+#include "gtk/gtk.h"
+#include "wx/gtk/win_gtk.h"
+#include "gdk/gdk.h"
+#include "gdk/gdkprivate.h"
+#include "gdk/gdkx.h"
+// idle system
+extern void wxapp_install_idle_handler();
+extern bool g_isIdle;
+// data
+extern bool g_blockEventsOnDrag;
+extern bool g_blockEventsOnScroll;
+// local functions
+/* draw XOR rectangle when moving mine frame around */
+static void DrawFrame( GtkWidget *widget, int x, int y, int w, int h )
+ int org_x = 0;
+ int org_y = 0;
+ gdk_window_get_origin( widget->window, &org_x, &org_y );
+ x += org_x;
+ y += org_y;
+ GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( GDK_ROOT_PARENT() );
+ gdk_gc_set_subwindow( gc, GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS );
+ gdk_gc_set_function( gc, GDK_INVERT );
+ gdk_draw_rectangle( GDK_ROOT_PARENT(), gc, FALSE, x, y, w, h );
+ gdk_gc_unref( gc );
+// "expose_event" of m_mainWidget
+static void gtk_window_own_expose_callback( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *gdk_event, wxFrame *win )
+ if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler();
+ if (!win->m_hasVMT) return;
+ if (gdk_event->count > 0) return;
+ gtk_draw_shadow( widget->style,
+ widget->window,
+ 0, 0,
+ win->m_width, win->m_height );
+ if (!win->m_title.IsEmpty() &&
+ ((win->GetWindowStyle() & wxCAPTION) ||
+ (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ) ||
+ (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT)))
+ {
+ GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( widget->window );
+ GdkFont *font = wxSMALL_FONT->GetInternalFont(1.0);
+ int x = 2;
+ if (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxSYSTEM_MENU) x = 18;
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground( gc, &widget->style->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] );
+ gdk_draw_rectangle( widget->window, gc, TRUE,
+ x,
+ 3,
+ win->m_width - 4 - x,
+ font->ascent + font->descent+1 );
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground( gc, &widget->style->white );
+ gdk_draw_string( widget->window, font, gc,
+ x+2,
+ 3+font->ascent,
+ win->m_title.mb_str() );
+ gdk_gc_unref( gc );
+ }
+// "draw" of m_mainWidget
+static void gtk_window_own_draw_callback( GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *WXUNUSED(rect), wxFrame *win )
+ if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler();
+ if (!win->m_hasVMT) return;
+ gtk_draw_shadow( widget->style,
+ widget->window,
+ 0, 0,
+ win->m_width, win->m_height );
+ if (!win->m_title.IsEmpty() &&
+ ((win->GetWindowStyle() & wxCAPTION) ||
+ (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ) ||
+ (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT)))
+ {
+ GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( widget->window );
+ GdkFont *font = wxSMALL_FONT->GetInternalFont(1.0);
+ int x = 2;
+ if (win->GetWindowStyle() & wxSYSTEM_MENU) x = 17;
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground( gc, &widget->style->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] );
+ gdk_draw_rectangle( widget->window, gc, TRUE,
+ x,
+ 3,
+ win->m_width - 4 - x,
+ font->ascent + font->descent+1 );
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground( gc, &widget->style->white );
+ gdk_draw_string( widget->window, font, gc,
+ x+2,
+ 3+font->ascent,
+ win->m_title.mb_str() );
+ gdk_gc_unref( gc );
+ }
+// "button_press_event" of m_mainWidget
+static gint gtk_window_button_press_callback( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *gdk_event, wxMiniFrame *win )
+ if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler();
+ if (!win->m_hasVMT) return FALSE;
+ if (g_blockEventsOnDrag) return TRUE;
+ if (g_blockEventsOnScroll) return TRUE;
+ if (win->m_isDragging) return TRUE;
+ gdk_pointer_grab( widget->window, FALSE,
+ (GdkEventMask)
+ (GdkWindow *) NULL,
+ (GdkCursor *) NULL,
+ win->m_diffX = (int)gdk_event->x;
+ win->m_diffY = (int)gdk_event->y;
+ DrawFrame( widget, 0, 0, win->m_width, win->m_height );
+ win->m_oldX = 0;
+ win->m_oldY = 0;
+ win->m_isDragging = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;