#include "wx/button.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
- #include "wx/panel.h"
- #include "wx/toplevel.h"
- #include "wx/dcclient.h"
-#include "wx/stockitem.h"
#include "wx/osx/private.h"
wxSize wxButton::DoGetBestSize() const
- if ( GetId() == wxID_HELP )
+ // We only use help button bezel if we don't have any (non standard) label
+ // to display in the button. Otherwise even wxID_HELP buttons look like
+ // normal push buttons.
+ if ( GetId() == wxID_HELP && GetLabel().empty() )
return wxSize( 23 , 23 ) ;
- wxSize sz = GetDefaultSize() ;
- switch (GetWindowVariant())
- {
- sz.y = 23 ;
- break;
- sz.y = 17 ;
- break;
- sz.y = 15 ;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
wxRect r ;
- if ( r.GetWidth() == 0 && r.GetHeight() == 0 )
- {
- }
- sz.x = r.GetWidth();
- sz.y = r.GetHeight();
- int wBtn = 96;
- if ((wBtn > sz.x) || ( GetWindowStyle() & wxBU_EXACTFIT))
- sz.x = wBtn;
+ wxSize sz = r.GetSize();
- Rect bestsize = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
- m_peer->GetBestRect( &bestsize ) ;
+ const int wBtnStd = GetDefaultSize().x;
- int wBtn;
- if ( EmptyRect( &bestsize ) || ( GetWindowStyle() & wxBU_EXACTFIT) )
- {
- Point bounds;
- ControlFontStyleRec controlFont;
- OSStatus err = m_peer->GetData<ControlFontStyleRec>( kControlEntireControl, kControlFontStyleTag, &controlFont );
- verify_noerr( err );
- wxCFStringRef str( m_label, GetFont().GetEncoding() );
- SInt16 baseline;
- if ( m_font.MacGetThemeFontID() != kThemeCurrentPortFont )
- {
- err = GetThemeTextDimensions(
- (!m_label.empty() ? (CFStringRef)str : CFSTR(" ")),
- m_font.MacGetThemeFontID(), kThemeStateActive, false, &bounds, &baseline );
- verify_noerr( err );
- }
- else
- {
- wxClientDC dc(const_cast<wxButton*>(this));
- wxCoord width, height ;
- dc.GetTextExtent( m_label , &width, &height);
- bounds.h = width;
- bounds.v = height;
- }
- wBtn = bounds.h + sz.y;
- }
- else
- {
- wBtn = bestsize.right - bestsize.left ;
- // non 'normal' window variants don't return the correct height
- // sz.y = bestsize.bottom - bestsize.top ;
- }
- if ((wBtn > sz.x) || ( GetWindowStyle() & wxBU_EXACTFIT))
- sz.x = wBtn;
+ if ( (sz.x < wBtnStd) && !HasFlag(wxBU_EXACTFIT) )
+ sz.x = wBtnStd;
return sz ;
wxSize wxButton::GetDefaultSize()
- int wBtn = 70 ;
- int hBtn = 20 ;
- return wxSize(wBtn, hBtn);
+ return wxSize(84, 23);
@implementation wxNSButton
+- (void) setTrackingTag: (NSTrackingRectTag)tag
+ rectTag = tag;
+- (NSTrackingRectTag) trackingTag
+ return rectTag;
+class wxButtonCocoaImpl : public wxWidgetCocoaImpl, public wxButtonImpl
+ wxButtonCocoaImpl(wxWindowMac *wxpeer, wxNSButton *v)
+ : wxWidgetCocoaImpl(wxpeer, v)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
+ {
+ // switch bezel style for plain pushbuttons
+ if ( bitmap.IsOk() && [GetNSButton() bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle )
+ [GetNSButton() setBezelStyle:NSRegularSquareBezelStyle ];
+ wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetBitmap(bitmap);
+ }
+ void SetPressedBitmap( const wxBitmap& bitmap )
+ {
+ NSButton* button = GetNSButton();
+ [button setAlternateImage: bitmap.GetNSImage()];
+ [button setButtonType:NSMomentaryChangeButton];
+ }
+ NSButton *GetNSButton() const
+ {
+ wxASSERT( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]] );
+ return static_cast<NSButton *>(m_osxView);
+ }
+extern "C" void SetBezelStyleFromBorderFlags(NSButton *v, long style);
+// set bezel style depending on the wxBORDER_XXX flags specified by the style
+void SetBezelStyleFromBorderFlags(NSButton *v, long style)
+ if ( style & wxBORDER_NONE )
+ {
+ [v setBezelStyle:NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle];
+ [v setBordered:NO];
+ }
+ else // we do have a border
+ {
+ // see trac #11128 for a thorough discussion
+ if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_RAISED )
+ [v setBezelStyle:NSRegularSquareBezelStyle];
+ else if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_SUNKEN )
+ [v setBezelStyle:NSSmallSquareBezelStyle];
+ else
+ [v setBezelStyle:NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle];
+ }
+} // anonymous namespace
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
wxWindowMac* WXUNUSED(parent),
wxWindowID id,
- const wxString& WXUNUSED(label),
+ const wxString& label,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
long WXUNUSED(style),
NSRect r = wxOSXGetFrameForControl( wxpeer, pos , size ) ;
wxNSButton* v = [[wxNSButton alloc] initWithFrame:r];
- if ( id == wxID_HELP )
+ // We can't display a custom label inside a button with help bezel style so
+ // we only use it if we are using the default label. wxButton itself checks
+ // if the label is just "Help" in which case it discards it and passes us
+ // an empty string.
+ if ( id == wxID_HELP && label.empty() )
[v setBezelStyle:NSHelpButtonBezelStyle];
[v setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
- wxWidgetCocoaImpl* c = new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );
- return c;
+ return new wxButtonCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetDefaultButton( bool isDefault )
- if ( isDefault && [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]] )
- // NOTE: setKeyEquivalent: nil will trigger an assert
- // instead do not call in that case.
- [(NSButton*)m_osxView setKeyEquivalent: @"\r" ];
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]] )
+ {
+ if ( isDefault )
+ [(NSButton*)m_osxView setKeyEquivalent: @"\r" ];
+ else
+ [(NSButton*)m_osxView setKeyEquivalent: @"" ];
+ }
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::PerformClick()
+ if ([m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSControl class]])
+ [(NSControl*)m_osxView performClick:nil];
+wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateBitmapButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
+ wxWindowMac* WXUNUSED(parent),
+ wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
+ NSRect r = wxOSXGetFrameForControl( wxpeer, pos , size ) ;
+ wxNSButton* v = [[wxNSButton alloc] initWithFrame:r];
+ SetBezelStyleFromBorderFlags(v, style);
+ if (bitmap.Ok())
+ [v setImage:bitmap.GetNSImage() ];
+ [v setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
+ wxWidgetCocoaImpl* c = new wxButtonCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );
+ return c;
+#endif // wxUSE_BMPBUTTON
// wxDisclosureButton implementation
- (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect) frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
- [self setBezelStyle:NSSmallSquareBezelStyle];
isOpen = NO;
[self setImagePosition:NSImageLeft];
[self updateImage];
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateDisclosureTriangle( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
wxWindowMac* WXUNUSED(parent),
- wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
+ wxWindowID WXUNUSED(winid),
const wxString& label,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
- long WXUNUSED(style),
+ long style,
long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
NSRect r = wxOSXGetFrameForControl( wxpeer, pos , size ) ;
wxDisclosureNSButton* v = [[wxDisclosureNSButton alloc] initWithFrame:r];
- [v setTitle:wxCFStringRef( label).AsNSString()];
- wxDisclosureTriangleCocoaImpl* c = new wxDisclosureTriangleCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );
- return c;
+ if ( !label.empty() )
+ [v setTitle:wxCFStringRef(label).AsNSString()];
+ SetBezelStyleFromBorderFlags(v, style);
+ return new wxDisclosureTriangleCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );