+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // all other cases were completed previously
+ }
+ return lenCur;
+int WXDLLEXPORT wxVsnprintf_(wxChar *buf, size_t lenMax,
+ const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ // cached data
+ static wxPrintfConvSpec arg[wxMAX_SVNPRINTF_ARGUMENTS];
+ static wxPrintfArg argdata[wxMAX_SVNPRINTF_ARGUMENTS];
+ static wxPrintfConvSpec *pspec[wxMAX_SVNPRINTF_ARGUMENTS] = { NULL };
+ size_t i;
+ // number of characters in the buffer so far, must be less than lenMax
+ size_t lenCur = 0;
+ size_t nargs = 0;
+ const wxChar *toparse = format;
+ // parse the format string
+ bool posarg_present = false, nonposarg_present = false;
+ for (; *toparse != wxT('\0'); toparse++)
+ {
+ if (*toparse == wxT('%') )
+ {
+ arg[nargs].Init();
+ // let's see if this is a (valid) conversion specifier...
+ if (arg[nargs].Parse(toparse))
+ {
+ // ...yes it is
+ wxPrintfConvSpec *current = &arg[nargs];
+ // make toparse point to the end of this specifier
+ toparse = current->argend;
+ if (current->pos > 0) {
+ // the positionals start from number 1... adjust the index
+ current->pos--;
+ posarg_present = true;
+ } else {
+ // not a positional argument...
+ current->pos = nargs;
+ nonposarg_present = true;
+ }
+ // this conversion specifier is tied to the pos-th argument...
+ pspec[current->pos] = current;
+ nargs++;
+ break; // cannot handle any additional conv spec
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (posarg_present && nonposarg_present)
+ return -1; // format strings with both positional and
+ // non-positional conversion specifier are unsupported !!
+ // now load arguments from stack
+ for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ if (!pspec[i])
+ return -1; // user forgot a positional parameter (e.g. %$1s %$3s) ?
+ if (!pspec[i]->LoadArg(&argdata[i], argptr))
+ return -1; // this means that wxPrintfConvSpec::Parse failed
+ // to set its 'type' to a valid value...
+ }
+ // finally, process each conversion specifier with its own argument
+ toparse = format;
+ for (i=0; i < nargs; i++)
+ {
+ // copy in the output buffer the portion of the format string between
+ // last specifier and the current one
+ size_t tocopy = ( arg[i].argpos - toparse );
+ if (lenCur+tocopy >= lenMax)
+ return -1; // not enough space in the output buffer !
+ wxStrncpy(buf+lenCur, toparse, tocopy);
+ lenCur += tocopy;
+ // process this specifier directly in the output buffer
+ int n = arg[i].Process(buf+lenCur, lenMax - lenCur, &argdata[arg[i].pos]);
+ if (n == -1)
+ return -1; // not enough space in the output buffer !
+ lenCur += n;
+ // the +1 is because wxPrintfConvSpec::argend points to the last character
+ // of the format specifier, but we are not interested to it...
+ toparse = arg[i].argend + 1;
+ }
+ // copy portion of the format string after last specifier
+ // NOTE: toparse is pointing to the character just after the last processed
+ // conversion specifier
+ // NOTE2: the +1 is because we want to copy also the '\0'
+ size_t tocopy = wxStrlen(format) + 1 - ( toparse - format ) ;
+ if (lenCur+tocopy >= lenMax)
+ return -1; // not enough space in the output buffer !
+ wxStrncpy(buf+lenCur, toparse, tocopy);
+ lenCur += tocopy - 1; // the -1 is because of the '\0'
+ // clean the static array portion used...
+ // NOTE: other arrays do not need cleanup!
+ memset(pspec, 0, sizeof(wxPrintfConvSpec*)*nargs);
+ wxASSERT(lenCur == wxStrlen(buf));
+ return lenCur;
+#undef APPEND_CH
+#undef APPEND_STR
+#undef CHECK_PREC
+#endif // !wxVsnprintfA
+#if !defined(wxSnprintf_)
+int WXDLLEXPORT wxSnprintf_(wxChar *buf, size_t len, const wxChar *format, ...)
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int iLen = wxVsnprintf_(buf, len, format, argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return iLen;
+#endif // wxSnprintf_
+#if defined(__DMC__)
+ /* Digital Mars adds count to _stprintf (C99) so convert */
+ int wxSprintf (wchar_t * __RESTRICT s, const wchar_t * __RESTRICT format, ... )
+ {
+ va_list arglist;
+ va_start( arglist, format );
+ int iLen = swprintf ( s, -1, format, arglist );
+ va_end( arglist );
+ return iLen ;
+ }
+ #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+#endif //__DMC__
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implement the standard IO functions for wide char if libc doesn't have them
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef wxNEED_FPUTS
+int wxFputs(const wchar_t *ws, FILE *stream)
+ // counting the number of wide characters written isn't worth the trouble,
+ // simply distinguish between ok and error
+ return fputs(wxConvLibc.cWC2MB(ws), stream) == -1 ? -1 : 0;
+#endif // wxNEED_FPUTS
+#ifdef wxNEED_PUTS
+int wxPuts(const wxChar *ws)
+ int rc = wxFputs(ws, stdout);
+ if ( rc != -1 )
+ {
+ if ( wxFputs(L"\n", stdout) == -1 )
+ return -1;
+ rc++;
+ }
+ return rc;
+#endif // wxNEED_PUTS
+#ifdef wxNEED_PUTC
+int /* not wint_t */ wxPutc(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream)
+ wchar_t ws[2] = { wc, L'\0' };
+ return wxFputs(ws, stream);
+#endif // wxNEED_PUTC
+// NB: we only implement va_list functions here, the ones taking ... are
+// defined below for wxNEED_PRINTF_CONVERSION case anyhow and we reuse
+// the definitions there to avoid duplicating them here
+#ifdef wxNEED_WPRINTF
+// TODO: implement the scanf() functions
+int vwscanf(const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("TODO") );
+ return -1;
+int vswscanf(const wxChar *ws, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ // The best we can do without proper Unicode support in glibc is to
+ // convert the strings into MB representation and run ANSI version
+ // of the function. This doesn't work with %c and %s because of difference
+ // in size of char and wchar_t, though.
+ wxCHECK_MSG( wxStrstr(format, _T("%s")) == NULL, -1,
+ _T("incomplete vswscanf implementation doesn't allow %s") );
+ wxCHECK_MSG( wxStrstr(format, _T("%c")) == NULL, -1,
+ _T("incomplete vswscanf implementation doesn't allow %c") );
+ va_list argcopy;
+ wxVaCopy(argcopy, argptr);
+ return vsscanf(wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(ws), wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(format), argcopy);
+int vfwscanf(FILE *stream, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("TODO") );
+ return -1;
+#define vswprintf wxVsnprintf_
+int vfwprintf(FILE *stream, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ wxString s;
+ int rc = s.PrintfV(format, argptr);
+ if ( rc != -1 )
+ {
+ // we can't do much better without Unicode support in libc...
+ if ( fprintf(stream, "%s", (const char*)s.mb_str() ) == -1 )
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return rc;
+int vwprintf(const wxChar *format, va_list argptr)
+ return wxVfprintf(stdout, format, argptr);
+#endif // wxNEED_WPRINTF
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxFormatConverter: class doing the "%s" -> "%ls" conversion
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Here are the gory details. We want to follow the Windows/MS conventions,
+ that is to have
+ In ANSI mode:
+ format specifier results in
+ -----------------------------------
+ %c, %hc, %hC char
+ %lc, %C, %lC wchar_t
+ In Unicode mode:
+ format specifier results in
+ -----------------------------------
+ %hc, %C, %hC char
+ %c, %lc, %lC wchar_t
+ while on POSIX systems we have %C identical to %lc and %c always means char
+ (in any mode) while %lc always means wchar_t,
+ So to use native functions in order to get our semantics we must do the
+ following translations in Unicode mode (nothing to do in ANSI mode):
+ wxWidgets specifier POSIX specifier
+ ----------------------------------------
+ %hc, %C, %hC %c
+ %c %lc
+ And, of course, the same should be done for %s as well.
+class wxFormatConverter
+ wxFormatConverter(const wxChar *format);
+ // notice that we only translated the string if m_fmtOrig == NULL (as set
+ // by CopyAllBefore()), otherwise we should simply use the original format
+ operator const wxChar *() const
+ { return m_fmtOrig ? m_fmtOrig : m_fmt.c_str(); }
+ // copy another character to the translated format: this function does the
+ // copy if we are translating but doesn't do anything at all if we don't,
+ // so we don't create the translated format string at all unless we really
+ // need to (i.e. InsertFmtChar() is called)
+ wxChar CopyFmtChar(wxChar ch)
+ {
+ if ( !m_fmtOrig )
+ {
+ // we're translating, do copy
+ m_fmt += ch;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // simply increase the count which should be copied by
+ // CopyAllBefore() later if needed
+ m_nCopied++;
+ }
+ return ch;
+ }
+ // insert an extra character
+ void InsertFmtChar(wxChar ch)
+ {
+ if ( m_fmtOrig )
+ {
+ // so far we haven't translated anything yet
+ CopyAllBefore();
+ }
+ m_fmt += ch;
+ }
+ void CopyAllBefore()
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_fmtOrig && m_fmt.empty(), _T("logic error") );
+ m_fmt = wxString(m_fmtOrig, m_nCopied);
+ // we won't need it any longer
+ m_fmtOrig = NULL;
+ }
+ static bool IsFlagChar(wxChar ch)
+ {
+ return ch == _T('-') || ch == _T('+') ||
+ ch == _T('0') || ch == _T(' ') || ch == _T('#');
+ }
+ void SkipDigits(const wxChar **ptpc)
+ {
+ while ( **ptpc >= _T('0') && **ptpc <= _T('9') )
+ CopyFmtChar(*(*ptpc)++);
+ }
+ // the translated format
+ wxString m_fmt;
+ // the original format
+ const wxChar *m_fmtOrig;
+ // the number of characters already copied
+ size_t m_nCopied;
+wxFormatConverter::wxFormatConverter(const wxChar *format)
+ m_fmtOrig = format;
+ m_nCopied = 0;
+ while ( *format )
+ {
+ if ( CopyFmtChar(*format++) == _T('%') )
+ {
+ // skip any flags
+ while ( IsFlagChar(*format) )
+ CopyFmtChar(*format++);
+ // and possible width
+ if ( *format == _T('*') )
+ CopyFmtChar(*format++);
+ else
+ SkipDigits(&format);
+ // precision?
+ if ( *format == _T('.') )
+ {
+ CopyFmtChar(*format++);
+ if ( *format == _T('*') )
+ CopyFmtChar(*format++);
+ else
+ SkipDigits(&format);
+ }
+ // next we can have a size modifier
+ enum
+ {
+ Default,
+ Short,
+ Long
+ } size;
+ switch ( *format )
+ {
+ case _T('h'):
+ size = Short;
+ format++;
+ break;
+ case _T('l'):
+ // "ll" has a different meaning!
+ if ( format[1] != _T('l') )
+ {
+ size = Long;
+ format++;
+ break;
+ }
+ //else: fall through
+ default:
+ size = Default;
+ }
+ // and finally we should have the type
+ switch ( *format )
+ {
+ case _T('C'):
+ case _T('S'):
+ // %C and %hC -> %c and %lC -> %lc
+ if ( size == Long )
+ CopyFmtChar(_T('l'));
+ InsertFmtChar(*format++ == _T('C') ? _T('c') : _T('s'));
+ break;
+ case _T('c'):
+ case _T('s'):
+ // %c -> %lc but %hc stays %hc and %lc is still %lc
+ if ( size == Default)
+ InsertFmtChar(_T('l'));
+ // fall through
+ default:
+ // nothing special to do
+ if ( size != Default )
+ CopyFmtChar(*(format - 1));
+ CopyFmtChar(*format++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // no conversion necessary
+ #define wxFormatConverter(x) (x)
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+// For testing the format converter
+wxString wxConvertFormat(const wxChar *format)
+ return wxString(wxFormatConverter(format));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxPrintf(), wxScanf() and relatives
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(wxNEED_PRINTF_CONVERSION) || defined(wxNEED_WPRINTF)
+int wxScanf( const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int ret = vwscanf(wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+int wxSscanf( const wxChar *str, const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int ret = vswscanf( str, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+int wxFscanf( FILE *stream, const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int ret = vfwscanf(stream, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+int wxPrintf( const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int ret = vwprintf( wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+#ifndef wxSnprintf
+int wxSnprintf( wxChar *str, size_t size, const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ int ret = vswprintf( str, size, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+#endif // wxSnprintf
+int wxSprintf( wxChar *str, const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start(argptr, format);
+ // note that wxString::FormatV() uses wxVsnprintf(), not wxSprintf(), so
+ // it's safe to implement this one in terms of it
+ wxString s(wxString::FormatV(format, argptr));
+ wxStrcpy(str, s);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return s.length();
+int wxFprintf( FILE *stream, const wxChar *format, ... )
+ va_list argptr;
+ va_start( argptr, format );
+ int ret = vfwprintf( stream, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+ va_end(argptr);
+ return ret;
+int wxVsscanf( const wxChar *str, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr )
+ return vswscanf( str, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+int wxVfprintf( FILE *stream, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr )
+ return vfwprintf( stream, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+int wxVprintf( const wxChar *format, va_list argptr )
+ return vwprintf( wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+#ifndef wxVsnprintf
+int wxVsnprintf( wxChar *str, size_t size, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr )
+ return vswprintf( str, size, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr );
+#endif // wxVsnprintf
+int wxVsprintf( wxChar *str, const wxChar *format, va_list argptr )
+ // same as for wxSprintf()
+ return vswprintf(str, INT_MAX / 4, wxFormatConverter(format), argptr);
+#if wxUSE_WCHAR_T
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ctype.h stuff (currently unused)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------