+ else:
+ dbgExtFile = "dbg.so"
+ #
+ # TODO: we should make all of these options configurable.
+ #
+ configStr = "\n; ===============================================================\n; The followings are added by ActiveGrid IDE PHP Debugger Runtime\n; ===============================================================\n\n; As we are running with the dbg module, it takes a much longer time for each script to run.\nmax_execution_time=%d\n\n[debugger]\nextension=%s\ndebugger.enabled=On\ndebugger.JIT_enabled=On\ndebugger.JIT_host=%s\ndebugger.JIT_port=%d\ndebugger.fail_silently=Off\ndebugger.timeout_seconds=%d\ndebugger.ignore_nops=Off\ndebugger.enable_session_cookie=On\ndebugger.session_nocache=On\ndebugger.profiler_enabled=Off\n" % (self._dbgMaxExecTime, dbgExtFile, self._dbgHost, self._dbgPort, self._dbgTimeout)
+ dbgFile.write(configStr)
+ dbgFile.close()
+ success = True
+ except:
+ #TODO: print stack trace.
+ print "Caught exceptions while minipulating php.ini files"
+ if success:
+ self._dbgPhpIniFile = iniDbgPath
+ else:
+ self._dbgPhpIniFile = None
+ def _getPhpIniFromRunningPhp(self, phpExec):
+ phpIniPath = None
+ cmdEnv = os.environ
+ if cmdEnv.has_key('PYTHONPATH'):
+ del cmdEnv['PYTHONPATH']
+ cmdLine = [phpExec, "-r", "phpinfo();"]
+ phpProc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmdLine, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=os.environ, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0)
+ phpOutput = phpProc.stdout
+ phpIniPattern = "Configuration File (php.ini) Path => "
+ while True:
+ oneLine = phpOutput.readline()
+ if oneLine == '':
+ break
+ if oneLine.startswith(phpIniPattern):
+ if oneLine.endswith("\n"):
+ endIndex = oneLine.index("\n")
+ phpIniPath = oneLine[len(phpIniPattern):endIndex]
+ else:
+ phpIniPath = oneLine[len(phpIniPattern):]
+ if phpIniPath and len(phpIniPath) > 0:
+ phpIniPath = os.path.normpath(phpIniPath)
+ break
+ phpOutput.close()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "php.ini path is: %s" % repr(phpIniPath)
+ return phpIniPath
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment, onWebServer = False):
+ self._preparePhpIniFile()
+ self._callback.Start()
+ if not onWebServer:
+ if self._dbgPhpIniFile:
+ args = '-c "' + self._dbgPhpIniFile + '" ' + initialArgs
+ else:
+ args = initialArgs
+ self._executor.Execute(args, startIn, environment)
+ def StopExecution(self, event):
+ # This is a general comment on shutdown for the running and debugged processes. Basically, the
+ # current state of this is the result of trial and error coding. The common problems were memory
+ # access violations and threads that would not exit. Making the OutputReaderThreads daemons seems
+ # to have side-stepped the hung thread issue. Being very careful not to touch things after calling
+ # process.py:ProcessOpen.kill() also seems to have fixed the memory access violations, but if there
+ # were more ugliness discovered I would not be surprised. If anyone has any help/advice, please send
+ # it on to mfryer@activegrid.com.
+ if not self._allStopped:
+ self._stopped = True
+ try:
+ self.DisableAfterStop()
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ #
+ # If this is called by clicking the "Stop" button, we only stop
+ # the current running php script, and keep the listener
+ # running.
+ #
+ if event:
+ self._callback.ShutdownServer(stopLsnr = False)
+ else:
+ self._callback.ShutdownServer(stopLsnr = True)
+ self._allStopped = True
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ try:
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if self._executor:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self._executor = None
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ def MakeFramesUI(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ return PHPFramesUI(parent, id, self)
+ def LoadPHPFramesList(self, stackList):
+ self.framesTab.LoadFramesList(stackList)
+ #
+ # TODO: this is a hack to overwrite BaseDebuggerUI's function. The purpose
+ # is to always push breakpoints no matter if a php is running or not. If
+ # no php is running, an exception will be thrown and handled like nothing
+ # happened.
+ #
+ def BreakPointChange(self):
+ self._callback.PushBreakpoints()
+ self.framesTab.PopulateBPList()
+class PythonDebuggerUI(BaseDebuggerUI):
+ debuggerPortList = None
+ def GetAvailablePort():
+ for index in range( 0, len(PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList)):
+ port = PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList[index]
+ if PythonDebuggerUI.PortAvailable(port):
+ PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList.pop(index)
+ return port
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Out of ports for debugging! Please restart the application builder.\nIf that does not work, check for and remove running instances of python."), _("Out of Ports"))
+ assert False, "Out of ports for debugger."
+ GetAvailablePort = staticmethod(GetAvailablePort)
+ def ReturnPortToPool(port):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
+ val = int(startingPort) + int(PORT_COUNT)
+ if int(port) >= startingPort and (int(port) <= val):
+ PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList.append(int(port))
+ ReturnPortToPool = staticmethod(ReturnPortToPool)
+ def PortAvailable(port):
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ hostname = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ try:
+ server = AGXMLRPCServer((hostname, port))
+ server.server_close()
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " available."
+ return True
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ if _VERBOSE: traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Port ", str(port), " unavailable."
+ return False
+ PortAvailable = staticmethod(PortAvailable)
+ def NewPortRange():
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ startingPort = config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
+ PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList = range(startingPort, startingPort + PORT_COUNT)
+ NewPortRange = staticmethod(NewPortRange)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, command, service, autoContinue=True):
+ # Check for ports before creating the panel.
+ if not PythonDebuggerUI.debuggerPortList:
+ PythonDebuggerUI.NewPortRange()
+ self._debuggerPort = str(PythonDebuggerUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ self._guiPort = str(PythonDebuggerUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ self._debuggerBreakPort = str(PythonDebuggerUI.GetAvailablePort())
+ BaseDebuggerUI.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self._command = command
+ self._service = service
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ self._debuggerHost = self._guiHost = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ url = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerPort + '/'
+ self._breakURL = 'http://' + self._debuggerHost + ':' + self._debuggerBreakPort + '/'
+ self._callback = PythonDebuggerCallback(self._guiHost, self._guiPort, url, self._breakURL, self, autoContinue)
+ if DebuggerHarness.__file__.find('library.zip') > 0:
+ try:
+ fname = DebuggerHarness.__file__
+ parts = fname.split('library.zip')
+ path = os.path.join(parts[0],'activegrid', 'tool', 'DebuggerHarness.py')
+ except:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ else:
+ print "Starting debugger on these ports: %s, %s, %s" % (str(self._debuggerPort) , str(self._guiPort) , str(self._debuggerBreakPort))
+ path = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(DebuggerHarness.__file__)
+ self._executor = Executor(path, self, self._debuggerHost, \
+ self._debuggerPort, self._debuggerBreakPort, self._guiHost, self._guiPort, self._command, callbackOnExit=self.ExecutorFinished)
+ self._stopped = False
+ def LoadPythonFramesList(self, framesXML):
+ self.framesTab.LoadFramesList(framesXML)
+ def Execute(self, initialArgs, startIn, environment, onWebServer = False):
+ self._callback.Start()
+ self._executor.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ self._callback.WaitForRPC()
+ def StopExecution(self, event):
+ # This is a general comment on shutdown for the running and debugged processes. Basically, the
+ # current state of this is the result of trial and error coding. The common problems were memory
+ # access violations and threads that would not exit. Making the OutputReaderThreads daemons seems
+ # to have side-stepped the hung thread issue. Being very careful not to touch things after calling
+ # process.py:ProcessOpen.kill() also seems to have fixed the memory access violations, but if there
+ # were more ugliness discovered I would not be surprised. If anyone has any help/advice, please send
+ # it on to mfryer@activegrid.com.
+ if not self._stopped:
+ self._stopped = True
+ try:
+ self.DisableAfterStop()
+ except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self._callback.ShutdownServer()
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ try:
+ self.DeleteCurrentLineMarkers()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ PythonDebuggerUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerPort)
+ PythonDebuggerUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._guiPort)
+ PythonDebuggerUI.ReturnPortToPool(self._debuggerBreakPort)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if self._executor:
+ self._executor.DoStopExecution()
+ self._executor = None
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ def MakeFramesUI(self, parent, id, debugger):
+ panel = PythonFramesUI(parent, id, self)
+ return panel
class BreakpointsUI(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ClearBreakPoint, id=self.clearBPID)
self.syncLineID = wx.NewId()
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.SyncBPLine, id=self.syncLineID)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
p1 = self
self._bpListCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(p1, -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(1000,1000), style=wx.LC_REPORT)
sizer.Add(self._bpListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
- self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, "File")
- self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(1, "Line")
- self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(2, "Path")
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, "File")
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(1, "Line")
+ self._bpListCtrl.InsertColumn(2, "Path")
self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, 150)
self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(1, 50)
self._bpListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(2, 450)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.ListItemSelected, self._bpListCtrl)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.ListItemDeselected, self._bpListCtrl)
+ def OnLeftDoubleClick(event):
+ self.SyncBPLine(event)
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self._bpListCtrl, OnLeftDoubleClick)
def PopulateBPList(self):
list = self._bpListCtrl
list.InsertStringItem(index, shortFile)
list.SetStringItem(index, 1, str(line))
list.SetStringItem(index, 2, fileName)
def OnListRightClick(self, event):
menu = wx.Menu()
item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.clearBPID, "Clear Breakpoint")
list = self._bpListCtrl
fileName = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 2).GetText()
lineNumber = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 1).GetText()
- self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( fileName, int(lineNumber) )
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( fileName, int(lineNumber) , noArrow=True)
def ClearBreakPoint(self, event):
if self.currentItem >= 0:
list = self._bpListCtrl
fileName = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 2).GetText()
lineNumber = list.GetItem(self.currentItem, 1).GetText()
- wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService).OnToggleBreakpoint(None, line=int(lineNumber) -1, fileName=fileName )
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService).OnToggleBreakpoint(None, line=int(lineNumber) -1, fileName=fileName )
def ListItemSelected(self, event):
self.currentItem = event.m_itemIndex
def ListItemDeselected(self, event):
self.currentItem = -1
class Watch:
def __init__(self, name, command, show_code=CODE_ALL_FRAMES):
self._name = name
- self._command = command
+ self._command = command
self._show_code = show_code
class WatchDialog(wx.Dialog):
WATCH_ALL_FRAMES = "Watch in all frames"
WATCH_THIS_FRAME = "Watch in this frame only"
self.label_4 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, ",frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)")
self.radio_box_1 = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, "Watch Information", choices=[WatchDialog.WATCH_ALL_FRAMES, WatchDialog.WATCH_THIS_FRAME, WatchDialog.WATCH_ONCE], majorDimension=0, style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
- self._okButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK", size=(75,-1))
+ self._okButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK")
self._okButton.SetHelpText(_("The OK button completes the dialog"))
def OnOkClick(event):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnOkClick, self._okButton)
- self._cancelButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), size=(75,-1))
+ self._cancelButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"))
self._cancelButton.SetHelpText(_("The Cancel button cancels the dialog."))
def GetSettings(self):
return self._watchNameTextCtrl.GetValue(), self._watchValueTextCtrl.GetValue(), self.GetSendFrame(), self.GetRunOnce()
def GetSendFrame(self):
return (WatchDialog.WATCH_ALL_FRAMES != self.radio_box_1.GetStringSelection())
def GetRunOnce(self):
return (WatchDialog.WATCH_ONCE == self.radio_box_1.GetStringSelection())
def __set_properties(self):
self.SetTitle("Add a Watch")
#self.SetSize((400, 250))
grid_sizer_4.Add(self.label_4, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.FIXED_MINSIZE, 0)
sizer_1.Add(grid_sizer_4, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
sizer_1.Add(self.radio_box_1, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0)
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
box.Add(self._okButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
box.Add(self._cancelButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
sizer_1.Add(box, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
- self.SetAutoLayout(True)
-class FramesUI(wx.SplitterWindow):
+class BaseFramesUI(wx.SplitterWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, style = wx.SP_3D)
self._ui = ui
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self._p1 = p1 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1)
- p1.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
- self._framesListCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(p1, -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(250,150), style=wx.LC_REPORT)
- sizer.Add(self._framesListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
- self._framesListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, "Frame")
- self._framesListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, 250)
- self._framesListCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnListRightClick)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.ListItemSelected, self._framesListCtrl)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.ListItemDeselected, self._framesListCtrl)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ framesLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Stack Frame:")
+ sizer.Add(framesLabel, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.LEFT, border=2)
- sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self._p2 = p2 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1)
- p2.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self._framesChoiceCtrl = wx.Choice(p1, -1, choices=[" "])
+ sizer.Add(self._framesChoiceCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self._framesChoiceCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnListRightClick)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.ListItemSelected, self._framesChoiceCtrl)
- self._treeCtrl = wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl(p2, -1, size=(530,250), style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE| wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)
+ sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ p1.SetSizer(sizer2)
+ self._treeCtrl = wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl(p1, -1, style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE| wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)
self._treeCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnRightClick)
- sizer2.Add(self._framesListCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
- tree = self._treeCtrl
+ sizer2.Add(sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ sizer2.Add(self._treeCtrl,1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
tree.SetMainColumn(0) # the one with the tree in it...
tree.SetColumnWidth(0, 175)
tree.SetColumnWidth(1, 355)
self._root = tree.AddRoot("Frame")
+ tree.SetPyData(self._root, "root")
tree.SetItemText(self._root, "", 1)
+ tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING, self.IntrospectCallback)
+ self._p2 = p2 = wx.Window(self, -1)
+ sizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ p2.SetSizer(sizer3)
+ p2.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self._notebook = wx.Notebook(p2, -1, size=(20,20))
+ self._notebook.Hide()
+ sizer3.Add(self._notebook, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1)
+ self.consoleTab = self.MakeConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
+ self.inspectConsoleTab = self.MakeInspectConsoleTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
+ self.breakPointsTab = self.MakeBreakPointsTab(self._notebook, wx.NewId())
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.consoleTab, "Output")
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.inspectConsoleTab, "Interact")
+ self._notebook.AddPage(self.breakPointsTab, "Break Points")
- self.SplitVertically(p1, p2, 250)
+ self.SplitVertically(p1, p2, 550)
self.currentItem = None
- self.Layout()
+ self._notebook.Show(True)
+ def PopulateBPList(self):
+ self.breakPointsTab.PopulateBPList()
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ self._notebook.SetSize(self._p2.GetSize())
+ def OnDoubleClick(self, event):
+ # Looking for a stack trace line.
+ lineText, pos = self._textCtrl.GetCurLine()
+ fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
+ # Check the line before the one that was clicked on
+ lineNumber = self._textCtrl.GetCurrentLine()
+ if(lineNumber == 0):
+ return
+ lineText = self._textCtrl.GetLine(lineNumber - 1)
+ fileBegin = lineText.find("File \"")
+ fileEnd = lineText.find("\", line ")
+ lineEnd = lineText.find(", in ")
+ if lineText == "\n" or fileBegin == -1 or fileEnd == -1 or lineEnd == -1:
+ return
+ filename = lineText[fileBegin + 6:fileEnd]
+ lineNum = int(lineText[fileEnd + 8:lineEnd])
+ foundView = None
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc.GetFilename() == filename:
+ foundView = openDoc.GetFirstView()
+ break
+ if not foundView:
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
+ if foundView:
+ foundView.GetFrame().SetFocus()
+ foundView.Activate()
+ foundView.GotoLine(lineNum)
+ startPos = foundView.PositionFromLine(lineNum)
+ lineText = foundView.GetCtrl().GetLine(lineNum - 1)
+ foundView.SetSelection(startPos, startPos + len(lineText.rstrip("\n")))
+ import OutlineService
+ wx.GetApp().GetService(OutlineService.OutlineService).LoadOutline(foundView, position=startPos)
+ def MakeConsoleTab(self, parent, id):
+ panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self._textCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(panel, wx.NewId())
+ sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 2)
+ self._textCtrl.SetViewLineNumbers(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ font = "Courier New"
+ else:
+ font = "Courier"
+ self._textCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font))
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ wx.stc.EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK(self._textCtrl, self._textCtrl.GetId(), self.OnDoubleClick)
+ panel.SetSizer(sizer)
+ #sizer.Fit(panel)
+ return panel
+ def ExecuteCommand(self, command):
+ assert False, "ExecuteCommand not overridden"
+ def MakeInspectConsoleTab(self, parent, id):
+ def handleCommand():
+ cmdStr = self._cmdInput.GetValue()
+ if cmdStr:
+ self._cmdList.append(cmdStr)
+ self._cmdIndex = len(self._cmdList)
+ self._cmdInput.Clear()
+ self._cmdOutput.SetDefaultStyle(style=self._cmdOutputTextStyle)
+ self._cmdOutput.AppendText(">>> " + cmdStr + "\n")
+ self._cmdOutput.SetDefaultStyle(style=self._defaultOutputTextStyle)
+ self.ExecuteCommand(cmdStr)
+ return
+ def OnCmdButtonPressed(event):
+ handleCommand()
+ return
+ def OnKeyPressed(event):
+ key = event.KeyCode()
+ if key == wx.WXK_RETURN:
+ handleCommand()
+ elif key == wx.WXK_UP:
+ if len(self._cmdList) < 1 or self._cmdIndex < 1:
+ return
+ self._cmdInput.Clear()
+ self._cmdInput.AppendText(self._cmdList[self._cmdIndex - 1])
+ self._cmdIndex = self._cmdIndex - 1
+ elif key == wx.WXK_DOWN:
+ if len(self._cmdList) < 1 or self._cmdIndex >= len(self._cmdList):
+ return
+ self._cmdInput.Clear()
+ self._cmdInput.AppendText(self._cmdList[self._cmdIndex - 1])
+ self._cmdIndex = self._cmdIndex + 1
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ def OnClrButtonPressed(event):
+ self._cmdOutput.Clear()
+ panel = wx.Panel(parent, id)
+ cmdLabel = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Cmd: ")
+ self._cmdInput = wx.TextCtrl(panel)
+ cmdButton = wx.Button(panel, label="Execute")
+ clrButton = wx.Button(panel, label="Clear")
+ self._cmdOutput = wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.HSCROLL | wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_RICH2)
+ hbox = wx.BoxSizer()
+ hbox.Add(cmdLabel, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ hbox.Add(self._cmdInput, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ hbox.Add(cmdButton, proportion=0, flag=wx.RIGHT)
+ hbox.Add(clrButton, proportion=0, flag=wx.RIGHT)
+ vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ vbox.Add(hbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=2)
+ vbox.Add(self._cmdOutput, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=2)
+ panel.SetSizer(vbox)
+ cmdButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnCmdButtonPressed)
+ clrButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnClrButtonPressed)
+ wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self._cmdInput, OnKeyPressed)
+ fixedFont = wx.Font(self._cmdInput.GetFont().GetPointSize(), family=wx.TELETYPE, style=wx.NORMAL, weight=wx.NORMAL)
+ self._defaultOutputTextStyle = wx.TextAttr("BLACK", wx.NullColour, fixedFont)
+ self._cmdOutputTextStyle = wx.TextAttr("RED", wx.NullColour, fixedFont)
+ self._cmdOutput.SetDefaultStyle(style=self._defaultOutputTextStyle)
+ self._cmdList = []
+ self._cmdIndex = 0
+ panel.Show()
+ return panel
+ def MakeBreakPointsTab(self, parent, id):
+ panel = BreakpointsUI(parent, id, self._ui)
+ return panel
+ def OnRightClick(self, event):
+ assert False, "OnRightClick not overridden"
+ def ClearWhileRunning(self):
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
+ list.Clear()
+ list.Enable(False)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ root = self._root
+ tree.DeleteChildren(root)
+ self._cmdInput.Enable(False)
+ self._cmdOutput.Enable(False)
+ def OnListRightClick(self, event):
+ if not hasattr(self, "syncFrameID"):
+ self.syncFrameID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSyncFrame, id=self.syncFrameID)
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.syncFrameID, "Goto Source Line")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
+ self.PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
+ menu.Destroy()
+ def OnSyncFrame(self, event):
+ assert False, "OnSyncFrame not overridden"
+ def LoadFramesList(self, framesXML):
+ assert False, "LoadFramesList not overridden"
+ def ListItemSelected(self, event):
+ assert False, "ListItemSelected not overridden"
+ def PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(self, message):
+ assert False, "PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage not overridden"
+ def IntrospectCallback(self, event):
+ assert False, "IntrospectCallback not overridden"
+ def AppendText(self, text):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(text)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def AppendErrorText(self, text):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.RED)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.AddText(text)
+ self._textCtrl.ScrollToLine(self._textCtrl.GetLineCount())
+ self._textCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK)
+ self._textCtrl.StyleClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def ClearOutput(self, event):
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self._textCtrl.ClearAll()
+ self._textCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
+ def SwitchToOutputTab(self):
+ self._notebook.SetSelection(0)
+class PHPFramesUI(BaseFramesUI):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
+ BaseFramesUI.__init__(self, parent, id, ui)
+ def LoadFramesList(self, stackList):
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT))
+ self._cmdInput.Enable(True)
+ self._cmdOutput.Enable(True)
+ index = 0
+ self._stack = stackList
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
+ list.Clear()
+ if len(stackList) > 0:
+ self._displayVariableTreeRootNode()
+ for stackFrame in stackList:
+ message = stackFrame.getDisplayStr(stackList)
+ list.Append(message)
+ self.currentItem = index
+ list.SetSelection(index)
+ list.Enable(True)
+ self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ self._p1.FitInside()
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ def PopulateTreeFromStackFrame(self, frameNode):
+ vars = frameNode.getVariables()
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ rootTreeNode = self._root
+ #
+ # Build a new sub variable tree from the root node.
+ #
+ tree.DeleteChildren(rootTreeNode)
+ for var in vars:
+ aTreeNode = self.AppendSubTreeFromAVariable(tree, var, rootTreeNode)
+ #
+ # No need to expand the node here, as the IntrospectCallback() has
+ # already called it.
+ #
+ self._p2.FitInside()
+ def AppendSubTreeFromAVariable(self, tree, var, parentTreeNode, previousOne = None):
+ varName = var.getName()
+ varValueStr = var.getValueString()
+ #
+ # If previously we already have this item in the tree, replace it.
+ # Otherwise, insert a new one.
+ #
+ if previousOne:
+ newNode = tree.InsertItem(parentTreeNode, previousOne, varName)
+ else:
+ newNode = tree.AppendItem(parentTreeNode, varName)
+ #
+ # Associate this variable object with this newNode.
+ #
+ tree.SetPyData(newNode, var)
+ #
+ # Set this variable's value string (for displaying).
+ #
+ if varValueStr and len(varValueStr) > 0:
+ tree.SetItemText(newNode, varValueStr, 1)
+ #
+ # If this variable has child variables, recursively build the sub
+ # variable tree.
+ #
+ if var.hasChildren():
+ childrenVarList = var.getChildrenVariables()
+ for childVar in childrenVarList:
+ self.AppendSubTreeFromAVariable(tree, childVar, newNode)
+ #
+ # If its child variables are sortable, sort it.
+ #
+ if var.childrenIsSortable():
+ tree.SortChildren(newNode)
+ return newNode
+ def IntrospectCallback(self, event):
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ #
+ # Only when the introspection happens to root, we get the whole
+ # variable tree. For all the individual nodes, we have populated
+ # the subtree already, so don't need to do anything.
+ #
+ if tree.GetPyData(item) == "root" and self._stack and self._stack[self.currentItem]:
+ stackFrame = self._stack[self.currentItem]
+ self.PopulateTreeFromStackFrame(stackFrame)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnSyncFrame(self, event):
+ stackFrame = self._stack[self.currentItem]
+ fileName = stackFrame.getFileName()
+ lineNo = stackFrame.getLineNo()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "OnSyncFrame(): about to sync: fileName: %s, lineNo: %d" % (fileName, lineNo)
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine(fileName, lineNo)
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "OnSyncFrame(): sync done"
+ def ListItemSelected(self, event):
+ selectedStackFrameStr = event.GetString()
+ if not self._stack or len(self._stack) < 1:
+ return
+ found = False
+ for stackFrame in self._stack:
+ if stackFrame.getDisplayStr() == selectedStackFrameStr:
+ self.currentItem = stackFrame.getFrameIndex()
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ self._displayVariableTreeRootNode()
+ self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ return
+ def _displayVariableTreeRootNode(self):
+ #
+ # Add a dummy item to rootTreeNode so that it will be shown as
+ # expandable. Only do real tree population on the fly when the
+ # rootTreeNode is expanded in OnIntrospection().
+ #
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ rootTreeNode = self._root
+ dummyNode = tree.AppendItem(rootTreeNode, "dummy")
+ tree.Collapse(rootTreeNode)
+ return
+class PythonFramesUI(BaseFramesUI):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, ui):
+ BaseFramesUI.__init__(self, parent, id, ui)
+ def ExecuteCommand(self, command):
+ retval = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.execute_in_frame(self._framesChoiceCtrl.GetStringSelection(), command)
+ self._cmdOutput.AppendText(str(retval) + "\n")
+ # Refresh the tree view in case this command resulted in changes there. TODO: Need to reopen tree items.
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(self._framesChoiceCtrl.GetStringSelection())
def OnRightClick(self, event):
#Refactor this...
self._introspectItem = event.GetItem()
if not _WATCHES_ON and watchOnly:
menu = wx.Menu()
- if not watchOnly:
- if not hasattr(self, "introspectID"):
- self.introspectID = wx.NewId()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnIntrospect, id=self.introspectID)
- item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.introspectID, "Attempt Introspection")
- menu.AppendItem(item)
- menu.AppendSeparator()
if not hasattr(self, "watchID"):
self.watchID = wx.NewId()
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnView, id=self.viewID)
item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.viewID, "View in Dialog")
+ if not hasattr(self, "toInteractID"):
+ self.toInteractID = wx.NewId()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSendToInteract, id=self.toInteractID)
+ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.toInteractID, "Send to Interact")
+ menu.AppendItem(item)
offset = wx.Point(x=0, y=20)
menuSpot = event.GetPoint() + offset
self._treeCtrl.PopupMenu(menu, menuSpot)
self._parentChain = None
self._introspectItem = None
def GetItemChain(self, item):
parentChain = []
if item:
item = self._treeCtrl.GetItemParent(item)
return parentChain
def OnView(self, event):
title = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(self._introspectItem,0)
value = self._treeCtrl.GetItemText(self._introspectItem,1)
dlg = wx.lib.dialogs.ScrolledMessageDialog(self, value, title, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
+ def OnSendToInteract(self, event):
+ value = ""
+ prevItem = ""
+ for item in self._parentChain:
+ if item.find(prevItem + '[') != -1:
+ value += item[item.find('['):]
+ continue
+ if value != "":
+ value = value + '.'
+ if item == 'globals':
+ item = 'globals()'
+ if item != 'locals':
+ value += item
+ prevItem = item
+ print value
+ self.ExecuteCommand(value)
def OnWatch(self, event):
if hasattr(self, '_parentChain'):
wd = WatchDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), "Add a Watch", self._parentChain)
wd = WatchDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), "Add a Watch", None)
+ wd.CenterOnParent()
if wd.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
name, text, send_frame, run_once = wd.GetSettings()
if send_frame:
frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
- message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
message = ""
binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.add_watch(name, text, message, run_once)
nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('watch')
if len(nodeList) == 1:
watchValue = nodeList.item(0).getAttribute("message")
+ wd.Destroy()
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
def OnIntrospect(self, event):
- list = self._framesListCtrl
- frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
- message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
- binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.attempt_introspection(message, self._parentChain)
- xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
- domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
- nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('replacement')
- replacementNode = nodeList.item(0)
- if len(replacementNode.childNodes):
- thingToWalk = replacementNode.childNodes.item(0)
- tree = self._treeCtrl
- parent = tree.GetItemParent(self._introspectItem)
- treeNode = self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(thingToWalk, thingToWalk.getAttribute('name'), parent, insertBefore=self._introspectItem)
- tree.Delete(self._introspectItem)
- except:
- tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
- def OnSize(self, event):
- self._treeCtrl.SetSize(self._p2.GetSize())
- w,h = self._p1.GetClientSizeTuple()
- self._framesListCtrl.SetDimensions(0, 0, w, h)
- def ClearWhileRunning(self):
- list = self._framesListCtrl
- list.DeleteAllItems()
- tree = self._treeCtrl
- tree.Hide()
- def OnListRightClick(self, event):
- if not hasattr(self, "syncFrameID"):
- self.syncFrameID = wx.NewId()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSyncFrame, id=self.syncFrameID)
- menu = wx.Menu()
- item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.syncFrameID, "Goto Source Line")
- menu.AppendItem(item)
- self.PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
- menu.Destroy()
+ try:
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
+ frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.attempt_introspection(message, self._parentChain)
+ xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
+ domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('replacement')
+ replacementNode = nodeList.item(0)
+ if len(replacementNode.childNodes):
+ thingToWalk = replacementNode.childNodes.item(0)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ parent = tree.GetItemParent(self._introspectItem)
+ treeNode = self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(thingToWalk, thingToWalk.getAttribute('name'), parent, insertBefore=self._introspectItem)
+ if thingToWalk.getAttribute('name').find('[') == -1:
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(treeNode)
+ self._treeCtrl.Expand(treeNode)
+ tree.Delete(self._introspectItem)
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ finally:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
def OnSyncFrame(self, event):
- list = self._framesListCtrl
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
file = frameNode.getAttribute("file")
line = frameNode.getAttribute("line")
- self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
- def LoadFramesListXML(self, framesXML):
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
+ def LoadFramesList(self, framesXML):
- domDoc = parseString(framesXML)
- list = self._framesListCtrl
- list.DeleteAllItems()
- self._stack = []
- nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('frame')
- frame_count = -1
- for index in range(0, nodeList.length):
+ self._cmdInput.Enable(True)
+ self._cmdOutput.Enable(True)
+ try:
+ domDoc = parseString(framesXML)
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
+ list.Clear()
+ self._stack = []
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('frame')
+ frame_count = -1
+ for index in range(0, nodeList.length):
+ frameNode = nodeList.item(index)
+ message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
+ list.Append(message)
+ self._stack.append(frameNode)
+ frame_count += 1
+ index = len(self._stack) - 1
+ list.SetSelection(index)
+ node = self._stack[index]
+ self.currentItem = index
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(node)
+ self.OnSyncFrame(None)
+ self._p1.FitInside()
frameNode = nodeList.item(index)
- message = frameNode.getAttribute("message")
- list.InsertStringItem(index, message)
- self._stack.append(frameNode)
- frame_count += 1
- list.Select(frame_count)
- self._p1.FitInside()
- frameNode = nodeList.item(index)
- file = frameNode.getAttribute("file")
- line = frameNode.getAttribute("line")
- self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
- except:
- tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
+ file = frameNode.getAttribute("file")
+ line = frameNode.getAttribute("line")
+ self._ui.SynchCurrentLine( file, int(line) )
+ except:
+ tp,val,tb=sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
+ finally:
+ wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT))
- def ListItemDeselected(self, event):
- pass
def ListItemSelected(self, event):
- self.currentItem = event.m_itemIndex
- frameNode = self._stack[int(self.currentItem)]
- self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(frameNode)
- # Temporarily doing this to test out automatically swicting to source line.
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(event.GetString())
+ def PopulateTreeFromFrameMessage(self, message):
+ index = 0
+ for node in self._stack:
+ if node.getAttribute("message") == message:
+ binType = self._ui._callback._debuggerServer.request_frame_document(message)
+ xmldoc = bz2.decompress(binType.data)
+ domDoc = parseString(xmldoc)
+ nodeList = domDoc.getElementsByTagName('frame')
+ self.currentItem = index
+ if len(nodeList):
+ self.PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(nodeList[0])
+ return
+ index = index + 1
def PopulateTreeFromFrameNode(self, frameNode):
- tree = self._treeCtrl
- tree.Show(True)
- root = self._root
+ list = self._framesChoiceCtrl
+ list.Enable(True)
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ #tree.Show(True)
+ root = self._root
children = frameNode.childNodes
firstChild = None
if not firstChild:
firstChild = treeNode
- tree.Expand(firstChild)
+ if firstChild:
+ tree.Expand(firstChild)
+ def IntrospectCallback(self, event):
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "In introspectCallback item is %s, pydata is %s" % (event.GetItem(), tree.GetPyData(item))
+ if tree.GetPyData(item) != "Introspect":
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ self._introspectItem = item
+ self._parentChain = self.GetItemChain(item)
+ self.OnIntrospect(event)
+ event.Skip()
def AppendSubTreeFromNode(self, node, name, parent, insertBefore=None):
- tree = self._treeCtrl
+ tree = self._treeCtrl
if insertBefore != None:
treeNode = tree.InsertItem(parent, insertBefore, name)
- else:
+ else:
treeNode = tree.AppendItem(parent, name)
children = node.childNodes
- if children.length == 0:
+ intro = node.getAttribute('intro')
+ if intro == "True":
+ tree.SetItemHasChildren(treeNode, True)
+ tree.SetPyData(treeNode, "Introspect")
+ if node.getAttribute("value"):
tree.SetItemText(treeNode, self.StripOuterSingleQuotes(node.getAttribute("value")), 1)
for index in range(0, children.length):
subNode = children.item(index)
if self.HasChildren(subNode):
- self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(subNode, subNode.getAttribute("name"), treeNode)
+ self.AppendSubTreeFromNode(subNode, subNode.getAttribute("name"), treeNode)
name = subNode.getAttribute("name")
value = self.StripOuterSingleQuotes(subNode.getAttribute("value"))
n = tree.AppendItem(treeNode, name)
tree.SetItemText(n, value, 1)
+ intro = subNode.getAttribute('intro')
+ if intro == "True":
+ tree.SetItemHasChildren(n, True)
+ tree.SetPyData(n, "Introspect")
+ if name.find('[') == -1:
+ self._treeCtrl.SortChildren(treeNode)
return treeNode
def StripOuterSingleQuotes(self, string):
if string.startswith("'") and string.endswith("'"):
- return string[1:-1]
- elif type(string) == types.UnicodeType:
- return string[1:-1]
+ retval = string[1:-1]
+ elif string.startswith("\"") and string.endswith("\""):
+ retval = string[1:-1]
- return string
+ retval = string
+ if retval.startswith("u'") and retval.endswith("'"):
+ retval = retval[1:]
+ return retval
def HasChildren(self, node):
return node.childNodes.length > 0
return False
class DebuggerView(Service.ServiceView):
# Overridden methods
def __init__(self, service):
Service.ServiceView.__init__(self, service)
def _CreateControl(self, parent, id):
return None
# Event handling
def OnToolClicked(self, event):
# Class methods
self._message = message
self._info = info
self._quit = quit
def getFramesXML(self):
return self._framesXML
def getMessage(self):
return self._message
def getInfo(self):
return self._info
def getQuit(self):
- return self._quit
+ return self._quit
class AGXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer):
def __init__(self, address, logRequests=0):
- SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, address, logRequests=logRequests)
+ SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, address, logRequests=logRequests)
class RequestHandlerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, address):
if _VERBOSE: print "RequestHandlerThread on fileno %s" % str(self._server.fileno())
def run(self):
while self._keepGoing:
- self._server.handle_request()
+ self._server.handle_request()
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
self._keepGoing = False
if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting Request Handler Thread."
def interaction(self, message, frameXML, info):
if _VERBOSE: print "In RequestHandlerThread.interaction -- adding to queue"
interaction = Interaction(message, frameXML, info)
return ""
def quit(self):
interaction = Interaction(None, None, info=None, quit=True)
return ""
def dummyOperation(self):
return ""
def AskToStop(self):
self._keepGoing = False
if type(self._server) is not types.NoneType:
self._pushBreakpoints = pushBreakpoints
self._breakDict = breakDict
self._kill = kill
def run(self):
if _VERBOSE: print "RequestBreakThread, before call"
def __init__(self, function):
self._function = function
def run(self):
if _VERBOSE: print "In DOT, before call"
tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- if _VERBOSE: print "In DOT, after call"
-class DebuggerCallback:
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "In DOT, after call"
+class BaseDebuggerCallback(object):
+ def Start(self):
+ assert False, "Start not overridden"
+ def ShutdownServer(self):
+ assert False, "ShutdownServer not overridden"
- def __init__(self, host, port, debugger_url, break_url, debuggerUI):
+ def BreakExecution(self):
+ assert False, "BreakExecution not overridden"
+ def SingleStep(self):
+ assert False, "SingleStep not overridden"
+ def Next(self):
+ assert False, "Next not overridden"
+ def Continue(self):
+ assert False, "Start not overridden"
+ def Return(self):
+ assert False, "Return not overridden"
+ def PushBreakpoints(self):
+ assert False, "PushBreakpoints not overridden"
+class PythonDebuggerCallback(BaseDebuggerCallback):
+ def __init__(self, host, port, debugger_url, break_url, debuggerUI, autoContinue=False):
if _VERBOSE: print "+++++++ Creating server on port, ", str(port)
+ self._timer = None
self._queue = Queue.Queue(50)
self._host = host
self._port = int(port)
threading._VERBOSE = _VERBOSE
self._serverHandlerThread = RequestHandlerThread(self._queue, (self._host, self._port))
self._debugger_url = debugger_url
self._debuggerServer = None
self._waiting = False
self._breakServer = None
self._firstInteraction = True
self._pendingBreak = False
- def start(self):
+ self._autoContinue = autoContinue
+ def Start(self):
- def ServerClose(self):
- rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, kill=True)
- rbt.start()
- self.setWaiting(False)
+ def ShutdownServer(self):
+ #rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, kill=True)
+ #rbt.start()
+ self._waiting = False
if self._serverHandlerThread:
self._serverHandlerThread = None
def BreakExecution(self):
rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, interrupt=True)
def SingleStep(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_step)
- #dot.start()
self._debuggerServer.set_step() # Figure out where to set allowNone
- self.waitForRPC()
+ self.WaitForRPC()
def Next(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_next)
- #dot.start()
- self.waitForRPC()
+ self.WaitForRPC()
def Continue(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_continue)
- #dot.start()
- self.waitForRPC()
+ self.WaitForRPC()
def Return(self):
- #dot = DebuggerOperationThread(self._debuggerServer.set_return)
- #dot.start()
- self.waitForRPC()
- def setWaiting(self, value):
- self._waiting = value
- def getWaiting(self):
- return self._waiting
- def readQueue(self):
+ self.WaitForRPC()
+ def ReadQueue(self):
if self._queue.qsize():
item = self._queue.get_nowait()
self.interaction(None, None, None, True)
data = bz2.decompress(item.getFramesXML().data)
- self.interaction(item.getMessage().data, data, item.getInfo(), False)
+ self.interaction(item.getMessage().data, data, item.getInfo(), False)
except Queue.Empty:
- def pushBreakpoints(self):
+ def PushBreakpoints(self):
rbt = RequestBreakThread(self._breakServer, pushBreakpoints=True, breakDict=self._service.GetMasterBreakpointDict())
- def waitForRPC(self):
- self.setWaiting(True)
- while self.getWaiting():
+ def WaitForRPC(self):
+ self._waiting = True
+ while self._waiting:
- self.readQueue()
+ self.ReadQueue()
import time
tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
- if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting waitForRPC."
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Exiting WaitForRPC."
def interaction(self, message, frameXML, info, quit):
#This method should be hit as the debugger starts.
if self._firstInteraction:
self._firstInteraction = False
self._debuggerServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._debugger_url, allow_none=1)
self._breakServer = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._break_url, allow_none=1)
- self.pushBreakpoints()
- self.setWaiting(False)
+ self.PushBreakpoints()
+ self._waiting = False
if _VERBOSE: print "+"*40
if _VERBOSE: print "Hit interaction no exception"
+ #if not self._autoContinue:
- self._debuggerUI.LoadFramesListXML(frameXML)
- self._debuggerUI.EnableWhileDebuggerStopped()
+ if not self._autoContinue:
+ self._debuggerUI.LoadPythonFramesList(frameXML)
+ self._debuggerUI.EnableWhileDebuggerStopped()
+ if self._autoContinue:
+ self._timer = wx.PyTimer(self.DoContinue)
+ self._autoContinue = False
+ self._timer.Start(250)
if _VERBOSE: print "+"*40
+ def DoContinue(self):
+ self._timer.Stop()
+ dbgService = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService)
+ evt = DebugInternalWebServer()
+ evt.SetId(self._debuggerUI.CONTINUE_ID)
+ wx.PostEvent(self._debuggerUI, evt)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Event Continue posted"
+ evt = DebugInternalWebServer()
+ wx.PostEvent(dbgService._frame, evt)
+ if _VERBOSE: print "Event RunProject posted"
+ def SendRunEvent(self):
+ class SendEventThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ def run(self):
+ dbgService = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService)
+ evt = DebugInternalWebServer()
+ wx.PostEvent(dbgService._frame, evt)
+ print "Event posted"
+ set = SendEventThread()
+ set.start()
class DebuggerService(Service.Service):
RUN_ID = wx.NewId()
DEBUG_ID = wx.NewId()
+ RUN_LAST_ID = wx.NewId()
+ DEBUG_LAST_ID = wx.NewId()
def ComparePaths(first, second):
one = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(first)
two = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(second)
return one == two
ComparePaths = staticmethod(ComparePaths)
# Make sure we're using an expanded path on windows.
def ExpandPath(path):
return win32api.GetLongPathName(path)
- print "Cannot get long path for %s" % path
+ if _VERBOSE:
+ print "Cannot get long path for %s" % path
return path
ExpandPath = staticmethod(ExpandPath)
# Overridden methods
self._masterBPDict = {}
self._masterBPDict = {}
+ self._frame = None
+ self.projectPath = None
+ self.fileToDebug = None
+ self.phpDbgParam = None
+ self.dbgLanguage = projectmodel.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT
def OnCloseFrame(self, event):
tp,val,tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(tp, val, tb)
return True
def _CreateView(self):
return DebuggerView(self)
def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
#Service.Service.InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar, toolBar, statusBar, document)
+ self._frame = frame
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
debuggerMenu = wx.Menu()
if not menuBar.FindItemById(DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS):
debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.RUN_ID, _("&Run...\tCtrl+R"), _("Runs a file"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, _("&Debug...\tCtrl+D"), _("Debugs a file"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID, _("&Run Using Last Settings\tF5"), _("Runs a file using previous settings"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID, _("&Debug Using Last Settings\tF8"), _("Debugs a file using previous settings"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_ID, _("Debug Internal Web Server"), _("Debugs the internal webservier"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.RUN_WEBSERVER_ID, _("Restart Internal Web Server"), _("Restarts the internal webservier"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_WEBSERVER_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
+ wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.RUN_WEBSERVER_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ frame.Bind(EVT_DEBUG_INTERNAL, frame.ProcessEvent)
- debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, _("&Toggle Breakpoint...\tCtrl+B"), _("Toggle a breakpoint"))
+ debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, _("&Toggle Breakpoint\tCtrl+B"), _("Toggle a breakpoint"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, self.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT_ID, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
debuggerMenu.Append(DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, _("&Clear All Breakpoints"), _("Clear All Breakpoints"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, self.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, DebuggerService.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
viewMenuIndex = menuBar.FindMenu(_("&Project"))
menuBar.Insert(viewMenuIndex + 1, debuggerMenu, _("&Run"))
+ toolBar.AddSeparator()
+ toolBar.AddTool(DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID, getRunningManBitmap(), shortHelpString = _("Run Using Last Settings"), longHelpString = _("Run Using Last Settings"))
+ toolBar.AddTool(DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID, getDebuggingManBitmap(), shortHelpString = _("Debug Using Last Settings"), longHelpString = _("Debug Using Last Settings"))
+ toolBar.Realize()
return True
# Event Processing Methods
elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID:
return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID:
+ self.OnRunProject(event, showDialog=False)
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID:
+ self.OnDebugProject(event, showDialog=False)
+ return True
elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_ID:
return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_CONTINUE_ID:
+ self.OnDebugWebServerContinue(event)
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_NOW_RUN_PROJECT_ID:
+ self.WaitDebuggerThenRunProject()
+ return True
+ elif an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_WEBSERVER_ID:
+ self.OnRunWebServer(event)
+ return True
return False
def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
if Service.Service.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
return True
return True
elif (an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_ID
- or an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID):
+ or an_id == DebuggerService.RUN_LAST_ID
+ or an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_ID
+ or an_id == DebuggerService.DEBUG_LAST_ID):
return True
# Class Methods
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def OnDebugProject(self, event):
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def OnDebugProject(self, event, showDialog=True):
wx.MessageBox(_("Python for Windows extensions (pywin32) is required to debug on Windows machines. Please go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/, download and install pywin32."))
if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
- if DebugCommandUI.DebuggerRunning():
+ if BaseDebuggerUI.DebuggerRunning():
wx.MessageBox(_("A debugger is already running. Please shut down the other debugger first."), _("Debugger Running"))
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ host = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ if not host:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("No debugger host set. Please go to Tools->Options->Debugger and set one."), _("No Debugger Host"))
+ return
projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
- project = projectService.GetView().GetDocument()
- dlg = CommandPropertiesDialog(self.GetView().GetFrame(), 'Debug Python File', projectService, None, pythonOnly=True, okButtonName="Debug", debugging=True)
+ dlg = CommandPropertiesDialog(self.GetView().GetFrame(), 'Debug File', projectService, None, okButtonName="Debug", debugging=True)
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- fileToDebug, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
- dlg.Destroy()
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
+ if not showDialog:
+ showDialog = dlg.MustShowDialog()
+ if showDialog and dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ projectPath, fileToDebug, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ elif not showDialog:
+ projectPath, fileToDebug, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ dlg.Destroy()
shortFile = os.path.basename(fileToDebug)
fileToDebug = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileToDebug)
- try:
- page = DebugCommandUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToDebug), self)
+ if fileToDebug.endswith('.bpel'):
+ self.projectPath = projectPath
+ self.fileToDebug = fileToDebug
+ #
+ # TODO: merge getting project stuff and save the results for
+ # WaitDebuggerThenRunProject() which currently does it again.
+ #
+ projects = projectService.FindProjectByFile(projectPath)
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ project = projects[0]
+ lang = project.GetAppInfo().language
+ if lang:
+ self.dbgLanguage = lang
+ dbgService = wx.GetApp().GetService(DebuggerService)
+ evt = DebugInternalWebServer()
+ evt.SetId(DebuggerService.DEBUG_WEBSERVER_CONTINUE_ID)
+ wx.PostEvent(dbgService._frame, evt)
+ if lang == projectmodel.LANGUAGE_PHP:
+ evt = DebugInternalWebServer()
+ wx.PostEvent(dbgService._frame, evt)
+ return
+ elif fileToDebug.endswith('.php'):
+ page = PHPDebuggerUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToDebug), self)
count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, _("Debugging: ") + shortFile)
+ fullPhpScriptPath = os.path.normpath(fileToDebug)
+ environment["REDIRECT_STATUS"] = "200"
+ environment["REDIRECT_URL"] = fullPhpScriptPath
+ environment["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = "AG PHP Debugger 1.7"
+ environment["SERVER_NAME"] = "localhost"
+ environment["SERVER_ADDR"] = ""
+ environment["SERVER_PORT"] = "80"
+ environment["REMOTE_ADDR"] = ""
+ environment["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = "php"
+ environment["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"] = "CGI/1.1"
+ environment["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] = "HTTP/1.1"
+ environment["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "GET"
+ environment["REQUEST_URI"] = fullPhpScriptPath
+ environment["PATH_INFO"] = fullPhpScriptPath
+ environment["PATH_TRANSLATED"] = fullPhpScriptPath
+ environment["HTTP_COOKIE"] = "DBGSESSID=11439636363807700001@clienthost:10001"
page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
- except:
- pass
- def OnDebugWebServer(self, event):
+ else:
+ try:
+ page = PythonDebuggerUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToDebug), self)
+ count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, _("Debugging: ") + shortFile)
+ Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.SetSelection(count)
+ page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def WaitDebuggerThenRunProject(self):
+ import time
+ #while not BaseDebuggerUI.DebuggerPastAutoContinue():
+ # time.sleep(0.2)
+ # wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
+ # print "After Yield"
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ projects = projectService.FindProjectByFile(self.projectPath)
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ project = projects[0]
+ try:
+ deployFilePath = project.GenerateDeployment()
+ except ProjectEditor.DataServiceExistenceException, e:
+ dataSourceName = str(e)
+ projectService.PromptForMissingDataSource(dataSourceName)
+ return
+ projectService.RunProcessModel(self.fileToDebug, project.GetAppInfo().language, deployFilePath)
+ def OnDebugWebServerContinue(self, event):
+ self.OnDebugWebServer(event, autoContinue=True)
+ def OnDebugWebServer(self, event, autoContinue=False):
+ #print "xxxxx debugging OnDebugWebServer"
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Python for Windows extensions (pywin32) is required to debug on Windows machines. Please go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/, download and install pywin32."))
+ return
+ if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
+ return
+ if BaseDebuggerUI.DebuggerRunning():
+ wx.MessageBox(_("A debugger is already running. Please shut down the other debugger first."), _("Debugger Running"))
+ return
import WebServerService
wsService = wx.GetApp().GetService(WebServerService.WebServerService)
fileName, args = wsService.StopAndPrepareToDebug()
+ #print "xxxxx OnDebugWebServer: fileName=%s, args=%s" % (repr(fileName), repr(args))
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ host = config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST)
+ if not host:
+ wx.MessageBox(_("No debugger host set. Please go to Tools->Options->Debugger and set one."), _("No Debugger Host"))
+ return
- page = DebugCommandUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileName), self)
+ if self.dbgLanguage == projectmodel.LANGUAGE_PHP:
+ page = PHPDebuggerUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, fileName, self)
+ else:
+ page = PythonDebuggerUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, fileName, self, autoContinue)
count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, _("Debugging: Internal WebServer"))
- page.Execute(args, startIn=os.getcwd(), environment=os.environ)
+ page.Execute(args, startIn=sysutilslib.mainModuleDir, environment=os.environ, onWebServer = True)
+ def OnRunWebServer(self, event):
+ if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
+ return
+ import WebServerService
+ wsService = wx.GetApp().GetService(WebServerService.WebServerService)
+ wsService.ShutDownAndRestart()
def HasAnyFiles(self):
docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
return len(docs) > 0
def PromptToSaveFiles(self, running=True):
filesModified = False
docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
filesModified = True
if filesModified:
- frame = self.GetView().GetFrame()
- if running:
+ frame = self.GetView().GetFrame()
+ if running:
yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
_("Files have been modified.\nWould you like to save all files before running?"),
- else:
+ else:
yesNoMsg = wx.MessageDialog(frame,
_("Files have been modified.\nWould you like to save all files before debugging?"),
+ yesNoMsg.CenterOnParent()
if yesNoMsg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
docs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
for doc in docs:
+ yesNoMsg.Destroy()
def OnExit(self):
- DebugCommandUI.ShutdownAllDebuggers()
- def OnRunProject(self, event):
+ BaseDebuggerUI.ShutdownAllDebuggers()
+ RunCommandUI.ShutdownAllRunners()
+ def OnRunProject(self, event, showDialog=True):
wx.MessageBox(_("Python for Windows extensions (pywin32) is required to run on Windows machines. Please go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/, download and install pywin32."))
if not Executor.GetPythonExecutablePath():
projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
- project = projectService.GetView().GetDocument()
dlg = CommandPropertiesDialog(self.GetView().GetFrame(), 'Run', projectService, None)
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- fileToRun, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
- dlg.Destroy()
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
+ if not showDialog:
+ showDialog = dlg.MustShowDialog()
+ if showDialog and dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ projectPath, fileToRun, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ elif not showDialog:
+ projectPath, fileToRun, initialArgs, startIn, isPython, environment = dlg.GetSettings()
+ dlg.Destroy()
- # This will need to change when we can run more than .py and .bpel files.
- if not isPython:
- projectService.RunProcessModel(fileToRun)
+ if fileToRun.endswith('bpel'):
+ projects = projectService.FindProjectByFile(projectPath)
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ project = projects[0]
+ try:
+ deployFilePath = project.GenerateDeployment()
+ except ProjectEditor.DataServiceExistenceException, e:
+ dataSourceName = str(e)
+ projectService.PromptForMissingDataSource(dataSourceName)
+ return
+ projectService.RunProcessModel(fileToRun, project.GetAppInfo().language, deployFilePath)
shortFile = os.path.basename(fileToRun)
page = RunCommandUI(Service.ServiceView.bottomTab, -1, str(fileToRun))
count = Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()
Service.ServiceView.bottomTab.AddPage(page, "Running: " + shortFile)
- page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment)
+ page.Execute(initialArgs, startIn, environment, onWebServer = True)
def OnToggleBreakpoint(self, event, line=-1, fileName=None):
if not fileName:
fileName = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument().GetFilename()
if line < 0:
line = view.GetCtrl().GetCurrentLine()
+ else:
+ view = None
if self.BreakpointSet(fileName, line + 1):
self.ClearBreak(fileName, line + 1)
+ if view:
+ view.GetCtrl().Refresh()
self.SetBreak(fileName, line + 1)
+ if view:
+ view.GetCtrl().Refresh()
# Now refresh all the markers icons in all the open views.
- self.SetAllBreakpointMarkers()
+ self.SetAllBreakpointMarkers()
def SilentToggleBreakpoint(self, fileName, line):
found = False
for lineNumber in self.GetBreakpointList(fileName):
self.SetBreak(fileName, line)
self.ClearBreak(fileName, line)
def SetBreak(self, fileName, line):
expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
self._masterBPDict[expandedName] = [line]
self._masterBPDict[expandedName] += [line]
- # If we're already debugging, pass this bp off to the DebuggerCallback
+ # If we're already debugging, pass this bp off to the PythonDebuggerCallback
def NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange(self):
- DebugCommandUI.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
+ BaseDebuggerUI.NotifyDebuggersOfBreakpointChange()
def GetBreakpointList(self, fileName):
expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
return []
- return self._masterBPDict[expandedName]
+ return self._masterBPDict[expandedName]
+ def SetBreakpointList(self, fileName, bplist):
+ expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
+ self._masterBPDict[expandedName] = bplist
def BreakpointSet(self, fileName, line):
expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
if(int(number) == int(line)):
return True
return False
def ClearBreak(self, fileName, line):
expandedName = DebuggerService.ExpandPath(fileName)
if not self._masterBPDict.has_key(expandedName):
self._masterBPDict[expandedName] = newList
def HasBreakpointsSet(self):
for key, value in self._masterBPDict.items():
if len(value) > 0:
return True
return False
def ClearAllBreakpoints(self):
self._masterBPDict = {}
def ClearAllBreakpointMarkers(self):
openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
- for openDoc in openDocs:
- if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
- openDoc.GetFirstView().MarkerDeleteAll(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if isinstance(openDoc, CodeEditor.CodeDocument):
+ openDoc.GetFirstView().MarkerDeleteAll(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ def UpdateBreakpointsFromMarkers(self, view, fileName):
+ newbpLines = view.GetMarkerLines(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ self.SetBreakpointList(fileName, newbpLines)
def GetMasterBreakpointDict(self):
return self._masterBPDict
def SetAllBreakpointMarkers(self):
openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
- for openDoc in openDocs:
- if(isinstance(openDoc.GetFirstView(), CodeEditor.CodeView)):
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if(isinstance(openDoc, CodeEditor.CodeDocument)):
def SetCurrentBreakpointMarkers(self, view):
if isinstance(view, CodeEditor.CodeView) and hasattr(view, 'GetDocument'):
- for linenum in self.GetBreakpointList(view.GetDocument().GetFilename()):
+ for linenum in self.GetBreakpointList(view.GetDocument().GetFilename()):
view.MarkerAdd(lineNum=int(linenum) - 1, marker_index=CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.BREAKPOINT_MARKER_NUM)
+ def GetPhpDbgParam(self):
+ return self.phpDbgParam
+ def SetPhpDbgParam(self, value = None):
+ self.phpDbgParam = value
class DebuggerOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
localHostStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Local Host Name:"))
self._LocalHostTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, config.Read("DebuggerHostName", DEFAULT_HOST), size = (150, -1))
portNumberStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Port Range:"))
- dashStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("through to"))
+ dashStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("through to"))
startingPort=config.ReadInt("DebuggerStartingPort", DEFAULT_PORT)
self._PortNumberTextCtrl = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(self, -1, startingPort, size = (50, -1))
self._PortNumberTextCtrl.SetMin(1)#What are real values?
self._flushPortsButton = wx.Button(self, FLUSH_PORTS_ID, "Reset Port List")
wx.EVT_BUTTON(parent, FLUSH_PORTS_ID, self.FlushPorts)
debuggerPanelSizer.Add(self._flushPortsButton, (2,2), (1,2), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
debuggerPanelBorderSizer.Add(debuggerPanelSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
parent.AddPage(self, _("Debugger"))
def FlushPorts(self, event):
if self._PortNumberTextCtrl.IsInBounds():
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
config.WriteInt("DebuggerStartingPort", self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue())
- DebugCommandUI.NewPortRange()
+ PythonDebuggerUI.NewPortRange()
wx.MessageBox(_("The starting port is not valid. Please change the value and try again.", "Invalid Starting Port Number"))
def MinPortChange(self, event):
self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.Enable( True )
self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.SetValue( self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue() + PORT_COUNT)
self._EndPortNumberTextCtrl.Enable( False )
def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
config.Write("DebuggerHostName", self._LocalHostTextCtrl.GetValue())
if self._PortNumberTextCtrl.IsInBounds():
config.WriteInt("DebuggerStartingPort", self._PortNumberTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ def GetIcon(self):
+ return getContinueIcon()
class CommandPropertiesDialog(wx.Dialog):
- def __init__(self, parent, title, projectService, currentProjectDocument, pythonOnly=False, okButtonName="Run", debugging=False):
+ def __init__(self, parent, title, projectService, currentProjectDocument, okButtonName="Run", debugging=False):
self._projService = projectService
self._pmext = None
- self._pyext = None
+ self._pyext = '.py'
+ self._phpext = '.php'
for template in self._projService.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
if not ACTIVEGRID_BASE_IDE and template.GetDocumentType() == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
self._pmext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
- if template.GetDocumentType() == PythonEditor.PythonDocument:
- self._pyext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
- self._pythonOnly = pythonOnly
- self._currentProj = currentProjectDocument
+ break
+ self._currentProj = projectService.GetCurrentProject()
self._projectNameList, self._projectDocumentList, selectedIndex = self.GetProjectList()
if not self._projectNameList:
wx.MessageBox(_("To run or debug you must have an open runnable file or project containing runnable files. Use File->Open to open the file you wish to run or debug."), _("Nothing to Run"))
- raise BadBadBad
- if _WINDOWS:
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)
- else:
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size=(390,270))
- projStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Project:"))
- fileStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("File:"))
- argsStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Arguments:"))
+ raise Exception("Nothing to Run or Debug.")
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)
+ projStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Project:"))
+ fileStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("File:"))
+ argsStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Arguments:"))
startInStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Start in:"))
pythonPathStaticText = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("PYTHONPATH:"))
postpendStaticText = _("Postpend win32api path")
cpPanelBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self._projList = wx.Choice(self, -1, (200,-1), choices=self._projectNameList)
+ self._projList = wx.Choice(self, -1, choices=self._projectNameList)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EvtListBox, self._projList)
- flexGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 3, vgap = 10, hgap = 10)
- flexGridSizer.Add(projStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._projList, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
- flexGridSizer.Add(fileStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
- self._fileList = wx.Choice(self, -1, (200,-1))
+ if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+ GAP = 10
+ flexGridSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(GAP, GAP)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(projStaticText, (0,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._projList, (0,1), (1,2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(fileStaticText, (1,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ self._fileList = wx.Choice(self, -1)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnFileSelected, self._fileList)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._fileList, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._fileList, (1,1), (1,2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- self._lastArguments = config.Read("LastRunArguments")
+ self._lastArguments = config.Read(self.GetKey("LastRunArguments"))
self._argsEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, str(self._lastArguments))
- flexGridSizer.Add(argsStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._argsEntry, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
- flexGridSizer.Add(startInStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
- self._lastStartIn = config.Read("LastRunStartIn")
+ flexGridSizer.Add(argsStaticText, (2,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._argsEntry, (2,1), (1,2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(startInStaticText, (3,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ self._lastStartIn = config.Read(self.GetKey("LastRunStartIn"))
if not self._lastStartIn:
self._lastStartIn = str(os.getcwd())
self._startEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self._lastStartIn)
- def TextChanged2(event):
- self._startEntry.SetToolTipString(event.GetString())
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, TextChanged2, self._startEntry)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._startEntry, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._startEntry, (3,1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
self._findDir = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnFindDirClick, self._findDir)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._findDir, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10)
- flexGridSizer.Add(pythonPathStaticText, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._findDir, (3,2))
+ flexGridSizer.Add(pythonPathStaticText, (4,0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
if os.environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH'):
startval = os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
startval = ""
- self._lastPythonPath = config.Read("LastPythonPath", startval)
+ self._lastPythonPath = config.Read(self.GetKey("LastPythonPath"), startval)
self._pythonPathEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self._lastPythonPath)
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._pythonPathEntry, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
- if debugging:
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._pythonPathEntry, (4,1), (1,2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ if debugging and _WINDOWS:
self._postpendCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, postpendStaticText)
- checked = bool(config.ReadInt("PythonPathPostpend", 1))
+ checked = bool(config.ReadInt(self.GetKey("PythonPathPostpend"), 1))
- flexGridSizer.Add(self._postpendCheckBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, ""), 0)
- cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(flexGridSizer, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
- box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(self._postpendCheckBox, (5,1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(flexGridSizer, 0, flag=wx.ALL, border=10)
+ box = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer()
self._okButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, okButtonName)
self._okButton.SetHelpText(_("The ") + okButtonName + _(" button completes the dialog"))
- box.Add(self._okButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
+ box.AddButton(self._okButton)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOKClick, self._okButton)
btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"))
btn.SetHelpText(_("The Cancel button cancels the dialog."))
- box.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, 5)
- cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(box, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, 5)
+ box.AddButton(btn)
+ box.Realize()
+ cpPanelBorderSizer.Add(box, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL, border=5)
- if _WINDOWS:
- self.GetSizer().Fit(self)
- self.Layout()
# Set up selections based on last values used.
self._fileNameList = None
- self._selectedFileIndex = 0
- lastProject = config.Read("LastRunProject")
- lastFile = config.Read("LastRunFile")
+ self._selectedFileIndex = -1
+ lastProject = config.Read(self.GetKey("LastRunProject"))
+ lastFile = config.Read(self.GetKey("LastRunFile"))
+ self._mustShow = not lastFile
if lastProject in self._projectNameList:
selectedIndex = self._projectNameList.index(lastProject)
self._selectedProjectIndex = selectedIndex
self._selectedProjectDocument = self._projectDocumentList[selectedIndex]
self.PopulateFileList(self._selectedProjectDocument, lastFile)
+ cpPanelBorderSizer.Fit(self)
+ def MustShowDialog(self):
+ return self._mustShow
+ def GetKey(self, lastPart):
+ if self._currentProj:
+ return "%s/%s/%s" % (ProjectEditor.PROJECT_KEY, self._currentProj.GetFilename().replace(os.sep, '|'), lastPart)
def OnOKClick(self, event):
startIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
fileToRun = self._fileList.GetStringSelection()
wx.MessageBox(_("Starting directory does not exist. Please change this value."))
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- config.Write("LastRunProject", self._projectNameList[self._selectedProjectIndex])
- config.Write("LastRunFile", fileToRun)
+ config.Write(self.GetKey("LastRunProject"), self._projectNameList[self._selectedProjectIndex])
+ config.Write(self.GetKey("LastRunFile"), fileToRun)
# Don't update the arguments or starting directory unless we're runing python.
if isPython:
- config.Write("LastRunArguments", self._argsEntry.GetValue())
- config.Write("LastRunStartIn", self._startEntry.GetValue())
- config.Write("LastPythonPath",self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue())
+ config.Write(self.GetKey("LastRunArguments"), self._argsEntry.GetValue())
+ config.Write(self.GetKey("LastRunStartIn"), self._startEntry.GetValue())
+ config.Write(self.GetKey("LastPythonPath"),self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue())
if hasattr(self, "_postpendCheckBox"):
- config.WriteInt("PythonPathPostpend", int(self._postpendCheckBox.GetValue()))
+ config.WriteInt(self.GetKey("PythonPathPostpend"), int(self._postpendCheckBox.GetValue()))
- def GetSettings(self):
+ def GetSettings(self):
+ projectPath = self._selectedProjectDocument.GetFilename()
filename = self._fileNameList[self._selectedFileIndex]
- args = self._argsEntry.GetValue()
+ args = self._argsEntry.GetValue()
startIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
isPython = filename.endswith(self._pyext)
env = os.environ
env['PYTHONPATH'] = self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue() + os.pathsep + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "3rdparty", "pywin32")
env['PYTHONPATH'] = self._pythonPathEntry.GetValue()
- return filename, args, startIn, isPython, env
+ return projectPath, filename, args, startIn, isPython, env
def OnFileSelected(self, event):
self._selectedFileIndex = self._fileList.GetSelection()
def EnableForFileType(self, fileName):
- show = fileName.endswith(self._pyext)
+ show = fileName.endswith(self._pyext) or fileName.endswith(self._phpext)
self._lastStartIn = self._startEntry.GetValue()
self._lastArguments = self._argsEntry.GetValue()
- self._argsEntry.SetValue("")
+ self._argsEntry.SetValue("")
- self._startEntry.SetValue(self._lastStartIn)
- self._argsEntry.SetValue(self._lastArguments)
+ if fileName.endswith(self._phpext):
+ self._startEntry.SetValue(os.path.dirname(fileName))
+ else:
+ self._startEntry.SetValue(self._lastStartIn)
+ self._argsEntry.SetValue(self._lastArguments)
def OnFindDirClick(self, event):
dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a starting directory:", self._startEntry.GetValue(),
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- dlg.Destroy()
+ dlg.Destroy()
def EvtListBox(self, event):
if event.GetString():
index = self._projectNameList.index(event.GetString())
self._selectedProjectDocument = self._projectDocumentList[index]
self._selectedProjectIndex = index
def FilterFileList(self, list):
- if self._pythonOnly:
- files = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(self._pyext), list)
- else:
- files = filter(lambda f: (self._pmext and f.endswith(self._pmext)) or f.endswith(self._pyext), list)
+ files = filter(lambda f: (self._phpext and f.endswith(self._phpext)) or (self._pmext and f.endswith(self._pmext)) or f.endswith(self._pyext), list)
return files
def PopulateFileList(self, project, shortNameToSelect=None):
self._fileNameList = self.FilterFileList(project.GetFiles()[:])
strings = map(lambda file: os.path.basename(file), self._fileNameList)
for index in range(0, len(strings)):
if shortNameToSelect == strings[index]:
- self._selectedFileIndex = index
- break
+ self._selectedFileIndex = index
+ break
- if self._selectedFileIndex not in range(0, len(strings)) : self._selectedFileIndex = 0
+ if self._selectedFileIndex not in range(0, len(strings)):
+ # Pick first bpel file if there is one.
+ for index in range(0, len(strings)):
+ if strings[index].endswith('.bpel'):
+ self._selectedFileIndex = index
+ break
+ # Still no selected file, use first file.
+ if self._selectedFileIndex not in range(0, len(strings)):
+ self._selectedFileIndex = 0
def GetProjectList(self):
docList = []
nameList = []
if projectDocument.IsFileInProject(fileName):
return True
return False
unprojectedFiles = []
for document in self._projService.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
if not ACTIVEGRID_BASE_IDE and type(document) == ProcessModelEditor.ProcessModelDocument:
if not AlreadyInProject(document.GetFilename()):
- if type(document) == PythonEditor.PythonDocument:
+ if type(document) == PythonEditor.PythonDocument or type(document) == PHPEditor.PHPDocument:
if not AlreadyInProject(document.GetFilename()):
if unprojectedFiles:
unprojProj = ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument()
- unprojProj.SetFilename(_("Not in any Project"))
+ unprojProj.SetFilename(_("Not in any Project"))
- nameList.append(_("Not in any Project"))
+ nameList.append(_("Not in any Project"))
return nameList, docList, index
from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
def getBreakBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getBreakImage())
return wx.IconFromBitmap(getBreakBitmap())
def getClearOutputData():
return \
-\xbaS\xbb\x12\xee\x03?\xe5\x08\xe5N\xba\xbc Db\xec\xd8p\xb1l\xb8\xa7\x83\xfe\
+\x00\x00\xb7IDAT8\x8d\xa5\x93\xdd\x11\xc3 \x0c\x83%`\xa3\xee\xd4\xaeA\xc6\
+\x80\x07\xe1\xa1\x1d\xa2\x1cbF\x92\x0f\x80\xe0\xd1 \xb7\x14\x8c \x00*\x15\
def getClearOutputBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getClearOutputImage())
def getCloseBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getCloseImage())
return \
-\x83\xfc\x1c$\x1e)7\xdf<Y0\xaf\x0b\xe6\xf5\x1d\xa1\xb5\x13C\x03 !\xaa\xfd\
-\xd3,\x17\x8b\xc7\x9d\xbb>\x8a \xec5\x94\tc\xc4\x12\xab\x94\xeb\x7fkWr\xc9B%\
+\xeeTT\xd1\xc6o& \t\x9a\x13\x00J\x9ev\xb1\'\xa3~\x14+\xbfN\x12\x92\x00@\xe6\
def getContinueBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getContinueImage())
def getNextBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getNextImage())
\x94\x9d|9\x99^k\x13\xa1 \xb3\x16\x0f#\xd4\x88N~\x14\xe1-\x96\x7f\xe3\x0f\
def getStepInBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getStepInImage())
def getStopData():
return \
-N\t\xf4Wr\xa0\x8f\xb1\x0f\x81\xe1\x97\xe4-\xb6}_V%\xc8\xc2, \t\x92\xe6]\xfbZ\
def getStopBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getStopImage())
def getStepReturnBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getStepReturnImage())
def getStepReturnIcon():
return wx.IconFromBitmap(getStepReturnBitmap())
def getAddWatchData():
return \
\xeb,!w\x100 \x1dK\xac\x10\r\x08\x05".yFL\x85\x8c\x18b\xa8|Ty\xa2\x13\x92\'\
def getAddWatchBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getAddWatchImage())
def getAddWatchIcon():
return wx.IconFromBitmap(getAddWatchBitmap())
+def getRunningManData():
+ return \
+\x06\xf1(\xef,\xac\xef\xf6x\xdf\xf7}\x9f\xdf\x97\xf7\x081M\xe0?\x9a\xfc\xcd \
+\x7fg\x19\'\x97y\xd8\x96\xfa\xf8\x95\xf23d\xa5O4\xbfh\x87(\xf8\x88a\xc0 $|~\
+\x87n\xf7\x03\xaa\xf2\x8e\xc0\xee\n\x00 \x91\xab\xc3\xeb4\xc3\xed\xe1\xb4qF\
+\xc6\xd1\'\'\x86\xa2\xd5\x8d \xbe@\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'
+def getRunningManBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getRunningManImage())
+def getRunningManImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getRunningManData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getRunningManIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getRunningManBitmap())
+ return icon
+def getDebuggingManData():
+ return \
+\xe9\x1f\xb3x\xdc\x08\xad\x8f \x7f\tg%\xf8Y\x82\xe3\x8de\x86\x82\xcdF9\xba\
+\x83\xd4\x94\x06\xd0SH.F\xc5P\xb0\x19\xe9z \xf9KOmkN\x07\x03\x14/r\xb4?\x8b\
+def getDebuggingManBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getDebuggingManImage())
+def getDebuggingManImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getDebuggingManData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getDebuggingManIcon():
+ icon = EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(getDebuggingManBitmap())
+ return icon