#include "wx/settings.h"
#include "wx/msgdlg.h"
#include "wx/module.h"
+ #include "wx/sizer.h"
#include "wx/print.h"
#include "wx/html/htmprint.h"
#include "wx/wxhtml.h"
#include "wx/wfstream.h"
+#include "wx/infobar.h"
+// default font size of normal text (HTML font size 0) for printing, in points:
+// CSS specification offer following guidance on dealing with pixel sizes
+// when printing at
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/CR-CSS21-20040225/syndata.html#length-units:
+// Pixel units are relative to the resolution of the viewing device, i.e.,
+// most often a computer display. If the pixel density of the output
+// device is very different from that of a typical computer display, the
+// user agent should rescale pixel values. It is recommended that the [
+// reference pixel] be the visual angle of one pixel on a device with a
+// pixel density of 96dpi and a distance from the reader of an arm's
+// length. For a nominal arm's length of 28 inches, the visual angle is
+// therefore about 0.0213 degrees.
+// For reading at arm's length, 1px thus corresponds to about 0.26 mm
+// (1/96 inch). When printed on a laser printer, meant for reading at a
+// little less than arm's length (55 cm, 21 inches), 1px is about 0.20 mm.
+// On a 300 dots-per-inch (dpi) printer, that may be rounded up to 3 dots
+// (0.25 mm); on a 600 dpi printer, it can be rounded to 5 dots.
+// See also http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/10942.
+#define TYPICAL_SCREEN_DPI 96.0
// wxHtmlDCRenderer
m_Parser = new wxHtmlWinParser();
m_FS = new wxFileSystem();
-void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetDC(wxDC *dc, double pixel_scale)
+void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetDC(wxDC *dc, double pixel_scale, double font_scale)
m_DC = dc;
- m_Parser->SetDC(m_DC, pixel_scale);
+ m_Parser->SetDC(m_DC, pixel_scale, font_scale);
void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetSize(int width, int height)
+ wxCHECK_RET( width, "width must be non-zero" );
+ wxCHECK_RET( height, "height must be non-zero" );
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetHtmlText(const wxString& html, const wxString& basepath, bool isdir)
- if (m_DC == NULL) return;
+ wxCHECK_RET( m_DC, "SetDC() must be called before SetHtmlText()" );
+ wxCHECK_RET( m_Width, "SetSize() must be called before SetHtmlText()" );
- if (m_Cells != NULL) delete m_Cells;
+ wxDELETE(m_Cells);
m_FS->ChangePathTo(basepath, isdir);
m_Cells = (wxHtmlContainerCell*) m_Parser->Parse(html);
const int *sizes)
m_Parser->SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes);
- if (m_DC == NULL && m_Cells != NULL)
+ if ( m_Cells )
+ // else: SetHtmlText() not yet called, no need for relayout
void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetStandardFonts(int size,
const wxString& fixed_face)
m_Parser->SetStandardFonts(size, normal_face, fixed_face);
- if (m_DC == NULL && m_Cells != NULL)
+ if ( m_Cells )
+ // else: SetHtmlText() not yet called, no need for relayout
int wxHtmlDCRenderer::Render(int x, int y,
wxArrayInt& known_pagebreaks,
int from, int dont_render, int to)
- int pbreak, hght;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_Cells, 0, "SetHtmlText() must be called before Render()" );
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_DC, 0, "SetDC() must be called before Render()" );
- if (m_Cells == NULL || m_DC == NULL) return 0;
+ int pbreak, hght;
pbreak = (int)(from + m_Height);
- while (m_Cells->AdjustPagebreak(&pbreak, known_pagebreaks)) {}
+ while (m_Cells->AdjustPagebreak(&pbreak, known_pagebreaks, m_Height)) {}
hght = pbreak - from;
if(to < hght)
hght = to;
m_DC->SetClippingRegion(x, y, m_Width, hght);
x, (y - from),
- y, pbreak + (y /*- from*/),
+ y, y + hght,
else return GetTotalHeight();
+int wxHtmlDCRenderer::GetTotalWidth() const
+ return m_Cells ? m_Cells->GetWidth() : 0;
-int wxHtmlDCRenderer::GetTotalHeight()
+int wxHtmlDCRenderer::GetTotalHeight() const
- if (m_Cells) return m_Cells->GetHeight();
- else return 0;
+ return m_Cells ? m_Cells->GetHeight() : 0;
m_Renderer = new wxHtmlDCRenderer;
m_RendererHdr = new wxHtmlDCRenderer;
- m_NumPages = wxHTML_PRINT_MAX_PAGES;
+ m_NumPages = INT_MAX;
m_Document = m_BasePath = wxEmptyString; m_BasePathIsDir = true;
m_Headers[0] = m_Headers[1] = wxEmptyString;
m_Footers[0] = m_Footers[1] = wxEmptyString;
m_HeaderHeight = m_FooterHeight = 0;
SetMargins(); // to default values
+wxHtmlPrintout::CheckFit(const wxSize& pageArea, const wxSize& docArea) const
+ // Nothing to do if the contents fits horizontally.
+ if ( docArea.x <= pageArea.x )
+ return true;
+ // Otherwise warn the user more or less intrusively depending on whether
+ // we're previewing or printing:
+ if ( wxPrintPreview * const preview = GetPreview() )
+ {
+ // Don't annoy the user too much when previewing by using info bar
+ // instead of a dialog box.
+ wxFrame * const parent = preview->GetFrame();
+ wxCHECK_MSG( parent, false, "No parent preview frame?" );
+ wxSizer * const sizer = parent->GetSizer();
+ wxCHECK_MSG( sizer, false, "Preview frame should be using sizers" );
+ wxInfoBar * const bar = new wxInfoBar(parent);
+ sizer->Add(bar, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ // Note that the message here is similar to the one below but not
+ // exactly the same, notably we don't use the document title here
+ // because it's already clear which document it pertains to and the
+ // title may be long enough to make the text not fit in the window.
+ bar->ShowMessage
+ (
+ _("This document doesn't fit on the page horizontally and "
+ "will be truncated when it is printed."),
+ );
+#endif // wxUSE_INFOBAR
+ }
+ else // We're going to really print and not just preview.
+ {
+ // This is our last chance to warn the user that the output will be
+ // mangled so do show a message box.
+ wxMessageDialog
+ dlg
+ (
+ wxString::Format
+ (
+ _("The document \"%s\" doesn't fit on the page "
+ "horizontally and will be truncated if printed.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Would you like to proceed with printing it nevertheless?"),
+ GetTitle()
+ ),
+ _("Printing"),
+ );
+ dlg.SetExtendedMessage
+ (
+ _("If possible, try changing the layout parameters to "
+ "make the printout more narrow.")
+ );
+ dlg.SetOKLabel(wxID_PRINT);
+ if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void wxHtmlPrintout::OnPreparePrinting()
- int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, scr_w, scr_h, dc_w, dc_h;
+ int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, dc_w, dc_h;
float ppmm_h, ppmm_v;
GetPageSizePixels(&pageWidth, &pageHeight);
int ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY;
GetPPIPrinter(&ppiPrinterX, &ppiPrinterY);
+ wxUnusedVar(ppiPrinterX);
int ppiScreenX, ppiScreenY;
GetPPIScreen(&ppiScreenX, &ppiScreenY);
+ wxUnusedVar(ppiScreenX);
- wxDisplaySize(&scr_w, &scr_h);
GetDC()->GetSize(&dc_w, &dc_h);
- GetDC()->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth, (double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth);
+ GetDC()->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth,
+ (double)dc_h / (double)pageHeight);
/* prepare headers/footers renderer: */
- m_RendererHdr->SetDC(GetDC(), (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
+ m_RendererHdr->SetDC(GetDC(),
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / TYPICAL_SCREEN_DPI,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
m_RendererHdr->SetSize((int) (ppmm_h * (mm_w - m_MarginLeft - m_MarginRight)),
(int) (ppmm_v * (mm_h - m_MarginTop - m_MarginBottom)));
if (m_Headers[0] != wxEmptyString)
/* prepare main renderer: */
- m_Renderer->SetDC(GetDC(), (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
- m_Renderer->SetSize((int) (ppmm_h * (mm_w - m_MarginLeft - m_MarginRight)),
- (int) (ppmm_v * (mm_h - m_MarginTop - m_MarginBottom) -
- m_FooterHeight - m_HeaderHeight -
- ((m_HeaderHeight == 0) ? 0 : m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v) -
- ((m_FooterHeight == 0) ? 0 : m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v)
- ));
+ m_Renderer->SetDC(GetDC(),
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / TYPICAL_SCREEN_DPI,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
+ const int printAreaW = int(ppmm_h * (mm_w - m_MarginLeft - m_MarginRight));
+ int printAreaH = int(ppmm_v * (mm_h - m_MarginTop - m_MarginBottom));
+ if ( m_HeaderHeight )
+ printAreaH -= int(m_HeaderHeight + m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v);
+ if ( m_FooterHeight )
+ printAreaH -= int(m_FooterHeight + m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v);
+ m_Renderer->SetSize(printAreaW, printAreaH);
m_Renderer->SetHtmlText(m_Document, m_BasePath, m_BasePathIsDir);
- CountPages();
+ if ( CheckFit(wxSize(printAreaW, printAreaH),
+ wxSize(m_Renderer->GetTotalWidth(),
+ m_Renderer->GetTotalHeight())) || IsPreview() )
+ {
+ // do paginate the document
+ CountPages();
+ }
+ //else: if we don't call CountPages() m_PageBreaks remains empty and our
+ // GetPageInfo() will return 0 as max page and so nothing will be
+ // printed
bool wxHtmlPrintout::OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage)
bool wxHtmlPrintout::OnPrintPage(int page)
wxDC *dc = GetDC();
- if (dc)
+ if (dc && dc->IsOk())
if (HasPage(page))
RenderPage(dc, page);
int pos = 0;
m_NumPages = 0;
- // m_PageBreaks[0] = 0;
m_PageBreaks.Add( 0);
pos, true, INT_MAX);
m_PageBreaks.Add( pos);
- if( m_PageBreaks.GetCount() > wxHTML_PRINT_MAX_PAGES)
- {
- wxMessageBox( _("HTML pagination algorithm generated more than the allowed maximum number of pages and it can't continue any longer!"),
- _("Warning"), wxCANCEL | wxICON_ERROR );
- break;
- }
} while (pos < m_Renderer->GetTotalHeight());
wxBusyCursor wait;
- int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, scr_w, scr_h, dc_w, dc_h;
+ int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, dc_w, dc_h;
float ppmm_h, ppmm_v;
GetPageSizePixels(&pageWidth, &pageHeight);
GetPageSizeMM(&mm_w, &mm_h);
ppmm_h = (float)pageWidth / mm_w;
ppmm_v = (float)pageHeight / mm_h;
- wxDisplaySize(&scr_w, &scr_h);
dc->GetSize(&dc_w, &dc_h);
int ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY;
GetPPIScreen(&ppiScreenX, &ppiScreenY);
- dc->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth, (double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth);
+ dc->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth,
+ (double)dc_h / (double)pageHeight);
- m_Renderer->SetDC(dc, (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
+ m_Renderer->SetDC(dc,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / TYPICAL_SCREEN_DPI,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
- dc->SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
+ dc->SetBackgroundMode(wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT);
m_Renderer->Render((int) (ppmm_h * m_MarginLeft),
(int) (ppmm_v * (m_MarginTop + (m_HeaderHeight == 0 ? 0 : m_MarginSpace)) + m_HeaderHeight), m_PageBreaks,
m_PageBreaks[page-1], false, m_PageBreaks[page]-m_PageBreaks[page-1]);
- m_RendererHdr->SetDC(dc, (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
+ m_RendererHdr->SetDC(dc,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / TYPICAL_SCREEN_DPI,
+ (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY);
if (m_Headers[page % 2] != wxEmptyString)
m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Headers[page % 2], page));
m_PageSetupData->SetMarginTopLeft(wxPoint(25, 25));
m_PageSetupData->SetMarginBottomRight(wxPoint(25, 25));
- SetFonts(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, NULL);
// Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(*GetPrintData());
wxPrintPreview *preview = new wxPrintPreview(printout1, printout2, &printDialogData);
- if (!preview->Ok())
+ if (!preview->IsOk())
delete preview;
return false;
void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PageSetup()
- if (!GetPrintData()->Ok())
+ if (!GetPrintData()->IsOk())
wxLogError(_("There was a problem during page setup: you may need to set a default printer."));