+ wxPoint m_position ;
+ wxSize m_size ;
+ bool m_wasResizable ;
+FullScreenData ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Init()
+ m_iconized =
+ m_maximizeOnShow = false;
+ m_macWindow = NULL ;
+ m_macUsesCompositing = ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 );
+ m_macUsesCompositing = false;
+ m_macEventHandler = NULL ;
+ m_macFullScreenData = NULL ;
+class wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter : public wxObject
+public :
+ wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter( WindowRef windowRef )
+ {
+ m_macWindow = windowRef ;
+ }
+ virtual ~wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter()
+ {
+ UMADisposeWindow( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) ;
+ }
+protected :
+ WindowRef m_macWindow ;
+} ;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::Create(wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& title,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name)
+ // init our fields
+ Init();
+ m_windowStyle = style;
+ SetName( name );
+ m_windowId = id == -1 ? NewControlId() : id;
+ wxWindow::SetLabel( title ) ;
+ MacCreateRealWindow( title, pos , size , MacRemoveBordersFromStyle(style) , name ) ;
+ SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE));
+ if (GetExtraStyle() & wxFRAME_EX_METAL)
+ MacSetMetalAppearance(true);
+ wxTopLevelWindows.Append(this);
+ if ( parent )
+ parent->AddChild(this);
+ return true;
+ if ( m_macWindow )
+ {
+ wxToolTip::NotifyWindowDelete(m_macWindow) ;
+ wxPendingDelete.Append( new wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) ) ;
+ }
+ if ( m_macEventHandler )
+ {
+ ::RemoveEventHandler((EventHandlerRef) m_macEventHandler);
+ m_macEventHandler = NULL ;
+ }
+ wxRemoveMacWindowAssociation( this ) ;
+ if ( wxModelessWindows.Find(this) )
+ wxModelessWindows.DeleteObject(this);
+ FullScreenData *data = (FullScreenData *) m_macFullScreenData ;
+ delete data ;
+ m_macFullScreenData = NULL ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxTopLevelWindowMac maximize/minimize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Maximize(bool maximize)
+ // TODO: check if this is still necessary
+#if 0
+ wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr)GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow) ) ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clip( this );
+#if 0
+ if ( !IsWindowInStandardState( (WindowRef)m_macWindow, NULL, NULL ) )
+ {
+ Rect rect;
+ GetWindowBounds((WindowRef)m_macWindow, kWindowGlobalPortRgn, &rect);
+ SetWindowIdealUserState((WindowRef)m_macWindow, &rect);
+ SetWindowUserState((WindowRef)m_macWindow, &rect);
+ }
+ ZoomWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , maximize ? inZoomOut : inZoomIn , false ) ;
+ Point idealSize = { 0 , 0 } ;
+ if ( maximize )
+ {
+ Rect rect ;
+ GetAvailableWindowPositioningBounds(GetMainDevice(),&rect) ;
+ idealSize.h = rect.right - rect.left ;
+ idealSize.v = rect.bottom - rect.top ;
+ }
+ ZoomWindowIdeal( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , maximize ? inZoomOut : inZoomIn , &idealSize ) ;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::IsMaximized() const
+ return IsWindowInStandardState( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , NULL , NULL ) ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Iconize(bool iconize)
+ if ( IsWindowCollapsable( (WindowRef)m_macWindow) )
+ CollapseWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , iconize ) ;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::IsIconized() const
+ return IsWindowCollapsed((WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Restore()
+ if ( IsMaximized() )
+ Maximize(false);
+ else if ( IsIconized() )
+ Iconize(false);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxTopLevelWindowMac misc
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxPoint wxTopLevelWindowMac::GetClientAreaOrigin() const
+ return wxPoint(0, 0) ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon)
+ // this sets m_icon
+ wxTopLevelWindowBase::SetIcon(icon);
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacSetBackgroundBrush( const wxBrush &brush )
+ wxTopLevelWindowBase::MacSetBackgroundBrush( brush ) ;
+ if ( m_macBackgroundBrush.Ok() && m_macBackgroundBrush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT && m_macBackgroundBrush.MacGetBrushKind() == kwxMacBrushTheme )
+ {
+ SetThemeWindowBackground( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , m_macBackgroundBrush.MacGetTheme() , false ) ;
+ }
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacInstallTopLevelWindowEventHandler()
+ if ( m_macEventHandler != NULL )
+ {
+ verify_noerr( ::RemoveEventHandler( (EventHandlerRef) m_macEventHandler ) ) ;
+ }
+ InstallWindowEventHandler(
+ MAC_WXHWND(m_macWindow), GetwxMacTopLevelEventHandlerUPP(),
+ GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this, (EventHandlerRef *)&m_macEventHandler );
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacCreateRealWindow(
+ const wxString& title,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name )
+ OSStatus err = noErr ;
+ SetName(name);
+ m_windowStyle = style;
+ m_isShown = false;
+ // create frame.
+ int x = (int)pos.x;
+ int y = (int)pos.y;
+ Rect theBoundsRect;
+ wxRect display = wxGetClientDisplayRect() ;
+ if ( x == wxDefaultPosition.x )
+ x = display.x ;
+ if ( y == wxDefaultPosition.y )
+ y = display.y ;
+ int w = WidthDefault(size.x);
+ int h = HeightDefault(size.y);
+ ::SetRect(&theBoundsRect, x, y , x + w, y + h);
+ // translate the window attributes in the appropriate window class and attributes
+ WindowClass wclass = 0;
+ WindowAttributes attr = kWindowNoAttributes ;
+ WindowGroupRef group = NULL ;
+ if ( HasFlag( wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) )
+ {
+ if (
+ HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) ||
+ HasFlag( wxSYSTEM_MENU ) || HasFlag( wxCAPTION ) ||
+ )
+ {
+ wclass = kFloatingWindowClass ;
+ if ( HasFlag(wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT) )
+ attr |= kWindowSideTitlebarAttribute ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wclass = kPlainWindowClass ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( HasFlag( wxCAPTION ) )
+ {
+ wclass = kDocumentWindowClass ;
+ attr |= kWindowInWindowMenuAttribute ;
+ }
+ else if ( HasFlag( wxFRAME_DRAWER ) )
+ {
+ wclass = kDrawerWindowClass;
+ // we must force compositing on a drawer
+ m_macUsesCompositing = true ;
+ }
+#endif //10.2 and up
+ else
+ {
+ if ( HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) ||
+ HasFlag( wxCLOSE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxSYSTEM_MENU ) )
+ {
+ wclass = kDocumentWindowClass ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wclass = kPlainWindowClass ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( wclass != kPlainWindowClass )
+ {
+ if ( HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) )
+ attr |= kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute ;
+ if ( HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) )
+ attr |= kWindowFullZoomAttribute ;
+ if ( HasFlag( wxRESIZE_BORDER ) )
+ attr |= kWindowResizableAttribute ;
+ if ( HasFlag( wxCLOSE_BOX) )
+ attr |= kWindowCloseBoxAttribute ;
+ }
+ // turn on live resizing (OS X only)
+ if (UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000)
+ attr |= kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;
+ if ( HasFlag(wxSTAY_ON_TOP) )
+ group = GetWindowGroupOfClass(kUtilityWindowClass) ;
+ if ( m_macUsesCompositing )
+ attr |= kWindowCompositingAttribute;
+ if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED) )
+ {
+ WindowDefSpec customWindowDefSpec;
+ customWindowDefSpec.defType = kWindowDefProcPtr;
+ customWindowDefSpec.u.defProc = NewWindowDefUPP(wxShapedMacWindowDef);
+ err = ::CreateCustomWindow( &customWindowDefSpec, wclass,
+ attr, &theBoundsRect,
+ (WindowRef*) &m_macWindow);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = ::CreateNewWindow( wclass , attr , &theBoundsRect , (WindowRef*)&m_macWindow ) ;
+ }
+ if ( err == noErr && m_macWindow != NULL && group != NULL )
+ SetWindowGroup( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , group ) ;
+ wxCHECK_RET( err == noErr, wxT("Mac OS error when trying to create new window") );
+ // the create commands are only for content rect,
+ // so we have to set the size again as structure bounds
+ SetWindowBounds( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , kWindowStructureRgn , &theBoundsRect ) ;
+ wxAssociateWinWithMacWindow( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , this ) ;
+ UMASetWTitle( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , title , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ m_peer = new wxMacControl(this , true /*isRootControl*/) ;
+ if ( m_macUsesCompositing )
+ {
+ // There is a bug in 10.2.X for ::GetRootControl returning the window view instead of
+ // the content view, so we have to retrieve it explicitly
+ HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) , kHIViewWindowContentID ,
+ m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ;
+ if ( !m_peer->Ok() )
+ {
+ // compatibility mode fallback
+ GetRootControl( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ ::CreateRootControl( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ;
+ }
+ // the root control level handler
+ MacInstallEventHandler( (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() ) ;
+ // Causes the inner part of the window not to be metal
+ // if the style is used before window creation.
+ if ( m_macUsesCompositing && m_macWindow != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( GetExtraStyle() & wxFRAME_EX_METAL )
+ MacSetMetalAppearance( true ) ;
+ }
+ // the frame window event handler
+ InstallStandardEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget(MAC_WXHWND(m_macWindow)) ) ;
+ MacInstallTopLevelWindowEventHandler() ;
+ DoSetWindowVariant( m_windowVariant ) ;
+ m_macFocus = NULL ;
+ if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED) )
+ {
+ // default shape matches the window size
+ wxRegion rgn( 0, 0, w, h );
+ SetShape( rgn );
+ }
+ wxWindowCreateEvent event(this);
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::ClearBackground()
+ wxWindow::ClearBackground() ;
+// Raise the window to the top of the Z order
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Raise()
+ ::SelectWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ;
+// Lower the window to the bottom of the Z order
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Lower()
+ ::SendBehind( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , NULL ) ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacDelayedDeactivation(long timestamp)
+ if (s_macDeactivateWindow)
+ {
+ wxT("Doing delayed deactivation of %p"),
+ s_macDeactivateWindow);
+ s_macDeactivateWindow->MacActivate(timestamp, false);
+ }
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacActivate( long timestamp , bool inIsActivating )
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_ACTIVATE, wxT("TopLevel=%p::MacActivate"), this);
+ if (s_macDeactivateWindow == this)
+ s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL;
+ MacDelayedDeactivation(timestamp);
+ MacPropagateHiliteChanged() ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetTitle(const wxString& title)
+ wxWindow::SetLabel( title ) ;
+ UMASetWTitle( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , title , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+wxString wxTopLevelWindowMac::GetTitle() const
+ return wxWindow::GetLabel();
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::Show(bool show)
+ if ( !wxTopLevelWindowBase::Show(show) )
+ return false;
+ bool plainTransition = false;
+ // code contributed by Ryan Wilcox December 18, 2003
+ plainTransition = UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 ;
+ if ( wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION) )
+ plainTransition = ( wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION ) == 1 ) ;
+ if (show)
+ {
+ if ( plainTransition )
+ ::ShowWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow );
+ else
+ ::TransitionWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow, kWindowZoomTransitionEffect, kWindowShowTransitionAction, NULL );
+ ::SelectWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ;
+ // because apps expect a size event to occur at this moment
+ wxSizeEvent event(GetSize() , m_windowId);
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( plainTransition )
+ ::HideWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow );
+ else
+ ::TransitionWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow, kWindowZoomTransitionEffect, kWindowHideTransitionAction, NULL );
+ }
+ MacPropagateVisibilityChanged() ;
+ return true ;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::ShowFullScreen(bool show, long style)
+ if ( show )
+ {
+ FullScreenData *data = (FullScreenData *)m_macFullScreenData ;
+ delete data ;
+ data = new FullScreenData() ;
+ m_macFullScreenData = data ;
+ data->m_position = GetPosition() ;
+ data->m_size = GetSize() ;
+ data->m_wasResizable = MacGetWindowAttributes() & kWindowResizableAttribute ;
+ if ( style & wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR )
+ HideMenuBar() ;
+ wxRect client = wxGetClientDisplayRect() ;
+ int left , top , right , bottom ;
+ int x, y, w, h ;
+ x = client.x ;
+ y = client.y ;
+ w = client.width ;
+ h = client.height ;
+ MacGetContentAreaInset( left , top , right , bottom ) ;
+ if ( style & wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION )
+ {
+ y -= top ;
+ h += top ;
+ }
+ if ( style & wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER )
+ {
+ x -= left ;
+ w += left + right ;
+ h += bottom ;
+ }
+ if ( style & wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR )
+ {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ SetSize( x , y , w, h ) ;
+ if ( data->m_wasResizable )
+ MacChangeWindowAttributes( kWindowNoAttributes , kWindowResizableAttribute ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowMenuBar() ;
+ FullScreenData *data = (FullScreenData *) m_macFullScreenData ;
+ if ( data->m_wasResizable )
+ MacChangeWindowAttributes( kWindowResizableAttribute , kWindowNoAttributes ) ;
+ SetPosition( data->m_position ) ;
+ SetSize( data->m_size ) ;
+ delete data ;
+ m_macFullScreenData = NULL ;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::IsFullScreen() const
+ return m_macFullScreenData != NULL ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetExtraStyle(long exStyle)
+ if ( GetExtraStyle() == exStyle )
+ return ;
+ wxTopLevelWindowBase::SetExtraStyle( exStyle ) ;
+ if ( m_macUsesCompositing && m_macWindow != NULL )
+ {
+ bool metal = GetExtraStyle() & wxFRAME_EX_METAL ;
+ if ( MacGetMetalAppearance() != metal )
+ MacSetMetalAppearance( metal ) ;
+ }
+// TODO: switch to structure bounds -
+// we are still using coordinates of the content view
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacGetContentAreaInset( int &left , int &top , int &right , int &bottom )
+ Rect content, structure ;
+ GetWindowBounds( (WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowStructureRgn , &structure ) ;
+ GetWindowBounds( (WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowContentRgn , &content ) ;
+ left = content.left - structure.left ;
+ top = content.top - structure.top ;
+ right = structure.right - content.right ;
+ bottom = structure.bottom - content.bottom ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ m_cachedClippedRectValid = false ;
+ Rect bounds = { y , x , y + height , x + width } ;
+ verify_noerr(SetWindowBounds( (WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ;
+ wxWindowMac::MacSuperChangedPosition() ; // like this only children will be notified
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const
+ Rect bounds ;
+ verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ;
+ if (x)
+ *x = bounds.left ;
+ if (y)
+ *y = bounds.top ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const
+ Rect bounds ;
+ verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ;
+ if (width)
+ *width = bounds.right - bounds.left ;
+ if (height)
+ *height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const
+ Rect bounds ;
+ verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_macWindow, kWindowContentRgn , &bounds )) ;
+ if (width)
+ *width = bounds.right - bounds.left ;
+ if (height)
+ *height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacSetMetalAppearance( bool set )
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_macUsesCompositing ,
+ wxT("Cannot set metal appearance on a non-compositing window") ) ;
+ MacChangeWindowAttributes( set ? kWindowMetalAttribute : kWindowNoAttributes ,
+ set ? kWindowNoAttributes : kWindowMetalAttribute ) ;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacGetMetalAppearance() const
+ return MacGetWindowAttributes() & kWindowMetalAttribute ;
+ return false ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacChangeWindowAttributes( wxUint32 attributesToSet , wxUint32 attributesToClear )
+ ChangeWindowAttributes( (WindowRef)m_macWindow, attributesToSet, attributesToClear ) ;
+wxUint32 wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacGetWindowAttributes() const
+ UInt32 attr = 0 ;
+ GetWindowAttributes( (WindowRef) m_macWindow, &attr ) ;
+ return attr ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacPerformUpdates()
+ if ( m_macUsesCompositing )
+ {
+ // for composited windows this also triggers a redraw of all
+ // invalid views in the window
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 )
+ HIWindowFlush((WindowRef) m_macWindow) ;
+ else
+ {
+ // the only way to trigger the redrawing on earlier systems is to call
+ // ReceiveNextEvent
+ EventRef currentEvent = (EventRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
+ UInt32 currentEventClass = 0 ;
+ UInt32 currentEventKind = 0 ;
+ if ( currentEvent != NULL )
+ {
+ currentEventClass = ::GetEventClass( currentEvent ) ;
+ currentEventKind = ::GetEventKind( currentEvent ) ;
+ }
+ if ( currentEventClass != kEventClassMenu )
+ {
+ // when tracking a menu, strange redraw errors occur if we flush now, so leave..
+ EventRef theEvent;
+ OSStatus status = noErr ;
+ status = ReceiveNextEvent( 0 , NULL , kEventDurationNoWait , false , &theEvent ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BeginUpdate( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) ;
+ RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn();
+ if ( updateRgn )
+ {
+ GetPortVisibleRegion( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ), updateRgn );
+ UpdateControls( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , updateRgn ) ;
+ // if ( !EmptyRgn( updateRgn ) )
+ // MacDoRedraw( updateRgn , 0 , true) ;
+ DisposeRgn( updateRgn );
+ }
+ EndUpdate( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ;
+ QDFlushPortBuffer( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) , NULL ) ;
+ }
+// Attracts the users attention to this window if the application is
+// inactive (should be called when a background event occurs)
+static pascal void wxMacNMResponse( NMRecPtr ptr )
+ NMRemove( ptr ) ;
+ DisposePtr( (Ptr)ptr ) ;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMac::RequestUserAttention(int flags )
+ NMRecPtr notificationRequest = (NMRecPtr) NewPtr( sizeof( NMRec) ) ;
+ static wxMacNMUPP nmupp( wxMacNMResponse );
+ memset( notificationRequest , 0 , sizeof(*notificationRequest) ) ;
+ notificationRequest->qType = nmType ;
+ notificationRequest->nmMark = 1 ;
+ notificationRequest->nmIcon = 0 ;
+ notificationRequest->nmSound = 0 ;
+ notificationRequest->nmStr = NULL ;
+ notificationRequest->nmResp = nmupp ;
+ verify_noerr( NMInstall( notificationRequest ) ) ;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Shape implementation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetShape(const wxRegion& region)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED), false,
+ _T("Shaped windows must be created with the wxFRAME_SHAPED style."));
+ // The empty region signifies that the shape
+ // should be removed from the window.
+ if ( region.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
+ wxRegion rgn(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
+ if ( rgn.IsEmpty() )
+ return false ;
+ else
+ return SetShape(rgn);
+ }
+ // Make a copy of the region
+ RgnHandle shapeRegion = NewRgn();
+ CopyRgn( (RgnHandle)region.GetWXHRGN(), shapeRegion );
+ // Dispose of any shape region we may already have
+ RgnHandle oldRgn = (RgnHandle)GetWRefCon( (WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef() );
+ if ( oldRgn )
+ DisposeRgn(oldRgn);
+ // Save the region so we can use it later
+ SetWRefCon((WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef(), (SInt32)shapeRegion);
+ // inform the window manager that the window has changed shape
+ ReshapeCustomWindow((WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef());
+ return true;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Support functions for shaped windows, based on Apple's CustomWindow sample at
+// http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/Sample_Code/Human_Interface_Toolbox/Mac_OS_High_Level_Toolbox/CustomWindow.htm
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void wxShapedMacWindowGetPos(WindowRef window, Rect* inRect)
+ GetWindowPortBounds(window, inRect);
+ Point pt = { inRect->left, inRect->top };
+ QDLocalToGlobalPoint( GetWindowPort(window), &pt ) ;
+ inRect->top = pt.v;
+ inRect->left = pt.h;
+ inRect->bottom += pt.v;
+ inRect->right += pt.h;
+static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowGetFeatures(WindowRef window, SInt32 param)
+ /*------------------------------------------------------
+ Define which options your custom window supports.
+ --------------------------------------------------------*/
+ //just enable everything for our demo
+ *(OptionBits*)param =
+ //kWindowCanGrow |
+ //kWindowCanZoom |
+ //kWindowCanCollapse |
+ //kWindowCanGetWindowRegion |
+ //kWindowHasTitleBar |
+ //kWindowSupportsDragHilite |
+ kWindowCanDrawInCurrentPort |
+ //kWindowCanMeasureTitle |
+ kWindowWantsDisposeAtProcessDeath |
+ kWindowSupportsGetGrowImageRegion |
+ kWindowDefSupportsColorGrafPort;
+ return 1;
+// The content region is left as a rectangle matching the window size, this is
+// so the origin in the paint event, and etc. still matches what the
+// programmer expects.
+static void wxShapedMacWindowContentRegion(WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn)
+ SetEmptyRgn(rgn);
+ wxTopLevelWindowMac* win = wxFindWinFromMacWindow(window);
+ if (win)
+ {
+ Rect r ;
+ wxShapedMacWindowGetPos( window, &r ) ;
+ RectRgn( rgn , &r ) ;
+ }
+// The structure region is set to the shape given to the SetShape method.
+static void wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn)
+ RgnHandle cachedRegion = (RgnHandle) GetWRefCon(window);
+ SetEmptyRgn(rgn);
+ if (cachedRegion)
+ {
+ Rect windowRect;
+ wxShapedMacWindowGetPos(window, &windowRect); // how big is the window
+ CopyRgn(cachedRegion, rgn); // make a copy of our cached region
+ OffsetRgn(rgn, windowRect.left, windowRect.top); // position it over window
+ //MapRgn(rgn, &mMaskSize, &windowRect); //scale it to our actual window size
+ }
+static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowGetRegion(WindowRef window, SInt32 param)
+ GetWindowRegionPtr rgnRec = (GetWindowRegionPtr)param;
+ if (rgnRec == NULL)
+ return paramErr;
+ switch (rgnRec->regionCode)
+ {
+ case kWindowStructureRgn:
+ wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(window, rgnRec->winRgn);
+ break;
+ case kWindowContentRgn:
+ wxShapedMacWindowContentRegion(window, rgnRec->winRgn);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SetEmptyRgn(rgnRec->winRgn);
+ break;
+ }
+ return noErr;
+// Determine the region of the window which was hit
+static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowHitTest(WindowRef window, SInt32 param)
+ Point hitPoint;
+ static RgnHandle tempRgn = NULL;
+ if (tempRgn == NULL)
+ tempRgn = NewRgn();
+ // get the point clicked
+ SetPt( &hitPoint, LoWord(param), HiWord(param) );
+ // Mac OS 8.5 or later
+ wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(window, tempRgn);
+ if (PtInRgn( hitPoint, tempRgn )) //in window content region?
+ return wInContent;
+ // no significant area was hit
+ return wNoHit;
+static pascal long wxShapedMacWindowDef(short varCode, WindowRef window, SInt16 message, SInt32 param)
+ switch (message)
+ {
+ case kWindowMsgHitTest:
+ return wxShapedMacWindowHitTest(window, param);
+ case kWindowMsgGetFeatures:
+ return wxShapedMacWindowGetFeatures(window, param);
+ // kWindowMsgGetRegion is sent during CreateCustomWindow and ReshapeCustomWindow
+ case kWindowMsgGetRegion:
+ return wxShapedMacWindowGetRegion(window, param);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;