- public:
- wxHtmlWinParser(wxWindow *wnd = NULL);
- ~wxHtmlWinParser();
- virtual void InitParser(const wxString& source);
- virtual void DoneParser();
- virtual wxObject* GetProduct();
- virtual void SetDC(wxDC *dc, double pixel_scale = 1.0) {m_DC = dc; m_PixelScale = pixel_scale;}
- // Set's the DC used for parsing. If SetDC() is not called,
- // parsing won't proceed
- wxDC *GetDC() {return m_DC;}
- double GetPixelScale() {return m_PixelScale;}
- int GetCharHeight() const {return m_CharHeight;}
- int GetCharWidth() const {return m_CharWidth;}
- // NOTE : these functions do _not_ return _actual_
- // height/width. They return h/w of default font
- // for this DC. If you want actual values, call
- // GetDC() -> GetChar...()
- wxWindow *GetWindow() {return m_Window;}
- // returns associated wxWindow
- void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes);
- // sets fonts to be used when displaying HTML page.
- static void AddModule(wxHtmlTagsModule *module);
- // Adds tags module. see wxHtmlTagsModule for details.
- // parsing-related methods. These methods are called by tag handlers:
- wxHtmlContainerCell *GetContainer() const {return m_Container;}
- // Returns pointer to actual container. Common use in tag handler is :
- // m_WParser -> GetContainer() -> InsertCell(new ...);
- wxHtmlContainerCell *OpenContainer();
- // opens new container. This container is sub-container of opened
- // container. Sets GetContainer to newly created container
- // and returns it.
- wxHtmlContainerCell *SetContainer(wxHtmlContainerCell *c);
- // works like OpenContainer except that new container is not created
- // but c is used. You can use this to directly set actual container
- wxHtmlContainerCell *CloseContainer();
- // closes the container and sets actual Container to upper-level
- // container
- int GetFontSize() const {return m_FontSize;}
- void SetFontSize(int s);
- int GetFontBold() const {return m_FontBold;}
- void SetFontBold(int x) {m_FontBold = x;}
- int GetFontItalic() const {return m_FontItalic;}
- void SetFontItalic(int x) {m_FontItalic = x;}
- int GetFontUnderlined() const {return m_FontUnderlined;}
- void SetFontUnderlined(int x) {m_FontUnderlined = x;}
- int GetFontFixed() const {return m_FontFixed;}
- void SetFontFixed(int x) {m_FontFixed = x;}
- wxString GetFontFace() const {return GetFontFixed() ? m_FontFaceFixed : m_FontFaceNormal;}
- void SetFontFace(const wxString& face);
- int GetAlign() const {return m_Align;}
- void SetAlign(int a) {m_Align = a;}
- const wxColour& GetLinkColor() const { return m_LinkColor; }
- void SetLinkColor(const wxColour& clr) { m_LinkColor = clr; }
- const wxColour& GetActualColor() const { return m_ActualColor; }
- void SetActualColor(const wxColour& clr) { m_ActualColor = clr ;}
- const wxHtmlLinkInfo& GetLink() const { return m_Link; }
- void SetLink(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
- void SetInputEncoding(wxFontEncoding enc);
- wxFontEncoding GetInputEncoding() const { return m_InputEnc; }
- wxFontEncoding GetOutputEncoding() const { return m_OutputEnc; }
- wxEncodingConverter *GetEncodingConverter() const { return m_EncConv; }
- virtual wxFont* CreateCurrentFont();
- // creates font depending on m_Font* members.
- protected:
- virtual void AddText(const char *txt);
- private:
- bool m_tmpLastWasSpace;
- // temporary variable used by AddText
- wxWindow *m_Window;
- // window we're parsing for
- double m_PixelScale;
- wxDC *m_DC;
- // Device Context we're parsing for
- static wxList m_Modules;
- // list of tags modules (see wxHtmlTagsModule for details)
- // This list is used to initialize m_Handlers member.
- wxHtmlContainerCell *m_Container;
- // actual container. See Open/CloseContainer for details.
- int m_FontBold, m_FontItalic, m_FontUnderlined, m_FontFixed; // this is not TRUE,FALSE but 1,0, we need it for indexing
- int m_FontSize; /* -2 to +4, 0 is default */
- wxColour m_LinkColor;
- wxColour m_ActualColor;
- // basic font parameters.
- wxHtmlLinkInfo m_Link;
- // actual hypertext link or empty string
- bool m_UseLink;
- // TRUE if m_Link is not empty
- long m_CharHeight, m_CharWidth;
- // average height of normal-sized text
- int m_Align;
- // actual alignment
- wxFont* m_FontsTable[2][2][2][2][7];
- wxString m_FontsFacesTable[2][2][2][2][7];
- wxFontEncoding m_FontsEncTable[2][2][2][2][7];
- // table of loaded fonts. 1st four indexes are 0 or 1, depending on on/off
- // state of these flags (from left to right):
- // [bold][italic][underlined][fixed_size]
- // last index is font size : from 0 to 6 (remapped from html sizes 1 to 7)
- // Note : this table covers all possible combinations of fonts, but not
- // all of them are used, so many items in table are usually NULL.
- int m_FontsSizes[7];
- wxString m_FontFaceFixed, m_FontFaceNormal;
- // html font sizes and faces of fixed and proportional fonts
- wxFontEncoding m_InputEnc, m_OutputEnc;
- // I/O font encodings
- wxEncodingConverter *m_EncConv;
+ wxHtmlWinParser(wxHtmlWindow *wnd = NULL);
+ ~wxHtmlWinParser();
+ virtual void InitParser(const wxString& source);
+ virtual void DoneParser();
+ virtual wxObject* GetProduct();
+ virtual wxFSFile *OpenURL(wxHtmlURLType type, const wxString& url) const;
+ // Set's the DC used for parsing. If SetDC() is not called,
+ // parsing won't proceed
+ virtual void SetDC(wxDC *dc, double pixel_scale = 1.0)
+ { m_DC = dc; m_PixelScale = pixel_scale; }
+ wxDC *GetDC() {return m_DC;}
+ double GetPixelScale() {return m_PixelScale;}
+ int GetCharHeight() const {return m_CharHeight;}
+ int GetCharWidth() const {return m_CharWidth;}
+ // NOTE : these functions do _not_ return _actual_
+ // height/width. They return h/w of default font
+ // for this DC. If you want actual values, call
+ // GetDC()->GetChar...()
+ // returns associated wxWindow
+ wxHtmlWindow *GetWindow() {return m_Window;}
+ // sets fonts to be used when displaying HTML page.
+ void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes);
+ // Adds tags module. see wxHtmlTagsModule for details.
+ static void AddModule(wxHtmlTagsModule *module);
+ static void RemoveModule(wxHtmlTagsModule *module);
+ // parsing-related methods. These methods are called by tag handlers:
+ // Returns pointer to actual container. Common use in tag handler is :
+ // m_WParser->GetContainer()->InsertCell(new ...);
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *GetContainer() const {return m_Container;}
+ // opens new container. This container is sub-container of opened
+ // container. Sets GetContainer to newly created container
+ // and returns it.
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *OpenContainer();
+ // works like OpenContainer except that new container is not created
+ // but c is used. You can use this to directly set actual container
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *SetContainer(wxHtmlContainerCell *c);
+ // closes the container and sets actual Container to upper-level
+ // container
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *CloseContainer();
+ int GetFontSize() const {return m_FontSize;}
+ void SetFontSize(int s);
+ int GetFontBold() const {return m_FontBold;}
+ void SetFontBold(int x) {m_FontBold = x;}
+ int GetFontItalic() const {return m_FontItalic;}
+ void SetFontItalic(int x) {m_FontItalic = x;}
+ int GetFontUnderlined() const {return m_FontUnderlined;}
+ void SetFontUnderlined(int x) {m_FontUnderlined = x;}
+ int GetFontFixed() const {return m_FontFixed;}
+ void SetFontFixed(int x) {m_FontFixed = x;}
+ wxString GetFontFace() const {return GetFontFixed() ? m_FontFaceFixed : m_FontFaceNormal;}
+ void SetFontFace(const wxString& face);
+ int GetAlign() const {return m_Align;}
+ void SetAlign(int a) {m_Align = a;}
+ const wxColour& GetLinkColor() const { return m_LinkColor; }
+ void SetLinkColor(const wxColour& clr) { m_LinkColor = clr; }
+ const wxColour& GetActualColor() const { return m_ActualColor; }
+ void SetActualColor(const wxColour& clr) { m_ActualColor = clr ;}
+ const wxHtmlLinkInfo& GetLink() const { return m_Link; }
+ void SetLink(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
+ void SetInputEncoding(wxFontEncoding enc);
+ wxFontEncoding GetInputEncoding() const { return m_InputEnc; }
+ wxFontEncoding GetOutputEncoding() const { return m_OutputEnc; }
+ wxEncodingConverter *GetEncodingConverter() const { return m_EncConv; }
+ // creates font depending on m_Font* members.
+ virtual wxFont* CreateCurrentFont();
+ virtual void AddText(const wxChar* txt);
+ bool m_tmpLastWasSpace;
+ wxChar *m_tmpStrBuf;
+ size_t m_tmpStrBufSize;
+ // temporary variables used by AddText
+ wxHtmlWindow *m_Window;
+ // window we're parsing for
+ double m_PixelScale;
+ wxDC *m_DC;
+ // Device Context we're parsing for
+ static wxList m_Modules;
+ // list of tags modules (see wxHtmlTagsModule for details)
+ // This list is used to initialize m_Handlers member.
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *m_Container;
+ // actual container. See Open/CloseContainer for details.
+ int m_FontBold, m_FontItalic, m_FontUnderlined, m_FontFixed; // this is not TRUE,FALSE but 1,0, we need it for indexing
+ int m_FontSize; /* -2 to +4, 0 is default */
+ wxColour m_LinkColor;
+ wxColour m_ActualColor;
+ // basic font parameters.
+ wxHtmlLinkInfo m_Link;
+ // actual hypertext link or empty string
+ bool m_UseLink;
+ // TRUE if m_Link is not empty
+ long m_CharHeight, m_CharWidth;
+ // average height of normal-sized text
+ int m_Align;
+ // actual alignment
+ wxFont* m_FontsTable[2][2][2][2][7];
+ wxString m_FontsFacesTable[2][2][2][2][7];
+ wxFontEncoding m_FontsEncTable[2][2][2][2][7];
+ // table of loaded fonts. 1st four indexes are 0 or 1, depending on on/off
+ // state of these flags (from left to right):
+ // [bold][italic][underlined][fixed_size]
+ // last index is font size : from 0 to 6 (remapped from html sizes 1 to 7)
+ // Note : this table covers all possible combinations of fonts, but not
+ // all of them are used, so many items in table are usually NULL.
+ int m_FontsSizes[7];
+ wxString m_FontFaceFixed, m_FontFaceNormal;
+ // html font sizes and faces of fixed and proportional fonts
+ wxFontEncoding m_InputEnc, m_OutputEnc;
+ // I/O font encodings
+ wxEncodingConverter *m_EncConv;