+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *child = m_children[i];
+ delete child;
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsContainer() { return m_isContainer; }
+ MyMusicModelNode* GetParent() { return m_parent; }
+ MyMusicModelNodes &GetChildren() { return m_children; }
+ MyMusicModelNode* GetNthChild( unsigned int n ) { return m_children.Item( n ); }
+ void Insert( MyMusicModelNode* child, unsigned int n) { m_children.Insert( child, n); }
+ void Append( MyMusicModelNode* child ) { m_children.Add( child ); }
+ unsigned int GetChildCount() { return m_children.GetCount(); }
+ wxString m_title;
+ wxString m_artist;
+ wxString m_year;
+ MyMusicModelNode *m_parent;
+ MyMusicModelNodes m_children;
+ bool m_isContainer;
+class MyMusicModel: public wxDataViewModel
+ // constructor
+ MyMusicModel()
+ {
+ m_root = new MyMusicModelNode( NULL, "My Music" );
+ m_pop = new MyMusicModelNode( m_root, "Pop music" );
+ m_root->Append( m_pop );
+ m_pop->Append( new MyMusicModelNode( m_pop,
+ "You are not alone", "Michael Jackson", "1995" ) );
+ m_pop->Append( new MyMusicModelNode( m_pop,
+ "Take a bow", "Madonna", "1994" ) );
+ m_classical = new MyMusicModelNode( m_root, "Classical music" );
+ m_root->Append( m_classical );
+ m_classical->Append( new MyMusicModelNode( m_classical,
+ "Ninth symphony", "Ludwig van Beethoven", "1824" ) );
+ m_classical->Append( new MyMusicModelNode( m_classical,
+ "German Requiem", "Johannes Brahms", "1868" ) );
+ m_classicalMusicIsKnownToControl = false;
+ }
+ // helper methods to change the model
+ void AddToClassical( const wxString &title, const wxString &artist, const wxString &year )
+ {
+ // add to data
+ MyMusicModelNode *child_node =
+ new MyMusicModelNode( m_classical, title, artist, year );
+ m_classical->Append( child_node );
+ if (m_classicalMusicIsKnownToControl)
+ {
+ // notify control
+ wxDataViewItem child( (void*) child_node );
+ wxDataViewItem parent( (void*) m_classical );
+ ItemAdded( parent, child );
+ }
+ }
+ void Delete( const wxDataViewItem &item )
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ wxDataViewItem parent( node->GetParent() );
+ // notify control
+ ItemDeleted( parent, item );
+ //We must delete the node after we call ItemDeleted
+ //The reason is that:
+ //When we use wxSortedArray, the array find a node through binary search for speed.
+ //And when the array is searching for some node, it call the model's compare function.
+ //The compare function need the node to be compared. So we should delete the node later, here.
+ node->GetParent()->GetChildren().Remove( node );
+ delete node;
+ }
+ // override sorting to always sort branches ascendingly
+ int Compare( const wxDataViewItem &item1, const wxDataViewItem &item2,
+ unsigned int column, bool ascending )
+ {
+ if (IsContainer(item1) && IsContainer(item2))
+ {
+ wxVariant value1,value2;
+ GetValue( value1, item1, 0 );
+ GetValue( value2, item2, 0 );
+ wxString str1 = value1.GetString();
+ wxString str2 = value2.GetString();
+ int res = str1.Cmp( str2 );
+ if (res) return res;
+ // items must be different
+ unsigned long litem1 = (unsigned long) item1.GetID();
+ unsigned long litem2 = (unsigned long) item2.GetID();
+ return litem1-litem2;
+ }
+ return wxDataViewModel::Compare( item1, item2, column, ascending );
+ }
+ // implementation of base class virtuals to define model
+ virtual unsigned int GetColumnCount() const
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ virtual wxString GetColumnType( unsigned int col ) const
+ {
+ return "string";
+ }
+ virtual void GetValue( wxVariant &variant,
+ const wxDataViewItem &item, unsigned int col ) const
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ switch (col)
+ {
+ case 0: variant = node->m_title; break;
+ case 1: variant = node->m_artist; break;
+ case 2: variant = node->m_year; break;
+ default: wxLogError( "MyMusicModel::GetValue: wrong column" );
+ }
+ }
+ virtual bool SetValue( const wxVariant &variant,
+ const wxDataViewItem &item, unsigned int col )
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ switch (col)
+ {
+ case 0: node->m_title = variant.GetString(); break;
+ case 1: node->m_artist = variant.GetString(); break;
+ case 2: node->m_year = variant.GetString(); break;
+ default: wxLogError( "MyMusicModel::SetValue: wrong column" );
+ }
+ }
+ virtual wxDataViewItem GetParent( const wxDataViewItem &item ) const
+ {
+ // the invisble root node has no parent
+ if (!item.IsOk())
+ return wxDataViewItem(0);
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ // "MyMusic" also has no parent
+ if (node == m_root)
+ return wxDataViewItem(0);
+ return wxDataViewItem( (void*) node->GetParent() );
+ }
+ virtual bool IsContainer( const wxDataViewItem &item ) const
+ {
+ // the invisble root node can have children (in
+ // our model always "MyMusic")
+ if (!item.IsOk())
+ return true;
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ return node->IsContainer();
+ }
+ virtual wxDataViewItem GetFirstChild( const wxDataViewItem &parent ) const
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) parent.GetID();
+ if (!node)
+ return wxDataViewItem( (void*) m_root );
+ if (node->GetChildCount() == 0)
+ return wxDataViewItem( 0 );
+ if (node == m_classical)
+ {
+ MyMusicModel *model = (MyMusicModel*)(const MyMusicModel*) this;
+ model->m_classicalMusicIsKnownToControl = true;
+ }
+ MyMusicModelNode *first_child = node->GetChildren().Item( 0 );
+ return wxDataViewItem( (void*) first_child );
+ }
+ virtual wxDataViewItem GetNextSibling( const wxDataViewItem &item ) const
+ {
+ MyMusicModelNode *node = (MyMusicModelNode*) item.GetID();
+ // "MyMusic" has no siblings in our model
+ if (node == m_root)
+ return wxDataViewItem(0);
+ MyMusicModelNode *parent = node->GetParent();
+ int pos = parent->GetChildren().Index( node );
+ // Something went wrong
+ if (pos == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ return wxDataViewItem(0);
+ // No more children
+ if (pos == parent->GetChildCount()-1)
+ return wxDataViewItem(0);
+ node = parent->GetChildren().Item( pos+1 );
+ return wxDataViewItem( (void*) node );
+ }
+ MyMusicModelNode* m_root;
+ MyMusicModelNode* m_pop;
+ MyMusicModelNode* m_classical;
+ bool m_classicalMusicIsKnownToControl;
+class MyListModel: public wxDataViewIndexListModel
+ MyListModel() :
+ wxDataViewIndexListModel( 100 )
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ {
+ wxString str;
+ str.Printf( "row number %d", i );
+ m_array.Add( str );
+ }
+ }
+ // helper methods to change the model
+ void Prepend( const wxString &text )
+ {
+ m_array.Insert( text, 0 );
+ RowPrepended();
+ }
+ void DeleteItem( const wxDataViewItem &item )
+ {
+ unsigned int row = GetRow( item );
+ m_array.RemoveAt( row );
+ RowDeleted( row );
+ }
+ // implementation of base class virtuals to define model
+ virtual unsigned int GetColumnCount() const
+ {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ virtual wxString GetColumnType( unsigned int col ) const
+ {
+ return "string";
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int GetRowCount()
+ {
+ return m_array.GetCount();
+ }
+ virtual void GetValue( wxVariant &variant,
+ unsigned int row, unsigned int col ) const
+ {
+ if (col==0)
+ {
+ variant = m_array[ row ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString str;
+ str.Printf( "row %d col %d", row, col );
+ variant = str;