class MyCanvas: public wxScrolledWindow
- MyCanvas() {};
+ MyCanvas() {}
MyCanvas( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size );
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
void OnMoveButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
void OnScrollWin( wxCommandEvent &event );
void OnMouseDown( wxMouseEvent &event );
- void OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent &event );
wxButton *m_button;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyScrolledWindow classes: examples of wxScrolledWindow usage
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// base class for both of them
+class MyScrolledWindowBase : public wxScrolledWindow
+ MyScrolledWindowBase(wxWindow *parent) : wxScrolledWindow(parent)
+ {
+ m_nLines = 100;
+ InitScrollbars();
+ }
+ // set the scrollbar params
+ void InitScrollbars();
+ // the height of one line on screen
+ wxCoord m_hLine;
+ // the number of lines we draw
+ size_t m_nLines;
+// this class does "stupid" redrawing - it redraws everything each time
+class MyScrolledWindowDumb : public MyScrolledWindowBase
+ MyScrolledWindowDumb(wxWindow *parent) : MyScrolledWindowBase(parent) { }
+ virtual void OnDraw(wxDC& dc);
+// this class does "smart" redrawing - only redraws the lines which must be
+// redrawn
+class MyScrolledWindowSmart : public MyScrolledWindowBase
+ MyScrolledWindowSmart(wxWindow *parent) : MyScrolledWindowBase(parent) { }
+ virtual void OnDraw(wxDC& dc);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyFrame
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MyFrame: public wxFrame
EVT_BUTTON( ID_DELBUTTON, MyCanvas::OnDeleteButton)
- EVT_SCROLLWIN( MyCanvas::OnScroll)
MyCanvas::MyCanvas( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
(void) new wxRadioBox( this, -1, "This", wxPoint(10,440), wxDefaultSize, 5, choices, 2, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS );
wxListCtrl *m_listCtrl = new wxListCtrl(
- this, -1, wxPoint(200, 110), wxSize(180, 120),
+ this, -1, wxPoint(200, 110), wxSize(180, 120),
m_listCtrl->InsertColumn(0, "First", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 90);
m_listCtrl->InsertColumn(1, "Last", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 90);
- wxPanel *test = new wxPanel( this, -1, wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(130,50), wxSIMPLE_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL );
+ wxPanel *test = new wxPanel( this, -1, wxPoint(10, 110), wxSize(130,50), wxSIMPLE_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL );
test->SetBackgroundColour( "WHEAT" );
#if 0
Scroll( -1, y+2 );
-void MyCanvas::OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent &event )
- if (( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ))
- {
- wxLogMessage( "Thumb released; position: %u", event.GetPosition() );
- }
- event.Skip();
// MyFrame
const int ID_QUIT = 108;
m_canvas = new MyCanvas( this, -1, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(100,100) );
m_canvas->SetScrollbars( 10, 10, 50, 100 );
-#if 0
- m_log = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, "This is the log window.\n", wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(100,100), wxTE_MULTILINE );
- wxLog *old_log = wxLog::SetActiveTarget( new wxLogTextCtrl( m_log ) );
- delete old_log;
wxBoxSizer *topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
topsizer->Add( m_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND );
-// topsizer->Add( m_log, 0, wxEXPAND );
+ wxSizer *sizerBtm = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ sizerBtm->Add( new MyScrolledWindowDumb(this), 1, wxEXPAND );
+ sizerBtm->Add( new MyScrolledWindowSmart(this), 1, wxEXPAND );
+ topsizer->Add( sizerBtm, 1, wxEXPAND );
SetAutoLayout( TRUE );
SetSizer( topsizer );
return TRUE;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyScrolledWindowXXX
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MyScrolledWindowBase::InitScrollbars()
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(_T("Line 17"), NULL, &m_hLine);
+ // no horz scrolling
+ SetScrollbars(0, m_hLine, 0, m_nLines + 1, 0, 0, TRUE /* no refresh */);
+void MyScrolledWindowDumb::OnDraw(wxDC& dc)
+ // this is useful to see which lines are redrawn
+ static size_t s_redrawCount = 0;
+ dc.SetTextForeground(s_redrawCount++ % 2 ? *wxRED : *wxBLUE);
+ wxCoord y = 0;
+ for ( size_t line = 0; line < m_nLines; line++ )
+ {
+ wxCoord yPhys;
+ CalcScrolledPosition(0, y, NULL, &yPhys);
+ dc.DrawText(wxString::Format(_T("Line %u (logical %d, physical %d)"),
+ line, y, yPhys), 0, y);
+ y += m_hLine;
+ }
+void MyScrolledWindowSmart::OnDraw(wxDC& dc)
+ // this is useful to see which lines are redrawn
+ static size_t s_redrawCount = 0;
+ dc.SetTextForeground(s_redrawCount++ % 2 ? *wxRED : *wxBLUE);
+ // update region is always in device coords, translate to logical ones
+ wxRect rectUpdate = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
+ CalcUnscrolledPosition(rectUpdate.x, rectUpdate.y,
+ &rectUpdate.x, &rectUpdate.y);
+ size_t lineFrom = rectUpdate.y / m_hLine,
+ lineTo = rectUpdate.GetBottom() / m_hLine;
+ if ( lineTo > m_nLines - 1)
+ lineTo = m_nLines - 1;
+ wxCoord y = lineFrom*m_hLine;
+ for ( size_t line = lineFrom; line <= lineTo; line++ )
+ {
+ wxCoord yPhys;
+ CalcScrolledPosition(0, y, NULL, &yPhys);
+ dc.DrawText(wxString::Format(_T("Line %u (logical %d, physical %d)"),
+ line, y, yPhys), 0, y);
+ y += m_hLine;
+ }