// Created: 2004-09-25
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Jaakko Salli
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
wxAdvImageFileProperty::~wxAdvImageFileProperty ()
// Delete old image
- if ( m_pImage )
- {
- delete m_pImage;
- m_pImage = (wxImage*) NULL;
- }
+ wxDELETE(m_pImage);
void wxAdvImageFileProperty::OnSetValue()
// Delete old image
- if ( m_pImage )
- {
- delete m_pImage;
- m_pImage = (wxImage*) NULL;
- }
+ wxDELETE(m_pImage);
wxString imagename = GetValueAsString(0);
- if ( m_pImage )
- {
- delete m_pImage;
- m_pImage = (wxImage*) NULL;
- }
+ wxDELETE(m_pImage);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
EVT_MENU( ID_DELETEALL, FormMain::OnClearClick )
EVT_MENU( ID_ENABLE, FormMain::OnEnableDisable )
- EVT_MENU( ID_HIDE, FormMain::OnHideShow )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SETREADONLY, FormMain::OnSetReadOnly )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_HIDE, FormMain::OnHide )
EVT_MENU( ID_ITERATE1, FormMain::OnIterate1Click )
EVT_MENU( ID_ITERATE2, FormMain::OnIterate2Click )
EVT_MENU( ID_ITERATE3, FormMain::OnIterate3Click )
EVT_MENU( ID_ITERATE4, FormMain::OnIterate4Click )
EVT_MENU( ID_SETBGCOLOUR, FormMain::OnSetBackgroundColour )
EVT_MENU( ID_SETBGCOLOURRECUR, FormMain::OnSetBackgroundColour )
EVT_MENU( ID_CLEARMODIF, FormMain::OnClearModifyStatusClick )
wxPGProperty* property = event.GetProperty();
const wxString& name = property->GetName();
- wxVariant value = property->GetValue();
+ // Properties store values internally as wxVariants, but it is preferred
+ // to use the more modern wxAny at the interface level
+ wxAny value = property->GetValue();
// Don't handle 'unspecified' values
if ( value.IsNull() )
+ //
+ // FIXME-VC6: In order to compile on Visual C++ 6.0, wxANY_AS()
+ // macro is used. Unless you want to support this old
+ // compiler in your own code, you can use the more
+ // nicer form value.As<FOO>() instead of
+ // wxANY_AS(value, FOO).
+ //
// Some settings are disabled outside Windows platform
if ( name == wxT("X") )
- SetSize ( m_pPropGridManager->GetPropertyValueAsInt(property), -1, -1, -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
+ SetSize( wxANY_AS(value, int), -1, -1, -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
else if ( name == wxT("Y") )
// wxPGVariantToInt is safe long int value getter
- SetSize ( -1, value.GetLong(), -1, -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
+ SetSize ( -1, wxANY_AS(value, int), -1, -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
else if ( name == wxT("Width") )
- SetSize ( -1, -1, m_pPropGridManager->GetPropertyValueAsInt(property), -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
+ SetSize ( -1, -1, wxANY_AS(value, int), -1, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
else if ( name == wxT("Height") )
- SetSize ( -1, -1, -1, value.GetLong(), wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
+ SetSize ( -1, -1, -1, wxANY_AS(value, int), wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING );
else if ( name == wxT("Label") )
- SetTitle ( m_pPropGridManager->GetPropertyValueAsString(property) );
+ SetTitle( wxANY_AS(value, wxString) );
else if ( name == wxT("Password") )
if ( name == wxT("Font") )
- wxFont font;
- font << value;
+ wxFont font = wxANY_AS(value, wxFont);
wxASSERT( font.Ok() );
m_pPropGridManager->SetFont( font );
if ( name == wxT("Margin Colour") )
- wxColourPropertyValue cpv;
- cpv << value;
+ wxColourPropertyValue cpv = wxANY_AS(value, wxColourPropertyValue);
m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->SetMarginColour( cpv.m_colour );
else if ( name == wxT("Cell Colour") )
- wxColourPropertyValue cpv;
- cpv << value;
+ wxColourPropertyValue cpv = wxANY_AS(value, wxColourPropertyValue);
m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->SetCellBackgroundColour( cpv.m_colour );
else if ( name == wxT("Line Colour") )
- wxColourPropertyValue cpv;
- cpv << value;
+ wxColourPropertyValue cpv = wxANY_AS(value, wxColourPropertyValue);
m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->SetLineColour( cpv.m_colour );
else if ( name == wxT("Cell Text Colour") )
- wxColourPropertyValue cpv;
- cpv << value;
+ wxColourPropertyValue cpv = wxANY_AS(value, wxColourPropertyValue);
m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->SetCellTextColour( cpv.m_colour );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Height"), wxPG_ATTR_MAX, (long)2048 );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Height"), wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, wxT("Pixels") );
- // Set value to unspecified so that InlineHelp attribute will be demonstrated
- pg->SetPropertyValueUnspecified(wxT("Height"));
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Height"), wxPG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP, wxT("Enter new height for window") );
- pg->SetPropertyHelpString(wxT("Height"), wxT("This property uses attributes \"Units\" and \"InlineHelp\".") );
+ // Set value to unspecified so that Hint attribute will be demonstrated
+ pg->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("Height");
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute("Height", wxPG_ATTR_HINT,
+ "Enter new height for window" );
+ // Difference between hint and help string is that the hint is shown in
+ // an empty value cell, while help string is shown either in the
+ // description text box, as a tool tip, or on the status bar.
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString("Height",
+ "This property uses attributes \"Units\" and \"Hint\"." );
pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Width"),wxPG_LABEL,640) );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Width"), wxPG_ATTR_MIN, (long)10 );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Width"), wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, wxT("Pixels") );
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("Width"), wxPG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP, wxT("Enter new width for window") );
- pg->SetPropertyHelpString(wxT("Width"), wxT("This property uses attributes \"Units\" and \"InlineHelp\".") );
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute("Width", wxPG_ATTR_HINT,
+ "Enter new width for window" );
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString("Width",
+ "This property uses attributes \"Units\" and \"Hint\"." );
pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("X"),wxPG_LABEL,10) );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("X"), wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, wxT("Pixels") );
soc.Add( wxT("Look, it continues"), 200 );
soc.Add( wxT("Even More"), 240 );
soc.Add( wxT("And More"), 280 );
+ soc.Add( "", 300 );
soc.Add( wxT("True End of the List"), 320 );
// Test custom colours ([] operator of wxPGChoices returns
pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 3"),wxPG_LABEL,
soc, 240 ) );
+ // Test Hint attribute in EnumProperty
+ pg->GetProperty("EnumProperty 3")->SetAttribute("Hint", "Dummy Hint");
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString("EnumProperty 3",
+ "This property uses \"Hint\" attribute.");
// 'soc' plus one exclusive extra choice "4th only"
pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 4"),wxPG_LABEL,
soc, 240 ) );
"Choice not in the list") );
+ // Test Hint attribute in EditEnumProperty
+ pg->GetProperty("EditEnumProperty")->SetAttribute("Hint", "Dummy Hint");
//wxString v_;
//wxTextValidator validator1(wxFILTER_NUMERIC,&v_);
//pg->SetPropertyValidator( wxT("EditEnumProperty"), validator1 );
wxPropertyGridManager* pgman = m_pPropGridManager;
wxPropertyGridPage* pg = pgman->GetPage(wxT("wxWidgets Library Config"));
+ // Set custom column proportions (here in the sample app we need
+ // to check if the grid has wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER style. You usually
+ // need not to do it in your application).
+ if ( pgman->HasFlag(wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER) )
+ {
+ pg->SetColumnProportion(0, 3);
+ pg->SetColumnProportion(1, 1);
+ }
wxPGProperty* cat;
wxBitmap bmp = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_REPORT_VIEW);
pid = pg->Append( new wxPropertyCategory( wxT("wxWidgets Library Configuration") ) );
pg->SetPropertyCell( pid, 0, wxPG_LABEL, bmp );
+ // Both of following lines would set a label for the second column
+ pg->SetPropertyCell( pid, 1, "Is Enabled" );
+ pid->SetValue("Is Enabled");
ADD_WX_LIB_CONF_GROUP(wxT("Global Settings"))
ADD_WX_LIB_CONF_GROUP(wxT("Unicode Support"))
ADD_WX_LIB_CONF_GROUP(wxT("Global Features"))
m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->SetVerticalSpacing( 2 );
+ //
+ // Set somewhat different unspecified value appearance
+ wxPGCell cell;
+ cell.SetText("Unspecified");
+ cell.SetFgCol(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
+ m_propGrid->SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(cell);
// Change some attributes in all properties
m_itemEnable = menuTools1->Append(ID_ENABLE, wxT("Enable"),
wxT("Toggles item's enabled state.") );
m_itemEnable->Enable( FALSE );
- menuTools1->Append(ID_HIDE, wxT("Hide"), wxT("Shows or hides a property") );
+ menuTools1->Append(ID_HIDE, "Hide", "Hides a property" );
+ menuTools1->Append(ID_SETREADONLY, "Set as Read-Only",
+ "Set property as read-only" );
menuTools2->Append(ID_ITERATE1, wxT("Iterate Over Properties") );
menuTools2->Append(ID_ITERATE2, wxT("Iterate Over Visible Items") );
menuTools2->Append(ID_ITERATE3, wxT("Reverse Iterate Over Properties") );
menuTools2->Append(ID_ITERATE4, wxT("Iterate Over Categories") );
+ menuTools2->Append(ID_ONEXTENDEDKEYNAV, "Extend Keyboard Navigation",
+ "This will set Enter to navigate to next property, "
+ "and allows arrow keys to navigate even when in "
+ "editor control.");
+ menuTools2->AppendSeparator();
menuTools2->Append(ID_SETPROPERTYVALUE, wxT("Set Property Value") );
menuTools2->Append(ID_CLEARMODIF, wxT("Clear Modified Status"), wxT("Clears wxPG_MODIFIED flag from all properties.") );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void FormMain::OnExtendedKeyNav( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ // Use AddActionTrigger() and DedicateKey() to set up Enter,
+ // Up, and Down keys for navigating between properties.
+ wxPropertyGrid* propGrid = m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid();
+ propGrid->AddActionTrigger(wxPG_ACTION_NEXT_PROPERTY,
+ propGrid->DedicateKey(WXK_RETURN);
+ // Up and Down keys are alredy associated with navigation,
+ // but we must also prevent them from being eaten by
+ // editor controls.
+ propGrid->DedicateKey(WXK_UP);
+ propGrid->DedicateKey(WXK_DOWN);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FormMain::OnFitColumnsClick( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
wxPropertyGridPage* page = m_pPropGridManager->GetCurrentPage();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FormMain::OnHideShow( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+void FormMain::OnSetReadOnly( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
- wxPGProperty* id = m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->GetSelection();
- if ( !id )
+ wxPGProperty* p = m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->GetSelection();
+ if ( !p )
wxMessageBox(wxT("First select a property."));
+ m_pPropGridManager->SetPropertyReadOnly(p);
- if ( m_pPropGridManager->IsPropertyShown( id ) )
- {
- m_pPropGridManager->HideProperty( id, true );
- m_itemEnable->SetItemLabel( wxT("Show") );
- }
- else
- {
- m_pPropGridManager->HideProperty( id, false );
- m_itemEnable->SetItemLabel( wxT("Hide") );
- }
- wxPropertyGridPage* curPage = m_pPropGridManager->GetCurrentPage();
- // Check for bottomY precalculation validity
- unsigned int byPre = curPage->GetVirtualHeight();
- unsigned int byAct = curPage->GetActualVirtualHeight();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( byPre != byAct )
+void FormMain::OnHide( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ wxPGProperty* id = m_pPropGridManager->GetGrid()->GetSelection();
+ if ( !id )
- wxLogDebug(wxT("VirtualHeight is %u, should be %u"), byPre, byAct);
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("First select a property."));
+ return;
+ m_pPropGridManager->HideProperty( id, true );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FormMain::OnSelectStyle( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
- int style;
- int extraStyle;
+ int style = 0;
+ int extraStyle = 0;
wxArrayString chs;