exit 1
+if [ ! "$UID" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo " WARNING: will be unable to change ownership of files"
+ echo " unless this script is run as root or via sudo"
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
# Check Parameters
echo ""
echo "optional command flags:"
echo " skiptar Don't unpack the tarball"
- echo " use_cvs Use the CVS workspace instead of a tarfile"
echo " skipconfig Don't run configure"
echo " skipbuild Don't build wxWidgets or wxPython"
echo " skipinstall Don't do the installation step"
for flag in $*; do
case ${flag} in
skiptar) skiptar=1 ;;
- use_cvs) skiptar=1; use_cvs=1 ;;
skipconfig) skipconfig=1; skiptar=1 ;;
skipbuild) skipbuild=1; skipconfig=1; skiptar=1 ;;
skipinstall) skipinstall=1 ;;
+if [ -z "$TARBALLDIR" ]; then
+ # this is a spot on my fileserver where the tarballs go, adjust
+ # as needed for where you put the wxPython tarball...
+ TARBALLDIR=/stuff/Development/wxPython/dist/$VERSION
WXROOT=`dirname $PWD`
PROGDIR="`dirname \"$0\"`"
tar xzf $TARBALL
-if [ "$use_cvs" = 1 ]; then
- # copy the cvs workspace, except for build dirs
- mkdir -p wxPythonSrc-$VERSION
- echo Finding updated files...
- if [ -e .last_copy ]; then
- FEXPR="-cnewer .last_copy"
- fi
- find $WXROOT $FEXPR -print \
- | grep -v $WXROOT/bld \
- | grep -v wxPython/build \
- | grep -v wxPython/_build \
- | grep -v CVS \
- | grep -v .pyc \
- | cut -b ${#MEASURE}- > filelist
- for x in `cat filelist`; do
- if [ -d "$WXROOT/$x" ]; then
- mkdir -p "wxPythonSrc-$VERSION/$x"
- else
- echo $x
- cp -p "$WXROOT/$x" "wxPythonSrc-$VERSION/$x"
- fi
- done
- touch .last_copy
cd wxPythonSrc-$VERSION
mkdir -p $WXDIR/bld
--with-mac \
--disable-monolithic \
--with-opengl \
- --enable-geometry \
- --enable-optimise \
--enable-sound \
--enable-display \
+ --enable-geometry \
--enable-precomp=no \
- \
- --with-libjpeg=builtin \
- --with-libpng=builtin \
- --with-libtiff=builtin \
- --with-zlib=builtin \
- \
+## --enable-optimise \
+## --with-libjpeg=builtin \
+## --with-libpng=builtin \
+## --with-libtiff=builtin \
+## --with-zlib=builtin \
# Build wxWidgets and wxPython
make -C contrib/src/stc
make -C contrib/src/xrc
- if [ ! -e $WXDIR/include/wx/gizmos ]; then
- # Make some links so the wxPython build can find all the headers it needs
- pushd $WXDIR/include/wx
- ln -s ../../contrib/include/wx/* .
- popd
- fi
+# if [ ! -e $WXDIR/include/wx/gizmos ]; then
+# # Make some links so the wxPython build can find all the headers it needs
+# pushd $WXDIR/include/wx
+# ln -s ../../contrib/include/wx/* .
+# popd
+# fi
# Build wxPython
cd $WXDIR/wxPython
$PYTHON setup.py \
- WX_CONFIG="$WXDIR/bld/wx-config --prefix=$WXDIR --exec-prefix=$WXDIR/bld" \
+ WX_CONFIG="$WXDIR/bld/wx-config --inplace" \
cp $WXDIR/bld/contrib/utils/wxrc/wxrc $INSTALLROOT$BINPREFIX
- # install the wxPython headers
- cd $WXDIR/wxPython
- mkdir -p $INSTALLROOT$PREFIX/include/wx/wxPython/i_files
- cp src/*.i $INSTALLROOT$PREFIX/include/wx/wxPython/i_files
# Set premissions for files in $INSTALLROOT
- chown -R root:admin $INSTALLROOT
- chmod -R g+w $INSTALLROOT
+ if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
+ chown -R root:admin $INSTALLROOT
+ chmod -R g+w $INSTALLROOT
+ fi
- Docs/wxDocs A folder containing the wxWidgets documentation
- bundled in .zip files, and a small wxPython
- application that can be used to view the docs.
- Just run viewer.pyw.
+ Docs/wxDocsViewer An application that allows you to view the
+ wxWidgets documentation.
Docs/licence License files.
- Docs/other A few readmes, change log, etc. The full
- documentation is downloadable separately.
+ Docs/other A few readmes, change log, etc.
Samples/samples Several small sample applications that
# wxDocs
- pushd $DMGDIR/root/Docs
+ pushd $BUILDROOT
tar xzvf $TARBALLDIR/wxPythonDocs-$VERSION.tar.gz
- mv wxPython-$VERSION/docs wxDocs
- rm -r wxPython-$VERSION
- mv wxDocs/viewdocs.py wxDocs/viewdocs.pyw
+ popd
+ # Make an app to launch viewdocs.py
+ $PYTHONW $PROGDIR/../buildapp.py \
+ --builddir=$DMGDIR/root/Docs \
+ --name=wxDocsViewer \
+ --mainprogram=$BUILDROOT/wxPython-$VERSION/docs/viewdocs.py \
+ --iconfile=$PROGDIR/Info.icns \
+ build
+ cp $BUILDROOT/wxPython-$VERSION/docs/*.zip $DMGDIR/root/Docs/wxDocsViewer.app/Contents/Resources
+ cat > "$DMGDIR/root/Docs/README 1st.txt" <<EOF
+The wxDocsViewer application needs to be copied to your Desktop (or
+someplace else you have write access to) before you can run it, so it
+can cache some indexes within its bundle.
# license files, docs, etc.
+ pushd $DMGDIR/root/Docs
cp -pR $SRCROOT/wxPython/licence .
cp -pR $SRCROOT/wxPython/docs .
rm -rf docs/bin