import sys
import math
-from _basic import Shape, ShapeRegion, ControlPoint, RectangleShape
+from _basic import Shape, ShapeRegion, ShapeTextLine, ControlPoint, RectangleShape
from _oglmisc import *
# Line alignment flags
def __del__(self):
if self._lineControlPoints:
- self.ClearPointList(self._lineControlPoints)
self._lineControlPoints = []
for i in range(3):
if self._labelObjects[i]:
def MakeLineControlPoints(self, n):
"""Make a given number of control points (minimum of two)."""
- if self._lineControlPoints:
- self.ClearPointList(self._lineControlPoints)
self._lineControlPoints = []
for _ in range(n):
point = wx.RealPoint(-999, -999)
- def InsertLineControlPoint(self, dc = None):
- """Insert a control point at an arbitrary position."""
+ # pi: added _initialised to keep track of when we have set
+ # the middle points to something other than (-999, -999)
+ self._initialised = False
+ def InsertLineControlPoint(self, dc = None, point = None):
+ """Insert a control point at an optional given position."""
if dc:
- last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-1]
- second_last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-2]
+ if point:
+ line_x, line_y = point
+ else:
+ last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-1]
+ second_last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-2]
- line_x = (last_point[0] + second_last_point[0]) / 2.0
- line_y = (last_point[1] + second_last_point[1]) / 2.0
+ line_x = (last_point[0] + second_last_point[0]) / 2.0
+ line_y = (last_point[1] + second_last_point[1]) / 2.0
point = wx.RealPoint(line_x, line_y)
- self._lineControlPoints.insert(len(self._lineControlPoints), point)
+ self._lineControlPoints.insert(len(self._lineControlPoints)-1, point)
def DeleteLineControlPoint(self):
"""Delete an arbitary point on the line."""
# initialize them by placing them half way between the first
# and the last.
- for point in self._lineControlPoints[1:]:
+ for i in range(1,len(self._lineControlPoints)):
+ point = self._lineControlPoints[i]
if point[0] == -999:
if first_point[0] < last_point[0]:
x1 = first_point[0]
y2 = first_point[1]
y1 = last_point[1]
- point[0] = (x2 - x1) / 2.0 + x1
- point[1] = (y2 - y1) / 2.0 + y1
+ self._lineControlPoints[i] = wx.RealPoint((x2 - x1) / 2.0 + x1, (y2 - y1) / 2.0 + y1)
+ self._initialised = True
def FormatText(self, dc, s, i):
"""Format a text string according to the region size, adding
def SetEnds(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
"""Set the end positions of the line."""
- # Find centre point
- first_point = self._lineControlPoints[0]
- last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-1]
- first_point[0] = x1
- first_point[1] = y1
- last_point[0] = x2
- last_point[1] = y2
+ self._lineControlPoints[0] = wx.RealPoint(x1, y1)
+ self._lineControlPoints[-1] = wx.RealPoint(x2, y2)
+ # Find centre point
self._xpos = (x1 + x2) / 2.0
self._ypos = (y1 + y2) / 2.0
first_point = self._lineControlPoints[0]
last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-1]
- return (first_point[0], first_point[1]), (last_point[0], last_point[1])
+ return first_point[0], first_point[1], last_point[0], last_point[1]
def SetAttachments(self, from_attach, to_attach):
"""Specify which object attachment points should be used at each end
dy = point2[1] - point1[1]
seg_len = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
- if dy == 0 or dx == 0:
- return False
+ if dy == 0 and dx == 0:
+ continue
distance_from_seg = seg_len * float((x - point1[0]) * dy - (y - point1[1]) * dx) / (dy * dy + dx * dx)
distance_from_prev = seg_len * float((y - point1[1]) * dy + (x - point1[0]) * dx) / (dy * dy + dx * dx)
if not self._from or not self._to:
- if len(self._lineControlPoints) > 2:
- self.Initialise()
# Do each end - nothing in the middle. User has to move other points
# manually if necessary
end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y = self.FindLineEndPoints()
- first = self._lineControlPoints[0]
- last = self._lineControlPoints[-1]
oldX, oldY = self._xpos, self._ypos
+ # pi: The first time we go through FindLineEndPoints we can't
+ # use the middle points (since they don't have sane values),
+ # so we just do what we do for a normal line. Then we call
+ # Initialise to set the middle points, and then FindLineEndPoints
+ # again, but this time (and from now on) we use the middle
+ # points to calculate the end points.
+ # This was buggy in the C++ version too.
self.SetEnds(end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y)
+ if len(self._lineControlPoints) > 2:
+ self.Initialise()
# Do a second time, because one may depend on the other
end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y = self.FindLineEndPoints()
self.SetEnds(end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y)
# if attachment mode is ON
if self._from == self._to and self._from.GetAttachmentMode() != ATTACHMENT_MODE_NONE and moveControlPoints and self._lineControlPoints and not (x_offset == 0 and y_offset == 0):
for point in self._lineControlPoints[1:-1]:
- point.x += x_offset
- point.y += y_offset
+ point[0] += x_offset
+ point[1] += y_offset
self.Move(dc, self._xpos, self._ypos)
# manually if necessary.
second_point = self._lineControlPoints[1]
second_last_point = self._lineControlPoints[-2]
- if len(self._lineControlPoints) > 2:
+ # pi: If we have a segmented line and this is the first time,
+ # do this as a straight line.
+ if len(self._lineControlPoints) > 2 and self._initialised:
if self._from.GetAttachmentMode() != ATTACHMENT_MODE_NONE:
nth, no_arcs = self.FindNth(self._from, False) # Not incoming
end_x, end_y = self._from.GetAttachmentPosition(self._attachmentFrom, nth, no_arcs, self)
if self._to.GetAttachmentMode() == ATTACHMENT_MODE_NONE:
other_end_x, other_end_y = self._to.GetPerimeterPoint(self._to.GetX(), self._to.GetY(), fromX, fromY)
- #print type(self._from), type(self._to), end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y
- return end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y
+ return end_x, end_y, other_end_x, other_end_y
def OnDraw(self, dc):
if not self._lineControlPoints:
points = []
for point in self._lineControlPoints:
- points.append(wx.Point(point.x, point.y))
+ points.append(wx.Point(point[0], point[1]))
- #print points
if self._isSpline:
if sys.platform[:3] == "win":
# For some reason, last point isn't drawn under Windows
pt = points[-1]
- dc.DrawPoint(pt.x, pt.y)
+ dc.DrawPoint(pt[0], pt[1])
# Problem with pen - if not a solid pen, does strange things
# to the arrowhead. So make (get) a new pen that's solid.
if self._pen and self._pen.GetStyle() != wx.SOLID:
- solid_pen = wx.ThePenList().FindOrCreatePen(self._pen.GetColour(), 1, wx.SOLID)
+ solid_pen = wx.ThePenList.FindOrCreatePen(self._pen.GetColour(), 1, wx.SOLID)
if solid_pen:
control = LineControlPoint(self._canvas, self, CONTROL_POINT_SIZE, first[0], first[1], CONTROL_POINT_ENDPOINT_FROM)
control._point = first
- self._controlPoints.Append(control)
+ self._controlPoints.append(control)
for point in self._lineControlPoints[1:-1]:
control = LineControlPoint(self._canvas, self, CONTROL_POINT_SIZE, point[0], point[1], CONTROL_POINT_LINE)
control._point = point
- self._controlPoints.Append(control)
+ self._controlPoints.append(control)
control = LineControlPoint(self._canvas, self, CONTROL_POINT_SIZE, last[0], last[1], CONTROL_POINT_ENDPOINT_TO)
control._point = last
- self._controlPoints.Append(control)
+ self._controlPoints.append(control)
def ResetControlPoints(self):
- if self._canvas and self._lineControlPoints:
+ if self._canvas and self._lineControlPoints and self._controlPoints:
for i in range(min(len(self._controlPoints), len(self._lineControlPoints))):
point = self._lineControlPoints[i]
control = self._controlPoints[i]
if pt._type == CONTROL_POINT_LINE:
- x, y = self._canvas.Snap()
+ x, y = self._canvas.Snap(x, y)
pt._point[0] = x
pt._point[1] = y
old_pen = self.GetPen()
old_brush = self.GetBrush()
if pt._type == CONTROL_POINT_LINE:
pt._originalPos = pt._point
- x, y = self._canvas.Snap()
+ x, y = self._canvas.Snap(x, y)
- self._canvas.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE))
+ self._canvas.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE))
pt._oldCursor = wx.STANDARD_CURSOR
def OnSizingEndDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0):
if pt._type == CONTROL_POINT_LINE:
- x, y = self._canvas.Snap()
+ x, y = self._canvas.Snap(x, y)
rpt = wx.RealPoint(x, y)
if pt._oldCursor:
- if self.GetFrom():
- self.GetFrom().MoveLineToNewAttachment(dc, self, x, y)
+ if self.GetFrom():
+ self.GetFrom().MoveLineToNewAttachment(dc, self, x, y)
if pt._oldCursor:
- if self.GetTo():
- self.GetTo().MoveLineToNewAttachment(dc, self, x, y)
+ if self.GetTo():
+ self.GetTo().MoveLineToNewAttachment(dc, self, x, y)
# This is called only when a non-end control point is moved
def OnMoveMiddleControlPoint(self, dc, lpt, pt):
for arrow in self._arcArrows:
if (position == -1 or position == arrow.GetArrowEnd()) and arrow.GetName() == name:
- return arow
+ return arrow
return None
labelShape._shapeRegion.SetSize(labelShape.GetWidth(), labelShape.GetHeight())
# Find position in line's region list
- i = 0
- for region in self.GetRegions():
- if labelShape._shapeRegion == region:
- self.GetRegions().remove(region)
- else:
- i += 1
+ i = self._regions.index(labelShape._shapeRegion)
xx, yy = self.GetLabelPosition(i)
# Set the region's offset, relative to the default position for