High Priority
-- Work out why XFreeFont in font.cpp produces a segv. This is
- currently commented out, which presumably causes a memory leak.
+- Have a central/per app file for colour settings, with a wxWin
+ app to allow changing settings interactively.
- Colour setting in widgets (almost done). Should scrollbars take
on the background colour? Not right for e.g. wxScrolledWindows,
- Miscellaneous events.
-- Thread classes (copy wxGTK's).
-- Write makefiles for all samples and utilities.
-- Create some samples for testing.
Low Priority
+- Work out why XFreeFont in font.cpp produces a segv. This is
+ currently commented out, which presumably causes a memory leak.
- Better makefile system that can put objects in different dirs.
- Extra wxBitmap formats: PNG, BMP. Could use old wxWin 1.68