Please note that the VC++ 6.0 project files will work for VC++ .NET also.
-Also note that you can make the project files work with VC++ 5.0 but you'll
-need to edit .dsp file by hand before this is possible (change the version in
-the .dsp file header from 6.0 to 5.0).
+VC++ 5.0 can also be used, providing Service Pack 3 is applied. Without it
+you will have trouble with internal compiler errors. It is available for
+download at:
Using project files (VC++ 6 and later):
corresponding 32-bit target for some files. Therefore after building
for one CPU it is necessary to clean the build before building the
equivalent target for another CPU. We've reported the problem to MS
- so maybe this will be fixed before VS 2005 ships.
+ but they say it is not possible to fix it.
3. To build, go to the 'Build' menu and choose 'Batch Build...'. Tick all the
all the 'x64|Debug' or all the 'Itanium|Debug' projects, and click 'Build'.
Using makefiles:
1. Open a 64-bit build command prompt, for either x64 or Itanium. Change
- directory to build\msw. Then for x64 type (note upper case):
+ directory to build\msw. Then for x64 type:
nmake -f TARGET_CPU=AMD64
See for more information.
-Borland C++ 5.0/5.5 compilation
+Borland C++ compilation
-Compiling using the makefiles (updated 24 Sept 02):
+The minimum version required is 5.5, which can be downloaded for free from:
+Compiling using the makefiles:
1. Change directory to build\msw. Type 'make -f makefile.bcc' to
make the wxWidgets core library. Ignore the compiler warnings.
Note (3): If you wish debug messages to be sent to the console in
debug mode, edit makefile.bcc and change /aa to /Tpe in link commands.
-Compiling using the IDE files for Borland C++ 5.0: not supported - please
-use version 2.4.1 (using the make utility in commandline mode works fine_
+Cmpilation succeeds with CBuilderX personal edition and CBuilder6, but
+you may have to copy make.exe from the 5.5 download to the new bin directory.
+Compiling using the IDE files for Borland C++ 5.0 and using CBuilder IDE
+(v1-v6): not supported
-Compiling using CBuilder (v1-v6): not supported - please
-use version 2.4.1 (using the make utility in commandline mode works fine_
cd build-debug
../configure --with-msw --enable-debug --enable-debug_gdb --disable-shared
- make install % This step is optional, see note (8) below.
+ make install % This step is optional, see note (6) below.
cd samples/minimal