- Usually only the number of columns in the flex grid sizer needs to be
- specified using @a cols argument. The number of rows will be deduced
- automatically depending on the number of the elements added to the
- sizer.
- If a constructor form with @a rows parameter is used (and the value of
- @a rows argument is not zero, meaning "unspecified") the sizer will
- check that no more than @c cols*rows elements are added to it, i.e.
- that no more than the given number of @a rows is used. Adding less than
- maximally allowed number of items is not an error however.
- The @a gap (or @a vgap and @a hgap, which correspond to the height and
- width of the wxSize object) argument defines the size of the padding
- between the rows (its vertical component, or @a vgap) and columns
- (its horizontal component, or @a hgap), in pixels.