import time
import Service
import sys
-import activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller
+import activegrid.util.xmlutils
import UICommon
import Wizard
+import SVNService
import ProcessModelEditor
+from SVNService import SVN_INSTALLED
_ = wx.GetTranslation
# XML Marshalling Methods
-LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING = { "projectmodel" : "activegrid.tool.ProjectEditor.ProjectModel", }
def load(fileObject):
- xml =
- projectModel = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, knownTypes=LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING)
- return projectModel
+ return activegrid.util.xmlutils.defaultLoad(fileObject, knownTypes={"projectmodel" : ProjectModel})
def save(fileObject, projectModel):
- xml = activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.marshal(projectModel, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes=LOCAL_TYPE_MAPPING)
- fileObject.write(xml)
+ activegrid.util.xmlutils.defaultSave(fileObject, projectModel, prettyPrint=True, knownTypes={"projectmodel" : ProjectModel})
def __init__(self):
self._files = []
+ def initialize(self):
+ pass
class ProjectDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
for path in paths:
if path.startswith(curPath):
path = "." + path[curPathLen:] # use relative path
+ if os.sep != '/':
+ path = path.replace(os.sep, '/', -1) # always save out with '/' as path separator for cross-platform compatibility.
pass # use absolute path
if path.startswith("."): # relative to project file
curPath = os.path.dirname(self.GetFilename())
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(curPath, path))
- print "Warning: absolute path '%s' found in project file, this may affect deployment" % path
return newFilePaths
if isProject:
documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(oldFile): # If the renamed document is open, update it
document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
documents = self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == oldFile: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(oldFile): # If the renamed document is open, update it
document.SetFilename(newFile, notifyViews = True)
document.UpdateAllViews(hint = ("rename", document, newFile))
return True
# What if the document is already open and we're overwriting it?
documents = docManager.GetDocuments()
for document in documents:
- if document.GetFilename() == self._fullProjectPath: # If the renamed document is open, update it
+ if os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(self._fullProjectPath): # If the renamed document is open, update it
or id == ProjectService.RENAME_ID
or id == ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID
or id == ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID
- or id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID
- or id == ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID):
+ or id == wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID):
return True
+ elif id == ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID:
+ event.Enable(len(self.GetSelectedFiles()) > 0)
+ return True
elif id == ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID:
return True
or id == ProjectService.OPEN_SELECTION_ID):
return True
+ elif (id == wx.ID_PREVIEW
+ or id == wx.ID_PRINT):
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
return False
def GetSelectedFile(self):
for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
return self._GetItemFile(item)
+ def GetSelectedFiles(self):
+ filenames = []
+ for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ filename = self._GetItemFile(item)
+ if filename and filename not in filenames:
+ filenames.append(filename)
+ return filenames
+ def GetSelectedProjects(self):
+ filenames = []
+ for item in self._treeCtrl.GetSelections():
+ if self._IsItemProject(item):
+ filename = self._treeCtrl.GetLongFilename(item)
+ if filename and filename not in filenames:
+ filenames.append(filename)
+ return filenames
def AddProjectToView(self, document):
rootItem = self._treeCtrl.GetRootItem()
+ def HasFocus(self):
+ winWithFocus = wx.Window.FindFocus()
+ if not winWithFocus:
+ return False
+ while winWithFocus:
+ if winWithFocus == self._treeCtrl:
+ return True
+ winWithFocus = winWithFocus.GetParent()
+ return False
# Control events
allfilter = allfilter + _(';')
descr = descr + temp.GetDescription() + _(" (") + temp.GetFileFilter() + _(") |") + temp.GetFileFilter() # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
allfilter = allfilter + temp.GetFileFilter()
- descr = _("All") + _(" (") + allfilter + _(") |") + allfilter + _('|') + descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
- descr = descr + _("|") + _("Any (*.*) | *.*")
+ descr = _("All (%s)|%s|%s|Any (*.*) | *.*") % (allfilter, allfilter, descr) # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
descr = _("*.*")
def OnAddDirToProject(self, event):
- frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Add All Files from Directory to Project"), size= (320,200))
- borderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ frame = wx.Dialog(None, -1, _("Add Directory Files to Project"), size= (320,200))
contentSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ flexGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 2, vgap=HALF_SPACE, hgap=HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Directory:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0)
lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Directory:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
- dirCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, os.path.dirname(self.GetDocument().GetFilename()), size=(200,-1))
+ dirCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, os.path.dirname(self.GetDocument().GetFilename()), size=(250,-1))
- lineSizer.Add(dirCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
- findDirButton = wx.Button(frame, -1, "Browse...")
- lineSizer.Add(findDirButton, 0, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
- contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ lineSizer.Add(dirCtrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
+ findDirButton = wx.Button(frame, -1, _("Browse..."))
+ lineSizer.Add(findDirButton, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, HALF_SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(lineSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
def OnBrowseButton(event):
dlg = wx.DirDialog(frame, _("Choose a directory:"), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE)
dir = dirCtrl.GetValue()
descr = template.GetDescription() + _(" (") + template.GetFileFilter() + _(")")
allfilter = allfilter + template.GetFileFilter()
- choices.insert(0, _("All (%s)") % allfilter)
- filterChoice = wx.Choice(frame, -1, size=(210, -1), choices=choices)
+ choices.insert(0, _("All (%s)") % allfilter) # first item
+ choices.append(_("Any (*.*)")) # last item
+ filterChoice = wx.Choice(frame, -1, size=(250, -1), choices=choices)
filterChoice.SetToolTipString(_("Select file type filter."))
- lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Files of type:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
- lineSizer.Add(filterChoice, 1, wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
- contentSizer.Add(lineSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, SPACE)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame, -1, _("Files of type:")), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ flexGridSizer.Add(filterChoice, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ contentSizer.Add(flexGridSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, SPACE)
subfolderCtrl = wx.CheckBox(frame, -1, _("Add files from subdirectories"))
- contentSizer.Add(subfolderCtrl, 0, wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(subfolderCtrl, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, SPACE)
- borderSizer.Add(contentSizer, 0, wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT, SPACE)
- buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
findBtn = wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_OK, _("Add"))
- buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
+ buttonSizer.Add(findBtn, 0, wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
buttonSizer.Add(wx.Button(frame, wx.ID_CANCEL), 0)
- borderSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
+ contentSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, SPACE)
- frame.SetSizer(borderSizer)
+ frame.SetSizer(contentSizer)
status = frame.ShowModal()
paths = []
index = filterChoice.GetSelection()
- if index:
+ lastIndex = filterChoice.GetCount()-1
+ if index and index != lastIndex: # if not All or Any
template = visibleTemplates[index-1]
# do search in files on disk
for name in files:
- if index == 0: # all
+ if index == 0: # All
for template in visibleTemplates:
if template.FileMatchesTemplate(name):
filename = os.path.join(root, name)
+ elif index == lastIndex: # Any
+ filename = os.path.join(root, name)
+ # if already in project, don't add it, otherwise undo will remove it from project even though it was already in it.
+ if not doc.IsFileInProject(filename):
+ paths.append(filename)
else: # use selected filter
if template.FileMatchesTemplate(name):
filename = os.path.join(root, name)
else: # Project context
itemIDs = [wx.ID_CLOSE, wx.ID_SAVE, wx.ID_SAVEAS, None]
menuBar = self._GetParentFrame().GetMenuBar()
- itemIDs = itemIDs + [ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, None, wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None, wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_COPY, wx.ID_PASTE, wx.ID_CLEAR, None, wx.ID_SELECTALL, ProjectService.RENAME_ID, ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID, None, wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID]
+ itemIDs = itemIDs + [ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT]
+ svnIDs = [SVNService.SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_REVERT_ID]
+ itemIDs = itemIDs + [None, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_UPDATE_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_CHECKIN_ID, SVNService.SVNService.SVN_REVERT_ID]
+ globalIDs = [wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, wx.ID_CLOSE, wx.ID_SAVE, wx.ID_SAVEAS]
+ itemIDs = itemIDs + [None, wx.ID_UNDO, wx.ID_REDO, None, wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_COPY, wx.ID_PASTE, wx.ID_CLEAR, None, wx.ID_SELECTALL, ProjectService.RENAME_ID, ProjectService.DELETE_FILE_ID, None, wx.lib.pydocview.FilePropertiesService.PROPERTIES_ID]
for itemID in itemIDs:
if not itemID:
wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self.OnClear)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self._GetParentFrame(), ProjectService.REMOVE_FROM_PROJECT, self._GetParentFrame().ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
+ svnService = wx.GetApp().GetService(SVNService.SVNService)
item = menuBar.FindItemById(itemID)
if item:
+ if itemID in svnIDs:
+ if SVN_INSTALLED and svnService:
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._GetParentFrame(), itemID, svnService.ProcessEvent)
+ elif itemID in globalIDs:
+ pass
+ else:
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self._treeCtrl, itemID, self.ProcessEvent)
menu.Append(itemID, item.GetLabel())
self._treeCtrl.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY()))
if newpath:
# update Project Model with new location
- self.GetDocument().RemoveFile(filepath)
- self.GetDocument().AddFile(newpath)
+ project = self._GetItemProject(item)
+ project.RemoveFile(filepath)
+ project.AddFile(newpath)
filepath = newpath
doc = self.GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filepath, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
if self._treeCtrl.GetLongFilename(child) == longFileName:
return child
- (child, cookie2) = self._treeCtrl.GetNextChild(project, cookie)
+ (child, cookie2) = self._treeCtrl.GetNextChild(project, cookie2)
(project, cookie) = self._treeCtrl.GetNextChild(rootItem, cookie)
return None
sizer.Add(notebook, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, SPACE)
sizer.Add(self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK), 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
- sizer.Fit(self)
- self.SetDimensions(-1, -1, 310, -1, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
+ sizer.Fit(self)
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ProjectService.ADD_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
if not menuBar.FindItemById(ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID):
- projectMenu.Append(ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, _("Add All Files to Project..."), _("Adds a directory's documents to the current project"))
+ projectMenu.Append(ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, _("Add Directory Files to Project..."), _("Adds a directory's documents to the current project"))
wx.EVT_MENU(frame, ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(frame, ProjectService.ADD_ALL_FILES_TO_PROJECT_ID, frame.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
if not menuBar.FindItemById(ProjectService.ADD_CURRENT_FILE_TO_PROJECT_ID):
def ProcessEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
id = event.GetId()
if id == wx.ID_CLOSE_ALL:
return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLOSE:
+ document = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ self.OnProjectClose(event)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ return False
+ def ProcessUpdateUIEventBeforeWindows(self, event):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if id == wx.ID_CLOSE_ALL:
+ for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
+ if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument:
+ event.Enable(True)
+ return True
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ elif id == wx.ID_CLOSE:
+ document = self.GetDocumentManager().GetCurrentDocument()
+ if document and document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() == ProjectDocument:
+ projectFilenames = self.GetView().GetSelectedProjects()
+ if projectFilenames and len(projectFilenames):
+ event.Enable(True)
+ else:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
return False
self.GetView().Activate(True) # after add, should put focus on project editor
+ def OnProjectClose(self, event):
+ projectFilenames = self.GetView().GetSelectedProjects()
+ for filename in projectFilenames:
+ doc = self.FindProjectByFile(filename)
+ if doc:
+ self.GetDocumentManager().CloseDocument(doc, False)
def OnFileCloseAll(self, event):
for document in self.GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()[:]: # Cloning list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
if document.GetDocumentTemplate().GetDocumentType() != ProjectDocument: