+ {
+ //
+ // Test multiple selection
+ if ( !(pgman->GetExtraStyle() & wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION) )
+ CreateGrid( -1, wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION);
+ pgman = m_pPropGridManager;
+ wxPropertyGrid* pg = pgman->GetGrid();
+ wxPGProperty* prop1 = pg->GetProperty(wxT("Label"));
+ wxPGProperty* prop2 = pg->GetProperty(wxT("Cell Text Colour"));
+ wxPGProperty* prop3 = pg->GetProperty(wxT("Height"));
+ wxPGProperty* catProp = pg->GetProperty(wxT("Appearance"));
+ RT_ASSERT( prop1 && prop2 && prop3 );
+ pg->ClearSelection();
+ pg->AddToSelection(prop1);
+ pg->AddToSelection(prop2);
+ pg->AddToSelection(prop3);
+ // Adding category to selection should fail silently
+ pg->AddToSelection(catProp);
+ wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties = pg->GetSelectedProperties();
+ RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties.size() == 3 )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(catProp) )
+ pg->RemoveFromSelection(prop1);
+ wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties2 = pg->GetSelectedProperties();
+ RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties2.size() == 2 )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) )
+ pg->ClearSelection();
+ wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties3 = pg->GetSelectedProperties();
+ RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties3.size() == 0 )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) )
+ pg->SelectProperty(prop2);
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) )
+ RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) )
+ RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) )
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Test label editing
+ wxPropertyGrid* pg = pgman->GetGrid();
+ // Just mostly test that these won't crash
+ pg->MakeColumnEditable(0, true);
+ pg->MakeColumnEditable(2, true);
+ pg->MakeColumnEditable(0, false);
+ pg->MakeColumnEditable(2, false);
+ pg->SelectProperty(wxT("Height"));
+ pg->BeginLabelEdit(0);
+ pg->BeginLabelEdit(0);
+ pg->EndLabelEdit(0);
+ pg->EndLabelEdit(0);
+ // Recreate grid
+ CreateGrid( -1, -1 );
+ pgman = m_pPropGridManager;
+ }
+ {
+ RT_START_TEST(Attributes)
+ wxPGProperty* prop = pgman->GetProperty(wxT("StringProperty"));
+ prop->SetAttribute(wxT("Dummy Attribute"), (long)15);
+ if ( prop->GetAttribute(wxT("Dummy Attribute")).GetLong() != 15 )
+ prop->SetAttribute(wxT("Dummy Attribute"), wxVariant());
+ if ( !prop->GetAttribute(wxT("Dummy Attribute")).IsNull() )
+ }