+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxThread}{wxthread}, \helpref{wxMutex}{wxmutex}, \helpref{Multithreading overview}{wxthreadoverview}
+This macro declares a (static) critical section object named {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+This macro declares a critical section object named {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$. As it doesn't
+include the {\tt static} keyword (unlike
+\helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_DECLARE}{wxcritsectdeclare}), it can be used to declare
+a class or struct member which explains its name.
+\func{}{wxCRIT\_SECT\_LOCKER}{\param{}{name}, \param{}{cs}}
+This macro creates a \helpref{critical section lock}{wxcriticalsectionlocker}
+object named {\it name} and associated with the critical section {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+This macro combines \helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_DECLARE}{wxcritsectdeclare} and
+\helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_LOCKER}{wxcritsectlocker}: it creates a static critical
+section object and also the lock object associated with it. Because of this, it
+can be only used inside a function, not at global scope. For example:
+int IncCount()
+ static int s_counter = 0;
+ wxCRITICAL_SECTION(counter);
+ return ++s_counter;
+(note that we suppose that the function is called the first time from the main
+thread so that the critical section object is initialized correctly by the time
+other threads start calling it, if this is not the case this approach can
+{\bf not} be used and the critical section must be made a global instead).
+\func{}{wxENTER\_CRIT\_SECT}{\param{wxCriticalSection\& }{cs}}
+This macro is equivalent to \helpref{cs.Enter()}{wxcriticalsectionenter} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+Returns {\tt true} if this thread is the main one. Always returns {\tt true} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $0$.
+\func{}{wxLEAVE\_CRIT\_SECT}{\param{wxCriticalSection\& }{cs}}
+This macro is equivalent to \helpref{cs.Leave()}{wxcriticalsectionleave} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+This function must be called when any thread other than the main GUI thread
+wants to get access to the GUI library. This function will block the execution
+of the calling thread until the main thread (or any other thread holding the
+main GUI lock) leaves the GUI library and no other thread will enter the GUI
+library until the calling thread calls \helpref{::wxMutexGuiLeave()}{wxmutexguileave}.
+Typically, these functions are used like this:
+void MyThread::Foo(void)
+ // before doing any GUI calls we must ensure that this thread is the only
+ // one doing it!
+ wxMutexGuiEnter();
+ // Call GUI here:
+ my_window->DrawSomething();
+ wxMutexGuiLeave();
+Note that under GTK, no creation of top-level windows is allowed in any
+thread but the main one.
+This function is only defined on platforms which support preemptive
+See \helpref{::wxMutexGuiEnter()}{wxmutexguienter}.
+This function is only defined on platforms which support preemptive
+\section{File functions}\label{filefunctions}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{bool}{wxDirExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{dirname}}
+Returns true if the directory exists.
+\func{void}{wxDos2UnixFilename}{\param{wxChar *}{s}}
+Converts a DOS to a Unix filename by replacing backslashes with forward
+\func{bool}{wxFileExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Returns true if the file exists and is a plain file.
+\func{time\_t}{wxFileModificationTime}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Returns time of last modification of given file.
+\func{wxString}{wxFileNameFromPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}}
+\func{char *}{wxFileNameFromPath}{\param{char *}{path}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
+Returns the filename for a full path. The second form returns a pointer to
+temporary storage that should not be deallocated.
+\func{wxString}{wxFindFirstFile}{\param{const char *}{spec}, \param{int}{ flags = 0}}
+This function does directory searching; returns the first file
+that matches the path {\it spec}, or the empty string. Use \helpref{wxFindNextFile}{wxfindnextfile} to
+get the next matching file. Neither will report the current directory "." or the
+parent directory "..".
+As of wx 2.5.2, these functions are not thread-safe! (use static variables)
+{\it spec} may contain wildcards.
+{\it flags} may be wxDIR for restricting the query to directories, wxFILE for files or zero for either.
+For example:
+ wxString f = wxFindFirstFile("/home/project/*.*");
+ while ( !f.empty() )
+ {
+ ...
+ f = wxFindNextFile();
+ }
+Returns the next file that matches the path passed to \helpref{wxFindFirstFile}{wxfindfirstfile}.
+See \helpref{wxFindFirstFile}{wxfindfirstfile} for an example.
+\func{bool}{wxGetDiskSpace}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{wxLongLong }{*total = NULL}, \param{wxLongLong }{*free = NULL}}
+This function returns the total number of bytes and number of free bytes on
+the disk containing the directory {\it path} (it should exist). Both
+{\it total} and {\it free} parameters may be {\tt NULL} if the corresponding
+information is not needed.
+{\tt true} on success, {\tt false} if an error occured (for example, the
+directory doesn't exist).
+This function is implemented for Win32,
+Mac OS and generic Unix provided the system has {\tt statfs()} function.
+This function first appeared in wxWidgets 2.3.2.
+\func{wxFileKind}{wxGetFileKind}{\param{int }{fd}}
+\func{wxFileKind}{wxGetFileKind}{\param{FILE *}{fp}}
+Returns the type of an open file. Possible return values are:
+enum wxFileKind
+ wxFILE_KIND_DISK, // a file supporting seeking to arbitrary offsets
+ wxFILE_KIND_TERMINAL, // a tty
+ wxFILE_KIND_PIPE // a pipe
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns the Windows directory under Windows; on other platforms returns the empty string.
+\func{bool}{wxIsAbsolutePath}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Returns true if the argument is an absolute filename, i.e. with a slash
+or drive name at the beginning.
+\func{wxString}{wxPathOnly}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}}
+Returns the directory part of the filename.
+\func{void}{wxUnix2DosFilename}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}}
+Converts a Unix to a DOS filename by replacing forward
+slashes with backslashes.
+\func{}{wxCHANGE\_UMASK}{\param{int }{mask}}
+Under Unix this macro changes the current process umask to the given value,
+unless it is equal to $-1$ in which case nothing is done, and restores it to
+the original value on scope exit. It works by declaring a variable which sets
+umask to \arg{mask} in its constructor and restores it in its destructor.
+Under other platforms this macro expands to nothing.
+\func{bool}{wxConcatFiles}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2},
+\param{const wxString\& }{file3}}
+Concatenates {\it file1} and {\it file2} to {\it file3}, returning
+true if successful.
+\func{bool}{wxCopyFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}, \param{bool }{overwrite = true}}
+Copies {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning true if successful. If
+{\it overwrite} parameter is true (default), the destination file is overwritten
+if it exists, but if {\it overwrite} is false, the functions fails in this
+Returns a string containing the current (or working) directory.
+\func{wxString}{wxGetWorkingDirectory}{\param{char *}{buf=NULL}, \param{int }{sz=1000}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete: use \helpref{wxGetCwd}{wxgetcwd} instead.
+Copies the current working directory into the buffer if supplied, or
+copies the working directory into new storage (which you {\emph must} delete
+yourself) if the buffer is NULL.
+{\it sz} is the size of the buffer if supplied.
+\func{char *}{wxGetTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{char *}{buf=NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxGetTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{wxString\& }{buf}}
+%% Makes a temporary filename based on {\it prefix}, opens and closes the file,
+%% and places the name in {\it buf}. If {\it buf} is NULL, new store
+%% is allocated for the temporary filename using {\it new}.
+%% Under Windows, the filename will include the drive and name of the
+%% directory allocated for temporary files (usually the contents of the
+%% TEMP variable). Under Unix, the {\tt /tmp} directory is used.
+%% It is the application's responsibility to create and delete the file.
+{\bf NB:} These functions are obsolete, please use\rtfsp
+\func{bool}{wxIsWild}{\param{const wxString\& }{pattern}}
+Returns true if the pattern contains wildcards. See \helpref{wxMatchWild}{wxmatchwild}.
+\func{bool}{wxMatchWild}{\param{const wxString\& }{pattern}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{bool}{ dot\_special}}
+Returns true if the \arg{pattern}\/ matches the {\it text}\/; if {\it
+dot\_special}\/ is true, filenames beginning with a dot are not matched
+with wildcard characters. See \helpref{wxIsWild}{wxiswild}.
+\func{bool}{wxMkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}}
+Makes the directory \arg{dir}, returning true if successful.
+{\it perm} is the access mask for the directory for the systems on which it is
+supported (Unix) and doesn't have effect for the other ones.
+\func{int}{wxParseCommonDialogsFilter}{\param{const wxString\& }{wildCard}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{descriptions}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{filters}}
+Parses the \arg{wildCard}, returning the number of filters.
+Returns 0 if none or if there's a problem.
+The arrays will contain an equal number of items found before the error.
+On platforms where native dialogs handle only one filter per entry,
+entries in arrays are automatically adjusted.
+\arg{wildCard} is in the form:
+ "All files (*)|*|Image Files (*.jpeg *.png)|*.jpg;*.png"
+\func{bool}{wxRemoveFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
+Removes \arg{file}, returning true if successful.
+\func{bool}{wxRenameFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}}
+Renames \arg{file1} to \arg{file2}, returning true if successful.
+\func{bool}{wxRmdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int}{ flags=0}}
+Removes the directory {\it dir}, returning true if successful. Does not work under VMS.
+The {\it flags} parameter is reserved for future use.
+\func{bool}{wxSetWorkingDirectory}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Sets the current working directory, returning true if the operation succeeded.
+Under MS Windows, the current drive is also changed if {\it dir} contains a drive specification.
+\func{void}{wxSplitPath}{\param{const char *}{ fullname}, \param{wxString *}{ path}, \param{wxString *}{ name}, \param{wxString *}{ ext}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
+This function splits a full file name into components: the path (including possible disk/drive
+specification under Windows), the base name and the extension. Any of the output parameters
+({\it path}, {\it name} or {\it ext}) may be NULL if you are not interested in the value of
+a particular component.
+wxSplitPath() will correctly handle filenames with both DOS and Unix path separators under
+Windows, however it will not consider backslashes as path separators under Unix (where backslash
+is a valid character in a filename).
+On entry, {\it fullname} should be non-NULL (it may be empty though).
+On return, {\it path} contains the file path (without the trailing separator), {\it name}
+contains the file name and {\it ext} contains the file extension without leading dot. All
+three of them may be empty if the corresponding component is. The old contents of the
+strings pointed to by these parameters will be overwritten in any case (if the pointers
+are not NULL).
+\func{bool}{wxTransferFileToStream}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}, \param{ostream\& }{stream}}
+Copies the given file to {\it stream}. Useful when converting an old application to
+use streams (within the document/view framework, for example).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxTransferStreamToFile}{\param{istream\& }{stream} \param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Copies the given stream to the file {\it filename}. Useful when converting an old application to
+use streams (within the document/view framework, for example).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{Network, user and OS functions}\label{networkfunctions}
+The functions in this section are used to retrieve information about the
+current computer and/or user characteristics.
+\func{bool}{wxGetEmailAddress}{\param{char * }{buf}, \param{int }{sz}}
+Copies the user's email address into the supplied buffer, by
+concatenating the values returned by \helpref{wxGetFullHostName}{wxgetfullhostname}\rtfsp
+and \helpref{wxGetUserId}{wxgetuserid}.
+Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns the amount of free memory in bytes under environments which
+support it, and -1 if not supported or failed to perform measurement.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns the FQDN (fully qualified domain host name) or an empty string on
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Return the (current) user's home directory.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxGetHostName}{\param{char * }{buf}, \param{int }{sz}}
+Copies the current host machine's name into the supplied buffer. Please note
+that the returned name is {\it not} fully qualified, i.e. it does not include
+the domain name.
+Under Windows or NT, this function first looks in the environment
+variable SYSTEM\_NAME; if this is not found, the entry {\bf HostName}\rtfsp
+in the {\bf wxWidgets} section of the WIN.INI file is tried.
+The first variant of this function returns the hostname if successful or an
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns true
+if successful, false otherwise.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns the string containing the description of the current platform in a
+user-readable form. For example, this function may return strings like
+{\tt Windows NT Version 4.0} or {\tt Linux 2.2.2 i386}.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{int}{wxGetOsVersion}{\param{int *}{major = NULL}, \param{int *}{minor = NULL}}
+Gets operating system version information.
+\twocolitemruled{Platform}{Return types}
+\twocolitem{Mac OS}{Return value is wxMAC when compiled with CodeWarrior under Mac OS 8.x/9.x and Mac OS X, wxMAC\_DARWIN when compiled with the Apple Developer Tools under Mac OS X.
+Both {\it major} and {\it minor} have to be looked at as hexadecimal numbers. So System 10.2.4 returns 0x10, resp 16 for {\it major} and 0x24, resp 36 for {\it minor}. }
+\twocolitem{GTK}{Return value is wxGTK, For GTK 1.0, {\it major} is 1, {\it minor} is 0. }
+\twocolitem{Motif}{Return value is wxMOTIF\_X, {\it major} is X version, {\it minor} is X revision.}
+\twocolitem{OS/2}{Return value is wxOS2\_PM.}
+\twocolitem{Windows 3.1}{Return value is wxWINDOWS, {\it major} is 3, {\it minor} is 1.}
+\twocolitem{Windows NT/2000}{Return value is wxWINDOWS\_NT, version is returned in {\it major} and {\it minor}}
+\twocolitem{Windows 98}{Return value is wxWIN95, {\it major} is 4, {\it minor} is 1 or greater.}
+\twocolitem{Windows 95}{Return value is wxWIN95, {\it major} is 4, {\it minor} is 0.}
+\twocolitem{Win32s (Windows 3.1)}{Return value is wxWIN32S, {\it major} is 3, {\it minor} is 1.}
+\twocolitem{Watcom C++ 386 supervisor mode (Windows 3.1)}{Return value is wxWIN386, {\it major} is 3, {\it minor} is 1.}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{const wxChar *}{wxGetUserHome}{\param{const wxString\& }{user = ""}}
+Returns the home directory for the given user. If the username is empty
+(default value), this function behaves like
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxGetUserId}{\param{char * }{buf}, \param{int }{sz}}
+This function returns the "user id" also known as "login name" under Unix i.e.
+something like "jsmith". It uniquely identifies the current user (on this system).
+Under Windows or NT, this function first looks in the environment
+variables USER and LOGNAME; if neither of these is found, the entry {\bf UserId}\rtfsp
+in the {\bf wxWidgets} section of the WIN.INI file is tried.
+The first variant of this function returns the login name if successful or an
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns true
+if successful, false otherwise.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxGetUserName}{\param{char * }{buf}, \param{int }{sz}}
+This function returns the full user name (something like "Mr. John Smith").
+Under Windows or NT, this function looks for the entry {\bf UserName}\rtfsp
+in the {\bf wxWidgets} section of the WIN.INI file. If PenWindows
+is running, the entry {\bf Current} in the section {\bf User} of
+the PENWIN.INI file is used.
+The first variant of this function returns the user name if successful or an
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns {\tt true}
+if successful, {\tt false} otherwise.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{String functions}\label{stringfunctions}
+\func{char *}{copystring}{\param{const char *}{s}}
+Makes a copy of the string {\it s} using the C++ new operator, so it can be
+deleted with the {\it delete} operator.
+This function is deprecated, use \helpref{wxString}{wxstring} class instead.
+\func{const char *}{wxGetTranslation}{\param{const char * }{str}}
+\func{const char *}{wxGetTranslation}{\param{const char * }{str}, \param{const char * }{strPlural}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
+This function returns the translation of string {\it str} in the current
+\helpref{locale}{wxlocale}. If the string is not found in any of the loaded
+message catalogs (see \helpref{internationalization overview}{internationalization}), the
+original string is returned. In debug build, an error message is logged -- this
+should help to find the strings which were not yet translated. As this function
+is used very often, an alternative (and also common in Unix world) syntax is
+provided: the \helpref{\_()}{underscore} macro is defined to do the same thing
+as wxGetTranslation.
+The second form is used when retrieving translation of string that has
+different singular and plural form in English or different plural forms in some
+other language. It takes two extra arguments: \arg{str}
+parameter must contain the singular form of the string to be converted.
+It is also used as the key for the search in the catalog.
+The \arg{strPlural} parameter is the plural form (in English).
+The parameter \arg{n} is used to determine the plural form. If no
+message catalog is found \arg{str} is returned if `n == 1',
+otherwise \arg{strPlural}.
+See \urlref{GNU gettext manual}{http://www.gnu.org/manual/gettext/html\_chapter/gettext\_10.html\#SEC150} for additional information on plural forms handling.
+Both versions call \helpref{wxLocale::GetString}{wxlocalegetstring}.
+\func{bool}{wxIsEmpty}{\param{const char *}{ p}}
+Returns {\tt true} if the pointer is either {\tt NULL} or points to an empty
+string, {\tt false} otherwise.
+\func{int}{wxStrcmp}{\param{const char *}{p1}, \param{const char *}{p2}}
+Returns a negative value, 0, or positive value if {\it p1} is less than, equal
+to or greater than {\it p2}. The comparison is case-sensitive.
+This function complements the standard C function {\it stricmp()} which performs
+case-insensitive comparison.
+\func{int}{wxStricmp}{\param{const char *}{p1}, \param{const char *}{p2}}
+Returns a negative value, 0, or positive value if {\it p1} is less than, equal
+to or greater than {\it p2}. The comparison is case-insensitive.
+This function complements the standard C function {\it strcmp()} which performs
+case-sensitive comparison.
+\func{bool}{wxStringMatch}{\param{const wxString\& }{s1}, \param{const wxString\& }{s2},\\
+ \param{bool}{ subString = true}, \param{bool}{ exact = false}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind} instead.
+Returns {\tt true} if the substring {\it s1} is found within {\it s2},
+ignoring case if {\it exact} is false. If {\it subString} is {\tt false},