wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, caption, pos, size)
text = wxTextCtrl(self, -1, msg, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY)
- text.SetFont(modernFont)
+ text.SetFont(g.modernFont())
dc = wxWindowDC(text)
# !!! possible bug - GetTextExtent without font returns sysfont dims
- w, h = dc.GetFullTextExtent(' ', modernFont)[:2]
+ w, h = dc.GetFullTextExtent(' ', g.modernFont())[:2]
ok = wxButton(self, wxID_OK, "OK")
text.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t5#1;b=t5#2;l=l5#1;r=r5#1', (self,ok)))
text.SetSize((w * 80 + 30, h * 40))
+# Event handler for using during location
+class Locator(wxEvtHandler):
+ def ProcessEvent(self, evt):
+ print evt
class Frame(wxFrame):
def __init__(self, pos, size):
wxFrame.__init__(self, None, -1, '', pos, size)
menu = wxMenu()
menu.Append(wxID_NEW, '&New\tCtrl-N', 'New file')
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
menu.Append(wxID_OPEN, '&Open...\tCtrl-O', 'Open XRC file')
+ self.recentMenu = wxMenu()
+ self.AppendRecent(self.recentMenu)
+ menu.AppendMenu(-1, 'Open Recent', self.recentMenu, 'Open a recent file')
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
menu.Append(wxID_SAVE, '&Save\tCtrl-S', 'Save XRC file')
menu.Append(wxID_SAVEAS, 'Save &As...', 'Save XRC file under different name')
menu.Append(wxID_EXIT, '&Quit\tCtrl-Q', 'Exit application')
menuBar.Append(menu, '&File')
menu = wxMenu()
self.ID_DELETE = wxNewId()
menu.Append(self.ID_DELETE, '&Delete\tCtrl-D', 'Delete object')
# menu.AppendSeparator()
- ID_SELECT = wxNewId()
-# menu.Append(ID_SELECT, '&Select', 'Select object')
+ self.ID_LOCATE = wxNewId()
+ menu.Append(self.ID_LOCATE, '&Locate\tCtrl-L', 'Locate control in test window and select it')
menuBar.Append(menu, '&Edit')
menu = wxMenu()
menu.Check(self.ID_SHOW_TOOLS, conf.showTools)
self.ID_TEST = wxNewId()
- menu.Append(self.ID_TEST, '&Test\tF5', 'Test window')
+ menu.Append(self.ID_TEST, '&Test\tF5', 'Show test window')
self.ID_REFRESH = wxNewId()
menu.Append(self.ID_REFRESH, '&Refresh\tCtrl-R', 'Refresh test window')
self.ID_AUTO_REFRESH = wxNewId()
EVT_MENU(self, wxID_COPY, self.OnCopy)
EVT_MENU(self, wxID_PASTE, self.OnPaste)
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_DELETE, self.OnCutDelete)
- EVT_MENU(self, ID_SELECT, self.OnSelect)
+ EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_LOCATE, self.OnLocate)
# View
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_EMBED_PANEL, self.OnEmbedPanel)
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_SHOW_TOOLS, self.OnShowTools)
# Other events
EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle)
EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnCloseWindow)
- EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self, self.OnLeftDown)
EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, tools.OnKeyDown)
EVT_KEY_UP(self, tools.OnKeyUp)
+ def AppendRecent(self, menu):
+ # add recently used files to the menu
+ for id,name in conf.recentfiles.iteritems():
+ menu.Append(id,name)
+ EVT_MENU(self,id,self.OnRecentFile)
+ return
+ def OnRecentFile(self,evt):
+ # open recently used file
+ if not self.AskSave(): return
+ wxBeginBusyCursor()
+ try:
+ path=conf.recentfiles[evt.GetId()]
+ if self.Open(path):
+ self.SetStatusText('Data loaded')
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText('Failed')
+ except KeyError:
+ self.SetStatusText('No such file')
+ wxEndBusyCursor()
def OnNew(self, evt):
if not self.AskSave(): return
self.SetStatusText('Data loaded')
+ self.SaveRecent(path)
if evt.GetId() == wxID_SAVEAS or not self.dataFile:
if self.dataFile: defaultName = ''
else: defaultName = 'UNTITLED.xrc'
- dlg = wxFileDialog(self, 'Save As', os.path.dirname(self.dataFile),
- defaultName, '*.xrc',
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(self.dataFile)
+ dlg = wxFileDialog(self, 'Save As', dirname, defaultName, '*.xrc',
if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
path = dlg.GetPath()
self.dataFile = path
self.SetStatusText('Data saved')
+ self.SaveRecent(path)
except IOError:
- wxEndBusyCursor()
+ wxEndBusyCursor()
+ def SaveRecent(self,path):
+ # append to recently used files
+ if path not in conf.recentfiles.values():
+ newid = wxNewId()
+ self.recentMenu.Append(newid, path)
+ EVT_MENU(self, newid, self.OnRecentFile)
+ conf.recentfiles[newid] = path
def OnExit(self, evt):
- def OnSelect(self, evt):
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Xperimental function!'
- wxYield()
- self.SetCursor(wxCROSS_CURSOR)
- self.CaptureMouse()
- def OnLeftDown(self, evt):
- pos = evt.GetPosition()
- self.SetCursor(wxNullCursor)
- self.ReleaseMouse()
def OnEmbedPanel(self, evt):
conf.embedPanel = evt.IsChecked()
if conf.embedPanel:
pos = self.GetPosition()
sizePanel = panel.GetSize()
- self.miniFrame.GetSizer().RemoveWindow(panel)
+ self.miniFrame.GetSizer().Remove(panel)
# Widen
self.SetDimensions(pos.x, pos.y, size.width + sizePanel.width, size.height)
if not tree.selection: return # key pressed event
+ # Find object by relative position
+ def FindObject(self, item, obj):
+ # We simply perform depth-first traversal, sinse it's too much
+ # hassle to deal with all sizer/window combinations
+ w = tree.FindNodeObject(item)
+ if w == obj:
+ return item
+ if tree.ItemHasChildren(item):
+ child = tree.GetFirstChild(item)[0]
+ while child:
+ found = self.FindObject(child, obj)
+ if found: return found
+ child = tree.GetNextSibling(child)
+ return None
+ def OnTestWinLeftDown(self, evt):
+ pos = evt.GetPosition()
+ self.SetHandler(g.testWin)
+ g.testWin.Disconnect(wxID_ANY, wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
+ item = self.FindObject(g.testWin.item, evt.GetEventObject())
+ if item:
+ tree.SelectItem(item)
+ def SetHandler(self, w, h=None):
+ if h:
+ w.SetEventHandler(h)
+ w.SetCursor(wxCROSS_CURSOR)
+ else:
+ w.SetEventHandler(w)
+ w.SetCursor(wxNullCursor)
+ for ch in w.GetChildren():
+ self.SetHandler(ch, h)
+ def OnLocate(self, evt):
+ if g.testWin:
+ self.SetHandler(g.testWin, g.testWin)
+ g.testWin.Connect(wxID_ANY, wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTestWinLeftDown)
def OnRefresh(self, evt):
# If modified, apply first
selection = tree.selection
def OnCloseWindow(self, evt):
if not self.AskSave(): return
if g.testWin: g.testWin.Destroy()
- # Destroy cached windows
- panel.cacheParent.Destroy()
if not panel.GetPageCount() == 2:
- conf.x, conf.y = self.GetPosition()
- conf.width, conf.height = self.GetSize()
- if conf.embedPanel:
- conf.sashPos = self.splitter.GetSashPosition()
- conf.panelX, conf.panelY = self.miniFrame.GetPosition()
- conf.panelWidth, conf.panelHeight = self.miniFrame.GetSize()
+ # If we don't do this, page does not get destroyed (a bug?)
+ panel.RemovePage(1)
+ if not self.IsIconized():
+ conf.x, conf.y = self.GetPosition()
+ conf.width, conf.height = self.GetSize()
+ if conf.embedPanel:
+ conf.sashPos = self.splitter.GetSashPosition()
+ else:
+ conf.panelX, conf.panelY = self.miniFrame.GetPosition()
+ conf.panelWidth, conf.panelHeight = self.miniFrame.GetSize()
def Clear(self):
f = open(path)
- # Parse first line to get encoding (!! hack, I don't know a better way)
- line = f.readline()
- mo = re.match(r'^<\?xml ([^<>]* )?encoding="(?P<encd>[^<>].*)"\?>', line)
- # Build wx tree
- f.seek(0)
dom = minidom.parse(f)
- # Set encoding global variable and document encoding property
- if mo:
- dom.encoding = g.currentEncoding = mo.group('encd')
- if dom.encoding not in ['ascii', sys.getdefaultencoding()]:
- wxLogWarning('Encoding is different from system default')
- else:
- g.currentEncoding = 'ascii'
- dom.encoding = ''
+ # Set encoding global variable
+ if dom.encoding: g.currentEncoding = dom.encoding
# Change dir
+ self.dataFile = path = os.path.abspath(path)
dir = os.path.dirname(path)
if dir: os.chdir(dir)
- self.dataFile = path
self.SetTitle(progname + ': ' + os.path.basename(path))
# Nice exception printing
def Save(self, path):
+ import codecs
# Apply changes
if tree.selection and panel.IsModified():
- f = open(path, 'w')
+ f = codecs.open(path, 'w', g.currentEncoding)
# Make temporary copy for formatting it
# !!! We can't clone dom node, it works only once
#self.domCopy = tree.dom.cloneNode(True)
self.domCopy = MyDocument()
mainNode = self.domCopy.appendChild(tree.mainNode.cloneNode(True))
- self.domCopy.writexml(f, encoding=tree.rootObj.params['encoding'].value())
+ self.domCopy.writexml(f, encoding = g.currentEncoding)
self.domCopy = None
global debug
# Process comand-line
+ opts = args = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'dhiv')
+ for o,a in opts:
+ if o == '-h':
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif o == '-d':
+ debug = True
+ elif o == '-v':
+ print 'XRCed version', version
+ sys.exit(0)
except getopt.GetoptError:
if wxPlatform != '__WXMAC__': # macs have some extra parameters
print >> sys.stderr, 'Unknown option'
- for o,a in opts:
- if o == '-h':
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o == '-d':
- debug = True
- elif o == '-v':
- print 'XRCed version', version
- sys.exit(0)
# Settings
conf.embedPanel = conf.ReadInt('embedPanel', True)
conf.showTools = conf.ReadInt('showTools', True)
conf.sashPos = conf.ReadInt('sashPos', 200)
+ # read recently used files
+ recentfiles=conf.Read('recentFiles','')
+ conf.recentfiles={}
+ if recentfiles:
+ for fil in recentfiles.split('|'):
+ conf.recentfiles[wxNewId()]=fil
if not conf.embedPanel:
conf.panelX = conf.ReadInt('panelX', -1)
conf.panelY = conf.ReadInt('panelY', -1)
# Load resources from XRC file (!!! should be transformed to .py later?)
frame.res = wxXmlResource('')
- frame.res.Load(os.path.join(basePath, 'xrced.xrc'))
+ # !!! Temporary blocking of assert failure occuring in unicode build
+ try:
+ frame.res.Load(os.path.join(basePath, 'xrced.xrc'))
+ except wx._core.PyAssertionError:
+ pass
# Load file after showing
if args:
wc.WriteInt('panelWidth', conf.panelWidth)
wc.WriteInt('panelHeight', conf.panelHeight)
wc.WriteInt('nopanic', True)
+ wc.Write('recentFiles', '|'.join(conf.recentfiles.values()[-5:]))
def main():