-// Name: translations.h\r
-// Purpose: List of wxWidgets available translations\r
-// Author: wxWidgets team\r
-// RCS-ID: $Id$\r
-// Licence: wxWindows license\r
-@page page_translations Translations\r
-wxWidgets uses a certain number of user-readable strings such as\r
-<tt>"help"</tt> or <tt>"Load file"</tt> which should be translated to the\r
-users language if it is different from English. wxWidgets has built in support\r
-for internationalization (@e i18n from now on) which allows for this to happen\r
-automatically if the translations to the current language are available.\r
-You may find here the list of all existing translations with the addresses of\r
-the official translators whom you should contact if you would like to submit\r
-any corrections to the translations for your language.\r
-Also, please see @ref page_translations_howtohelp if you would like to translate\r
-wxWidgets to your language if it is not mentioned here (or to help with one which\r
-already is - it is quite helpful to have several translators for one language at\r
-least for proof reading).\r
-@li @ref page_translations_avail\r
-@li @ref page_translations_howtohelp\r
-@section page_translations_avail Available translations\r
-Below is the table containing the list of languages supported by wxWidgets.\r
-The columns of this table have the obvious meaning: in each row you will see\r
-the language, the official translator (if any) for it and the status of the\r
-Please note that email addresses in the table below are intentionally invalid\r
-to foil spam robots, remove one <tt>\@</tt> from them.\r
- <th>Language</th>\r
- <th>Status</th>\r
- <th>Translator(s)</th>\r
- <td>Afrikaans</td>\r
- <td class="orange">71%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:rkwjpj@@puk.ac.za">Petri Jooste</a></td>\r
- <td>Albanian</td>\r
- <td class="orange">79%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:besnik@@programeshqip.org">Besnik Bleta</a></td>\r
- <td>Basque</td>\r
- <td class="red">18%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:3arrano@@euskalerria.org">3ARRANO Euskalgintza Taldea</a></td>\r
- <td>Catalan</td>\r
- <td class="orange">67%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:paubcrespo@@hotmail.com">Pau Bosch i Crespo</a></td>\r
- <td>Chinese (simplified)</td>\r
- <td class="green">80%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:mrfx@@fm365.com">mrfx</a></td>\r
- <td>Chinese (traditional)</td>\r
- <td class="green">80%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:pal.tw@@yahoo.com.tw">pal.tw</a></td>\r
- <td>Czech</td>\r
- <td class="orange">68%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:v.slavik@@volny.cz">Vaclav Slavik</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:deirdre_skye@@web.de">Herbert Breunung</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Danish</td>\r
- <td class="orange">78%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:leif@@danmos.dk">Leif Jensen</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:Henrik@@fangorn.dk">Henrik Ræder Clausen</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:mulrich15@@yahoo.dk">Morten Råbjerg Ulrich</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Dutch</td>\r
- <td class="green">92%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:phubers@@solve-i-t.com">Patrick Hubers</a></td>\r
- <td>English (UK)</td>\r
- <td class="green">100%</td>\r
- <td>N/A</td>\r
- <td>Finnish</td>\r
- <td class="green">88%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:kgb@@compart.fi">Kaj G Backas</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:lanurmi@@iki.fi">Lauri Nurmi</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:jmsalli79@@hotmail.com">Jaakko Salli</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:elias.julkunen@gmail.com">Elias Julkunen</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>French (standard)</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:Stephane.Junique@@optics.kth.se">Stephane Junique</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:lionel.allorge@@lunerouge.com">Lionel Allorge</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:Gilles.Guyot@@Krypton.be">Gilles Guyot</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Galician</td>\r
- <td class="green">80%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:leandro.regueiro@@gmail.com">Leandro Regueiro</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:correoadrian82@@hotmail.com">Adrián González Alba</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>German</td>\r
- <td class="green">81%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:DanR@@gmx.de">Daniel Reith</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:sparhawk@@aon.at">Gerhard Gruber</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:stefan@@hedemann.de">Stefan Hedemann</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:D.Reymann@@geisenheim.mnd.fh-wiesbaden.de">Dr. Detlev Reymann</a>,\r
- Mark Johnson,\r
- <a href="mailto:martinnost@@users.sf.net">Martin Jost</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:deirdre_skye@@web.de">Herbert Breunung</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:chbuck@@gmail.com">Ch. Buck</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Greek</td>\r
- <td class="orange">76%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:tsolako1@@otenet.gr">Tsolakos Stavros</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:nassosy@@compulink.gr">Nassos Yiannopoulos</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Hindi</td>\r
- <td class="green">92%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:dysxhi@@yahoo.co.in">Dhananjaya Sharma</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:priyank.bolia@@gmail.com">Priyank Bolia</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Hungarian</td>\r
- <td class="green">80%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:Janos_Vegh@@users.sourceforge.net">Végh János Dr.</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Indonesian</td>\r
- <td class="orange">73%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:bambang@@3wsi.com">Bambang Purnomosidi D. P.</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Italian</td>\r
- <td class="green">91%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:mbarbon@@cpan.org">Mattia Barbon</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:m.cavallini@@koansoftware.com">Marco Cavallini</a>\r
- (<a href="http://www.koansoftware.com">Koan Software</a>)\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Japanese</td>\r
- <td class="green">81%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:james.bishop1@@tiscali.co.uk">James Bishop</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:saito@@inetrt.skcapi.co.jp">Hiroshi Saito</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:suzumizaki@@free.japandesign.ne.jp">Suzumizaki-Kimitaka</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Latvian</td>\r
- <td class="red">21%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:lauris@@nix.lv">Lauris Bukshis</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Malay</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:mahrazi@@gmail.com">Mahrazi Mohd Kamal</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Norwegian Bokmal</td>\r
- <td class="orange">78%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:hans@@nordhaug.priv.no">Hans F. Nordhaug</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Polish</td>\r
- <td class="green">81%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:matiso@@hoga.pl">Piotr Mackowiak</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:jpiw@@go2.pl">Janusz Piwowarski</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:abx@@abx.art.pl">ABX</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Portuguese (pt)</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:bernardosw@@terra.com.br">Bernardo Santos Wernesback</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:marionrpereira76@@hotmail.com">Mario Pereira</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:digiplan.pt@@gmail.com">Antonio Cardoso Martins</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:mail@@cgoncalves.info">Carlos Gonçalves</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Portuguese (pt_BR)</td>\r
- <td class="green">100%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:e.a.tacao@@terra.com.br">E.A. Tacao</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:jecdiniz@@yahoo.com.br">José Eduardo de Carvalho Diniz</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:adiel@@inf.ufsc.br">Adiel Mittmann</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Russian</td>\r
- <td class="orange">78%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:wolfsoft@@mail.ru">Dennis Prochko</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:rolinsky@@mema.ucl.ac.be">Roman Rolinsky</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:vadim@@wxwidgets.org">Vadim Zeitlin</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:kai@@cmail.ru">Andrew V. Samoilov</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Slovak</td>\r
- <td class="orange">77%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:helix84@@centrum.sk">Ivan Masar</a></td>\r
- <td>Slovenian</td>\r
- <td class="green">100%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:roman.plevel@@iskratr.si">Roman Plevel</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:miles@@filmsi.net">Martin Srebotnjak</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Spanish</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:guille@@iies.es">Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:jsj666@@hotmail.com">JSJ</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:francisco.vila@@hispalinux.es">Francisco Vila</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:correoadrian82@@hotmail.com">Adrián González Alba</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Swedish</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:jor@@mindless.com">Jonas Rydberg</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:kgb@@compart.fi">Kaj G Backas</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Turkish</td>\r
- <td class="green">92%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:dogusanh@@dynaset.org">Hakki Dogusan</a></td>\r
- <td>Ukrainian</td>\r
- <td class="green">95%</td>\r
- <td>\r
- <a href="mailto:manko@@salingshot.co.nz">Eugene Manko</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:yurchor@@ukr.net">Yuri Chornoivan</a>,\r
- <a href="mailto:k_ilya@@ukr.net">Ylia K</a>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>Valencian (ca\@valencia)</td>\r
- <td class="orange">67%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:rmh@@aybabtu.com">Robert Millan</a></td>\r
- <td>Vietnamese</td>\r
- <td class="green">100%</td>\r
- <td><a href="mailto:vnwildman@gmail.com">Tran Ngoc Quan</a></td>\r
-@section page_translations_howtohelp How to help\r
-wxWidgets uses the standard GNU gettext tools for i18n so if you are already\r
-familiar with them you shouldn't have any problems with working on wxWidgets\r
-Here are the the steps you should follow:\r
--# Get the latest version of the file <tt>locale/wxstd.pot</tt> from the\r
- wxWidgets source tree: if you're using\r
- <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/develop/svn.htm">Subversion</a>\r
- or the <a href="http://wxwindows.sourceforge.net/snapshots/">daily snapshots</a>\r
- you should already have it.\r
- Otherwise you can always retrieve it directly from the Subversion repository via the\r
- <a href="http://svn.wxwidgets.org/viewvc/wx/wxWidgets/trunk/locale/wxstd.pot?view=co">Web interface</a>.\r
--# Rename it to <tt>XY.po</tt> where <tt>"XY"</tt> is the 2 letter\r
- <a href="http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php">ISO 639-2 language code</a>\r
- for your language.\r
--# Translate the strings in this file using either your favourite text\r
- editor or a specialized tool such as Vaclav Slavik's excellent\r
- <a href="http://www.poedit.net/">poEdit</a> utility.\r
--# Verify that your translations can at least be compiled (even if they\r
- are yet incomplete) by running <tt>msgfmt -v XY.po</tt> command:\r
- please note that you <i>must</i> use the <tt>-v</tt> option. In\r
- particular, please fill the header fields because @c msgfmt doesn't\r
- accept the default values for them.\r
--# Send the finished translation to <a href="mailto:vadim@wxwidgets.org">Vadim Zeitlin</a>\r
- and it will be added to the next wxWidgets release or snapshot.\r
-In addition, please consider subscribing to the very low volume\r
-<a href="http://lists.wxwidgets.org/mailman/listinfo/wx-translators">\r
-wxWidgets translators</a> mailing list on which the news especially important\r
-for the translators are announced.\r
-Thank you in advance for your help!\r
+// Name: translations.h
+// Purpose: List of wxWidgets available translations
+// Author: wxWidgets team
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+@page page_translations Translations
+wxWidgets uses a certain number of user-readable strings such as
+<tt>"help"</tt> or <tt>"Load file"</tt> which should be translated to the users
+language if it is different from English. wxWidgets has built in support for
+internationalization (@e i18n from now on) which allows for this to happen
+automatically if the translations to the current language are available.
+You may find here the list of all existing translations with the addresses of
+the official translators whom you should contact if you would like to submit
+any corrections to the translations for your language.
+Also, please see @ref page_translations_howtohelp if you would like to
+translate wxWidgets to your language if it is not mentioned here (or to help
+with one which already is - it is quite helpful to have several translators for
+one language at least for proof reading).
+@section page_translations_avail Available Translations
+Below is the table containing the list of languages supported by wxWidgets.
+The columns of this table have the obvious meaning: in each row you will see
+the language, the official translator (if any) for it and the status of the
+Please note that email addresses in the table below are intentionally invalid
+to foil spam robots, remove one <tt>\@</tt> from them.
+ <th>Language</th>
+ <th>Status</th>
+ <th>Translator(s)</th>
+ <td>Afrikaans</td>
+ <td class="orange">71%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:rkwjpj@@puk.ac.za">Petri Jooste</a></td>
+ <td>Albanian</td>
+ <td class="orange">79%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:besnik@@programeshqip.org">Besnik Bleta</a></td>
+ <td>Basque</td>
+ <td class="red">18%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:3arrano@@euskalerria.org">3ARRANO Euskalgintza Taldea</a></td>
+ <td>Catalan</td>
+ <td class="orange">67%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:paubcrespo@@hotmail.com">Pau Bosch i Crespo</a></td>
+ <td>Chinese (simplified)</td>
+ <td class="green">80%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:mrfx@@fm365.com">mrfx</a></td>
+ <td>Chinese (traditional)</td>
+ <td class="green">80%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:pal.tw@@yahoo.com.tw">pal.tw</a></td>
+ <td>Czech</td>
+ <td class="orange">68%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:v.slavik@@volny.cz">Vaclav Slavik</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:deirdre_skye@@web.de">Herbert Breunung</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Danish</td>
+ <td class="orange">78%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:leif@@danmos.dk">Leif Jensen</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:Henrik@@fangorn.dk">Henrik Ræder Clausen</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:mulrich15@@yahoo.dk">Morten Råbjerg Ulrich</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Dutch</td>
+ <td class="green">92%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:phubers@@solve-i-t.com">Patrick Hubers</a></td>
+ <td>English (UK)</td>
+ <td class="green">100%</td>
+ <td>N/A</td>
+ <td>Finnish</td>
+ <td class="green">88%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:kgb@@compart.fi">Kaj G Backas</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:lanurmi@@iki.fi">Lauri Nurmi</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:jmsalli79@@hotmail.com">Jaakko Salli</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:elias.julkunen@gmail.com">Elias Julkunen</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>French (standard)</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:Stephane.Junique@@optics.kth.se">Stephane Junique</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:lionel.allorge@@lunerouge.com">Lionel Allorge</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:Gilles.Guyot@@Krypton.be">Gilles Guyot</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Galician</td>
+ <td class="green">80%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:leandro.regueiro@@gmail.com">Leandro Regueiro</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:correoadrian82@@hotmail.com">Adrián González Alba</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>German</td>
+ <td class="green">81%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:DanR@@gmx.de">Daniel Reith</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:sparhawk@@aon.at">Gerhard Gruber</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:stefan@@hedemann.de">Stefan Hedemann</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:D.Reymann@@geisenheim.mnd.fh-wiesbaden.de">Dr. Detlev Reymann</a>,
+ Mark Johnson,
+ <a href="mailto:martinnost@@users.sf.net">Martin Jost</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:deirdre_skye@@web.de">Herbert Breunung</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:chbuck@@gmail.com">Ch. Buck</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Greek</td>
+ <td class="orange">76%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:tsolako1@@otenet.gr">Tsolakos Stavros</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:nassosy@@compulink.gr">Nassos Yiannopoulos</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Hindi</td>
+ <td class="green">92%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:dysxhi@@yahoo.co.in">Dhananjaya Sharma</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:priyank.bolia@@gmail.com">Priyank Bolia</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Hungarian</td>
+ <td class="green">80%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:Janos_Vegh@@users.sourceforge.net">Végh János Dr.</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Indonesian</td>
+ <td class="orange">73%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:bambang@@3wsi.com">Bambang Purnomosidi D. P.</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Italian</td>
+ <td class="green">91%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:mbarbon@@cpan.org">Mattia Barbon</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:m.cavallini@@koansoftware.com">Marco Cavallini</a>
+ (<a href="http://www.koansoftware.com">Koan Software</a>)
+ </td>
+ <td>Japanese</td>
+ <td class="green">81%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:james.bishop1@@tiscali.co.uk">James Bishop</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:saito@@inetrt.skcapi.co.jp">Hiroshi Saito</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:suzumizaki@@free.japandesign.ne.jp">Suzumizaki-Kimitaka</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Latvian</td>
+ <td class="red">21%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:lauris@@nix.lv">Lauris Bukshis</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Malay</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:mahrazi@@gmail.com">Mahrazi Mohd Kamal</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Norwegian Bokmal</td>
+ <td class="orange">78%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:hans@@nordhaug.priv.no">Hans F. Nordhaug</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Polish</td>
+ <td class="green">81%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:matiso@@hoga.pl">Piotr Mackowiak</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:jpiw@@go2.pl">Janusz Piwowarski</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:abx@@abx.art.pl">ABX</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Portuguese (pt)</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:bernardosw@@terra.com.br">Bernardo Santos Wernesback</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:marionrpereira76@@hotmail.com">Mario Pereira</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:digiplan.pt@@gmail.com">Antonio Cardoso Martins</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:mail@@cgoncalves.info">Carlos Gonçalves</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Portuguese (pt_BR)</td>
+ <td class="green">100%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:e.a.tacao@@terra.com.br">E.A. Tacao</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:jecdiniz@@yahoo.com.br">José Eduardo de Carvalho Diniz</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:adiel@@inf.ufsc.br">Adiel Mittmann</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Russian</td>
+ <td class="orange">78%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:wolfsoft@@mail.ru">Dennis Prochko</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:rolinsky@@mema.ucl.ac.be">Roman Rolinsky</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:vadim@@wxwidgets.org">Vadim Zeitlin</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:kai@@cmail.ru">Andrew V. Samoilov</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Slovak</td>
+ <td class="orange">77%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:helix84@@centrum.sk">Ivan Masar</a></td>
+ <td>Slovenian</td>
+ <td class="green">100%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:roman.plevel@@iskratr.si">Roman Plevel</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:miles@@filmsi.net">Martin Srebotnjak</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Spanish</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:guille@@iies.es">Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:jsj666@@hotmail.com">JSJ</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:francisco.vila@@hispalinux.es">Francisco Vila</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:correoadrian82@@hotmail.com">Adrián González Alba</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Swedish</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:jor@@mindless.com">Jonas Rydberg</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:kgb@@compart.fi">Kaj G Backas</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Turkish</td>
+ <td class="green">92%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:dogusanh@@dynaset.org">Hakki Dogusan</a></td>
+ <td>Ukrainian</td>
+ <td class="green">95%</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="mailto:manko@@salingshot.co.nz">Eugene Manko</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:yurchor@@ukr.net">Yuri Chornoivan</a>,
+ <a href="mailto:k_ilya@@ukr.net">Ylia K</a>
+ </td>
+ <td>Valencian (ca\@valencia)</td>
+ <td class="orange">67%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:rmh@@aybabtu.com">Robert Millan</a></td>
+ <td>Vietnamese</td>
+ <td class="green">100%</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:vnwildman@gmail.com">Tran Ngoc Quan</a></td>
+@section page_translations_howtohelp How to Help
+wxWidgets uses the standard <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/">GNU
+gettext</a> tools for i18n so if you are already familiar with them you
+shouldn't have any problems with working on wxWidgets translations.
+Here are the steps you should follow:
+-# Get the latest version of the file <tt>locale/wxstd.pot</tt> from the
+ wxWidgets source tree: if you're using
+ <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/develop/svn.htm">Subversion</a>
+ or the <a href="http://wxwindows.sourceforge.net/snapshots/">daily snapshots</a>
+ you should already have it.
+ Otherwise you can always retrieve it directly from the Subversion repository via the
+ <a href="http://svn.wxwidgets.org/viewvc/wx/wxWidgets/trunk/locale/wxstd.pot?view=co">Web interface</a>.
+-# Rename it to <tt>XY.po</tt> where <tt>"XY"</tt> is the 2 letter
+ <a href="http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php">ISO 639-2 language code</a>
+ for your language.
+-# Translate the strings in this file using either your favourite text
+ editor or a specialized tool such as Vaclav Slavik's excellent
+ <a href="http://www.poedit.net/">poEdit</a> utility.
+-# Verify that your translations can at least be compiled (even if they
+ are yet incomplete) by running <tt>msgfmt -v XY.po</tt> command:
+ please note that you <i>must</i> use the <tt>-v</tt> option. In
+ particular, please fill the header fields because @c msgfmt doesn't
+ accept the default values for them.
+-# Send the finished translation to <a href="mailto:vadim@wxwidgets.org">Vadim Zeitlin</a>
+ and it will be added to the next wxWidgets release or snapshot.
+In addition, please consider subscribing to the very low volume
+<a href="http://lists.wxwidgets.org/mailman/listinfo/wx-translators">
+wxWidgets translators</a> mailing list on which the news especially important
+for the translators are announced.
+Thank you in advance for your help!