The rules for determining if the file name is absolute or relative also depends
on the file name format and the only portable way to answer to this question is
to use \helpref{IsAbsolute}{wxfilenameisabsolute} method. To ensure that the
-filename is absolute you may use \helpref{Normalize}{wxfilenamenormalize}.
+filename is absolute you may use \helpref{Normalize}{wxfilenamenormalize}. There
+is also an inverse function \helpref{MakeRelativeTo}{wxfilenamemakerelativeto}
+which undoes what \helpref{Normalize(wxPATH\_NORM\_DOTS}{wxfilenamenormalize}
Other functions returning information about the file format provided by this
class are \helpref{GetVolumeSeparator}{wxfilenamegetvolumeseparator},\rtfsp
-\helpref{IsPathSeparator}{wxfilenameispathseparator} and\rtfsp
These methods allow to work with the file creation, access and modification
+times. Note that not all filesystems under all platforms implement these times
+in the same way. For example, the access time under Windows has a resolution of
+one day (so it is really the access date and not time). The access time may be
+updated when the file is executed or not depending on the platform.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Constructor from a directory name, file base name and extension
+Constructor from a directory name, base file name and extension
+\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Constructor from a volume name, a directory name, base file name and extension
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filepath}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{AssignDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-empty volume
+Set this file name object to the given directory name. The name and extension
+will be empty.
-get the value of user home (Unix only mainly)
+Set this file name object to the home directory.
-\func{void}{AssignTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}}
+\func{void}{AssignTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{wxFile *}{fileTemp = {\tt NULL}}}
The function calls \helpref{CreateTempFileName}{wxfilenamecreatetempfilename} to
create a temporary file and sets this object to the name of the file. If a
Reset all components to default, uninitialized state.
-\func{static wxString}{CreateTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}}
+\func{static wxString}{CreateTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{wxFile *}{fileTemp = {\tt NULL}}}
Returns a temporary file name starting with the given {\it prefix}. If
the {\it prefix} is an absolute path, the temporary file is created in this
directory, otherwise it is created in the default system directory for the
temporary files or in the current directory.
-If the function succeeds, the temporary file is actually created (but not
-opened) as well. Under Unix, it will have read and write permissions for the
-owner only.
+If the function succeeds, the temporary file is actually created. If\rtfsp
+{\it fileTemp} is not {\tt NULL}, this file will be opened using the name of
+the temporary file. When possible, this is done in an atomic way ensuring that
+no race condition occurs between the temporary file name generation and opening
+it which could often lead to security compromise on the multiuser systems.
+If {\it fileTemp} is {\tt NULL}, the file is only created, but not opened.
-\wxheading{Return value}
+Under Unix, the temporary file will have read and write permissions for the
+owner only to minimize the security problems.
-The full temporary file name or an empty string on error.
+\docparam{prefix}{Prefix to use for the temporary file name construction}
+\docparam{fileTemp}{The file to open or {\tt NULL} to just get the name}
-does the directory with this name exists?
+\wxheading{Return value}
+The full temporary file name or an empty string on error.
\func{bool}{DirExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Does the directory with this name exists?
\func{wxFileName}{DirName}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-does the file with this name exists?
\func{bool}{FileExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
+Does the file with this name exists?
static pseudo constructors
\func{wxString}{GetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume = ""}}
-\constfunc{wxString}{GetPath}{\param{bool }{add\_separator = FALSE}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\constfunc{wxString}{GetPath}{\param{int }{flags = $0$}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Return the path part of the filename (without the name nor extension). The
+possible flags values are:
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxPATH\_GET\_VOLUME}}{Return the path with the volume (does
+nothing for the filename formats without volumes)}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxPATH\_GET\_SEPARATOR}}{Return the path with the trailing
+separator, if this flag is not given there will be no separator at the end of
+the path.}
-Construct path only - possibly with the trailing separator
+\func{wxChar}{GetPathSeparator}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Return the usually used path separator for this format. For all formats but
+{\tt wxPATH\_DOS} there is only one path separator anyhow, but for DOS there
+are two of them and the native one, i.e. the backslash is returned by this
+\wxheading{See also}
\func{wxString}{GetPathSeparators}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-get the string of path separators for this format
+Get the string containing all the path separators for this format. For all
+formats but {\tt wxPATH\_DOS} this string contains only one character but for
+DOS and Windows both {\tt '/'} and {\tt '\textbackslash'} may be used as
+\wxheading{See also}
-\constfunc{bool}{GetTimes}{\param{wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtChange}}
+\constfunc{bool}{GetTimes}{\param{wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
-return the last access, last modification and last change times
-(any of the pointers may be NULL)
+Return the last access, last modification and creation times. The last access
+time is updated whenever the file is read or written (or executed in the case
+of Windows), last modification time is only changed when the file is written
+to. Finally, the creation time is indeed the time when the file was created
+under Windows and the inode change time under Unix (as it is impossible to
+retrieve the real file creation time there anyhow) which can also be changed
+by many operations after the file creation.
+Aany of the pointers may be {\tt NULL} if the corresponding time is not
+\wxheading{Return value}
+{\tt TRUE} on success, {\tt FALSE} if we failed to retrieve the times.
+Returns the string containing the volume for this file name, mepty if it
+doesn't have one or if the file system doesn't support volumes at all (for
+example, Unix).
\func{bool}{IsPathSeparator}{\param{wxChar }{ch}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-is the char a path separator for this format?
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the char is a path separator for this format.
\func{bool}{IsRelative}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-is this filename relative?
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if this filename is not absolute.
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if this object represents a directory, {\tt FALSE} otherwise
+(i.e. if it is a file). Note that this method doesn't test whether the
+directory or file really exists, you should use
+\helpref{DirExists}{wxfilenamedirexists} or
+\helpref{FileExists}{wxfilenamefileexists} for this.
+\func{bool}{MakeRelativeTo}{\param{const wxString\& }{pathBase = ""}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-\func{bool}{IsWild}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+This function tries to put this file name in a form relative to {\it pathBase}.
+In other words, it returns the file name which should be used to access this
+file if the current directory were {\it pathBase}.
-FIXME: what exactly does this do?
+\docparam{pathBase}{the directory to use as root, current directory is used by
+\docparam{format}{the file name format, native by default}
+\wxheading{Return value}
+{\tt TRUE} if the file name has been changed, {\tt FALSE} if we failed to do
+anything with it (currently this only happens if the file name is on a volume
+different from the volume specified by {\it pathBase}).
+\wxheading{See also}
-\func{bool}{Mkdir}{\param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{bool }{full = FALSE}}
+\func{bool}{Mkdir}{\param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{int }{flags = $0$}}
-\func{static bool}{Mkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{bool }{full = FALSE}}
+\func{static bool}{Mkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{int }{flags = $0$}}
\docparam{dir}{the directory to create}
\docparam{parm}{the permissions for the newly created directory}
-\docparam{full}{if {\tt TRUE}, will try to make each directory in the path}
+\docparam{flags}{if the flags contain {\tt wxPATH\_MKDIR\_FULL} flag,
+try to create each directory in the path and also don't return an error
+if the target directory already exists.}
\wxheading{Return value}
-\func{bool}{Normalize}{\param{wxPathNormalize }{flags = wxPATH\_NORM\_ALL}, \param{const wxString\& }{cwd = wxEmptyString}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{bool}{Normalize}{\param{int }{flags = wxPATH\_NORM\_ALL}, \param{const wxString\& }{cwd = wxEmptyString}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
operations on the path
normalize the path: with the default flags value, the path will be
-\func{bool}{SetTimes}{\param{const wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtMod}}
+\func{bool}{SetTimes}{\param{const wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
set the file creation and last access/mod times
(any of the pointers may be NULL)