+"Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via `wx.Sizer.Add`, you have
+to specify a lot of flags and parameters which can be unwieldy. This
+is where wx.SizerFlags comes in: it allows you to specify all
+parameters using the named methods instead. For example, instead of::
+ sizer.Add(ctrl, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10)
+you can now write::
+ sizer.AddF(ctrl, wx.SizerFlags().Expand().Border(wx.ALL, 10))
+This is more readable and also allows you to create wx.SizerFlags
+objects which can be reused for several sizer items.::
+ flagsExpand = wx.SizerFlags(1)
+ flagsExpand.Expand().Border(wx.ALL, 10)
+ sizer.AddF(ctrl1, flagsExpand)
+ sizer.AddF(ctrl2, flagsExpand)
+Note that by specification, all methods of wx.SizerFlags return the
+wx.SizerFlags object itself allowing chaining multiple method calls
+like in the examples above.", "");
+class wxSizerFlags
+ // construct the flags object initialized with the given proportion (0 by
+ // default)
+ DocCtorStr(
+ wxSizerFlags(int proportion = 0),
+ "Constructs the flags object with the specified proportion.", "");
+ ~wxSizerFlags();
+ // This typemap ensures that the returned object is the same
+ // Python instance as what was passed in as `self`, instead of
+ // creating a new proxy as SWIG would normally do.
+ %typemap(out) wxSizerFlags& { $result = $self; Py_INCREF($result); }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Proportion(int proportion),
+ "Sets the item's proportion value.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Align(int alignment),
+ "Sets the item's alignment", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Expand(),
+ "Sets the wx.EXPAND flag, which will cause the item to be expanded to
+fill as much space as it is given by the sizer.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Centre(),
+ "Same as `Center` for those with an alternate dialect of English.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Center(),
+ "Sets the centering alignment flags.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Left(),
+ "Aligns the object to the left, a shortcut for calling
+Align(wx.ALIGN_LEFT)", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Right(),
+ "Aligns the object to the right, a shortcut for calling
+Align(wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Top(),
+ "Aligns the object to the top of the available space, a shortcut for
+calling Align(wx.ALIGN_TOP)", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Bottom(),
+ "Aligns the object to the bottom of the available space, a shortcut for
+calling Align(wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM)", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Shaped(),
+ "Sets the wx.SHAPED flag.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , FixedMinSize(),
+ "Sets the wx.FIXED_MINSIZE flag.", "");
+ %extend {
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , Border(int direction=wxALL, int borderInPixels=-1),
+ "Sets the border of the item in the direction(s) or sides given by the
+direction parameter. If the borderInPixels value is not given then
+the default border size (see `GetDefaultBorder`) will be used.", "")
+ {
+ if (borderInPixels == -1)
+ return self->Border(direction);
+ else
+ return self->Border(direction, borderInPixels);
+ }
+ }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , DoubleBorder(int direction = wxALL),
+ "Sets the border in the given direction to twice the default border
+size.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , TripleBorder(int direction = wxALL),
+ "Sets the border in the given direction to three times the default
+border size.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , HorzBorder(),
+ "Sets the left and right borders to the default border size.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxSizerFlags& , DoubleHorzBorder(),
+ "Sets the left and right borders to twice the default border size.", "");
+ // Clear the typemap
+ %typemap(out) wxSizerFlags& ;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ static int , GetDefaultBorder(),
+ "Returns the default border size used by the other border methods", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetProportion() const,
+ "Returns the proportion value to be used in the sizer item.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetFlags() const,
+ "Returns the flags value to be used in the sizer item.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetBorderInPixels() const,
+ "Returns the border value in pixels to be used in the sizer item.", "");
"The wx.SizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other
-attributes of each item managed by a `wx.Sizer`. In normal usage user
-code should never need to deal directly with a wx.SizerItem, but
-custom classes derived from `wx.PySizer` will probably need to use the
-collection of wx.SizerItems held by wx.Sizer when calculating layout.
+attributes of each item managed by a `wx.Sizer`. It is not usually
+necessary to use this class because the sizer elements can also be
+identified by their positions or window or sizer references but
+sometimes it may be more convenient to use wx.SizerItem directly.
+Also, custom classes derived from `wx.PySizer` will probably need to
+use the collection of wx.SizerItems held by wx.Sizer when calculating
:see: `wx.Sizer`, `wx.GBSizerItem`", "");
:see: `wx.SizerItemSpacer`, `wx.SizerItemWindow`, `wx.SizerItemSizer`", "");
+ ~wxSizerItem();
%extend {
int border, PyObject* userData=NULL ),
"Constructs a `wx.SizerItem` for tracking a subsizer", "");
+ %disownarg( wxSizer *sizer );
%RenameCtor(SizerItemSizer, wxSizerItem( wxSizer *sizer, int proportion, int flag,
int border, PyObject* userData=NULL ))
return new wxSizerItem(sizer, proportion, flag, border, data);
+ %cleardisown( wxSizer *sizer );
wxWindow *, GetWindow(),
"Get the window (if any) that is managed by this sizer item.", "");
- DocDeclStr(
- void , SetWindow( wxWindow *window ),
- "Set the window to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
wxSizer *, GetSizer(),
"Get the subsizer (if any) that is managed by this sizer item.", "");
- void , SetSizer( wxSizer *sizer ),
- "Set the subsizer to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ wxSize , GetSpacer(),
+ "Get the size of the spacer managed by this sizer item.", "");
- const wxSize& , GetSpacer(),
- "Get the size of the spacer managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ void , SetWindow( wxWindow *window ),
+ "Set the window to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ %disownarg( wxSizer *sizer );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetSizer( wxSizer *sizer ),
+ "Set the subsizer to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ %cleardisown( wxSizer *sizer );
void , SetSpacer( const wxSize &size ),
"Set the size of the spacer to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ %pythoncode {
+ SetWindow = wx._deprecated(SetWindow, "Use `AssignWindow` instead.")
+ SetSizer = wx._deprecated(SetSizer, "Use `AssignSizer` instead.")
+ SetSpacer = wx._deprecated(SetSpacer, "Use `AssignSpacer` instead.")
+ }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , AssignWindow(wxWindow *window),
+ "Set the window to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , AssignSizer(wxSizer *sizer),
+ "Set the subsizer to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , AssignSpacer(const wxSize& size),
+ "Set the size of the spacer to be managed by this sizer item.", "");
void , Show( bool show ),
+ %property(Border, GetBorder, SetBorder, doc="See `GetBorder` and `SetBorder`");
+ %property(Flag, GetFlag, SetFlag, doc="See `GetFlag` and `SetFlag`");
+ %property(MinSize, GetMinSize, doc="See `GetMinSize`");
+ %property(MinSizeWithBorder, GetMinSizeWithBorder, doc="See `GetMinSizeWithBorder`");
+ %property(Position, GetPosition, doc="See `GetPosition`");
+ %property(Proportion, GetProportion, SetProportion, doc="See `GetProportion` and `SetProportion`");
+ %property(Ratio, GetRatio, SetRatio, doc="See `GetRatio` and `SetRatio`");
+ %property(Rect, GetRect, doc="See `GetRect`");
+ %property(Size, GetSize, doc="See `GetSize`");
+ %property(Sizer, GetSizer, AssignSizer, doc="See `GetSizer` and `AssignSizer`");
+ %property(Spacer, GetSpacer, AssignSpacer, doc="See `GetSpacer` and `AssignSpacer`");
+ %property(UserData, GetUserData, SetUserData, doc="See `GetUserData` and `SetUserData`");
+ %property(Window, GetWindow, AssignWindow, doc="See `GetWindow` and `AssignWindow`");
"wx.Sizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in
a window. You cannot use wx.Sizer directly; instead, you will have to
use one of the sizer classes derived from it such as `wx.BoxSizer`,
-`wx.StaticBoxSizer`, `wx.NotebookSizer`, `wx.GridSizer`, `wx.FlexGridSizer`
-and `wx.GridBagSizer`.
+`wx.StaticBoxSizer`, `wx.GridSizer`, `wx.FlexGridSizer` and
The concept implemented by sizers in wxWidgets is closely related to
layout tools in other GUI toolkits, such as Java's AWT, the GTK
class wxSizer : public wxObject {
// wxSizer(); **** abstract, can't instantiate
- // ~wxSizer();
+ ~wxSizer();
%extend {
void _setOORInfo(PyObject* _self) {
- **sizer**: The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This
allows placing a child sizer in a sizer and thus to create
- hierarchies of sizers (typically a vertical box as the top
+ hierarchies of sizers (for example a vertical box as the top
sizer and several horizontal boxes on the level beneath).
- **size**: A `wx.Size` or a 2-element sequence of integers
wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
if ( userData && (info.window || info.sizer || info.gotSize) )
data = new wxPyUserData(userData);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
// Now call the real Add method if a valid item type was found
return NULL;
-// virtual wxSizerItem* AddSpacer(int size);
-// virtual wxSizerItem* AddStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
+ DocAStr(AddF,
+ "AddF(self, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem",
+ "Similar to `Add` but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class for
+setting the various flags, options and borders.", "");
+ wxSizerItem* AddF(PyObject* item, wxSizerFlags& flags) {
+ wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
+ wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ // Now call the real Add method if a valid item type was found
+ if ( info.window )
+ return self->Add(info.window, flags);
+ else if ( info.sizer )
+ return self->Add(info.sizer, flags);
+ else if (info.gotSize)
+ return self->Add(info.size.GetWidth(), info.size.GetHeight(),
+ flags.GetProportion(),
+ flags.GetFlags(),
+ flags.GetBorderInPixels());
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
"Insert(self, int before, item, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0,
wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
if ( userData && (info.window || info.sizer || info.gotSize) )
data = new wxPyUserData(userData);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
// Now call the real Insert method if a valid item type was found
-// virtual wxSizerItem* InsertSpacer(size_t index, int size);
-// virtual wxSizerItem* InsertStretchSpacer(size_t index, int prop = 1);
+ DocAStr(InsertF,
+ "InsertF(self, int before, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem",
+ "Similar to `Insert`, but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class
+for setting the various flags, options and borders.", "");
+ wxSizerItem* InsertF(int before, PyObject* item, wxSizerFlags& flags) {
+ wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
+ wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ // Now call the real Insert method if a valid item type was found
+ if ( info.window )
+ return self->Insert(before, info.window, flags);
+ else if ( info.sizer )
+ return self->Insert(before, info.sizer, flags);
+ else if (info.gotSize)
+ return self->Insert(before, info.size.GetWidth(), info.size.GetHeight(),
+ flags.GetProportion(),
+ flags.GetFlags(),
+ flags.GetBorderInPixels());
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
"Prepend(self, item, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0,
wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
if ( userData && (info.window || info.sizer || info.gotSize) )
data = new wxPyUserData(userData);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
// Now call the real Prepend method if a valid item type was found
return NULL;
-// virtual wxSizerItem* PrependSpacer(int size);
-// virtual wxSizerItem* PrependStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
+ DocAStr(PrependF,
+ "PrependF(self, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem",
+ "Similar to `Prepend` but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class
+for setting the various flags, options and borders.", "");
+ wxSizerItem* PrependF(PyObject* item, wxSizerFlags& flags) {
+ wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, true, false);
+ if ( info.sizer )
+ PyObject_SetAttrString(item,"thisown",Py_False);
+ wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ // Now call the real Add method if a valid item type was found
+ if ( info.window )
+ return self->Prepend(info.window, flags);
+ else if ( info.sizer )
+ return self->Prepend(info.sizer, flags);
+ else if (info.gotSize)
+ return self->Prepend(info.size.GetWidth(), info.size.GetHeight(),
+ flags.GetProportion(),
+ flags.GetFlags(),
+ flags.GetBorderInPixels());
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
"Remove(self, item) -> bool",
wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, false, true);
if ( info.window )
- return self->Remove(info.window);
+ return false; //self->Remove(info.window);
else if ( info.sizer )
return self->Remove(info.sizer);
else if ( info.gotPos )
- "GetItem(self, item) -> wx.SizerItem",
+ "GetItem(self, item, recursive=False) -> wx.SizerItem",
"Returns the `wx.SizerItem` which holds the *item* given. The *item*
parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of
the item to be found.", "");
- wxSizerItem* GetItem(PyObject* item) {
+ wxSizerItem* GetItem(PyObject* item, bool recursive=false) {
wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
wxPySizerItemInfo info = wxPySizerItemTypeHelper(item, false, true);
if ( info.window )
- return self->GetItem(info.window);
+ return self->GetItem(info.window, recursive);
else if ( info.sizer )
- return self->GetItem(info.sizer);
+ return self->GetItem(info.sizer, recursive);
else if ( info.gotPos )
return self->GetItem(info.pos);
+ %Rename(_ReplaceWin,
+ bool, Replace( wxWindow *oldwin, wxWindow *newwin, bool recursive = false ));
+ %Rename(_ReplaceSizer,
+ bool, Replace( wxSizer *oldsz, wxSizer *newsz, bool recursive = false ));
+ %Rename(_ReplaceItem,
+ bool, Replace( size_t index, wxSizerItem *newitem ));
+ %pythoncode {
+ def Replace(self, olditem, item, recursive=False):
+ """
+ Detaches the given ``olditem`` from the sizer and replaces it with
+ ``item`` which can be a window, sizer, or `wx.SizerItem`. The
+ detached child is destroyed only if it is not a window, (because
+ windows are owned by their parent, not the sizer.) The
+ ``recursive`` parameter can be used to search for the given
+ element recursivly in subsizers.
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
+ call `Layout` to do so.
+ Returns ``True`` if the child item was found and removed.
+ """
+ if isinstance(olditem, wx.Window):
+ return self._ReplaceWin(olditem, item, recursive)
+ elif isinstance(olditem, wx.Sizer):
+ return self._ReplaceSizer(olditem, item, recursive)
+ elif isinstance(olditem, int):
+ return self._ReplaceItem(olditem, item)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Expected Window, Sizer, or integer for first parameter.")
+ }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetContainingWindow(wxWindow *window),
+ "Set (or unset) the window this sizer is used in.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxWindow *, GetContainingWindow() const,
+ "Get the window this sizer is used in.", "");
%pythoncode {
def SetItemMinSize(self, item, *args):
return self._SetItemMinSize(item, args[0])
+ %disownarg( wxSizerItem *item );
wxSizerItem* , Add( wxSizerItem *item ),
"AddItem(self, SizerItem item)",
"Prepends a `wx.SizerItem` to the sizer.", "",
+ %cleardisown( wxSizerItem *item );
%pythoncode {
item = (item, )
+ def AddSpacer(self, *args, **kw):
+ """AddSpacer(int size) --> SizerItem
+ Add a spacer that is (size,size) pixels.
+ """
+ if args and type(args[0]) == int:
+ return self.Add( (args[0],args[0] ), 0)
+ else: %# otherwise stay compatible with old AddSpacer
+ return self.Add(*args, **kw)
+ def PrependSpacer(self, *args, **kw):
+ """PrependSpacer(int size) --> SizerItem
+ Prepend a spacer that is (size, size) pixels."""
+ if args and type(args[0]) == int:
+ return self.Prepend( (args[0],args[0] ), 0)
+ else: %# otherwise stay compatible with old PrependSpacer
+ return self.Prepend(*args, **kw)
+ def InsertSpacer(self, index, *args, **kw):
+ """InsertSpacer(int index, int size) --> SizerItem
+ Insert a spacer at position index that is (size, size) pixels."""
+ if args and type(args[0]) == int:
+ return self.Insert( index, (args[0],args[0] ), 0)
+ else: %# otherwise stay compatible with old InsertSpacer
+ return self.Insert(index, *args, **kw)
+ def AddStretchSpacer(self, prop=1):
+ """AddStretchSpacer(int prop=1) --> SizerItem
+ Add a stretchable spacer."""
+ return self.Add((0,0), prop)
+ def PrependStretchSpacer(self, prop=1):
+ """PrependStretchSpacer(int prop=1) --> SizerItem
+ Prepend a stretchable spacer."""
+ return self.Prepend((0,0), prop)
+ def InsertStretchSpacer(self, index, prop=1):
+ """InsertStretchSpacer(int index, int prop=1) --> SizerItem
+ Insert a stretchable spacer."""
+ return self.Insert(index, (0,0), prop)
%# for backwards compatibility only, please do not use in new code
def AddWindow(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Add`."""
def AddSizer(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Add`."""
return self.Add(*args, **kw)
- def AddSpacer(self, *args, **kw):
- """Compatibility alias for `Add`."""
- return self.Add(*args, **kw)
def PrependWindow(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Prepend`."""
def PrependSizer(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Prepend`."""
return self.Prepend(*args, **kw)
- def PrependSpacer(self, *args, **kw):
- """Compatibility alias for `Prepend`."""
- return self.Prepend(*args, **kw)
def InsertWindow(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Insert`."""
def InsertSizer(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Insert`."""
return self.Insert(*args, **kw)
- def InsertSpacer(self, *args, **kw):
- """Compatibility alias for `Insert`."""
- return self.Insert(*args, **kw)
def RemoveWindow(self, *args, **kw):
"""Compatibility alias for `Remove`."""
"IsShown(self, item)",
- "Determines if the item is currently shown. sizer. To make a sizer
+ "Determines if the item is currently shown. To make a sizer
item disappear or reappear, use Show followed by `Layout`. The *item*
parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of
the item.", "");
void , ShowItems(bool show),
"Recursively call `wx.SizerItem.Show` on all sizer items.", "");
- // TODO:
- // void Show(bool show);
- // bool IsShown();
+ %property(Children, GetChildren, doc="See `GetChildren`");
+ %property(ContainingWindow, GetContainingWindow, SetContainingWindow, doc="See `GetContainingWindow` and `SetContainingWindow`");
+ %property(MinSize, GetMinSize, SetMinSize, doc="See `GetMinSize` and `SetMinSize`");
+ %property(Position, GetPosition, doc="See `GetPosition`");
+ %property(Size, GetSize, doc="See `GetSize`");
", "");
class wxPySizer : public wxSizer {
- %pythonAppend wxPySizer "self._setCallbackInfo(self, PySizer);self._setOORInfo(self)"
+ %pythonAppend wxPySizer "self._setOORInfo(self);" setCallbackInfo(PySizer)
void , SetOrientation(int orient),
"Resets the orientation of the sizer.", "");
+ %property(Orientation, GetOrientation, SetOrientation, doc="See `GetOrientation` and `SetOrientation`");
wxStaticBox *, GetStaticBox(),
"Returns the static box associated with this sizer.", "");
+ %property(StaticBox, GetStaticBox, doc="See `GetStaticBox`");
int , GetHGap(),
"Returns the horizontal gap (in pixels) between cells in the sizer.", "");
+ %pythoncode {
+ def CalcRowsCols(self):
+ """
+ CalcRowsCols() -> (rows, cols)
+ Calculates how many rows and columns will be in the sizer based
+ on the current number of items and also the rows, cols specified
+ in the constructor.
+ """
+ nitems = len(self.GetChildren())
+ rows = self.GetRows()
+ cols = self.GetCols()
+ assert rows != 0 or cols != 0, "Grid sizer must have either rows or columns fixed"
+ if cols != 0:
+ rows = (nitems + cols - 1) / cols
+ elif rows != 0:
+ cols = (nitems + rows - 1) / rows
+ return (rows, cols)
+ }
+ %property(Cols, GetCols, SetCols, doc="See `GetCols` and `SetCols`");
+ %property(HGap, GetHGap, SetHGap, doc="See `GetHGap` and `SetHGap`");
+ %property(Rows, GetRows, SetRows, doc="See `GetRows` and `SetRows`");
+ %property(VGap, GetVGap, SetVGap, doc="See `GetVGap` and `SetVGap`");
growable or not in the flexbile direction.
========================== =================================================
-Note that this method does not trigger relayout.
-", "");
+Note that this method does not trigger relayout.", "");
wxFlexSizerGrowMode , GetNonFlexibleGrowMode(),
"Returns a list of integers representing the widths of each of the
columns in the sizer.", "");
+ %property(ColWidths, GetColWidths, doc="See `GetColWidths`");
+ %property(FlexibleDirection, GetFlexibleDirection, SetFlexibleDirection, doc="See `GetFlexibleDirection` and `SetFlexibleDirection`");
+ %property(NonFlexibleGrowMode, GetNonFlexibleGrowMode, SetNonFlexibleGrowMode, doc="See `GetNonFlexibleGrowMode` and `SetNonFlexibleGrowMode`");
+ %property(RowHeights, GetRowHeights, doc="See `GetRowHeights`");
wxButton* GetNegativeButton() const;
wxButton* GetCancelButton() const;
wxButton* GetHelpButton() const;
+ %property(AffirmativeButton, GetAffirmativeButton, SetAffirmativeButton, doc="See `GetAffirmativeButton` and `SetAffirmativeButton`");
+ %property(ApplyButton, GetApplyButton, doc="See `GetApplyButton`");
+ %property(CancelButton, GetCancelButton, SetCancelButton, doc="See `GetCancelButton` and `SetCancelButton`");
+ %property(HelpButton, GetHelpButton, doc="See `GetHelpButton`");
+ %property(NegativeButton, GetNegativeButton, SetNegativeButton, doc="See `GetNegativeButton` and `SetNegativeButton`");