+ Anti-aliasing modes used by wxGraphicsContext::SetAntialisingMode
+enum wxAntialiasMode
+ /** No anti-aliasing */
+ /** The default anti-aliasing */
+ Compositing is done using Porter-Duff compositions
+ (see http://keithp.com/~keithp/porterduff/p253-porter.pdf) with
+ wxGraphicsContext::SetCompositionMode
+ The description give a short equation on how the values of a resulting
+ pixel are calculated.
+ @e R = Result, @e S = Source, @e D = Destination, colors premultiplied with alpha
+ @e Ra, @e Sa, @e Da their alpha components
+enum wxCompositionMode
+ wxCOMPOSITION_CLEAR, /**< @e R = 0 */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_SOURCE, /**< @e R = S */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_IN, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_OUT, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST, /**< @e R = @e D, essentially a noop */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_IN, /**< @e R = @e D*@e Sa */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OUT, /**< @e R = @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*@e Sa */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_XOR, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_ADD, /**< @e R = @e S + @e D */