+wxFrame may have optional children: either exactly one
+@ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
+objects. If sizer child is used, it sets
+@ref wxSizer::SetSizeHints() "size hints" too.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxgauge wxGauge
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{range, integer,
+ Maximum value of the gauge (default: 100).}
+@row3col{value, integer,
+ Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
+@row3col{shadow, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
+ Rendered shadow size (default: none; ignored by most platforms).}
+@row3col{bezel, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
+ Rendered bezel size (default: none; ignored by most platforms).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxgenericdirctrl wxGenericDirCtrl
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{defaultfolder, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Initial folder (default: empty).}
+@row3col{filter, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Filter string, using the same syntax as used by wxFileDialog, e.g.
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*|JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg" (default: empty).}
+@row3col{defaultfilter, integer,
+ Zero-based index of default filter (default: 0).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxgrid wxGrid
+No additional properties.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxhtmlwindow wxHtmlWindow
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{url, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_url,
+ Page to display in the window.}
+@row3col{htmlcode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ HTML markup to display in the window.}
+@row3col{borders, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
+ Border around HTML content (default: 0).}
+At most one of @c url and @c htmlcode properties may be specified, they are
+mutually exclusive. If neither is set, the window is initialized to show empty
+@subsubsection xrc_wxhyperlinkctrl wxHyperlinkCtrl
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label to display on the control (required).}
+@row3col{url, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_url,
+ URL to open when the link is clicked (required).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wximagelist wxImageList
+The imagelist can be used as a child object for the following classes:
+ - @ref xrc_wxchoicebook
+ - @ref xrc_wxlistbook
+ - @ref xrc_wxlistctrl
+ - @ref xrc_wxnotebook
+ - @ref xrc_wxtreebook
+ - @ref xrc_wxtreectrl
+The available properties are:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Adds a new image by keeping its optional mask bitmap (see below).}
+@row3col{mask, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ If masks should be created for all images (default: true).}
+@row3col{size, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ The size of the images in the list (default: the size of the first bitmap).}
+ <size>32,32</size>
+ <bitmap stock_id="wxART_QUESTION"/>
+ <bitmap stock_id="wxART_INFORMATION"/>
+In the specific case of the @ref xrc_wxlistctrl, the tag can take the name
+@c \<imagelist-small\> to define the 'small' image list, related to the flag
+@c wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL (see wxListCtrl documentation).
+@subsubsection xrc_wxlistbox wxListBox
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{selection, integer,
+ Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
+@row3col{content, items,
+ Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
+ elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
+ (default: empty).}
+<object class="wxListBox" name="controls_listbox">
+ <size>250,160</size>
+ <style>wxLB_SINGLE</style>
+ <content>
+ <item>Milk</item>
+ <item>Pizza</item>
+ <item>Bread</item>
+ <item>Orange juice</item>
+ <item>Paper towels</item>
+ </content>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxlistbook wxListbook
+A listbook can have one or more child objects of the @c listbookpage
+pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
+@c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
+@c listbookpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Sheet page's title (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ into the image list.}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+Each @c listbookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxlistctrl wxListCtrl
+A list control can have one or more child objects of the class @ref xrc_wxlistitem
+and one or more objects of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class. The latter is
+defined either using @c \<imagelist\> tag for the control with @c wxLC_ICON
+style or using @c \<imagelist-small\> tag for the control with @c
+wxLC_SMALL_ICON style.
+Report mode list controls (i.e. created with @c wxLC_REPORT style) can in
+addition have one or more @ref xrc_wxlistcol child elements.
+@paragraph xrc_wxlistcol listcol
+The @c listcol class can only be used for wxListCtrl children. It can have the
+following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{align, wxListColumnFormat,
+ The alignment for the item.
+ Can be one of @c wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, @c wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT or
+@row3col{text, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ The title of the column. }
+@row3col{width, integer,
+ The column width. }
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item in the 'small' image list. }
+The columns are appended to the control in order of their appearance and may be
+referenced by 0-based index in the @c col attributes of subsequent @c listitem
+@paragraph xrc_wxlistitem listitem
+The @c listitem is a child object for the class @ref xrc_wxlistctrl.
+It can have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{align, wxListColumnFormat,
+ The alignment for the item.
+ Can be one of @c wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, @c wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT or
+@row3col{bg, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
+ The background color for the item.}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Add a bitmap to the (normal) @ref xrc_wximagelist associated with the
+ @ref xrc_wxlistctrl parent and associate it with this item.
+ If the imagelist is not defined it will be created implicitly.}
+@row3col{bitmap-small, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Add a bitmap in the 'small' @ref xrc_wximagelist associated with the
+ @ref xrc_wxlistctrl parent and associate it with this item.
+ If the 'small' imagelist is not defined it will be created implicitly.}
+@row3col{col, integer,
+ The zero-based column index.}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ in the (normal) image list.}
+@row3col{image-small, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ in the 'small' image list.}
+@row3col{data, integer,
+ The client data for the item.}
+@row3col{font, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_font,
+ The font for the item.}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ into the image list.}
+@row3col{state, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ The item state. Can be any combination of the following values:
+ - @c wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED: The item has the focus.
+ - @c wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED: The item is selected.}
+@row3col{text, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ The text label for the item. }
+@row3col{textcolour, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
+ The text colour for the item. }
+Notice that the item position can't be specified here, the items are appended
+to the list control in order of their appearance.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxmdiparentframe wxMDIParentFrame
+wxMDIParentFrame supports the same properties that @ref xrc_wxfrane does.
+wxMDIParentFrame may have optional children. When used, the child objects
+must be of wxMDIChildFrame type.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxmdichildframe wxMDIChildFrame
+wxMDIChildFrame supports the same properties that @ref xrc_wxfrane and
+@ref xrc_wxmdiparentframe do.
+wxMDIChildFrame can only be used as as immediate child of @ref
+wxMDIChildFrame may have optional children: either exactly one
+@ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
+objects. If sizer child is used, it sets
+@ref wxSizer::SetSizeHints() "size hints" too.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxmenu wxMenu
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Menu's label (default: empty, but required for menus other
+ than popup menus).}
+@row3col{help, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Help shown in statusbar when the menu is selected (only for submenus
+ of another wxMenu, default: none).}
+@row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the submenu item enabled (only for submenus of another wxMenu,
+ default: 1)?}
+Note that unlike most controls, wxMenu does @em not have
+@ref overview_xrcformat_std_props.
+A menu object can have one or more child objects of the wxMenuItem or wxMenu
+classes or @c break or @c separator pseudo-classes.
+The @c separator pseudo-class is used to insert separators into the menu and
+has neither properties nor children. Likewise, @c break inserts a break (see
+wxMenuItem objects support the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Item's label (required).}
+@row3col{accel, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text_notrans,
+ Item's accelerator (default: none).}
+@row3col{radio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Item's kind is wxITEM_RADIO (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{checkable, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Item's kind is wxITEM_CHECK (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap to show with the item (default: none).}
+@row3col{bitmap2, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap for the checked state (wxMSW, if checkable; default: none).}
+@row3col{help, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Help shown in statusbar when the item is selected (default: none).}
+@row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the item enabled (default: 1)?}
+@row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the item checked initially (default: 0)?}
+<object class="wxMenu" name="menu_edit">
+ <style>wxMENU_TEAROFF</style>
+ <label>_Edit</label>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="wxID_FIND">
+ <label>_Find...</label>
+ <accel>Ctrl-F</accel>
+ </object>
+ <object class="separator"/>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_fuzzy">
+ <label>Translation is _fuzzy</label>
+ <checkable>1</checkable>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxMenu" name="submenu">
+ <label>A submenu</label>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="foo">...</object>
+ ...
+ </object>
+ <object class="separator" platform="unix"/>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="wxID_PREFERENCES" platform="unix">
+ <label>_Preferences</label>
+ </object>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxmenubar wxMenuBar
+No properties. Note that unlike most controls, wxMenuBar does @em not have
+@ref overview_xrcformat_std_props.
+A menubar can have one or more child objects of the @ref xrc_wxmenu "wxMenu"
+@subsubsection xrc_wxnotebook wxNotebook
+A notebook can have one or more child objects of the @c notebookpage
+pseudo-class and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
+@c notebookpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Page's title (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ into the image list.}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+Each @c notebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+<object class="wxNotebook">
+ <style>wxBK_BOTTOM</style>
+ <object class="notebookpage">
+ <label>Page 1</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel" name="page_1">
+ ...
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="notebookpage">
+ <label>Page 2</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel" name="page_2">
+ ...
+ </object>
+ </object>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxownerdrawncombobox wxOwnerDrawnComboBox
+wxOwnerDrawnComboBox has the same properties as
+@ref xrc_wxcombobox "wxComboBox", plus the following additional properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{buttonsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Size of the dropdown button (default: default).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxpanel wxPanel
+No additional properties.
+wxPanel may have optional children: either exactly one
+@ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
+@subsubsection xrc_wxpropertysheetdialog wxPropertySheetDialog
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Dialog's title (default: empty).}
+@row3col{icon, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Dialog's icon (default: not used).}
+@row3col{centered, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Whether the dialog should be centered on the screen (default: 0).}
+@row3col{buttons, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Buttons to show, combination of flags accepted by
+ wxPropertySheetDialog::CreateButtons() (default: 0).}
+A sheet dialog can have one or more child objects of the @c propertysheetpage
+pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
+@c notebookpage). @c propertysheetpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Sheet page's title (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+Each @c propertysheetpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxradiobutton wxRadioButton
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label shown on the radio button (required).}
+@row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxradiobox wxRadioBox
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label for the whole box (required).}
+@row3col{dimension, integer,
+ Specifies the maximum number of rows (if style contains
+ @c wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS) or columns (if style contains @c wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS)
+ for a two-dimensional radiobox (default: 1).}
+@row3col{selection, integer,
+ Index of the initially selected item or -1 for no selection (default: -1).}
+@row3col{content, items,
+ Content of the control; this property has any number of @c \<item\> XML
+ elements as its children, with the items text as their text values
+ (see below; default: empty).}
+The @c \<item\> elements have radio buttons' labels as their text values. They
+can also have some optional XML @em attributes (not properties!):
+@hdr3col{attribute, type, description}
+@row3col{tooltip, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ Tooltip to show over this ratio button (default: none).}
+@row3col{helptext, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ Contextual help for this radio button (default: none).}
+@row3col{enabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the button enabled (default: 1)?}
+@row3col{hidden, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the button hidden initially (default: 0)?}
+<object class="wxRadioBox" name="controls_radiobox">
+ <style>wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS</style>
+ <label>Radio stations</label>
+ <dimension>1</dimension>
+ <selection>0</selection>
+ <content>
+ <item tooltip="Powerful radio station" helptext="This station is for amateurs of hard rock and heavy metal">Power 108</item>
+ <item tooltip="Disabled radio station" enabled="0">Power 0</item>
+ <item tooltip="">WMMS 100.7</item>
+ <item tooltip="E=mc^2">Energy 98.3</item>
+ <item helptext="Favourite chukcha's radio">CHUM FM</item>
+ <item>92FM</item>
+ <item hidden="1">Very quit station</item>
+ </content>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxribbon wxRibbon
+A wxRibbonBar is a container of ribbon pages which, in turn, contain elements
+that can be wxRibbonControl or wxRibbonGallery.
+<object class="wxRibbonBar" name="ribbonbar">
+ <object class="page" name="FilePage">
+ <label>First</label>
+ <object class="panel">
+ <label>File</label>
+ <object class="wxRibbonButtonBar">
+ <object class="button" name="Open">
+ <bitmap>open.xpm</bitmap>
+ <label>Open</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="page" name="ViewPage">
+ <label>View</label>
+ <object class="panel">
+ <label>Zoom</label>
+ <object class="wxRibbonGallery">
+ <object class="item">
+ <bitmap>zoomin.xpm</bitmap>
+ </object>
+ <object class="item">
+ <bitmap>zoomout.xpm</bitmap>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+Notice that wxRibbon support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
+later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
+ #include <wx/xrc/xh_ribbon.h>
+ AddHandler(new wxRibbonXmlHandler);
+to use it.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxrichtextctrl wxRichTextCtrl
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
+@row3col{maxlength, integer,
+ Maximum length of the text entered (default: unlimited).}
+Notice that wxRichTextCtrl support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
+later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
+ #include <wx/xrc/xh_richtext.h>
+ AddHandler(new wxRichTextCtrl);
+to use it.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxscrollbar wxScrollBar
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, integer,
+ Initial position of the scrollbar (default: 0).}
+@row3col{range, integer,
+ Maximum value of the gauge (default: 10).}
+@row3col{thumbsize, integer,
+ Size of the thumb (default: 1).}
+@row3col{pagesize, integer,
+ Page size (default: 1).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxscrolledwindow wxScrolledWindow
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{scrollrate, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Scroll rate in @em x and @em y directions (default: not set;
+ required if the window has a sizer child).}
+wxScrolledWindow may have optional children: either exactly one
+@ref overview_xrcformat_sizers "sizer" child or any number of non-toplevel window
+objects. If sizer child is used, wxSizer::FitInside() is used (instead of
+wxSizer::Fit() as usual) and so the children don't determine scrolled window's
+minimal size, they only affect @em virtual size. Usually, both @c scrollrate
+and either @c size or @c minsize on containing sizer item should be used
+in this case.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxsimplehtmllistbox wxSimpleHtmlListBox
+wxSimpleHtmlListBox has same properties as @ref xrc_wxlistbox "wxListBox".
+The only difference is that the text contained in @c \<item\> elements is
+HTML markup. Note that the markup has to be escaped:
+<object class="wxSimpleHtmlListBox">
+ <content>
+ <item><b>Bold</b> Milk</item>
+ </content>
+(X)HTML markup elements cannot be included directly:
+<object class="wxSimpleHtmlListBox">
+ <content>
+ <!-- This is incorrect, doesn't work! -->
+ <item><b>Bold</b> Milk</item>
+ </content>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxslider wxSlider
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, integer,
+ Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
+@row3col{min, integer,
+ Minimum allowed value (default: 0).}
+@row3col{max, integer,
+ Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
+@row3col{pagesize, integer,
+ Page size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
+ pages up or down (default: unset).}
+@row3col{linesize, integer,
+ Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it
+ up or down a line (default: unset).}
+@row3col{tickfreq, integer,
+ Tick marks frequency (Windows only; default: unset).}
+@row3col{tick, integer,
+ Tick position (Windows only; default: unset).}
+@row3col{thumb, integer,
+ Thumb length (Windows only; default: unset).}
+@row3col{selmin, integer,
+ Selection start position (Windows only; default: unset).}
+@row3col{selmax, integer,
+ Selection end position (Windows only; default: unset).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxspinbutton wxSpinButton
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, integer,
+ Initial value of the control (default: 0).}
+@row3col{min, integer,
+ Minimum allowed value (default: 0).}
+@row3col{max, integer,
+ Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxspinctrl wxSpinCtrl
+wxSpinCtrl supports the same properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton and, since
+wxWidgets 2.9.5, another one:
+@row3col{base, integer,
+ Numeric base, currently can be only 10 or 16 (default: 10).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxsplitterwindow wxSplitterWindow
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{orientation, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ Orientation of the splitter, either "vertical" or "horizontal" (default: horizontal).}
+@row3col{sashpos, integer,
+ Initial position of the sash (default: 0).}
+@row3col{minsize, integer,
+ Minimum child size (default: not set).}
+@row3col{gravity, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_float,
+ Sash gravity, see wxSplitterWindow::SetSashGravity() (default: not set).}
+wxSplitterWindow must have one or two children that are non-toplevel window
+objects. If there's only one child, it is used as wxSplitterWindow's only
+visible child. If there are two children, the first one is used for left/top
+child and the second one for right/bottom child window.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxsearchctrl wxSearchCtrl
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxstatusbar wxStatusBar
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{fields, integer,
+ Number of status bar fields (default: 1).}
+@row3col{widths, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ Comma-separated list of @em fields integers. Each value specifies width
+ of one field; the values are interpreted using the same convention used
+ by wxStatusBar::SetStatusWidths().}
+@row3col{styles, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
+ Comma-separated list of @em fields flags. Each value specifies status bar
+ fieldd style and can be one of @c wxSB_NORMAL, @c wxSB_FLAT,
+ @c wxSB_RAISED or, since wxWidgets 2.9.5, @c wxSB_SUNKEN. See
+ wxStatusBar::SetStatusStyles() for their description.}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxstaticbitmap wxStaticBitmap
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap to display (required).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxstaticbox wxStaticBox
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Static box's label (required).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxstaticline wxStaticLine
+No additional properties.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxstatictext wxStaticText
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label to display (required).}
+@row3col{wrap, integer,
+ Wrap the text so that each line is at most the given number of pixels, see
+ wxStaticText::Wrap() (default: no wrap).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtextctrl wxTextCtrl
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{value, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Initial value of the control (default: empty).}
+@row3col{maxlength, integer,
+ Maximum length of the text which can be entered by user (default: unlimited).}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtimepickerctrl wxTimePickerCtrl
+No additional properties.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebutton wxToggleButton
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label to display on the button (required).}
+@row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Should the button be checked/pressed initially (default: 0)?}
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtoolbar wxToolBar
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmapsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Size of toolbar bitmaps (default: not set).}
+@row3col{margins, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Margins (default: platform default).}
+@row3col{packing, integer,
+ Packing, see wxToolBar::SetToolPacking() (default: not set).}
+@row3col{separation, integer,
+ Default separator size, see wxToolBar::SetToolSeparation() (default: not set).}
+@row3col{dontattachtoframe, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ If set to 0 and the toolbar object is child of a wxFrame,
+ wxFrame::SetToolBar() is called; otherwise, you have to add it to a frame
+ manually. The toolbar is attached by default, you have to set this property
+ to 1 to disable this behaviour (default: 0).}
+A toolbar can have one or more child objects of any wxControl-derived class or
+one of two pseudo-classes: @c separator or @c tool.
+The @c separator pseudo-class is used to insert separators into the toolbar and
+has neither properties nor children. Similarly, the @c space pseudo-class is
+used for stretchable spaces (see wxToolBar::AddStretchableSpace(), new since
+wxWidgets 2.9.1).
+The @c tool pseudo-class objects specify toolbar buttons and have the following
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Tool's bitmap (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap2, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap for disabled tool (default: derived from @c bitmap).}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label to display on the tool (default: no label).}
+@row3col{radio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Item's kind is wxITEM_RADIO (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{toggle, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Item's kind is wxITEM_CHECK (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{dropdown, see below,
+ Item's kind is wxITEM_DROPDOWN (default: 0)? (only available since wxWidgets 2.9.0)}
+@row3col{tooltip, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Tooltip to use for the tool (default: none).}
+@row3col{longhelp, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Help text shown in statusbar when the mouse is on the tool (default: none).}
+@row3col{disabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the tool initially disabled (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the tool initially checked (default: 0)? (only available since wxWidgets 2.9.3)}
+The presence of a @c dropdown property indicates that the tool is of type
+wxITEM_DROPDOWN. It must be either empty or contain exactly one @ref
+xrc_wxmenu child object defining the drop-down button associated menu.
+Notice that @c radio, @c toggle and @c dropdown are mutually exclusive.
+Children that are neither @c tool nor @c separator must be instances of classes
+derived from wxControl and are added to the toolbar using
+<object class="wxToolBar">
+ <style>wxTB_FLAT|wxTB_NODIVIDER</style>
+ <object class="tool" name="foo">
+ <bitmap>foo.png</bitmap>
+ <label>Foo</label>
+ </object>
+ <object class="tool" name="bar">
+ <bitmap>bar.png</bitmap>
+ <label>Bar</label>
+ </object>
+ <object class="separator"/>
+ <object class="tool" name="view_auto">
+ <bitmap>view.png</bitmap>
+ <label>View</label>
+ <dropdown>
+ <object class="wxMenu">
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="view_as_text">
+ <label>View as text</label>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="view_as_hex">
+ <label>View as binary</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </dropdown>
+ </object>
+ <object class="space"/>
+ <object class="wxComboBox">
+ <content>
+ <item>Just</item>
+ <item>a combobox</item>
+ <item>in the toolbar</item>
+ </content>
+ </object>
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtoolbook wxToolbook
+A toolbook can have one or more child objects of the @c toolbookpage
+pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
+@c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
+@c toolbookpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Sheet page's title (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ into the image list.}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+Each @c toolbookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtreectrl wxTreeCtrl
+A treectrl can have one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
+No additional properties.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtreebook wxTreebook
+A treebook can have one or more child objects of the @c treebookpage
+pseudo-class (similarly to @ref xrc_wxnotebook "wxNotebook" and its
+@c notebookpage) and one child object of the @ref xrc_wximagelist class.
+@c treebookpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{depth, integer,
+ Page's depth in the labels tree (required; see below).}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Sheet page's title (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item
+ into the image list.}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+@row3col{expanded, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ If set to 1, the page is initially expanded. By default all pages are
+ initially collapsed.}
+Each @c treebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+The tree of labels is not described using nested @c treebookpage objects, but
+using the @em depth property. Toplevel pages have depth 0, their child pages
+have depth 1 and so on. A @c treebookpage's label is inserted as child of
+the latest preceding page with depth equal to @em depth-1. For example, this
+XRC markup:
+<object class="wxTreebook">
+ ...
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>0</depth>
+ <label>Page 1</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>1</depth>
+ <label>Subpage 1A</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>2</depth>
+ <label>Subsubpage 1</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>1</depth>
+ <label>Subpage 1B</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>2</depth>
+ <label>Subsubpage 2</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="treebookpage">
+ <depth>0</depth>
+ <label>Page 2</label>
+ <object class="wxPanel">...</object>
+ </object>
+corresponds to the following tree of labels:
+ - Page 1
+ - Subpage 1A
+ - Subsubpage 1
+ - Subpage 1B
+ - Subsubpage 2
+ - Page 2
+@subsubsection xrc_wxwizard wxWizard
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap to display on the left side of the wizard (default: none).}
+A wizard object can have one or more child objects of the wxWizardPage or
+wxWizardPageSimple classes. They both support the following properties
+(in addition to @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props):
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Page-specific bitmap (default: none).}
+wxWizardPageSimple pages are automatically chained together; wxWizardPage pages
+transitions must be handled programmatically.
+@section overview_xrcformat_sizers Sizers
+Sizers are handled slightly differently in XRC resources than they are in
+wxWindow hierarchy. wxWindow's sizers hierarchy is parallel to the wxWindow
+children hierarchy: child windows are children of their parent window and
+the sizer (or sizers) form separate hierarchy attached to the window with
+In XRC, the two hierarchies are merged together: sizers are children of other
+sizers or windows and they can contain child window objects.
+If a sizer is child of a window object in the resource, it must be the only
+child and it will be attached to the parent with wxWindow::SetSizer().
+Additionally, if the window doesn't have its size explicitly set,
+wxSizer::Fit() is used to resize the window. If the parent window is
+toplevel window, wxSizer::SetSizeHints() is called to set its hints.
+A sizer object can have one or more child objects of one of two pseudo-classes:
+@c sizeritem or @c spacer (see @ref overview_xrcformat_wxstddialogbuttonsizer for
+an exception). The former specifies an element (another sizer or a window)
+to include in the sizer, the latter adds empty space to the sizer.
+@c sizeritem objects have exactly one child object: either another sizer
+object, or a window object. @c spacer objects don't have any children, but
+they have one property:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{size, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size, Size of the empty space (required).}
+Both @c sizeritem and @c spacer objects can have any of the following
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{option, integer,
+ The "option" value for sizers. Used by wxBoxSizer to set proportion of
+ the item in the growable direction (default: 0).}
+@row3col{flag, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ wxSizerItem flags (default: 0).}
+@row3col{border, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_dimension,
+ Size of the border around the item (directions are specified in flags)
+ (default: 0).}
+@row3col{minsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Minimal size of this item (default: no min size).}
+@row3col{ratio, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Item ratio, see wxSizer::SetRatio() (default: no ratio).}
+@row3col{cellpos, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_pos,
+ (wxGridBagSizer only) Position, see wxGBSizerItem::SetPos() (required). }
+@row3col{cellspan, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ (wxGridBagSizer only) Span, see wxGBSizerItem::SetSpan() (required). }
+Example of sizers XRC code:
+<object class="wxDialog" name="derived_dialog">
+ <title>Derived Dialog Example</title>
+ <centered>1</centered>
+ <!-- this sizer is set to be this dialog's sizer: -->
+ <object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
+ <cols>1</cols>
+ <rows>0</rows>
+ <vgap>0</vgap>
+ <hgap>0</hgap>
+ <growablecols>0:1</growablecols>
+ <growablerows>0:1</growablerows>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
+ <border>5</border>
+ <object class="wxButton" name="my_button">
+ <label>My Button</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
+ <border>5</border>
+ <object class="wxBoxSizer">
+ <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
+ <border>5</border>
+ <object class="wxCheckBox" name="my_checkbox">
+ <label>Enable this text control:</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <flag>wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL</flag>
+ <border>5</border>
+ <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="my_textctrl">
+ <size>80,-1</size>
+ <value></value>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ ...
+ </object>
+The sizer classes that can be used are listed below, together with their
+class-specific properties. All classes support the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{minsize, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_size,
+ Minimal size that this sizer will have, see wxSizer::SetMinSize()
+ (default: no min size).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxboxsizer wxBoxSizer
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{orient, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Sizer orientation, "wxHORIZONTAL" or "wxVERTICAL" (default: wxHORIZONTAL).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxstaticsboxizer wxStaticBoxSizer
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{orient, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Sizer orientation, "wxHORIZONTAL" or "wxVERTICAL" (default: wxHORIZONTAL).}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Label to be used for the static box around the sizer (required).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxgridsizer wxGridSizer
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{rows, integer, Number of rows in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
+@row3col{cols, integer, Number of columns in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
+@row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxflexgridsizer wxFlexGridSizer
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{rows, integer, Number of rows in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
+@row3col{cols, integer, Number of columns in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
+@row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL or @c wxBOTH (default).
+ This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
+@row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
+ This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
+@row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable (none by default).
+ Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
+ after a colon (@c :).}
+@row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable (none by default).
+ Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
+ after a colon (@c :).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxgridbagsizer wxGridBagSizer
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL, @c wxBOTH (default: @c wxBOTH).}
+@row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
+ (default: @c wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED).}
+@row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable,
+ optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
+ separated by a @c :
+ (default: none).}
+@row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable,
+ optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
+ separated by a @c :
+ (default: none).}
+@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxwrapsizer wxWrapSizer