wxDataViewModel is the base class for all data model to be
displayed by a \helpref{wxDataViewCtrl}{wxdataviewctrl}.
-Currently, this class has no functionality at all and the
-only existing implementation of it is the
-\helpref{wxDataViewListModel}{wxdataviewlistmodel}. The
-plan is to move all functionality of wxDataViewListModel
-and a to-be-written wxDataViewTreeModel into wxDataViewModel
-and make wxDataViewListModel and wxDataViewTreeModel subsets
-of the abstract wxDataViewModel.
-\wxheading{Derived from}
-\wxheading{Include files}
-wxDataViewListModel is currently the only existing variant
-of a \helpref{wxDataViewModel}{wxdataviewmodel}. It allows
-to define a table like data model to be displayed by a
-\helpref{wxDataViewCtrl}{wxdataviewctrl}. You need to derive
-from this class to define your own data model.
+All other models derive from it and must implement its
+pure virtual functions in order to define a complete
+data model. In detail, you need to override
+\helpref{GetColumnType}{wxdataviewmodelgetcolumntype} and
+\helpref{GetValue}{wxdataviewmodelgetvalue} in order to
+define the data model which acts as an interface between
+your actual data and the wxDataViewCtrl. Since you will
+usually also allow the wxDataViewCtrl to change your data
+through its graphical interface, you will also have to override
+\helpref{SetValue}{wxdataviewmodelsetvalue} which the
+wxDataViewCtrl will call when a change to some data has been
+wxDataViewModel (as indeed the entire wxDataViewCtrl
+code) is using \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant} to store data and
+its type in a generic way. wxVariant can be extended to contain
+almost any data without changes to the original class.
+The data that is presented through this data model is expected
+to change at run-time. You need to inform the data model when
+a change happened. Depending on what happened you need to call
+one of the following methods:
+Note that wxDataViewModel does not define the position or
+index of any item in the control since several control might
+display the data differently, but wxDataViewModel does
+provide a \helpref{Compare}{wxdataviewmodelcompare} method
+which the wxDataViewCtrl may use to sort the data either
+in conjunction with a column header or without (see
This class maintains a list of
which link this class to the specific implementations on the
-supported platforms so that e.g. calling {\it ValueChanged()}
+supported platforms so that e.g. calling
on this model will just call
-for each notifier that has been added. This is used both for
-informing the native controls to redraw themselves and for informing
-e.g. the \helpref{wxDataViewSortedListModel}{wxdataviewsortedlistmodel}
-to resort itself. You can also add your own notifier in order
-to get informed about any changes to the data in the list model.
-Additionally, this class maintains a list of all
-\helpref{wxDataViewColumns}{wxdataviewcolumn} which
-display a certain column of this list model. This is
-mostly used internally.
+for each notifier that has been added. You can also add
+your own notifier in order to get informed about any changes
+to the data in the list model.
+Currently wxWidgets provides the following models apart
+from the base model:
+It is planned to add helper classes for simple tree
+and list stores in the future.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
-\func{void}{AddNotifier}{\param{wxDataViewListModelNotifier* }{notifier}}
-Adds {\it notifier} to the internal list of notifers.
-See also \helpref{RemoveNotifier}{{wxdataviewlistmodelremovenotifier}.
-\func{void}{AddViewingColumn}{\param{wxDataViewColumn* }{view\_column}, \param{unsigned int }{model\_column}}
-Used internally. Used for maintaining a list of
-\helpref{wxDataViewColumn}{wxdataviewcolumn} that
-display a certain column of this model.
-Call this if all data in your model has been cleared.
-\func{virtual wxString}{GetColType}{\param{unsigned int }{col}}
-Override this to indicate what type of data is stored in the
-column specified by {\it col}. This should return a string
-indicating the type of data as reported by \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant}.
-\func{virtual unsigned int}{GetNumberOfCols}{\void}
-Override this to indicate, how many columns the list
-model has.
-\func{virtual unsigned int}{GetNumberOfRows}{\void}
-Override this to indicate, how many rows the list
-model has.
-\func{virtual void}{GetValue}{\param{wxVariant\& }{variant}, \param{unsigned int }{col}, \param{unsigned int }{row}}
-Override this to indicate the value of a given value
-in the list model. A \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant}
-is used to store the data.
-\func{void}{RemoveNotifier}{\param{wxDataViewListModelNotifier* }{notifier}}
+Destructor. This should not be called directly. Use DecRef() instead.
-Removes the notifier from the list of notifiers.
-See also \helpref{AddNotifier}{{wxdataviewlistmodeladdnotifier}.
+\func{void}{AddNotifier}{\param{wxDataViewModelNotifier* }{notifier}}
-\func{void}{RemoveViewingColumn}{\param{wxDataViewColumn* }{column}}
+Adds a \helpref{wxDataViewModelNotifier}{wxdataviewmodelnotifier}
+to the model.
-Used internally. Used for maintaining a list of
-\helpref{wxDataViewColumn}{wxdataviewcolumn} that
-display a certain column of this model.
+\func{virtual bool}{Cleared}{\void}
-\func{virtual bool}{RowAppended}{\void}
+Called to inform the model that all data has been deleted.
-Call this if a row has been appended to the list model.
+\func{virtual int}{Compare}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item1}, \param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item2}, \param{unsigned int }{column}, \param{bool }{ascending}}
-\func{virtual bool}{RowChanged}{\param{unsigned int }{row}}
+The compare function to be used by control. The default compare function
+sorts by container and other items separately and in ascending order.
+Override this for a different sorting behaviour.
-Call this if the values of this row have been changed.
+See also \helpref{HasDefaultCompare}{wxdataviewmodelhasdefaultcompare}.
-\func{virtual bool}{RowDeleted}{\param{unsigned int }{row}}
+\constfunc{virtual unsigned int}{GetColumnCount}{\void}
-Call this if this row has been deleted.
+Override this to indicate the number of columns in the model.
-\func{virtual bool}{RowInserted}{\param{unsigned int }{before}}
+\constfunc{virtual wxString}{GetColumnType}{\param{unsigned int }{col}}
-Call this if a row has been inserted.
+Override this to indicate what type of data is stored in the
+column specified by {\it col}. This should return a string
+indicating the type of data as reported by \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant}.
-\func{virtual bool}{RowPrepended}{\void}
+\constfunc{virtual unsigned int}{GetChildren}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}, \param{wxDataViewItemArray\& }{children} }
-Call this if a row has been prepended.
+Override this so the control can query the child items of
+an item. Returns the number of items.
-\func{virtual bool}{RowsReordered}{\param{unsigned int* }{new\_order}}
+\constfunc{virtual wxDataViewItem}{GetParent}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}}
-Call this if the rows have been reorderd.
+Override this to indicate which wxDataViewItem representing the parent
+of {\it item} or an invalid wxDataViewItem if {\it item} is the root item.
-\func{virtual bool}{SetValue}{\param{wxVariant\& }{variant}, \param{unsigned int }{col}, \param{unsigned int }{row}}
+\constfunc{virtual void}{GetValue}{\param{wxVariant\& }{variant}, \param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}, \param{unsigned int }{col}}
-This method gets called by e.g. the wxDataViewCtrl class if a
-value has been changed through its graphical interface. You
-need to override this method in order to update the data in
-the underlying data structur. Afterwards,
-\helpref{ValueChanged}{wxdataviewlistmodelvaluechanged} is called.
+Override this to indicate the value of {\it item}
+A \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant} is used to store the data.
+\constfunc{virtual bool}{HasDefaultCompare}{\void}
-\func{virtual bool}{ValueChanged}{\param{unsigned int }{col}, \param{unsigned int }{row}}
+Override this to indicate that the model provides a default compare
+function that the control should use if no wxDataViewColumn has been
+chosen for sorting. Usually, the user clicks on a column header for
+sorting, the data will be sorted alphanumerically. If any other
+order (e.g. by index or order of appearance) is required, then this
+should be used. See also \helpref{wxDataViewIndexListModel}{wxdataviewindexlistmodel}
+for a model which makes use of this.
-Call this if a value in the model has been changed.
+\constfunc{virtual bool}{IsContainer}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}}
+Override this to indicate of {\it item} is a container, i.e. if
+it can have child items.
-This class is used for sorting data. It does not contain any
-data itself. Rather, it provides a sorted interface for
-another list model.
-Currently, the sorting algorithm isn't thread safe. This needs
-to be fixed.
+\func{virtual bool}{ItemAdded}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{parent}, \param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}}
-\wxheading{Derived from}
+Call this to inform the model that an item has been added
+to the data.
-\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{virtual bool}{ItemChanged}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}}
+Call this to inform the model that an item has changed.
-\func{}{wxDataViewSortedListModel}{\param{wxDataViewListModel* }{child}}
+\func{virtual bool}{ItemDeleted}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{parent}, \param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}}
-Constructor. {\it child} is the child data model the data of
-which this model is supposed to present in a sorted way.
+Call this to inform the model that an item has been deleted.
+\func{void}{RemoveNotifier}{\param{wxDataViewModelNotifier* }{notifier}}
+Remove the {\it notifier} from the list of notifiers.
+\func{virtual void}{Resort}{\void}
-Returns true if the data is sorted in ascending order.
+Call this to initiate a resort after the sort function has
+been changed.
+\func{virtual bool}{SetValue}{\param{const wxVariant\& }{variant}, \param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}, \param{unsigned int }{col}}
-Tell the model to resort its data.
+This gets called in order to set a value in the data model.
+The most common scenario is that the wxDataViewCtrl calls
+this method after the user changed some data in the view.
+Afterwards \helpref{ValueChanged}{wxdataviewmodelvaluechanged}
+has to be called!
-\func{void}{SetAscending}{\param{bool }{ascending}}
+\func{virtual bool}{ValueChanged}{\param{const wxDataViewItem\& }{item}, \param{unsigned int }{col}}
-Set the sort order of the data.
+Call this to inform this model that a value in
+the model has been changed.