// functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxFileExists(const wxString& filename);
-#define FileExists wxFileExists
// does the path exist? (may have or not '/' or '\\' at the end)
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxPathExists(const wxChar *pszPathName);
-#define wxDirExists wxPathExists
-#define DirExists wxDirExists
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxIsAbsolutePath(const wxString& filename);
-#define IsAbsolutePath wxIsAbsolutePath
// Get filename
WXDLLEXPORT wxChar* wxFileNameFromPath(wxChar *path);
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxFileNameFromPath(const wxString& path);
-#define FileNameFromPath wxFileNameFromPath
// Get directory
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxPathOnly(const wxString& path);
-#define PathOnly wxPathOnly
// wxString version
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxRealPath(const wxString& path);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxDos2UnixFilename(wxChar *s);
-#define Dos2UnixFilename wxDos2UnixFilename
WXDLLEXPORT void wxUnix2DosFilename(wxChar *s);
-#define Unix2DosFilename wxUnix2DosFilename
// Strip the extension, in situ
WXDLLEXPORT void wxStripExtension(wxChar *buffer);
// Remove directory. Flags reserved for future use.
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxRmdir(const wxString& dir, int flags = 0);
+// compatibility defines, don't use in new code
+#define wxDirExists wxPathExists
+ #define FileExists wxFileExists
+ #define DirExists wxDirExists
+ #define IsAbsolutePath wxIsAbsolutePath
+ #define FileNameFromPath wxFileNameFromPath
+ #define PathOnly wxPathOnly
+ #define Dos2UnixFilename wxDos2UnixFilename
+ #define Unix2DosFilename wxUnix2DosFilename
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// separators in file names
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------