+void wxMacControl::SetNeedsDisplay( RgnHandle where )
+ if ( !IsVisible() )
+ return ;
+ if ( m_isCompositing )
+ {
+ HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRegion( m_controlRef , where , true ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rect controlBounds ;
+ GetControlBounds( m_controlRef, &controlBounds ) ;
+ RgnHandle update = NewRgn() ;
+ CopyRgn( where , update ) ;
+ OffsetRgn( update , controlBounds.left , controlBounds.top ) ;
+ InvalWindowRgn( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef) , update ) ;
+ }
+void wxMacControl::SetNeedsDisplay( Rect* where )
+ if ( !IsVisible() )
+ return ;
+ if ( m_isCompositing )
+ {
+ if ( where != NULL )
+ {
+ RgnHandle update = NewRgn() ;
+ RectRgn( update , where ) ;
+ HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRegion( m_controlRef , update , true ) ;
+ DisposeRgn( update ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( m_controlRef , true ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rect controlBounds ;
+ GetControlBounds( m_controlRef, &controlBounds ) ;
+ if ( where )
+ {
+ Rect whereLocal = *where ;
+ OffsetRect( &whereLocal , controlBounds.left , controlBounds.top ) ;
+ SectRect( &controlBounds , &whereLocal, &controlBounds ) ;
+ }
+ InvalWindowRect( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef) , &controlBounds ) ;
+ }
+void wxMacControl::Convert( wxPoint *pt , wxMacControl *from , wxMacControl *to )
+ if ( from->m_peer->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() )
+ {
+ HIPoint hiPoint ;
+ hiPoint.x = pt->x ;
+ hiPoint.y = pt->y ;
+ HIViewConvertPoint( &hiPoint , from->m_controlRef , to->m_controlRef ) ;
+ pt->x = (int)hiPoint.x ;
+ pt->y = (int)hiPoint.y ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rect fromRect ;
+ Rect toRect ;
+ GetControlBounds( from->m_controlRef , &fromRect ) ;
+ GetControlBounds( to->m_controlRef , &toRect ) ;
+ if ( from->m_isRootControl )
+ fromRect.left = fromRect.top = 0 ;
+ if ( to->m_isRootControl )
+ toRect.left = toRect.top = 0 ;
+ pt->x = pt->x + fromRect.left - toRect.left ;
+ pt->y = pt->y + fromRect.top - toRect.top ;
+ }
+void wxMacControl::SetRect( Rect *r )
+ if ( m_isCompositing )
+ {
+ //A HIRect is actually a CGRect on OSX - which consists of two structures -
+ //CGPoint and CGSize, which have two floats each
+ HIRect hir = { { r->left , r->top }, { r->right - r->left , r->bottom - r->top } } ;
+ HIViewSetFrame ( m_controlRef , &hir ) ;
+ // eventuall we might have to do a SetVisibility( false , true ) ;
+ // before and a SetVisibility( true , true ) ; after
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool vis = IsVisible() ;
+ if ( vis )
+ {
+ Rect former ;
+ GetControlBounds( m_controlRef , &former ) ;
+ InvalWindowRect( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef ) , &former ) ;
+ }
+ Rect controlBounds = *r ;
+ // since the rect passed in is always (even in non-compositing) relative
+ // to the (native) parent, we have to adjust to window relative here
+ wxMacControl* parent = m_peer->GetParent()->GetPeer() ;
+ if( parent->m_isRootControl == false )
+ {
+ Rect superRect ;
+ GetControlBounds( parent->m_controlRef , &superRect ) ;
+ OffsetRect( &controlBounds , superRect.left , superRect.top ) ;
+ }
+ SetControlBounds( m_controlRef , &controlBounds ) ;
+ if ( vis )
+ {
+ InvalWindowRect( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef ) , &controlBounds ) ;
+ }
+ }
+void wxMacControl::GetRect( Rect *r )
+ GetControlBounds( m_controlRef , r ) ;
+ if ( m_isCompositing == false )
+ {
+ // correct the case of the root control
+ if ( m_isRootControl )
+ {
+ WindowRef wr = GetControlOwner( m_controlRef ) ;
+ GetWindowBounds( wr , kWindowContentRgn , r ) ;
+ r->right -= r->left ;
+ r->bottom -= r->top ;
+ r->left = 0 ;
+ r->top = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxMacControl* parent = m_peer->GetParent()->GetPeer() ;
+ if( parent->m_isRootControl == false )
+ {
+ Rect superRect ;
+ GetControlBounds( parent->m_controlRef , &superRect ) ;
+ OffsetRect( r , -superRect.left , -superRect.top ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void wxMacControl::GetRectInWindowCoords( Rect *r )
+ UMAGetControlBoundsInWindowCoords( m_controlRef , r ) ;
+void wxMacControl::GetBestRect( Rect *r )
+ short baselineoffset ;
+ GetBestControlRect( m_controlRef , r , &baselineoffset ) ;
+void wxMacControl::SetLabel( const wxString &title )
+ wxFontEncoding encoding;
+ if ( m_font.Ok() )
+ encoding = m_font.GetEncoding();
+ else
+ encoding = wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding();
+ UMASetControlTitle( m_controlRef , title , encoding ) ;
+void wxMacControl::GetFeatures( UInt32 * features )
+ GetControlFeatures( m_controlRef , features ) ;
+OSStatus wxMacControl::GetRegion( ControlPartCode partCode , RgnHandle region )
+ OSStatus err = GetControlRegion( m_controlRef , partCode , region ) ;
+ if ( m_isCompositing == false )
+ {
+ if ( !m_isRootControl )
+ {
+ Rect r ;
+ GetControlBounds(m_controlRef, &r ) ;
+ if ( !EmptyRgn( region ) )
+ OffsetRgn( region , -r.left , -r.top ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return err ;
+OSStatus wxMacControl::SetZOrder( bool above , wxMacControl* other )
+ return HIViewSetZOrder( m_controlRef,above ? kHIViewZOrderAbove : kHIViewZOrderBelow,
+ (other != NULL) ? other->m_controlRef : NULL) ;
+ return 0 ;
+// SetNeedsDisplay would not invalidate the children
+static void InvalidateControlAndChildren( HIViewRef control )
+ HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( control , true ) ;
+ UInt16 childrenCount = 0 ;
+ OSStatus err = CountSubControls( control , &childrenCount ) ;
+ if ( err == errControlIsNotEmbedder )
+ return ;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( err == noErr , wxT("Unexpected error when accessing subcontrols") ) ;
+ for ( UInt16 i = childrenCount ; i >=1 ; --i )
+ {
+ HIViewRef child ;
+ err = GetIndexedSubControl( control , i , & child ) ;
+ if ( err == errControlIsNotEmbedder )
+ return ;
+ InvalidateControlAndChildren( child ) ;
+ }
+void wxMacControl::InvalidateWithChildren()
+ InvalidateControlAndChildren( m_controlRef ) ;
+void wxMacControl::ScrollRect( wxRect *r , int dx , int dy )
+ wxASSERT( r != NULL ) ;
+ if ( m_isCompositing )
+ {
+ HIRect scrollarea = CGRectMake( r->x , r->y , r->width , r->height) ;
+ HIViewScrollRect ( m_controlRef , &scrollarea , dx ,dy ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rect bounds ;
+ GetControlBounds( m_controlRef , &bounds ) ;
+ bounds.left += r->x ;
+ bounds.top += r->y ;
+ bounds.bottom = bounds.top + r->height ;
+ bounds.right = bounds.left + r->width ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clip( m_peer ) ;
+ RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn() ;
+ ::ScrollRect( &bounds , dx , dy , updateRgn ) ;
+ InvalWindowRgn( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef ) , updateRgn ) ;
+ }
+// SetNeedsDisplay would not invalidate the children