+// We can only import Foundation/NSGeometry.h from Objective-C code but it's
+// nice to be able to use NSPoint and NSRect in the declarations of helper
+// methods so we must define them as opaque structs identically to the way
+// they are defined by the real header.
+// NOTE: We specifically use these regardless of C++ or Objective-C++ mode so
+// the compiler will complain if we got the definitions wrong. In regular
+// C++ mode there is no way to know if we got the definitons right so
+// we depend on at least one Objective-C++ file including this header.
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64)
+typedef struct CGPoint NSPoint;
+typedef struct CGRect NSRect;
+typedef struct _NSPoint NSPoint;
+typedef struct _NSRect NSRect;