- // ctor & dtor
- wxMenuItem(wxMenu *pParentMenu = NULL, int id = ID_SEPARATOR,
- const wxString& strName = "", const wxString& wxHelp = "",
- bool bCheckable = FALSE, wxMenu *pSubMenu = NULL);
- virtual ~wxMenuItem();
- // accessors (some more are inherited from wxOwnerDrawn or are below)
- bool IsSeparator() const { return m_idItem == ID_SEPARATOR; }
- bool IsEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; }
- bool IsChecked() const { return m_bChecked; }
- int GetId() const { return m_idItem; }
- const wxString& GetHelp() const { return m_strHelp; }
- wxMenu *GetSubMenu() const { return m_pSubMenu; }
- // operations
- void SetName(const wxString& strName) { m_strName = strName; }
- void SetHelp(const wxString& strHelp) { m_strHelp = strHelp; }
- void Enable(bool bDoEnable = TRUE);
- void Check(bool bDoCheck = TRUE);
- void DeleteSubMenu();
+ // creation
+ static wxMenuItem *New(wxMenu *parentMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL,
+ int itemid = wxID_SEPARATOR,
+ const wxString& text = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& help = wxEmptyString,
+ wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ wxMenu *subMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL);
+ // destruction: wxMenuItem will delete its submenu
+ virtual ~wxMenuItemBase();
+ // the menu we're in
+ wxMenu *GetMenu() const { return m_parentMenu; }
+ // get/set id
+ void SetId(int itemid) { m_id = itemid; }
+ int GetId() const { return m_id; }
+ bool IsSeparator() const { return m_id == wxID_SEPARATOR; }
+ // the item's text (or name)
+ //
+ // NB: the item's text includes the accelerators and mnemonics info (if
+ // any), i.e. it may contain '&' or '_' or "\t..." and thus is
+ // different from the item's label which only contains the text shown
+ // in the menu
+ virtual void SetText(const wxString& str) { m_text = str; }
+ wxString GetLabel() const { return GetLabelFromText(m_text); }
+ const wxString& GetText() const { return m_text; }
+ // get the label from text (implemented in platform-specific code)
+ static wxString GetLabelFromText(const wxString& text);
+ // what kind of menu item we are
+ wxItemKind GetKind() const { return m_kind; }
+ virtual void SetCheckable(bool checkable) { m_kind = checkable ? wxITEM_CHECK : wxITEM_NORMAL; }
+ bool IsCheckable() const
+ { return m_kind == wxITEM_CHECK || m_kind == wxITEM_RADIO; }
+ bool IsSubMenu() const { return m_subMenu != NULL; }
+ void SetSubMenu(wxMenu *menu) { m_subMenu = menu; }
+ wxMenu *GetSubMenu() const { return m_subMenu; }
+ // state
+ virtual void Enable(bool enable = TRUE) { m_isEnabled = enable; }
+ virtual bool IsEnabled() const { return m_isEnabled; }
+ virtual void Check(bool check = TRUE) { m_isChecked = check; }
+ virtual bool IsChecked() const { return m_isChecked; }
+ void Toggle() { Check(!m_isChecked); }
+ // help string (displayed in the status bar by default)
+ void SetHelp(const wxString& str) { m_help = str; }
+ const wxString& GetHelp() const { return m_help; }
+#if wxUSE_ACCEL
+ // extract the accelerator from the given menu string, return NULL if none
+ // found
+ static wxAcceleratorEntry *GetAccelFromString(const wxString& label);
+ // get our accelerator or NULL (caller must delete the pointer)
+ virtual wxAcceleratorEntry *GetAccel() const;
+ // set the accel for this item - this may also be done indirectly with
+ // SetText()
+ virtual void SetAccel(wxAcceleratorEntry *accel);
+#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL
+ // compatibility only, use new functions in the new code
+ void SetName(const wxString& str) { SetText(str); }
+ const wxString& GetName() const { return GetText(); }
+ static wxMenuItem *New(wxMenu *parentMenu,
+ int itemid,
+ const wxString& text,
+ const wxString& help,
+ bool isCheckable,
+ wxMenu *subMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL)
+ {
+ return New(parentMenu, itemid, text, help,
+ isCheckable ? wxITEM_CHECK : wxITEM_NORMAL, subMenu);
+ }
+ int m_id; // numeric id of the item >= 0 or -1
+ wxMenu *m_parentMenu, // the menu we belong to
+ *m_subMenu; // our sub menu or NULL
+ wxString m_text, // label of the item
+ m_help; // the help string for the item
+ wxItemKind m_kind; // seperator/normal/check/radio item?
+ bool m_isChecked; // is checked?
+ bool m_isEnabled; // is enabled?
+ // this ctor is for the derived classes only, we're never created directly
+ wxMenuItemBase(wxMenu *parentMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL,
+ int itemid = wxID_SEPARATOR,
+ const wxString& text = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& help = wxEmptyString,
+ wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ wxMenu *subMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL);