defaultIDs = {xxxPanel:'PANEL', xxxDialog:'DIALOG', xxxFrame:'FRAME',
xxxMenuBar:'MENUBAR', xxxMenu:'MENU', xxxToolBar:'TOOLBAR',
- xxxWizard:'WIZARD'}
+ xxxWizard:'WIZARD', xxxBitmap:'BITMAP', xxxIcon:'ICON'}
defaultName = 'UNTITLED.xrc'
'Refresh', 'Refresh view')
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ID_AUTO_REFRESH, images.getAutoRefreshBitmap(),
'Auto-refresh', 'Toggle auto-refresh mode', True)
- if wxPlatform == '__WXGTK__':
- tb.AddSeparator() # otherwise auto-refresh sticks in status line
+# if wxPlatform == '__WXGTK__':
+# tb.AddSeparator() # otherwise auto-refresh sticks in status line
tb.ToggleTool(self.ID_AUTO_REFRESH, conf.autoRefresh)
if not parent.__class__ in [xxxMainNode, xxxMenuBar, xxxMenu]: error = True
elif x.__class__ == xxxMenuItem:
if not parent.__class__ in [xxxMenuBar, xxxMenu]: error = True
- elif x.isSizer and parent.__class__ == xxxNotebook: error = True
+ elif x.isSizer and parent.__class__ in [xxxNotebook, xxxChoicebook, xxxListbook]:
+ error = True
else: # normal controls can be almost anywhere
if parent.__class__ == xxxMainNode or \
parent.__class__ in [xxxMenuBar, xxxMenu]: error = True
# If parent is sizer or notebook, child is of wrong class or
# parent is normal window, child is child container then detach child.
isChildContainer = isinstance(xxx, xxxChildContainer)
+ parentIsBook = parent.__class__ in [xxxNotebook, xxxChoicebook, xxxListbook]
if isChildContainer and \
((parent.isSizer and not isinstance(xxx, xxxSizerItem)) or \
- (isinstance(parent, xxxNotebook) and not isinstance(xxx, xxxNotebookPage)) or \
- not (parent.isSizer or isinstance(parent, xxxNotebook))):
+ (parentIsBook and not isinstance(xxx, xxxPage)) or \
+ not (parent.isSizer or parentIsBook)):
elem.removeChild(xxx.child.element) # detach child
elem.unlink() # delete child container
elem = xxx.child.element # replace
pageElem = MakeEmptyDOM('notebookpage')
elem = pageElem
+ elif isinstance(parent, xxxChoicebook) and not isChildContainer:
+ pageElem = MakeEmptyDOM('choicebookpage')
+ pageElem.appendChild(elem)
+ elem = pageElem
+ elif isinstance(parent, xxxListbook) and not isChildContainer:
+ pageElem = MakeEmptyDOM('listbookpage')
+ pageElem.appendChild(elem)
+ elem = pageElem
# Insert new node, register undo
newItem = tree.InsertNode(parentLeaf, parent, elem, nextItem)
undoMan.RegisterUndo(UndoPasteCreate(parentLeaf, parent, newItem, selected))
def OnIdle(self, evt):
if self.inIdle: return # Recursive call protection
self.inIdle = True
- if tree.needUpdate:
- if conf.autoRefresh:
- if g.testWin:
- self.SetStatusText('Refreshing test window...')
- # (re)create
- tree.CreateTestWin(g.testWin.item)
- self.SetStatusText('')
- tree.needUpdate = False
- elif tree.pendingHighLight:
- tree.HighLight(tree.pendingHighLight)
- else:
- evt.Skip()
- self.inIdle = False
+ try:
+ if tree.needUpdate:
+ if conf.autoRefresh:
+ if g.testWin:
+ self.SetStatusText('Refreshing test window...')
+ # (re)create
+ tree.CreateTestWin(g.testWin.item)
+ self.SetStatusText('')
+ tree.needUpdate = False
+ elif tree.pendingHighLight:
+ try:
+ tree.HighLight(tree.pendingHighLight)
+ except:
+ # Remove highlight if any problem
+ if g.testWin.highLight:
+ g.testWin.highLight.Remove()
+ tree.pendingHighLight = None
+ raise
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ finally:
+ self.inIdle = False
# We don't let close panel window
def OnCloseMiniFrame(self, evt):
g.testWin = None
# Numbers for new controls
self.maxIDs = {}
- self.maxIDs[xxxPanel] = self.maxIDs[xxxDialog] = self.maxIDs[xxxFrame] = \
- self.maxIDs[xxxMenuBar] = self.maxIDs[xxxMenu] = self.maxIDs[xxxToolBar] = \
- self.maxIDs[xxxWizard] = 0
+ for cl in [xxxPanel, xxxDialog, xxxFrame,
+ xxxMenuBar, xxxMenu, xxxToolBar,
+ xxxWizard, xxxBitmap, xxxIcon]:
+ self.maxIDs[cl] = 0
def SetModified(self, state=True):
self.modified = state
class App(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
+ # Check version
+ if wxVERSION[:3] < MinWxVersion:
+ wxLogWarning('''\
+This version of XRCed may not work correctly on your version of wxWindows. \
+Please upgrade wxWindows to %d.%d.%d or higher.''' % MinWxVersion)
global debug
# Process comand-line
opts = args = None