#include "wx/osx/webview_webkit.h"
+#if wxUSE_WEBVIEW_WEBKIT && (defined(__WXOSX_COCOA__) \
+ || defined(__WXOSX_CARBON__))
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#include "wx/wx.h"
-#ifdef __WXCOCOA__
-#include "wx/cocoa/autorelease.h"
#include "wx/osx/private.h"
+#include "wx/cocoa/string.h"
+#include "wx/hashmap.h"
+#include "wx/filesys.h"
#include <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#include <WebKit/HIWebView.h>
#include <WebKit/CarbonUtils.h>
#include <Foundation/NSURLError.h>
-// FIXME: find cleaner way to find the wxWidgets ID of a webview than this hack
-#include <map>
-std::map<WebView*, wxWebViewWebKit*> wx_webviewctrls;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWebViewWebKit, wxControl)
+wxIMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWebViewWebKit, wxWebView);
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWebViewWebKit, wxControl)
#if defined(__WXMAC__) && wxOSX_USE_CARBON
-// helper functions for NSString<->wxString conversion
-inline wxString wxStringWithNSString(NSString *nsstring)
- return wxString([nsstring UTF8String], wxConvUTF8);
- return wxString([nsstring lossyCString]);
-#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
-inline NSString* wxNSStringWithWxString(const wxString &wxstring)
- return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: wxstring.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)];
- return [NSString stringWithCString: wxstring.c_str() length:wxstring.Len()];
-#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
-@interface MyFrameLoadMonitor : NSObject
+@interface WebViewLoadDelegate : NSObject
wxWebViewWebKit* webKitWindow;
-@interface MyPolicyDelegate : NSObject
+@interface WebViewPolicyDelegate : NSObject
wxWebViewWebKit* webKitWindow;
+//We use a hash to map scheme names to wxWebHandlers
+WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHandler>, wxStringToWebHandlerMap);
+static wxStringToWebHandlerMap g_stringHandlerMap;
+@interface WebViewCustomProtocol : NSURLProtocol
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// creation/destruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const wxString& name)
m_busy = false;
- //m_pageTitle = _("Untitled Page");
- //still needed for wxCocoa??
- int width, height;
- wxSize sizeInstance;
- if (size.x == wxDefaultCoord || size.y == wxDefaultCoord)
- {
- m_parent->GetClientSize(&width, &height);
- sizeInstance.x = width;
- sizeInstance.y = height;
- }
- else
- {
- sizeInstance.x = size.x;
- sizeInstance.y = size.y;
- }
- // now create and attach WebKit view...
-#ifdef __WXCOCOA__
- wxControl::Create(parent, m_windowID, pos, sizeInstance, style, name);
- SetSize(pos.x, pos.y, sizeInstance.x, sizeInstance.y);
- wxTopLevelWindowCocoa *topWin = wxDynamicCast(this, wxTopLevelWindowCocoa);
- NSWindow* nsWin = topWin->GetNSWindow();
- NSRect rect;
- rect.origin.x = pos.x;
- rect.origin.y = pos.y;
- rect.size.width = sizeInstance.x;
- rect.size.height = sizeInstance.y;
- m_webView = (WebView*)[[WebView alloc] initWithFrame:rect
- frameName:@"webkitFrame"
- groupName:@"webkitGroup"];
- SetNSView(m_webView);
- [m_cocoaNSView release];
- if(m_parent) m_parent->CocoaAddChild(this);
- SetInitialFrameRect(pos,sizeInstance);
+ DontCreatePeer();
wxControl::Create(parent, winID, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name);
- m_peer = new wxMacControl(this);
+ wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(this);
- HIWebViewCreate( m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
+ HIWebViewCreate( peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
- m_webView = (WebView*) HIWebViewGetWebView( m_peer->GetControlRef() );
+ m_webView = (WebView*) HIWebViewGetWebView( peer->GetControlRef() );
if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 )
- HIViewChangeFeatures( m_peer->GetControlRef() , kHIViewIsOpaque , 0 ) ;
+ HIViewChangeFeatures( peer->GetControlRef() , kHIViewIsOpaque , 0 ) ;
- InstallControlEventHandler(m_peer->GetControlRef(),
+ InstallControlEventHandler(peer->GetControlRef(),
GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this,
(EventHandlerRef *)&m_webKitCtrlEventHandler);
+ SetPeer(peer);
NSRect r = wxOSXGetFrameForControl( this, pos , size ) ;
m_webView = [[WebView alloc] initWithFrame:r
- m_peer = new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( this, m_webView );
+ SetPeer(new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( this, m_webView ));
- wx_webviewctrls[m_webView] = this;
MacPostControlCreate(pos, size);
- HIViewSetVisible( m_peer->GetControlRef(), true );
+ HIViewSetVisible( GetPeer()->GetControlRef(), true );
[m_webView setHidden:false];
// Register event listener interfaces
- MyFrameLoadMonitor* myFrameLoadMonitor =
- [[MyFrameLoadMonitor alloc] initWithWxWindow: this];
+ WebViewLoadDelegate* loadDelegate =
+ [[WebViewLoadDelegate alloc] initWithWxWindow: this];
- [m_webView setFrameLoadDelegate:myFrameLoadMonitor];
+ [m_webView setFrameLoadDelegate:loadDelegate];
// this is used to veto page loads, etc.
- MyPolicyDelegate* myPolicyDelegate =
- [[MyPolicyDelegate alloc] initWithWxWindow: this];
+ WebViewPolicyDelegate* policyDelegate =
+ [[WebViewPolicyDelegate alloc] initWithWxWindow: this];
+ [m_webView setPolicyDelegate:policyDelegate];
- [m_webView setPolicyDelegate:myPolicyDelegate];
+ //Register our own class for custom scheme handling
+ [NSURLProtocol registerClass:[WebViewCustomProtocol class]];
- InternalLoadURL(strURL);
+ LoadUrl(strURL);
return true;
- MyFrameLoadMonitor* myFrameLoadMonitor = [m_webView frameLoadDelegate];
- MyPolicyDelegate* myPolicyDelegate = [m_webView policyDelegate];
+ WebViewLoadDelegate* loadDelegate = [m_webView frameLoadDelegate];
+ WebViewPolicyDelegate* policyDelegate = [m_webView policyDelegate];
[m_webView setFrameLoadDelegate: nil];
[m_webView setPolicyDelegate: nil];
- if (myFrameLoadMonitor)
- [myFrameLoadMonitor release];
+ if (loadDelegate)
+ [loadDelegate release];
- if (myPolicyDelegate)
- [myPolicyDelegate release];
+ if (policyDelegate)
+ [policyDelegate release];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWebViewWebKit::InternalLoadURL(const wxString &url)
- if( !m_webView )
- return;
- [[m_webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:
- [NSURL URLWithString:wxNSStringWithWxString(url)]]];
bool wxWebViewWebKit::CanGoBack()
if ( !m_webView )
if ( !m_webView )
- bool result = [(WebView*)m_webView goBack];
- // TODO: return result (if it also exists in other backends...)
- //return result;
+ [(WebView*)m_webView goBack];
void wxWebViewWebKit::GoForward()
if ( !m_webView )
- bool result = [(WebView*)m_webView goForward];
- // TODO: return result (if it also exists in other backends...)
- //return result;
+ [(WebView*)m_webView goForward];
void wxWebViewWebKit::Reload(wxWebViewReloadFlags flags)
return wxEmptyString;
-wxString wxWebViewWebKit::GetSelection()
- if ( !m_webView )
- return wxEmptyString;
- NSString* selectedText = [[m_webView selectedDOMRange] toString];
- return wxStringWithNSString( selectedText );
bool wxWebViewWebKit::CanIncreaseTextSize()
if ( !m_webView )
void wxWebViewWebKit::MacVisibilityChanged(){
#if defined(__WXMAC__) && wxOSX_USE_CARBON
- bool isHidden = !IsControlVisible( m_peer->GetControlRef());
+ bool isHidden = !IsControlVisible( GetPeer()->GetControlRef());
if (!isHidden)
[(WebView*)m_webView display];
void wxWebViewWebKit::LoadUrl(const wxString& url)
- InternalLoadURL(url);
+ [[m_webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:
+ [NSURL URLWithString:wxNSStringWithWxString(url)]]];
wxString wxWebViewWebKit::GetCurrentURL()
wxString wxWebViewWebKit::GetCurrentTitle()
- return GetPageTitle();
+ return wxStringWithNSString([m_webView mainFrameTitle]);
float wxWebViewWebKit::GetWebkitZoom()
[(WebView*)m_webView deleteSelection];
+bool wxWebViewWebKit::HasSelection()
+ DOMRange* range = [m_webView selectedDOMRange];
+ if(!range)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+void wxWebViewWebKit::ClearSelection()
+ //We use javascript as selection isn't exposed at the moment in webkit
+ RunScript("window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();");
+void wxWebViewWebKit::SelectAll()
+ RunScript("window.getSelection().selectAllChildren(document.body);");
+wxString wxWebViewWebKit::GetSelectedSource()
+ wxString script = ("var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);"
+ "var element = document.createElement('div');"
+ "element.appendChild(range.cloneContents());"
+ "return element.innerHTML;");
+ id result = [[m_webView windowScriptObject]
+ evaluateWebScript:wxNSStringWithWxString(script)];
+ return wxStringWithNSString([result stringValue]);
+wxString wxWebViewWebKit::GetPageText()
+ id result = [[m_webView windowScriptObject]
+ evaluateWebScript:@"document.body.textContent"];
+ return wxStringWithNSString([result stringValue]);
+void wxWebViewWebKit::EnableHistory(bool enable)
+ if ( !m_webView )
+ return;
+ [m_webView setMaintainsBackForwardList:enable];
+void wxWebViewWebKit::ClearHistory()
+ [m_webView setMaintainsBackForwardList:NO];
+ [m_webView setMaintainsBackForwardList:YES];
+wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > wxWebViewWebKit::GetBackwardHistory()
+ wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > backhist;
+ WebBackForwardList* history = [m_webView backForwardList];
+ int count = [history backListCount];
+ for(int i = -count; i < 0; i++)
+ {
+ WebHistoryItem* item = [history itemAtIndex:i];
+ wxString url = wxStringWithNSString([item URLString]);
+ wxString title = wxStringWithNSString([item title]);
+ wxWebHistoryItem* wxitem = new wxWebHistoryItem(url, title);
+ wxitem->m_histItem = item;
+ wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> itemptr(wxitem);
+ backhist.push_back(itemptr);
+ }
+ return backhist;
+wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > wxWebViewWebKit::GetForwardHistory()
+ wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > forwardhist;
+ WebBackForwardList* history = [m_webView backForwardList];
+ int count = [history forwardListCount];
+ for(int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
+ {
+ WebHistoryItem* item = [history itemAtIndex:i];
+ wxString url = wxStringWithNSString([item URLString]);
+ wxString title = wxStringWithNSString([item title]);
+ wxWebHistoryItem* wxitem = new wxWebHistoryItem(url, title);
+ wxitem->m_histItem = item;
+ wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> itemptr(wxitem);
+ forwardhist.push_back(itemptr);
+ }
+ return forwardhist;
+void wxWebViewWebKit::LoadHistoryItem(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> item)
+ [m_webView goToBackForwardItem:item->m_histItem];
+bool wxWebViewWebKit::CanUndo()
+ return [[m_webView undoManager] canUndo];
+bool wxWebViewWebKit::CanRedo()
+ return [[m_webView undoManager] canRedo];
+void wxWebViewWebKit::Undo()
+ [[m_webView undoManager] undo];
+void wxWebViewWebKit::Redo()
+ [[m_webView undoManager] redo];
+void wxWebViewWebKit::RegisterHandler(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHandler> handler)
+ g_stringHandlerMap[handler->GetName()] = handler;
// Listener interfaces
// destroyed. Therefore, we must be careful to check both the existence
// of the Carbon control and the event handler before firing events.
-@implementation MyFrameLoadMonitor
+@implementation WebViewLoadDelegate
- initWithWxWindow: (wxWebViewWebKit*)inWindow
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender
didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = true;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = true;
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didCommitLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = true;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = true;
if (webKitWindow && frame == [sender mainFrame]){
NSString *url = [[[[frame dataSource] request] URL] absoluteString];
wxString target = wxStringWithNSString([frame name]);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
wxStringWithNSString( url ),
target, false);
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = false;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = false;
if (webKitWindow && frame == [sender mainFrame]){
NSString *url = [[[[frame dataSource] request] URL] absoluteString];
wxString target = wxStringWithNSString([frame name]);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
wxStringWithNSString( url ),
target, false);
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailLoadWithError:(NSError*) error
forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = false;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = false;
if (webKitWindow && frame == [sender mainFrame]){
NSString *url = [[[[frame dataSource] request] URL] absoluteString];
wxWebNavigationError type;
wxString description = nsErrorToWxHtmlError(error, &type);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
wxStringWithNSString( url ),
wxEmptyString, false);
forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = false;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = false;
if (webKitWindow && frame == [sender mainFrame]){
NSString *url = [[[[frame provisionalDataSource] request] URL]
wxWebNavigationError type;
wxString description = nsErrorToWxHtmlError(error, &type);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
wxStringWithNSString( url ),
wxEmptyString, false);
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didReceiveTitle:(NSString *)title
forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- if (webKitWindow && frame == [sender mainFrame])
- {
- webKitWindow->SetPageTitle(wxStringWithNSString( title ));
- }
+ wxString target = wxStringWithNSString([frame name]);
+ wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_TITLE_CHANGED,
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetCurrentURL(),
+ target, true);
+ thisEvent.SetString(wxStringWithNSString(title));
+ if (webKitWindow && webKitWindow->GetEventHandler())
+ webKitWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(thisEvent);
-@implementation MyPolicyDelegate
+@implementation WebViewPolicyDelegate
- initWithWxWindow: (wxWebViewWebKit*)inWindow
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = true;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = true;
NSString *url = [[request URL] absoluteString];
wxString target = wxStringWithNSString([frame name]);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
wxStringWithNSString( url ), target, true);
if (webKitWindow && webKitWindow->GetEventHandler())
if (thisEvent.IsVetoed())
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->m_busy = false;
+ webKitWindow->m_busy = false;
[listener ignore];
decisionListener:(id < WebPolicyDecisionListener >)listener
- wxASSERT(wx_webviewctrls.find(sender) != wx_webviewctrls.end());
NSString *url = [[request URL] absoluteString];
- wxString target = wxStringWithNSString([frame name]);
wxWebNavigationEvent thisEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW,
- wx_webviewctrls[sender]->GetId(),
- wxStringWithNSString( url ), target, true);
+ webKitWindow->GetId(),
+ wxStringWithNSString( url ), "", true);
if (webKitWindow && webKitWindow->GetEventHandler())
+@implementation WebViewCustomProtocol
++ (BOOL)canInitWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
+ NSString *scheme = [[request URL] scheme];
+ wxStringToWebHandlerMap::const_iterator it;
+ for( it = g_stringHandlerMap.begin(); it != g_stringHandlerMap.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if(it->first.IsSameAs(wxStringWithNSString(scheme)))
+ {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
++ (NSURLRequest *)canonicalRequestForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
+ //We don't do any processing here as the wxWebHandler classes do it
+ return request;
+- (void)startLoading
+ NSURLRequest *request = [self request];
+ NSString* path = [[request URL] absoluteString];
+ wxString wxpath = wxStringWithNSString(path);
+ wxString scheme = wxStringWithNSString([[request URL] scheme]);
+ wxFSFile* file = g_stringHandlerMap[scheme]->GetFile(wxpath);
+ size_t length = file->GetStream()->GetLength();
+ NSURLResponse *response = [[NSURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:[request URL]
+ MIMEType:wxNSStringWithWxString(file->GetMimeType())
+ expectedContentLength:length
+ textEncodingName:nil];
+ //Load the data, we malloc it so it is tidied up properly
+ void* buffer = malloc(length);
+ file->GetStream()->Read(buffer, length);
+ NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:length];
+ id<NSURLProtocolClient> client = [self client];
+ //We do not support caching anything yet
+ [client URLProtocol:self didReceiveResponse:response
+ cacheStoragePolicy:NSURLCacheStorageNotAllowed];
+ //Set the data
+ [client URLProtocol:self didLoadData:data];
+ //Notify that we have finished
+ [client URLProtocolDidFinishLoading:self];
+ [response release];
+- (void)stopLoading