cat 1>&2 <<EOF
wx-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--release] [--version-full]
- [--list] [--host=HOST] [--toolkit=TOOLKIT] [--universal[=yes|no]]
- [--unicode[=yes|no]] [--debug[=yes|no]] [--static[=yes|no]]
- [--version[=VERSION]] [--basename] [--cc] [--cppflags] [--cflags]
- [--cxxflags] [--rescomp] [--libs] [--cxx] [--ld] [--linkdeps]
- [--utility=UTIL] [LIB ...]
- wx-config returns information about the wxWidgets libraries available
- on your system. It may be used to retrieve the information you require
- to build applications using these libraries.
- If alternative builds of wxWidgets exist on the system, you can use the
- options: --prefix, --host, --toolkit, --unicode, --debug, --static,
- --version and --universal, to select from them. Use the --list option to
- show alternatives available which match specified criteria. The unicode,
- debug, and universal options take an optional yes or no argument, while
- host and version accept posix extended regex. The --utility option will
- return the correct version of UTIL to use with the selected library build.
- --linkdeps returns only static libraries for your makefile link rule deps.
- Optional LIB arguments (comma or space separated) may be used to specify
- the wxWidgets libraries that you wish to use. The magic "std" label may
- be used to import all libraries that would be used by default if none were
- specified explicitly. eg. wx-config --libs core,base.
+ [--list] [--selected-config] [--host=HOST] [--toolkit=TOOLKIT]
+ [--universal[=yes|no]] [--unicode[=yes|no]] [--debug[=yes|no]]
+ [--static[=yes|no]] [--version[=VERSION]] [--basename]
+ [--cc] [--cxx] [--cppflags [base]] [--cxxflags [base]] [--cflags]
+ [--rescomp] [--linkdeps] [--ld] [--utility=UTIL]
+ [--libs [LIBS...]] [--optional-libs [LIBS...]]
+ wx-config returns information about the wxWidgets libraries available on
+ your system. It may be used to retrieve the information required to build
+ applications using these libraries using --cppflags, --cxxflags, --cflags,
+ and --libs options.
+ If multiple builds of wxWidgets are available, you can use the options
+ --prefix, --host, --toolkit, --unicode, --debug, --static, --universal and
+ --version to select from them. The --selected-config option shows the name
+ of the current configuration and --list shows available alternatives which
+ match specified criteria. The --utility option returns the correct version
+ of UTIL to use with the selected build. The --linkdeps option returns only
+ static libraries for your makefile link rule dependencies.
+ The LIBS arguments (comma or space separated) may be used to specify the
+ wxWidgets libraries that you wish to use. The "std" label may be used to
+ import all libraries that would be used by default if none were specified
+ explicitly, e.g. wx-config --libs core,base. The "all" label may be used
+ to import all libraries that have been compiled which are shown in the
+ list below. The --optional-libs parameter should be followed by a list
+ of libs that should be linked to, but only if they are available.
+ Available libraries in this build are : @BUILT_WX_LIBS@
+ optional_libs
cc cxx ld
# validate_arg _domain _set _name _value
-# Boilerplate to validate an argument and initialise a psuedo-hash.
+# Boilerplate to validate an argument and initialise a pseudo-hash.
# This one is almost reduction into absurdity, and perhaps makes the
# precise action of the argument parser below just a little more
# obscure, but oh so neat and compact to use for multiple option
- # FIXME Surely we can validate the parameters too ...
- input_parameters="${input_parameters:+$input_parameters }$arg"
+ # We validate the parameters later ...
+ if [ "$_name" = "cxxflags" ] || [ "$_name" = "cppflags" ]; then
+ cxx_parameters="${cxx_parameters:+$cxx_parameters }$arg"
+ elif [ "$_name" = "libs" ]; then
+ libs_parameters="${libs_parameters:+$libs_parameters }$arg"
+ elif [ "$_name" = "optional_libs" ]; then
+ optional_libs_parameters="${optional_libs_parameters:+$optional_libs_parameters }$arg"
+ else
+ # These are unattached args and signify an error
+ input_parameters="${input_parameters:+$input_parameters }$arg"
+ fi
check_yesno_option debug debugtype debug release
check_yesno_option static linkage '-static'
+# Display error for unknown input parameters
+if [ $input_parameters ]; then
+ echo "Extra unknown input parameters : $input_parameters"
+ exit 1
# Dump everything we just read in debug mode.
if [ -n "$WXDEBUG" ]; then
- decho " input parameters = $input_parameters"
+ decho " input parameters = $input_parameters"
+ decho " libs parameters = $libs_parameters"
+ decho " optional-libs parameters = $optional_libs_parameters"
decho " input options = $input_options"
for i in $input_options; do
decho " $i = `eval echo \"\\\$input_option_$i\"`"
# not _cmd _args...
# true iff _cmd is false
-not() { if "$@"; then false; else true; fi }
+not() { if "$@"; then false; else true; fi; }
# do_find_best_delegate _unbound-options
# The real worker part of find_best_delegate below. Recurses though all
for d in `find_eligible_delegates "$_mask"`; do
decho " ${_fbd_indent} $d"
- fi
+ fi
count_delegates "$_mask"
echo " Specification matches legacy config: $_last_chance"
cat <<-EOF
- No config found to match: $config_spec
- in $wxconfdir
+ No config found to match: $config_spec
+ in $wxconfdir
- Please install the desired library build, or specify a different
- prefix where it may be found. If the library is not installed
- you may call its wx-config directly by specifying its full path.
+ Please install the desired library build, or specify a different
+ prefix where it may be found. If the library is not installed
+ you may call its wx-config directly by specifying its full path.
_legacy_args="$_legacy_args $arg"
_legacy_args="$_legacy_args --static"
cat 1>&2 <<-EOF
- Warning: No config found to match: $config_spec
- in $wxconfdir
- If you require this configuration, please install the desired
- library build. If this is part of an automated configuration
- test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.
- You may use wx-config --list to see all configs available in
- the default prefix.
+ Warning: No config found to match: $config_spec
+ in $wxconfdir
+ If you require this configuration, please install the desired
+ library build. If this is part of an automated configuration
+ test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.
+ You may use wx-config --list to see all configs available in
+ the default prefix.
# PIPEDREAM: from here we are actually just a teensy step
# from simply building the missing config for the user
if [ -n "$best_delegate" ]; then
if [ -n "$WXDEBUG" ]; then
decho " found a suitable delegate: $best_delegate"
decho "--> $wxconfdir/$best_delegate $*"
echo "@true"
decho "Warning: --rezflags, along with Mac OS classic resource building" \
"is deprecated. You should remove this from your Makefile and" \
- "build .app bundles instead."
+ "build .app bundles instead."
# lib_flags_for _liblist
match_field "$f" $_all_ldflags || _all_ldflags="$_all_ldflags $f"
- if match_field "$lib" @CORE_BASE_LIBS@ ; then
+ if match_field "$lib" @STD_BASE_LIBS@ ; then
is_cross && _target="-${target}"
for lib do
- if match_field "$lib" @CORE_BASE_LIBS@ ; then
+ if match_field "$lib" @STD_BASE_LIBS@ ; then
# Sanity check the list of libs the user provided us, if any.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
-wx_libs=`echo "$input_parameters" | tr ',' ' '`
+wx_libs=`echo "$libs_parameters" | tr ',' ' '`
+wx_optional_libs=`echo "$optional_libs_parameters" | tr ',' ' '`
+# Add the --optional-libs, if they've been compiled and aren't already added
+for i in $wx_optional_libs; do
+ if match_field $i @BUILT_WX_LIBS@; then
+ if not match_field $i $wx_libs; then
+ wx_libs="${wx_libs:+$wx_libs }$i"
+ fi
+ fi
[ -z "$WXDEBUG" ] || decho " user supplied libs: '$wx_libs'"
+# Assume we are using the GUI, unless --libs was specified with no GUI libs
if is_monolithic; then
- # Core libs are already built into the blob.
- for i in std @CORE_GUI_LIBS@ @CORE_BASE_LIBS@; do
- wx_libs=`remove_field $i $wx_libs`
- done
+ # Only add additional info if --libs was specified and not just --optional-libs
+ if [ -n "$output_option_libs" ]; then
+ # Core libs are already built into the blob.
+ for i in std @STD_GUI_LIBS@ @STD_BASE_LIBS@; do
+ wx_libs=`remove_field $i $wx_libs`
+ done
- wx_libs="@WXCONFIG_LDFLAGS_GUI@ `lib_flags_for $wx_libs`"
+ wx_libs="@WXCONFIG_LDFLAGS_GUI@ `lib_flags_for $wx_libs`"
- # We still need the core lib deps for a static build though
- if is_static; then
- link_deps="${libdir}/libwx_@TOOLCHAIN_NAME@.a"
- wx_libs="$wx_libs $link_deps $ldlibs_core @LIBS@"
- else
- wx_libs="$wx_libs -lwx_@TOOLCHAIN_NAME@"
+ # We still need the core lib deps for a static build though
+ if is_static; then
+ link_deps="${libdir}/libwx_@TOOLCHAIN_NAME@.a"
+ wx_libs="$wx_libs $link_deps $ldlibs_core $ldlibs_base"
+ else
+ wx_libs="$wx_libs -lwx_@TOOLCHAIN_NAME@"
+ fi
- using_gui=yes
else # MONOLITHIC = 0
- # Import everything by default, expand std if specified, or add base if omitted.
- if [ -z "$wx_libs" ]; then
+ # Import core libs by default, expand std if specified, or add base if omitted.
+ if [ -n "$output_option_libs" ] && [ -z "$libs_parameters" ]; then
+ wx_libs="@STD_GUI_LIBS@ @STD_BASE_LIBS@"
+ elif match_field all $wx_libs; then
+ wx_libs="@BUILT_WX_LIBS@"
elif match_field std $wx_libs; then
# Bubble any libs that were already specified to the end
# of the list and ensure static linking order is retained.
wx_libs=`remove_field std $wx_libs`
- for i in @CORE_GUI_LIBS@ @CORE_BASE_LIBS@; do
+ for i in @STD_GUI_LIBS@ @STD_BASE_LIBS@; do
wx_libs="`remove_field $i $wx_libs` $i"
elif not match_field base $wx_libs ; then
- wx_libs="$wx_libs base"
+ # Only add base if --libs was specified and not just --optional-libs
+ if [ -n "$output_option_libs" ]; then
+ wx_libs="$wx_libs base"
+ fi
- using_gui=no
- for i in $wx_libs ; do
- if match_field "$i" @CORE_GUI_LIBS@ ; then
- _guildflags="@WXCONFIG_LDFLAGS_GUI@"
- using_gui=yes
- break
- fi
- match_field "$i" @CORE_BASE_LIBS@ || using_gui=yes
- done
+ if [ -n "$output_option_libs" ]; then
+ using_gui=no
+ for i in $wx_libs ; do
+ if match_field "$i" @STD_GUI_LIBS@; then
+ _guildflags="@WXCONFIG_LDFLAGS_GUI@"
+ using_gui=yes
+ break
+ fi
+ match_field "$i" @STD_BASE_LIBS@ || using_gui=yes
+ done
+ fi
if is_static; then
link_deps=`link_deps_for $wx_libs`
+# If they explicitly set "--cxx(pp)flags base" then they don't want the GUI
+if [ "$cxx_parameters" = "base" ]; then
+ using_gui=no
if [ -n "$WXDEBUG" ]; then
decho " using libs: '$wx_libs'"
[ -z "$output_option_linkdeps" ] || echo $link_deps
if [ -n "$output_option_libs" ]; then
+ # if --libs [--optional-libs] then output the full linker information
is_cross &&
[ "x$libdir" = "x/usr/${target}/lib" ] ||
is_installed || [ -n "$flag_option_no_rpath" ] || _rpath="@WXCONFIG_RPATH@"
echo $_ldflags "@LDFLAGS@" $_rpath $wx_libs "@DMALLOC_LIBS@"
+elif [ -n "$output_option_optional_libs" ]; then
+ # if only --optional-libs then output just the libs
+ echo $wx_libs
case "@RESCOMP@" in
# Note that with late model windres, we could just insert
- # _include_cppflags here, but use the old notation for now
- # as it is more universally accepted.
+ # _include_cppflags here, but use the old notation for now
+ # as it is more universally accepted.
if is_installed; then
echo "@RESCOMP@ --include-dir" \
"${includedir}/wx-@WX_RELEASE@@WX_FLAVOUR@" \
echo "@RESCOMP@ --include-dir ${includedir}" \
"--include-dir ${prefix}/contrib/include" \