void SetAXProp(const wxString& name, PyObject* value)
const wxPropX& prop = GetAXPropDesc(name);
void SetAXProp(const wxString& name, PyObject* value)
const wxPropX& prop = GetAXPropDesc(name);
// handler. We'll convert and load the ActiveX event parameters into
// attributes of the Python event object.
void _preCallInit(PyObject* pyself) {
// handler. We'll convert and load the ActiveX event parameters into
// attributes of the Python event object.
void _preCallInit(PyObject* pyself) {
PyObject* pList = PyList_New(0);
PyObject_SetAttrString(pyself, "paramList", pList);
PyObject* pList = PyList_New(0);
PyObject_SetAttrString(pyself, "paramList", pList);
// handler. It reloads any "out" parameters from the python attributes
// back into the wxVariant they came from.
void _postCallCleanup(PyObject* pyself) {
// handler. It reloads any "out" parameters from the python attributes
// back into the wxVariant they came from.
void _postCallCleanup(PyObject* pyself) {
for (int i=0; i<self->ParamCount(); i+=1) {
PyObject* val = PyObject_GetAttrString(
pyself, (char*)(const char*)self->ParamName(i).mb_str());
for (int i=0; i<self->ParamCount(); i+=1) {
PyObject* val = PyObject_GetAttrString(
pyself, (char*)(const char*)self->ParamName(i).mb_str());
// control that will serve as a base class for a Python
// implementation. This is done so we can "eat our own dog food"
// and use a class at least mostly generated by genaxmodule, but
// control that will serve as a base class for a Python
// implementation. This is done so we can "eat our own dog food"
// and use a class at least mostly generated by genaxmodule, but