"mac_framework" : (False, "Install the Mac build as a framework"),
: (defFwPrefix, "Prefix where the framework should be installed. Default: %s" % defFwPrefix),
+ "cairo" : (False, "Enable dynamicly loading the Cairo lib for wxGraphicsContext on MSW"),
"no_config" : (False, "Turn off configure step on autoconf builds"),
"config_only" : (False, "Only run the configure step and then exit"),
"rebake" : (False, "Regenerate Bakefile and autoconf files"),
"cocoa" : (False, "Build the old Mac Cooca port."),
"osx_cocoa" : (False, "Build the new Cocoa port"),
"shared" : (False, "Build wx as a dynamic library"),
- "cairo" : (False, "Build support for wxCairoContext (always true on GTK+)"),
"extra_make" : ("", "Extra args to pass on [n]make's command line."),
"features" : ("", "A comma-separated list of wxUSE_XYZ defines on Win, or a list of configure flags on unix."),
"verbose" : (False, "Print commands as they are run, (to aid with debugging this script)"),
# plus the framework specific dir structure.
prefixDir = getPrefixInFramework(options)
configure_opts.append("--prefix=" + prefixDir)
+ # the framework build adds symlinks above the installDir + prefixDir folder
+ # so we need to wipe from the framework root instead of inside the prefixDir.
+ frameworkRootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(installDir + prefixDir, "..", ".."))
+ if os.path.exists(frameworkRootDir):
+ if os.path.exists(frameworkRootDir):
+ shutil.rmtree(frameworkRootDir)
if options.mac_universal_binary:
flags["wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU"] = "1"
if options.cairo:
+ if not os.environ.get("CAIRO_ROOT"):
+ print "WARNING: Expected CAIRO_ROOT set in the environment!"
flags["wxUSE_CAIRO"] = "1"
if options.wxpython:
if VERSION >= (2,9):
mswIncludeDir = os.path.join(wxRootDir, "include", "wx", "msw")
setup0File = os.path.join(mswIncludeDir, "setup0.h")
+ if options.shared:
+ args.append("SHARED=1")
+ if options.cairo:
+ args.append(
+ "CPPFLAGS=/I%s" %
+ os.path.join(os.environ.get("CAIRO_ROOT", ""), 'include\\cairo'))
wxBuilder = builder.MSVCBuilder()
if options.clean:
print "Performing cleanup."
- wxBuilder.clean()
- if options.wxpython:
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.clean(os.path.join(contribDir, "gizmos")), "Error building gizmos")
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.clean(os.path.join(contribDir, "stc")), "Error building stc")
+ wxBuilder.clean(dir=buildDir, options=args)
if options.extra_make:
- args.append("--jobs=" + options.jobs)
+ if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ args.append("--jobs=" + options.jobs)
exitIfError(wxBuilder.build(dir=buildDir, options=args), "Error building")
- if options.wxpython and os.path.exists(contribDir):
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.build(os.path.join(contribDir, "gizmos"), options=args), "Error building gizmos")
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.build(os.path.join(contribDir, "stc"),options=args), "Error building stc")
if options.install:
if installDir:
extra = ['DESTDIR='+installDir]
- wxBuilder.install(dir=buildDir, options=extra)
- if options.wxpython and os.path.exists(contribDir):
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.install(os.path.join(contribDir, "gizmos"), options=extra), "Error building gizmos")
- exitIfError(wxBuilder.install(os.path.join(contribDir, "stc"), options=extra), "Error building stc")
+ wxBuilder.install(dir=buildDir, options=extra)
if options.install and options.mac_framework:
fwname = getFrameworkName(options)
version = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --release")
+ version_full = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --version")
basename = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --basename")
configname = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --selected-config")
- run("ln -s -f bin Resources")
+ os.makedirs("Resources")
+ wxplist = dict(
+ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion="English",
+ CFBundleIdentifier='org.wxwidgets.wxosxcocoa',
+ CFBundleName=fwname,
+ CFBundleVersion=version_full,
+ CFBundleExecutable=fwname,
+ CFBundleGetInfoString="%s %s" % (fwname, version_full),
+ CFBundlePackageType="FMWK",
+ CFBundleSignature="WXCO",
+ CFBundleShortVersionString=version_full,
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion="6.0",
+ )
+ import plistlib
+ plistlib.writePlist(wxplist, os.path.join(frameworkRootDir, "Resources", "Info.plist"))
# we make wx the "actual" library file and link to it from libwhatever.dylib
# so that things can link to wx and survive minor version changes
renameLibrary("lib/lib%s-%s.dylib" % (basename, version), fwname)
run("ln -s -f lib/%s.dylib %s" % (fwname, fwname))
- run("ln -s -f include/wx Headers")
+ run("ln -s -f include Headers")
for lib in ["GL", "STC", "Gizmos", "Gizmos_xrc"]:
libfile = "lib/lib%s_%s-%s.dylib" % (basename, lib.lower(), version)
headers = ""
header_dir = "wx-%s/wx" % version
for include in glob.glob(header_dir + "/*.h"):
- headers += "wx/" + os.path.basename(include) + "\n"
+ headers += "#include <wx/" + os.path.basename(include) + ">\n"
- framework_header = open("wx.h", "w")
+ framework_header = open("%s.h" % fwname, "w")
framework_header.write(header_template % headers)
run("ln -s -f %s wx" % header_dir)
- run("ln -s -f ../../../lib/wx/include/%s/wx/setup.h wx/setup.h" % configname)
+ os.chdir("wx-%s/wx" % version)
+ run("ln -s -f ../../../lib/wx/include/%s/wx/setup.h setup.h" % configname)
- os.chdir(os.path.join(frameworkRootDir, "..", ".."))
- run("ln -s -f %s Versions/Current" % getWxRelease())
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(frameworkRootDir, ".."))
+ run("ln -s -f %s Current" % getWxRelease())
+ os.chdir("..")
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Headers Headers")
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Resources Resources")
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/%s %s" % (fwname, fwname))
if __name__ == '__main__':
exitWithException = False # use sys.exit instead
main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])