switch ( msg->wParam )
case VK_TAB:
- if ( lDlgCode & DLGC_WANTTAB ) {
+ if ( (lDlgCode & DLGC_WANTTAB) && !bCtrlDown )
+ {
+ // let the control have the TAB
bProcess = false;
- else {
+ else // use it for navigation
+ {
// Ctrl-Tab cycles thru notebook pages
bWindowChange = bCtrlDown;
bForward = !bShiftDown;
// we treat PageUp/Dn as arrows because chances are that
// a control which needs arrows also needs them for
// navigation (e.g. wxTextCtrl, wxListCtrl, ...)
- if ( (lDlgCode & DLGC_WANTARROWS) || !bCtrlDown )
+ if ( (lDlgCode & DLGC_WANTARROWS) && !bCtrlDown )
bProcess = false;
- else
+ else // OTOH Ctrl-PageUp/Dn works as [Shift-]Ctrl-Tab
bWindowChange = true;