import re
import sys
import builder
-import commands
import glob
import optparse
import platform
options = None
configure_opts = None
exitWithException = True
+nmakeCommand = 'nmake.exe'
verbose = False
# Linux, Unix and MacOS:
if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
- if os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
+ if "SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" in os.sysconf_names:
# Linux & Unix:
ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
# Windows:
- if os.environ.has_key("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"):
+ if "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS" in os.environ:
ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]);
if ncpus > 0:
return ncpus
def getXcodePath():
- p = subprocess.Popen("xcode-select -print-path", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output =
- return output.strip()
+ return getoutput("xcode-select -print-path")
+def getVisCVersion():
+ text = getoutput("cl.exe")
+ if 'Version 13' in text:
+ return '71'
+ if 'Version 15' in text:
+ return '90'
+ if 'Version 16' in text:
+ return '100'
+ # TODO: Add more tests to get the other versions...
+ else:
+ return 'FIXME'
def exitIfError(code, msg):
if code != 0:
- print msg
+ print(msg)
if exitWithException:
- raise builder.BuildError, msg
+ raise builder.BuildError(msg)
# When an installdir is used then the install_names embedded in
# the dylibs are not correct. Reset the IDs and the dependencies
# to use just the prefix.
- print "**** macFixupInstallNames(%s, %s, %s)" % (destdir, prefix, buildDir)
+ print("**** macFixupInstallNames(%s, %s, %s)" % (destdir, prefix, buildDir))
pwd = os.getcwd()
dylibs = glob.glob('*.dylib') # ('*[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]*.dylib')
for lib in dylibs:
cmd = 'install_name_tool -id %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s' % \
(prefix,lib, destdir+prefix,lib)
- print cmd
+ print(cmd)
for dep in dylibs:
if buildDir is not None:
cmd = 'install_name_tool -change %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s' % \
(destdir+prefix,dep, prefix,dep, destdir+prefix,lib)
- print cmd
+ print(cmd)
def run(cmd):
global verbose
if verbose:
- print "Running %s" % cmd
+ print("Running %s" % cmd)
return exitIfError(os.system(cmd), "Error running %s" % cmd)
+def getoutput(cmd):
+ sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ output = None
+ output =
+ if sys.version_info > (3,):
+ output = output.decode('utf-8') # TODO: is utf-8 okay here?
+ output = output.rstrip()
+ rval = sp.wait()
+ if rval:
+ # Failed!
+ print("Command '%s' failed with exit code %d." % (cmd, rval))
+ sys.exit(rval)
+ return output
def main(scriptName, args):
global scriptDir
global wxRootDir
global options
global configure_opts
global wxBuilder
+ global nmakeCommand
scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(scriptName))
wxRootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(scriptDir, "..", ".."))
"extra_make" : ("", "Extra args to pass on [n]make's command line."),
"features" : ("", "A comma-separated list of wxUSE_XYZ defines on Win, or a list of configure flags on unix."),
"verbose" : (False, "Print commands as they are run, (to aid with debugging this script)"),
+ "jom" : (False, "Use jom.exe instead of nmake for MSW builds."),
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", version="%prog 1.0")
keys = option_dict.keys()
- keys.sort()
- for opt in keys:
+ for opt in sorted(keys):
default = option_dict[opt][0]
action = "store"
- if type(default) == types.BooleanType:
+ if type(default) == bool:
action = "store_true"
parser.add_option("--" + opt, default=default, action=action, dest=opt,
- # Ensure that the Carbon build stays compatible back to 10.4 and
- # for the Cocoa build allow running on 10.5 and newer. We only add
- # them to the wxpy options because this is a hard-requirement for
- # wxPython, but other cases it is optional and is left up to the
- # developer. TODO: there should be a command line option to set
- # the SDK...
+ # Try to use use lowest available SDK back to 10.5. Both Carbon and
+ # Cocoa builds require at least the 10.5 SDK now. We only add it to
+ # the wxpy options because this is a hard-requirement for wxPython,
+ # but other cases it is optional and is left up to the developer.
+ # TODO: there should be a command line option to set the SDK...
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
xcodePath = getXcodePath()
sdks = [
if options.mac_universal_binary:
- configure_opts.append("--enable-universal_binary=%s" % options.mac_universal_binary)
+ if options.mac_universal_binary == 'default':
+ if options.osx_cocoa:
+ configure_opts.append("--enable-universal_binary=i386,x86_64")
+ else:
+ configure_opts.append("--enable-universal_binary")
+ else:
+ configure_opts.append("--enable-universal_binary=%s" % options.mac_universal_binary)
- print "Configure options: " + `configure_opts`
+ print("Configure options: " + repr(configure_opts))
wxBuilder = builder.AutoconfBuilder()
if not options.no_config and not options.clean:
olddir = os.getcwd()
if options.config_only:
- print "Exiting after configure"
+ print("Exiting after configure")
elif toolkit in ["msvc", "msvcProject"]:
flags = {}
buildDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(scriptDir, "..", "msw"))
- print "creating wx/msw/setup.h from setup0.h"
+ print("creating wx/msw/setup.h from setup0.h")
if options.unicode:
flags["wxUSE_UNICODE"] = "1"
if VERSION < (2,9):
if options.cairo:
if not os.environ.get("CAIRO_ROOT"):
- print "WARNING: Expected CAIRO_ROOT set in the environment!"
+ print("WARNING: Expected CAIRO_ROOT set in the environment!")
flags["wxUSE_CAIRO"] = "1"
if options.wxpython:
for flag in flags:
setupText, subsMade = re.subn(flag + "\s+?\d", "%s %s" % (flag, flags[flag]), setupText)
if subsMade == 0:
- print "Flag %s wasn't found in setup0.h!" % flag
+ print("Flag %s wasn't found in setup0.h!" % flag)
setupFile = open(os.path.join(mswIncludeDir, "setup.h"), "wb")
args = []
if toolkit == "msvc":
- print "setting build options..."
+ print("setting build options...")
if options.unicode:
if options.wxpython:
+ args.append("COMPILER_VERSION=%s" % getVisCVersion())
os.path.join(os.environ.get("CAIRO_ROOT", ""), 'include\\cairo'))
+ if options.jom:
+ nmakeCommand = 'jom.exe'
- wxBuilder = builder.MSVCBuilder()
+ wxBuilder = builder.MSVCBuilder(commandName=nmakeCommand)
if toolkit == "msvcProject":
args = []
if not wxBuilder:
- print "Builder not available for your specified platform/compiler."
+ print("Builder not available for your specified platform/compiler.")
if options.clean:
- print "Performing cleanup."
+ print("Performing cleanup.")
wxBuilder.clean(dir=buildDir, options=args)
reallib = "lib/" + os.readlink(reallib)
- #print "reallib is %s" % reallib
+ #print("reallib is %s" % reallib)
run("mv -f %s lib/%s.dylib" % (reallib, frameworkname))
for link in links:
frameworkRootDir = prefixDir
if installDir:
- print "installDir = %s" % installDir
+ print("installDir = %s" % installDir)
frameworkRootDir = installDir + prefixDir
build_string = ""
build_string = "d"
fwname = getFrameworkName(options)
- version = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --release")
- version_full = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --version")
- basename = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --basename")
- configname = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --selected-config")
+ version = getoutput("bin/wx-config --release")
+ version_full = getoutput("bin/wx-config --version")
+ basename = getoutput("bin/wx-config --basename")
+ configname = getoutput("bin/wx-config --selected-config")
wxplist = dict(
file('lib/wx/config/%s' % configname, 'w').write(text)
# The framework is finished!
- print "wxWidgets framework created at: " + \
+ print("wxWidgets framework created at: " +
os.path.join( installDir,
- '%s.framework' % fwname)
+ '%s.framework' % fwname))
# adjust the install_name if needed
args.append("--version %s" % getWxRelease())
args.append("--out %s" % os.path.join(packagedir, packageName + ".pkg"))
cmd = packageMakerPath + ' '.join(args)
- print "cmd = %s" % cmd
+ print("cmd = %s" % cmd)