+if [ $skiplinux != yes ]; then
+ if [ $parallel = no ]; then
+ DoLinuxBuild co-rh9 rh9 $PYVER
+ DoLinuxBuild co-fc2 fc2 2.3
+ DoLinuxBuild co-mdk92 mdk92 2.3
+ DoLinuxBuild co-mdk101 mdk101 2.3
+ else
+ # Since the linux builds are currently done in coLinux
+ # 'machines' running on the WIN_HOST let's wait for the
+ # windows build to be done before launching them
+ #if [ -n $winPID ]; then
+ # wait $winPID
+ #fi
+ (DoLinuxBuild co-rh9 rh9 $PYVER 2>&1 | PrefixLines co-rh9 &; \
+ DoLinuxBuild co-fc2 fc2 2.3 2>&1 | PrefixLines co-fc2 ) &
+ wait $! # wait for the previous two to complete before starting the next two
+ (DoLinuxBuild co-mdk92 mdk92 2.3 2>&1 | PrefixLines co-mdk92 &; \
+ DoLinuxBuild co-mdk101 mdk101 2.3 2>&1 | PrefixLines co-mdk101 ) &
+ fi
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ $parallel = yes ]; then
+ # TODO: Figure out how to test if all the builds were successful
+ echo "***********************************"
+ echo " Waiting for builds to complete... "
+ echo "***********************************"
+ wait