- // places buttons into a horizontal wxBoxSizer
- wxSizer* CreateButtonSizer( long flags,
- bool separated = false,
- wxCoord distance = 0 );
+ // returns a horizontal wxBoxSizer containing the given buttons
+ //
+ // notice that the returned sizer can be NULL if no buttons are put in the
+ // sizer (this mostly happens under smart phones and other atypical
+ // platforms which have hardware buttons replacing OK/Cancel and such)
+ %Rename(_CreateButtonSizer,
+ wxSizer* , CreateButtonSizer( long flags ));
+ %pythoncode {
+ def CreateButtonSizer(self, flags, *ignored):
+ return self._CreateButtonSizer(flags)
+ }
+ // returns the sizer containing CreateButtonSizer() below a separating
+ // static line for the platforms which use static lines for items
+ // separation (i.e. not Mac)
+ wxSizer *CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(long flags);