+void wxGridCellAttr::Init(wxGridCellAttr *attrDefault)
+ m_nRef = 1;
+ m_isReadOnly = Unset;
+ m_renderer = NULL;
+ m_editor = NULL;
+ m_attrkind = wxGridCellAttr::Cell;
+ m_sizeRows = m_sizeCols = 1;
+ m_overflow = TRUE;
+ SetDefAttr(attrDefault);
+wxGridCellAttr *wxGridCellAttr::Clone() const
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = new wxGridCellAttr(m_defGridAttr);
+ if ( HasTextColour() )
+ attr->SetTextColour(GetTextColour());
+ if ( HasBackgroundColour() )
+ attr->SetBackgroundColour(GetBackgroundColour());
+ if ( HasFont() )
+ attr->SetFont(GetFont());
+ if ( HasAlignment() )
+ attr->SetAlignment(m_hAlign, m_vAlign);
+ attr->SetSize( m_sizeRows, m_sizeCols );
+ if ( m_renderer )
+ {
+ attr->SetRenderer(m_renderer);
+ m_renderer->IncRef();
+ }
+ if ( m_editor )
+ {
+ attr->SetEditor(m_editor);
+ m_editor->IncRef();
+ }
+ if ( IsReadOnly() )
+ attr->SetReadOnly();
+ attr->SetKind( m_attrkind );
+ return attr;
+void wxGridCellAttr::MergeWith(wxGridCellAttr *mergefrom)
+ if ( !HasTextColour() && mergefrom->HasTextColour() )
+ SetTextColour(mergefrom->GetTextColour());
+ if ( !HasBackgroundColour() && mergefrom->HasBackgroundColour() )
+ SetBackgroundColour(mergefrom->GetBackgroundColour());
+ if ( !HasFont() && mergefrom->HasFont() )
+ SetFont(mergefrom->GetFont());
+ if ( !HasAlignment() && mergefrom->HasAlignment() ){
+ int hAlign, vAlign;
+ mergefrom->GetAlignment( &hAlign, &vAlign);
+ SetAlignment(hAlign, vAlign);
+ }
+ mergefrom->GetSize( &m_sizeRows, &m_sizeCols );
+ // Directly access member functions as GetRender/Editor don't just return
+ // m_renderer/m_editor
+ //
+ // Maybe add support for merge of Render and Editor?
+ if (!HasRenderer() && mergefrom->HasRenderer() )
+ {
+ m_renderer = mergefrom->m_renderer;
+ m_renderer->IncRef();
+ }
+ if ( !HasEditor() && mergefrom->HasEditor() )
+ {
+ m_editor = mergefrom->m_editor;
+ m_editor->IncRef();
+ }
+ if ( !HasReadWriteMode() && mergefrom->HasReadWriteMode() )
+ SetReadOnly(mergefrom->IsReadOnly());
+ SetDefAttr(mergefrom->m_defGridAttr);
+void wxGridCellAttr::SetSize(int num_rows, int num_cols)
+ // The size of a cell is normally 1,1
+ // If this cell is larger (2,2) then this is the top left cell
+ // the other cells that will be covered (lower right cells) must be
+ // set to negative or zero values such that
+ // row + num_rows of the covered cell points to the larger cell (this cell)
+ // same goes for the col + num_cols.
+ // Size of 0,0 is NOT valid, neither is <=0 and any positive value
+ wxASSERT_MSG( (!((num_rows>0)&&(num_cols<=0)) ||
+ !((num_rows<=0)&&(num_cols>0)) ||
+ !((num_rows==0)&&(num_cols==0))),
+ wxT("wxGridCellAttr::SetSize only takes two postive values or negative/zero values"));
+ m_sizeRows = num_rows;
+ m_sizeCols = num_cols;