+ // idle handling
+ // -------------
+ // make sure that idle events are sent again
+ virtual void WakeUpIdle();
+ // this virtual function is called when the application
+ // becomes idle and normally just sends wxIdleEvent to all interested
+ // parties
+ //
+ // it should return true if more idle events are needed, false if not
+ virtual bool ProcessIdle();
+ // Yield-related hooks
+ // -------------------
+ // process all currently pending events right now
+ //
+ // it is an error to call Yield() recursively unless the value of
+ // onlyIfNeeded is true
+ //
+ // WARNING: this function is dangerous as it can lead to unexpected
+ // reentrancies (i.e. when called from an event handler it
+ // may result in calling the same event handler again), use
+ // with _extreme_ care or, better, don't use at all!
+ bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = false);
+ virtual bool YieldFor(long eventsToProcess) = 0;
+ // returns true if the main thread is inside a Yield() call
+ virtual bool IsYielding() const
+ { return m_isInsideYield; }
+ // returns true if events of the given event category should be immediately
+ // processed inside a wxApp::Yield() call or rather should be queued for
+ // later processing by the main event loop
+ virtual bool IsEventAllowedInsideYield(wxEventCategory cat) const
+ { return (m_eventsToProcessInsideYield & cat) != 0; }
+ // no SafeYield hooks since it uses wxWindow which is not available when wxUSE_GUI=0
+ // active loop
+ // -----------
+ // return currently active (running) event loop, may be NULL
+ static wxEventLoopBase *GetActive() { return ms_activeLoop; }
+ // set currently active (running) event loop
+ static void SetActive(wxEventLoopBase* loop);