// Purpose: interface of wxFont
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
- @class wxFont
- @wxheader{font.h}
- A font is an object which determines the appearance of text. Fonts are
- used for drawing text to a device context, and setting the appearance of
- a window's text.
- This class uses @ref overview_trefcount "reference counting and copy-on-write"
- internally so that assignments between two instances of this class are very
- cheap. You can therefore use actual objects instead of pointers without
- efficiency problems. If an instance of this class is changed it will create
- its own data internally so that other instances, which previously shared the
- data using the reference counting, are not affected.
- You can retrieve the current system font settings with wxSystemSettings.
- wxSystemSettings
- @library{wxcore}
- @category{gdi}
- @stdobjects
- ::wxNullFont, ::wxNORMAL_FONT, ::wxSMALL_FONT, ::wxITALIC_FONT, ::wxSWISS_FONT
+ Standard font families: these are used mainly during wxFont creation to specify
+ the generic properties of the font without hardcoding in the sources a specific
+ face name.
- @see @ref overview_wxfontoverview, wxDC::SetFont, wxDC::DrawText,
- wxDC::GetTextExtent, wxFontDialog, wxSystemSettings
+ wxFontFamily thus allows to group the font face names of fonts with similar
+ properties. Most wxWidgets ports use lists of fonts for each font family
+ inspired by the data taken from http://www.codestyle.org/css/font-family.
-class wxFont : public wxGDIObject
+enum wxFontFamily
- //@{
- /**
- Creates a font object with the specified attributes.
- @param pointSize
- Size in points.
- @param pixelSize
- Size in pixels: this is directly supported only under MSW
- currently where this constructor can be used directly, under other
- platforms a
- font with the closest size to the given one is found using binary search and
- the static New method must be used.
- @param family
- Font family, a generic way of referring to fonts without specifying actual
- facename. One of:
- Chooses a default font.
- A decorative font.
- A formal, serif font.
- A handwriting font.
+ wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT = wxDEFAULT, //!< Chooses a default font.
+ wxFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE = wxDECORATIVE, //!< A decorative font.
+ wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN = wxROMAN, //!< A formal, serif font.
+ wxFONTFAMILY_SCRIPT = wxSCRIPT, //!< A handwriting font.
+ wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS = wxSWISS, //!< A sans-serif font.
+ /// A fixed pitch font. Note that wxFont currently does not make distinctions
+ /// A teletype (i.e. monospaced) font.
+ /// Monospace fonts have a fixed width like typewriters and often have strong angular
+ /// or block serifs. Monospace font faces are often used code samples and have a simple,
+ /// functional font style.
+ /// See also wxFont::IsFixedWidth() for an easy way to test for monospace property.
+ /// Invalid font family value, returned by wxFont::GetFamily() when the
+ /// font is invalid for example.
+ Font styles.
+enum wxFontStyle
+ /// The font is drawn without slant.
+ /// The font is slanted in an italic style.
+ /// The font is slanted, but in a roman style.
+ /// Note that under wxMSW this style is the same as @c wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC.
+ Font weights.
+enum wxFontWeight
+ wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL = wxNORMAL, //!< Normal font.
+ wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT = wxLIGHT, //!< Light font.
+ wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD = wxBOLD, //!< Bold font.
+ Symbolic font sizes.
- A sans-serif font.
+ The elements of this enum correspond to CSS absolute size specifications,
+ see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props
+ @see wxFont::SetSymbolicSize()
+ @since 2.9.2
+ */
+enum wxFontSymbolicSize
+ wxFONTSIZE_XX_SMALL = -3, //!< Extra small.
+ wxFONTSIZE_X_SMALL, //!< Very small.
+ wxFONTSIZE_SMALL, //!< Small.
+ wxFONTSIZE_MEDIUM, //!< Normal.
+ wxFONTSIZE_LARGE, //!< Large.
+ wxFONTSIZE_X_LARGE, //!< Very large.
+ wxFONTSIZE_XX_LARGE //!< Extra large.
+ The font flag bits for the new font ctor accepting one combined flags word.
+enum wxFontFlag
+ /// no special flags: font with default weight/slant/anti-aliasing
+ /// slant flags (default: no slant)
+ wxFONTFLAG_ITALIC = 1 << 0,
+ wxFONTFLAG_SLANT = 1 << 1,
+ /// weight flags (default: medium)
+ wxFONTFLAG_LIGHT = 1 << 2,
+ wxFONTFLAG_BOLD = 1 << 3,
+ /// anti-aliasing flag: force on or off (default: the current system default)
+ /// underlined/strikethrough flags (default: no lines)
+ /// the mask of all currently used flags
+ Font encodings.
+ See wxFont::SetEncoding().
+enum wxFontEncoding
+ /// Default system encoding.
+ wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM = -1, // system default
+ /// Default application encoding.
+ wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT, // current default encoding
+ // ISO8859 standard defines a number of single-byte charsets
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1, //!< West European (Latin1)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2, //!< Central and East European (Latin2)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3, //!< Esperanto (Latin3)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_4, //!< Baltic (old) (Latin4)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5, //!< Cyrillic
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_6, //!< Arabic
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7, //!< Greek
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8, //!< Hebrew
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9, //!< Turkish (Latin5)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10, //!< Variation of Latin4 (Latin6)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_11, //!< Thai
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_12, //!< doesn't exist currently, but put it
+ //!< here anyhow to make all ISO8859
+ //!< consecutive numbers
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_13, //!< Baltic (Latin7)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_14, //!< Latin8
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15, //!< Latin9 (a.k.a. Latin0, includes euro)
+ // Cyrillic charset soup (see http://czyborra.com/charsets/cyrillic.html)
+ wxFONTENCODING_KOI8, //!< KOI8 Russian
+ wxFONTENCODING_KOI8_U, //!< KOI8 Ukrainian
+ wxFONTENCODING_BULGARIAN, //!< used under Linux in Bulgaria
+ // what would we do without Microsoft? They have their own encodings
+ // for DOS
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP437, //!< original MS-DOS codepage
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP850, //!< CP437 merged with Latin1
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP852, //!< CP437 merged with Latin2
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP855, //!< another cyrillic encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP866, //!< and another one
+ // and for Windows
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP874, //!< WinThai
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP932, //!< Japanese (shift-JIS)
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP936, //!< Chinese simplified (GB)
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP949, //!< Korean (Hangul charset)
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP950, //!< Chinese (traditional - Big5)
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1250, //!< WinLatin2
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1251, //!< WinCyrillic
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1252, //!< WinLatin1
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1253, //!< WinGreek (8859-7)
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1254, //!< WinTurkish
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1255, //!< WinHebrew
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1256, //!< WinArabic
+ wxFONTENCODING_CP1257, //!< WinBaltic (same as Latin 7)
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF7, //!< UTF-7 Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF8, //!< UTF-8 Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP, //!< Extended Unix Codepage for Japanese
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF16BE, //!< UTF-16 Big Endian Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE, //!< UTF-16 Little Endian Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF32BE, //!< UTF-32 Big Endian Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF32LE, // UTF-32 Little Endian Unicode encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_MACROMAN, //!< the standard mac encodings
+ // more CJK encodings (for historical reasons some are already declared
+ // above)
+ wxFONTENCODING_ISO2022_JP, //!< ISO-2022-JP JIS encoding
+ wxFONTENCODING_MAX, //!< highest enumerated encoding value
+ // aliases for endian-dependent UTF encodings
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF16, //!< native UTF-16
+ wxFONTENCODING_UTF32, //!< native UTF-32
+ /// Alias for the native Unicode encoding on this platform
+ /// (this is used by wxEncodingConverter and wxUTFFile only for now)
+ wxFONTENCODING_GB2312 = wxFONTENCODING_CP936, //!< Simplified Chinese
+ wxFONTENCODING_BIG5 = wxFONTENCODING_CP950, //!< Traditional Chinese
- A fixed pitch font.
+ @class wxFont
+ A font is an object which determines the appearance of text.
+ Fonts are used for drawing text to a device context, and setting the appearance
+ of a window's text.
+ This class uses @ref overview_refcount "reference counting and copy-on-write"
+ internally so that assignments between two instances of this class are very
+ cheap. You can therefore use actual objects instead of pointers without
+ efficiency problems. If an instance of this class is changed it will create
+ its own data internally so that other instances, which previously shared the
+ data using the reference counting, are not affected.
+ You can retrieve the current system font settings with wxSystemSettings.
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{gdi}
+ @stdobjects
+ ::wxNullFont, ::wxNORMAL_FONT, ::wxSMALL_FONT, ::wxITALIC_FONT, ::wxSWISS_FONT
+ @see @ref overview_font, wxDC::SetFont, wxDC::DrawText,
+ wxDC::GetTextExtent, wxFontDialog, wxSystemSettings
+class wxFont : public wxGDIObject
+ /**
+ Default ctor.
+ */
+ wxFont();
+ /**
+ Copy constructor, uses @ref overview_refcount "reference counting".
+ */
+ wxFont(const wxFont& font);
+ /**
+ Creates a font object with the specified attributes.
- A teletype font.
+ @param pointSize
+ Size in points. See SetPointSize() for more info.
+ @param family
+ The font family: a generic portable way of referring to fonts without specifying a
+ facename. This parameter must be one of the ::wxFontFamily enumeration values.
+ If the @a faceName argument is provided, then it overrides the font family.
@param style
@param weight
- Font weight, sometimes also referred to as font boldness. One of:
- Normal font.
- Light font.
- Bold font.
+ Font weight, sometimes also referred to as font boldness.
+ One of the ::wxFontWeight enumeration values.
@param underline
- The value can be @true or @false. At present this has an effect on Windows
- and Motif 2.x only.
+ The value can be @true or @false.
+ At present this has an effect on Windows and Motif 2.x only.
@param faceName
- An optional string specifying the actual typeface to be used. If it is an
- empty string,
- a default typeface will be chosen based on the family.
+ An optional string specifying the face name to be used.
+ If it is an empty string, a default face name will be chosen based on the family.
@param encoding
- An encoding which may be one of
- Default system encoding.
- Default application encoding: this
- is the encoding set by calls to
- SetDefaultEncoding and which may be set to,
- say, KOI8 to create all fonts by default with KOI8 encoding. Initially, the
- default application encoding is the same as default system encoding.
- wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1...15
- ISO8859 encodings.
- The standard Russian encoding for Internet.
- wxFONTENCODING_CP1250...1252
- Windows encodings similar to ISO8859 (but not identical).
+ An encoding which may be one of the enumeration values of ::wxFontEncoding.
+ Briefly these can be summed up as:
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM</TD><TD>Default system encoding.</TD></TR>
+ Default application encoding: this is the encoding set by calls to
+ SetDefaultEncoding() and which may be set to, say, KOI8 to create all
+ fonts by default with KOI8 encoding. Initially, the default application
+ encoding is the same as default system encoding.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1...15</TD><TD>ISO8859 encodings.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_KOI8</TD><TD>The standard Russian encoding for Internet.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_CP1250...1252</TD><TD>Windows encodings similar to ISO8859 (but not identical).</TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ If the specified encoding isn't available, no font is created
+ (see also @ref overview_fontencoding).
+ @remarks If the desired font does not exist, the closest match will be
+ chosen. Under Windows, only scalable TrueType fonts are used.
+ */
+ wxFont(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style,
+ wxFontWeight weight,
+ bool underline = false,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ /**
+ Creates a font object with the specified attributes.
+ @param pixelSize
+ Size in pixels. See SetPixelSize() for more info.
+ @param family
+ The font family: a generic portable way of referring to fonts without specifying a
+ facename. This parameter must be one of the ::wxFontFamily enumeration values.
+ If the @a faceName argument is provided, then it overrides the font family.
+ @param style
+ @param weight
+ Font weight, sometimes also referred to as font boldness.
+ One of the ::wxFontWeight enumeration values.
+ @param underline
+ The value can be @true or @false.
+ At present this has an effect on Windows and Motif 2.x only.
+ @param faceName
+ An optional string specifying the face name to be used.
+ If it is an empty string, a default face name will be chosen based on the family.
+ @param encoding
+ An encoding which may be one of the enumeration values of ::wxFontEncoding.
+ Briefly these can be summed up as:
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM</TD><TD>Default system encoding.</TD></TR>
+ Default application encoding: this is the encoding set by calls to
+ SetDefaultEncoding() and which may be set to, say, KOI8 to create all
+ fonts by default with KOI8 encoding. Initially, the default application
+ encoding is the same as default system encoding.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1...15</TD><TD>ISO8859 encodings.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_KOI8</TD><TD>The standard Russian encoding for Internet.</TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>@c wxFONTENCODING_CP1250...1252</TD><TD>Windows encodings similar to ISO8859 (but not identical).</TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
If the specified encoding isn't available, no font is created
- (see also font encoding overview).
+ (see also @ref overview_fontencoding).
@remarks If the desired font does not exist, the closest match will be
- chosen. Under Windows, only scalable TrueType fonts are
- used.
+ chosen. Under Windows, only scalable TrueType fonts are used.
- wxFont();
- wxFont(const wxFont& font);
- wxFont(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family, int style,
- wxFontWeight weight,
- const bool underline = false,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
- wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
wxFont(const wxSize& pixelSize, wxFontFamily family,
- int style, wxFontWeight weight,
- const bool underline = false,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
+ wxFontStyle style, wxFontWeight weight,
+ bool underline = false,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Constructor from font description string.
+ This constructor uses SetNativeFontInfo() to initialize the font.
+ If @a fontdesc is invalid the font remains uninitialized, i.e. its IsOk() method
+ will return @false.
+ */
+ wxFont(const wxString& nativeInfoString);
+ /**
+ Construct font from a native font info structure.
+ */
+ wxFont(const wxNativeFontInfo& nativeInfo);
- See @ref overview_refcountdestruct "reference-counted object destruction" for
- more info.
+ See @ref overview_refcount_destruct "reference-counted object destruction"
+ for more info.
@remarks Although all remaining fonts are deleted when the application
exits, the application should try to clean up all fonts
pointer to the font object is stored in an application
data structure, and there is a risk of double deletion.
- ~wxFont();
+ virtual ~wxFont();
- Returns the current application's default encoding.
+ @name Getters
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ Returns the encoding of this font.
- @see @ref overview_wxfontencodingoverview, SetDefaultEncoding()
+ Note that under wxGTK the returned value is always @c wxFONTENCODING_UTF8.
+ @see SetEncoding()
- static wxFontEncoding GetDefaultEncoding();
+ virtual wxFontEncoding GetEncoding() const;
- Returns the typeface name associated with the font, or the empty string if
- there is no
- typeface information.
+ Returns the face name associated with the font, or the empty string if
+ there is no face information.
@see SetFaceName()
- wxString GetFaceName() const;
+ virtual wxString GetFaceName() const;
- Gets the font family. See SetFamily() for a list of valid
- family identifiers.
+ Gets the font family if possible.
+ As described in ::wxFontFamily docs the returned value acts as a rough,
+ basic classification of the main font properties (look, spacing).
+ If the current font face name is not recognized by wxFont or by the
+ underlying system, @c wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT is returned.
+ Note that currently this function is not very precise and so not
+ particularly useful. Font families mostly make sense only for font
+ creation, see SetFamily().
@see SetFamily()
- wxFontFamily GetFamily() const;
+ virtual wxFontFamily GetFamily() const;
Returns the platform-dependent string completely describing this font.
- Returned string is always non-empty.
+ Returned string is always non-empty unless the font is invalid (in
+ which case an assert is triggered).
Note that the returned string is not meant to be shown or edited by the user: a
- typical
- use of this function is for serializing in string-form a wxFont object.
+ typical use of this function is for serializing in string-form a wxFont object.
- @see SetNativeFontInfo(),GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc()
+ @see SetNativeFontInfo(), GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc()
wxString GetNativeFontInfoDesc() const;
- Returns a user-friendly string for this font object. Returned string is always
- non-empty.
+ Returns a user-friendly string for this font object.
+ Returned string is always non-empty unless the font is invalid (in
+ which case an assert is triggered).
+ The string does not encode all wxFont infos under all platforms;
+ e.g. under wxMSW the font family is not present in the returned string.
Some examples of the formats of returned strings (which are platform-dependent)
are in SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc().
- @see GetNativeFontInfoDesc()
+ @see SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(), GetNativeFontInfoDesc()
- wxString GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc();
+ wxString GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc() const;
+ const wxNativeFontInfo *GetNativeFontInfo() const;
Gets the point size.
@see SetPointSize()
- int GetPointSize() const;
+ virtual int GetPointSize() const;
- Gets the font style. See wxFont() for a list of valid
- styles.
+ Gets the pixel size.
+ Note that under wxMSW if you passed to SetPixelSize() (or to the ctor)
+ a wxSize object with a null width value, you'll get a null width in
+ the returned object.
+ @see SetPixelSize()
+ */
+ virtual wxSize GetPixelSize() const;
+ /**
+ Gets the font style. See ::wxFontStyle for a list of valid styles.
@see SetStyle()
- int GetStyle() const;
+ virtual wxFontStyle GetStyle() const;
Returns @true if the font is underlined, @false otherwise.
@see SetUnderlined()
- bool GetUnderlined() const;
+ virtual bool GetUnderlined() const;
- Gets the font weight. See wxFont() for a list of valid
- weight identifiers.
+ Gets the font weight. See ::wxFontWeight for a list of valid weight identifiers.
@see SetWeight()
- wxFontWeight GetWeight() const;
+ virtual wxFontWeight GetWeight() const;
Returns @true if the font is a fixed width (or monospaced) font,
@false if it is a proportional one or font is invalid.
+ Note that this function under some platforms is different than just testing
+ for the font family being equal to @c wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE because native
+ platform-specific functions are used for the check (resulting in a more
+ accurate return value).
- bool IsFixedWidth() const;
+ virtual bool IsFixedWidth() const;
Returns @true if this object is a valid font, @false otherwise.
- bool IsOk() const;
+ virtual bool IsOk() const;
- //@{
- /**
- These functions take the same parameters as @ref ctor() wxFont
- constructor and return a new font object allocated on the heap.
- Using @c New() is currently the only way to directly create a font with
- the given size in pixels on platforms other than wxMSW.
- */
- static wxFont* New(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family, int style,
- wxFontWeight weight,
- const bool underline = false,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
- wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
- static wxFont* New(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family,
- int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
- wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
- static wxFont* New(const wxSize& pixelSize,
- wxFontFamily family,
- int style,
- wxFontWeight weight,
- const bool underline = false,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
- wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
- static wxFont* New(const wxSize& pixelSize,
- wxFontFamily family,
- int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
- const wxString& faceName = "",
- wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
- /**
- Sets the default font encoding.
- @see @ref overview_wxfontencodingoverview, GetDefaultEncoding()
- */
- static void SetDefaultEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding);
- Sets the facename for the font.
- Returns @true if the given face name exists; @false otherwise.
- @param faceName
- A valid facename, which should be on the end-user's system.
- @remarks To avoid portability problems, don't rely on a specific face,
- but specify the font family instead or as well. A
- suitable font will be found on the end-user's system.
- If both the family and the facename are specified,
- wxWidgets will first search for the specific face, and
- then for a font belonging to the same family.
+ @name Similar fonts creation
- @see GetFaceName(), SetFamily()
- */
- bool SetFaceName(const wxString& faceName);
+ The functions in this section either modify the font in place or create
+ a new font similar to the given one but with its weight, style or size
+ changed.
+ */
+ //@{
- Sets the font family.
- @param family
- One of:
+ Returns a bold version of this font.
+ @see MakeBold()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont Bold() const;
+ /**
+ Returns an italic version of this font.
+ @see MakeItalic()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont Italic() const;
+ /**
+ Returns a larger version of this font.
- Chooses a default font.
+ The font size is multiplied by @c 1.2, the factor of @c 1.2 being
+ inspired by the W3C CSS specification.
+ @see MakeLarger(), Smaller(), Scaled()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont Larger() const;
+ /**
+ Returns a smaller version of this font.
- A decorative font.
+ The font size is divided by @c 1.2, the factor of @c 1.2 being
+ inspired by the W3C CSS specification.
+ @see MakeSmaller(), Larger(), Scaled()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont Smaller() const;
+ /**
+ Returns underlined version of this font.
+ @see MakeUnderlined()
+ @since 2.9.2
+ */
+ wxFont Underlined() const;
+ /**
+ Changes this font to be bold.
+ @see Bold()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont& MakeBold();
- A formal, serif font.
+ /**
+ Changes this font to be italic.
+ @see Italic()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont& MakeItalic();
+ /**
+ Changes this font to be larger.
+ The font size is multiplied by @c 1.2, the factor of @c 1.2 being
+ inspired by the W3C CSS specification.
+ @see Larger(), MakeSmaller(), Scale()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont& MakeLarger();
+ /**
+ Changes this font to be smaller.
+ The font size is divided by @c 1.2, the factor of @c 1.2 being
+ inspired by the W3C CSS specification.
- A handwriting font.
+ @see Smaller(), MakeLarger(), Scale()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont& MakeSmaller();
+ /**
+ Changes this font to be underlined.
+ @see Underlined()
+ @since 2.9.2
+ */
+ wxFont& MakeUnderlined();
+ /**
+ Changes the size of this font.
+ The font size is multiplied by the given factor (which may be less than
+ 1 to create a smaller version of the font).
+ @see Scaled(), MakeLarger(), MakeSmaller()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont& Scale(float x);
- A sans-serif font.
+ /**
+ Returns a scaled version of this font.
+ The font size is multiplied by the given factor (which may be less than
+ 1 to create a smaller version of the font).
+ @see Scale(), Larger(), Smaller()
+ @since 2.9.1
+ */
+ wxFont Scaled(float x) const;
+ //@}
+ /**
+ @name Setters
+ These functions internally recreate the native font object with the new
+ specified property.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ Sets the encoding for this font.
+ Note that under wxGTK this function has no effect (because the underlying
+ Pango library always uses @c wxFONTENCODING_UTF8).
- A fixed pitch font.
+ @see GetEncoding()
+ */
+ virtual void SetEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding);
+ /**
+ Sets the facename for the font.
+ @param faceName
+ A valid facename, which should be on the end-user's system.
+ @remarks To avoid portability problems, don't rely on a specific face,
+ but specify the font family instead (see ::wxFontFamily and SetFamily()).
+ @return @true if the given face name exists; if the face name doesn't exist
+ in the user's system then the font is invalidated (so that IsOk() will
+ return @false) and @false is returned.
+ @see GetFaceName(), SetFamily()
+ */
+ virtual bool SetFaceName(const wxString& faceName);
+ /**
+ Sets the font family.
+ As described in ::wxFontFamily docs the given @a family value acts as a rough,
+ basic indication of the main font properties (look, spacing).
+ Note that changing the font family results in changing the font face name.
- A teletype font.
+ @param family
+ One of the ::wxFontFamily values.
@see GetFamily(), SetFaceName()
- void SetFamily(wxFontFamily family);
+ virtual void SetFamily(wxFontFamily family);
- Creates the font corresponding to the given native font description string and
- returns @true if
- the creation was successful.
- which must have been previously returned by
- GetNativeFontInfoDesc(). If the string is
- invalid, font is unchanged. This function is typically used for de-serializing
- a wxFont
- object previously saved in a string-form.
+ Creates the font corresponding to the given native font description string
+ which must have been previously returned by GetNativeFontInfoDesc().
+ If the string is invalid, font is unchanged.
+ This function is typically used for de-serializing a wxFont object
+ previously saved in a string-form.
+ @return @true if the creation was successful.
@see SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc()
Creates the font corresponding to the given native font description string and
- returns @true if
- the creation was successful.
- Unlike SetNativeFontInfo(), this function accepts
- strings which are user-friendly.
- Examples of accepted string formats are:
- Generic syntax
- Example
- on @b wxGTK2: @c [FACE-NAME] [bold] [oblique|italic] [POINTSIZE]
- Monospace bold 10
+ returns @true if the creation was successful.
- on @b wxMSW: @c [light|bold] [italic] [FACE-NAME] [POINTSIZE] [ENCODING]
- Tahoma 10 WINDOWS-1252
+ Unlike SetNativeFontInfo(), this function accepts strings which are user-friendly.
+ Examples of accepted string formats are:
- on @b wxMac: FIXME
+ @beginTable
+ @hdr3col{platform, generic syntax, example}
+ @row3col{wxGTK2, <tt>[FACE-NAME] [bold] [oblique|italic] [POINTSIZE]</tt>, Monospace bold 10}
+ @row3col{wxMSW, <tt>[light|bold] [italic] [FACE-NAME] [POINTSIZE] [ENCODING]</tt>, Tahoma 10 WINDOWS-1252}
+ @endTable
+ @todo add an example for wxMac
For more detailed information about the allowed syntaxes you can look at the
- documentation of the native API used for font-rendering (e.g. pango_font_description_from_string).
+ documentation of the native API used for font-rendering
+ (e.g. @c pango_font_description_from_string on GTK).
+ Note that unlike SetNativeFontInfo(), this function doesn't always restore all
+ attributes of the wxFont object under all platforms; e.g. on wxMSW the font family
+ is not restored (because GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc doesn't return it on wxMSW).
+ If you want to serialize/deserialize a font in string form, you should use
+ GetNativeFontInfoDesc() and SetNativeFontInfo() instead.
@see SetNativeFontInfo()
bool SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(const wxString& info);
+ void SetNativeFontInfo(const wxNativeFontInfo& info);
Sets the point size.
+ The <em>point size</em> is defined as 1/72 of the anglo-Saxon inch
+ (25.4 mm): it is approximately 0.0139 inch or 352.8 um.
@param pointSize
Size in points.
@see GetPointSize()
- void SetPointSize(int pointSize);
+ virtual void SetPointSize(int pointSize);
- Sets the font style.
+ Sets the pixel size.
- @param style
+ The height parameter of @a pixelSize must be positive while the width
+ parameter may also be zero (to indicate that you're not interested in the
+ width of the characters: a suitable width will be chosen for best rendering).
- @see GetStyle()
+ This feature (specifying the font pixel size) is directly supported only
+ under wxMSW and wxGTK currently; under other platforms a font with the
+ closest size to the given one is found using binary search (this maybe slower).
+ @see GetPixelSize()
- void SetStyle(int style);
+ virtual void SetPixelSize(const wxSize& pixelSize);
- Sets underlining.
+ Sets the font style.
- @param underlining
- @true to underline, @false otherwise.
+ @param style
+ One of the ::wxFontStyle enumeration values.
- @see GetUnderlined()
+ @see GetStyle()
- void SetUnderlined(const bool underlined);
+ virtual void SetStyle(wxFontStyle style);
- Sets the font weight.
- @param weight
- One of:
+ Sets the font size using a predefined symbolic size name.
+ This function allows to change font size to be (very) large or small
+ compared to the standard font size.
+ @see SetSymbolicSizeRelativeTo().
+ @since 2.9.2
+ */
+ void SetSymbolicSize(wxFontSymbolicSize size);
+ /**
+ Sets the font size compared to the base font size.
- Normal font.
+ This is the same as SetSymbolicSize() except that it uses the given
+ font size as the normal font size instead of the standard font size.
+ @since 2.9.2
+ */
+ void SetSymbolicSizeRelativeTo(wxFontSymbolicSize size, int base);
+ /**
+ Sets underlining.
+ @param underlined
+ @true to underline, @false otherwise.
+ @see GetUnderlined()
+ */
+ virtual void SetUnderlined(bool underlined);
+ /**
+ Sets the font weight.
+ @param weight
+ One of the ::wxFontWeight values.
+ @see GetWeight()
+ */
+ virtual void SetWeight(wxFontWeight weight);
- Light font.
+ //@}
+ /**
+ Inequality operator.
+ See @ref overview_refcount_equality "reference-counted object comparison" for
+ more info.
+ */
+ bool operator!=(const wxFont& font) const;
+ /**
+ Equality operator.
+ See @ref overview_refcount_equality "reference-counted object comparison" for
+ more info.
+ */
+ bool operator==(const wxFont& font) const;
+ /**
+ Assignment operator, using @ref overview_refcount "reference counting".
+ */
+ wxFont& operator =(const wxFont& font);
+ // statics
- Bold font.
+ /**
+ Returns the current application's default encoding.
- @see GetWeight()
+ @see @ref overview_fontencoding, SetDefaultEncoding()
- void SetWeight(wxFontWeight weight);
+ static wxFontEncoding GetDefaultEncoding();
- Inequality operator.
- See @ref overview_refcountequality "reference-counted object comparison" for
- more info.
- */
- bool operator !=(const wxFont& font);
+ Sets the default font encoding.
- /**
- Assignment operator, using @ref overview_trefcount "reference counting".
+ @see @ref overview_fontencoding, GetDefaultEncoding()
- wxFont operator =(const wxFont& font);
+ static void SetDefaultEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding);
+ //@{
- Equality operator.
- See @ref overview_refcountequality "reference-counted object comparison" for
- more info.
+ This function takes the same parameters as the relative
+ @ref wxFont::wxFont "wxFont constructor" and returns a new font
+ object allocated on the heap.
- bool operator ==(const wxFont& font);
+ static wxFont* New(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style,
+ wxFontWeight weight,
+ bool underline = false,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ static wxFont* New(int pointSize, wxFontFamily family,
+ int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ static wxFont* New(const wxSize& pixelSize,
+ wxFontFamily family,
+ wxFontStyle style,
+ wxFontWeight weight,
+ bool underline = false,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ static wxFont* New(const wxSize& pixelSize,
+ wxFontFamily family,
+ int flags = wxFONTFLAG_DEFAULT,
+ const wxString& faceName = wxEmptyString,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ static wxFont *New(const wxNativeFontInfo& nativeInfo);
+ static wxFont *New(const wxString& nativeInfoString);
+ //@}
wxFont wxNullFont;
+ Equivalent to wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT).
+ @see wxSystemSettings
+ A font using the @c wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS family and 2 points smaller than
wxFont wxSMALL_FONT;
+ A font using the @c wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN family and @c wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC style and
+ of the same size of ::wxNORMAL_FONT.
+ A font identic to ::wxNORMAL_FONT except for the family used which is
wxFont wxSWISS_FONT;
@class wxFontList
- @wxheader{gdicmn.h}
- A font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created. There
- is only one instance of this class: @b wxTheFontList. Use this object to search
- for a previously created font of the desired type and create it if not already
- found.
+ A font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created.
+ There is only one instance of this class: ::wxTheFontList.
+ Use this object to search for a previously created font of the desired type
+ and create it if not already found.
In some windowing systems, the font may be a scarce resource, so it is best to
reuse old resources if possible. When an application finishes, all fonts will
- be
- deleted and their resources freed, eliminating the possibility of 'memory
+ be deleted and their resources freed, eliminating the possibility of 'memory
Constructor. The application should not construct its own font list:
- use the object pointer @b wxTheFontList.
+ use the object pointer ::wxTheFontList.
Finds a font of the given specification, or creates one and adds it to the
- list. See the @ref wxFont::ctor "wxFont constructor" for
- details of the arguments.
+ list. See the @ref wxFont "wxFont constructor" for details of the arguments.
- wxFont* FindOrCreateFont(int point_size, int family, int style,
- int weight,
- bool underline = false,
- const wxString& facename = NULL,
+ wxFont* FindOrCreateFont(int point_size, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style,
+ wxFontWeight weight, bool underline = false,
+ const wxString& facename = wxEmptyString,
wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ The global wxFontList instance.
+wxFontList* wxTheFontList;
// ============================================================================
// Global functions/macros
// ============================================================================
-/** @ingroup group_funcmacro_misc */
+/** @addtogroup group_funcmacro_misc */