- # mount the shared folder?
- if [ -n "$OSX_MOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Mounting shared folder..."
- fi
- # Copy the src file
- echo "Copying source files..."
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDocs-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDemo-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
- # Untar it on the remote machine, and then run the build script
- echo "Unarchiving source file on $OSX_HOST..."
- ssh root@$OSX_HOST "cd $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE && tar xzf wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz && rm wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz"
- echo "Running build script on $OSX_HOST..."
- cmd=$wxdir/wxPython/distrib/all/build-osx
- ssh root@$OSX_HOST "cd $wxdir && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER"
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- ssh root@$OSX_HOST "cd $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE && rm wxPythonOSX*"
- # unmount?
- if [ -n "$OSX_UMOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Unmounting shared folder..."
- fi
+ echo "Copying source files and build script..."
+ ssh $OSX_HOST "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD && rm -rf $OSX_BUILD/*"
+ scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDocs-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDemo-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ distrib/all/build-osx \
+ echo "Running build script on $OSX_HOST..."
+ wxdir=$OSX_BUILD/wxPythonSrc-$VERSION
+ cmd=./build-osx
+ ssh root@$OSX_HOST "cd $OSX_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER && rm $cmd"
+ echo "Fetching the results..."
+ ssh $OSX_HOST "rm $OSX_BUILD/wxPythonOSX*"