CPPUNIT_TEST( Constructors );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( StaticConstructors );
CPPUNIT_TEST( Extraction );
#endif // wxLongLong_t
- CPPUNIT_TEST( WriteBuf );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( StringBuf );
CPPUNIT_TEST( CStrDataTernaryOperator );
CPPUNIT_TEST( CStrDataOperators );
CPPUNIT_TEST( CStrDataImplicitConversion );
CPPUNIT_TEST( ExplicitConversion );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( IndexedAccess );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( BeforeAndAfter );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( ScopedBuffers );
void String();
void PChar();
void Format();
void Constructors();
+ void StaticConstructors();
void Extraction();
void Trim();
void Find();
void ToULongLong();
#endif // wxLongLong_t
void ToDouble();
- void WriteBuf();
+ void StringBuf();
+ void UTF8Buf();
void CStrDataTernaryOperator();
void DoCStrDataTernaryOperator(bool cond);
void CStrDataOperators();
void CStrDataImplicitConversion();
void ExplicitConversion();
+ void IndexedAccess();
+ void BeforeAndAfter();
+ void ScopedBuffers();
void StringTestCase::Constructors()
- #define TEST_CTOR(args, res) \
- { \
- wxString s args ; \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s == res ); \
- }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString('Z', 0) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Z", wxString('Z') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "ZZZZ", wxString('Z', 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hell", wxString("Hello", 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hello", wxString("Hello", 5) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"", wxString(L'Z', 0) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"Z", wxString(L'Z') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"ZZZZ", wxString(L'Z', 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"Hell", wxString(L"Hello", 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"Hello", wxString(L"Hello", 5) );
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+ static const char *s = "?really!";
+ const char *start = wxStrchr(s, 'r');
+ const char *end = wxStrchr(s, '!');
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "really", wxString(start, end) );
+ // test if creating string from NULL C pointer works:
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString((const char *)NULL) );
+void StringTestCase::StaticConstructors()
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString::FromAscii("") );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString::FromAscii("Hello", 0) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hell", wxString::FromAscii("Hello", 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hello", wxString::FromAscii("Hello", 5) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hello", wxString::FromAscii("Hello") );
- TEST_CTOR((_T('Z'), 4), _T("ZZZZ"));
- TEST_CTOR((_T("Hello"), 4), _T("Hell"));
- TEST_CTOR((_T("Hello"), 5), _T("Hello"));
+ // FIXME: this doesn't work currently but should!
+ //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, wxString::FromAscii("", 1).length() );
- static const wxChar *s = _T("?really!");
- const wxChar *start = wxStrchr(s, _T('r'));
- const wxChar *end = wxStrchr(s, _T('!'));
- TEST_CTOR((start, end), _T("really"));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString::FromUTF8("") );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString::FromUTF8("Hello", 0) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hell", wxString::FromUTF8("Hello", 4) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hello", wxString::FromUTF8("Hello", 5) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Hello", wxString::FromUTF8("Hello") );
+ //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, wxString::FromUTF8("", 1).length() );
void StringTestCase::Extraction()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxStrcmp( s.substr(3, 5).c_str() , _T("lo, w") ) == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxStrcmp( s.substr(3).c_str() , _T("lo, world!") ) == 0 );
+ static const char *germanUTF8 = "Oberfl\303\244che";
+ wxString strUnicode(wxString::FromUTF8(germanUTF8));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strUnicode.Mid(0, 10) == strUnicode );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strUnicode.Mid(7, 2) == "ch" );
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
wxString rest;
#define TEST_STARTS_WITH(prefix, correct_rest, result) \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, s.StartsWith(prefix, &rest)); \
if ( result ) \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(wxString(correct_rest), rest)
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(correct_rest, rest)
TEST_STARTS_WITH( _T("Hello"), _T(", world!"), true );
TEST_STARTS_WITH( _T("Hello, "), _T("world!"), true );
+ rest = "Hello world";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rest.StartsWith("Hello ", &rest) );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL("world", rest);
#define TEST_ENDS_WITH(suffix, correct_rest, result) \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, s.EndsWith(suffix, &rest)); \
if ( result ) \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(wxString(correct_rest), rest)
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(correct_rest, rest)
TEST_ENDS_WITH( _T(""), _T("Hello, world!"), true );
TEST_ENDS_WITH( _T("!"), _T("Hello, world"), true );
{ \
wxString s = original; \
s.replace( pos , len , replacement ); \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s == result ); \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( result, s ); \
TEST_REPLACE( _T("012-AWORD-XYZ"), 4, 5, _T("BWORD"), _T("012-BWORD-XYZ") );
TEST_REPLACE( _T("foobar"), 3, 0, _T("-"), _T("foo-bar") );
TEST_REPLACE( _T("barfoo"), 0, 6, _T("foobar"), _T("foobar") );
#define TEST_NULLCHARREPLACE( o , olen, pos , len , replacement , r, rlen ) \
{ \
wxString s(o,olen); \
s.replace( pos , len , replacement ); \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s == wxString(r,rlen) ); \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxString(r,rlen), s ); \
- TEST_NULLCHARREPLACE( _T("null\0char"), 9, 5, 1, _T("d"),
- _T("null\0dhar"), 9 );
+ TEST_NULLCHARREPLACE( _T("null\0char"), 9, 5, 1, _T("d"),
+ _T("null\0dhar"), 9 );
#define TEST_WXREPLACE( o , olen, olds, news, all, r, rlen ) \
{ \
wxString s(o,olen); \
s.Replace( olds, news, all ); \
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s == wxString(r,rlen) ); \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxString(r,rlen), s ); \
TEST_WXREPLACE( _T("null\0char"), 9, _T("c"), _T("de"), true,
- _T("null\0dehar"), 10 );
+ _T("null\0dehar"), 10 );
TEST_WXREPLACE( _T("null\0dehar"), 10, _T("de"), _T("c"), true,
- _T("null\0char"), 9 );
+ _T("null\0char"), 9 );
+ TEST_WXREPLACE( "life", 4, "f", "", false, "lie", 3 );
+ TEST_WXREPLACE( "life", 4, "f", "", true, "lie", 3 );
+ TEST_WXREPLACE( "life", 4, "fe", "ve", true, "live", 4 );
+ TEST_WXREPLACE( "xx", 2, "x", "yy", true, "yyyy", 4 );
+ TEST_WXREPLACE( "xxx", 3, "xx", "z", true, "zx", 2 );
wxString s1l(s1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T("hello!"), s1l );
wxString s2u, s2l;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s1u == _T("HELLO!") );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s1l == _T("hello!") );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s2u == wxEmptyString );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s2l == wxEmptyString );
- wxLocale locRu(wxLANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, 0 /* flags */);
- if ( locRu.IsOk() )
- {
- // try upper casing 8bit strings
- const wchar_t capital_ya[] = { 0x42f, 0 },
- small_ya[] = { 0x44f, 0 };
- wxString sUpper(wxConvLibc.cWC2MB(capital_ya)),
- sLower(wxConvLibc.cWC2MB(small_ya));
+ wxString s3("good bye");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Good bye", s3.Capitalize() );
+ s3.MakeCapitalized();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Good bye", s3 );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sUpper.Lower() == sLower );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sLower.Upper() == sUpper );
- }
-#endif // !wxUSE_UNICODE
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "Abc", wxString("ABC").Capitalize() );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", wxString().Capitalize() );
void StringTestCase::Compare()
Number_Unsigned = 2, // if not specified, works for signed conversion
Number_Signed = 4, // if not specified, works for unsigned
Number_LongLong = 8, // only for long long tests
- Number_Long = 16, // only for long tests
+ Number_Long = 16 // only for long tests
static const struct ToLongData
if ( ld.flags & (Number_LongLong | Number_Unsigned) )
+ // NOTE: unless you're using some exotic locale, ToCLong and ToLong
+ // should behave the same for our test data set:
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.IsOk(), wxString(ld.str).ToCLong(&l) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.LValue(), l );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.IsOk(), wxString(ld.str).ToLong(&l) );
if ( ld.IsOk() )
if ( ld.flags & (Number_LongLong | Number_Signed) )
+ // NOTE: unless you're using some exotic locale, ToCLong and ToLong
+ // should behave the same for our test data set:
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.IsOk(), wxString(ld.str).ToCULong(&ul) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ULValue(), ul );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.IsOk(), wxString(ld.str).ToULong(&ul) );
if ( ld.IsOk() )
{ _T("12345"), 12345, true },
{ _T("-1"), -1, true },
{ _T("--1"), 0, false },
+ { _T("-3E-5"), -3E-5, true },
+ { _T("-3E-abcde5"), 0, false },
- // we need to use decimal point, not comma or whatever is its value for the
- // current locale
- wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("C"));
+ // test ToCDouble() first:
size_t n;
for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(doubleData); n++ )
const ToDoubleData& ld = doubleData[n];
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ok, wxString(ld.str).ToCDouble(&d) );
+ if ( ld.ok )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.value, d );
+ }
+ // test ToDouble() now:
+ // NOTE: for the test to be reliable, we need to set the locale explicitely
+ // so that we know the decimal point character to use
+ if (!wxLocale::IsAvailable(wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH))
+ return; // you should have french support installed to continue this test!
+ wxLocale *locale = new wxLocale;
+ // don't load default catalog, it may be unavailable:
+ static const struct ToDoubleData doubleData2[] =
+ {
+ { _T("1"), 1, true },
+ { _T("1,23"), 1.23, true },
+ { _T(",1"), .1, true },
+ { _T("1,"), 1, true },
+ { _T("1,,"), 0, false },
+ { _T("0"), 0, true },
+ { _T("a"), 0, false },
+ { _T("12345"), 12345, true },
+ { _T("-1"), -1, true },
+ { _T("--1"), 0, false },
+ { _T("-3E-5"), -3E-5, true },
+ { _T("-3E-abcde5"), 0, false },
+ };
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(doubleData2); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToDoubleData& ld = doubleData2[n];
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ok, wxString(ld.str).ToDouble(&d) );
if ( ld.ok )
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.value, d );
+ delete locale;
-void StringTestCase::WriteBuf()
+void StringTestCase::StringBuf()
+ // check that buffer can be used to write into the string
wxString s;
wxStrcpy(wxStringBuffer(s, 10), _T("foo"));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s[0u] == _T('f') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, s.length());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('f') == s[0u]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('o') == s[1]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('o') == s[2]);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)3, s.length());
+ {
+ // also check that the buffer initially contains the original string
+ // contents
+ wxStringBuffer buf(s, 10);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('f'), buf[0] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('o'), buf[1] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('o'), buf[2] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('\0'), buf[3] );
+ }
wxStringBufferLength buf(s, 10);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('f'), buf[0] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('o'), buf[1] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('o'), buf[2] );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( _T('\0'), buf[3] );
+ // and check that it can be used to write only the specified number of
+ // characters to the string
wxStrcpy(buf, _T("barrbaz"));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, s.length());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('b') == s[0u]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('a') == s[1]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('r') == s[2]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_T('r') == s[3]);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)4, s.length());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, wxStrcmp(_T("barr"), s) );
+ // check that creating buffer of length smaller than string works, i.e. at
+ // least doesn't crash (it would if we naively copied the entire original
+ // string contents in the buffer)
+ *wxStringBuffer(s, 1) = '!';
+void StringTestCase::UTF8Buf()
+ // "czech" in Czech ("cestina"):
+ static const char *textUTF8 = "\304\215e\305\241tina";
+ static const wchar_t textUTF16[] = {0x10D, 0x65, 0x161, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x61, 0};
+ wxString s;
+ wxStrcpy(wxUTF8StringBuffer(s, 9), textUTF8);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s == textUTF16);
+ {
+ wxUTF8StringBufferLength buf(s, 20);
+ wxStrcpy(buf, textUTF8);
+ buf.SetLength(5);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s == wxString(textUTF16, 0, 3));
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.c_str()[0] == 'h' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.c_str()[1] == 'e' );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.c_str()[5] == '\0' );
+ // IMPORTANT: at least with the CRT coming with MSVC++ 2008 trying to access
+ // the final character results in an assert failure (with debug CRT)
+ //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.c_str()[5] == '\0' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *s.c_str() == 'h' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *(s.c_str() + 2) == 'l' );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *(s.c_str() + 5) == '\0' );
+ //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *(s.c_str() + 5) == '\0' );
bool CheckStrChar(const wxString& expected, char *s)
wxString s("foo");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstWChar(s, s.c_str()) );
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstWChar(s, s) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstChar(s, s.c_str()) );
+ // implicit conversion of wxString is not available in STL build
+#if !wxUSE_STL
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstWChar(s, s) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstChar(s, s) );
void StringTestCase::ExplicitConversion()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrConstWChar(s, s.wc_str()) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( CheckStrWChar(s, s.wchar_str()) );
+void StringTestCase::IndexedAccess()
+ wxString s("bar");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 'r', (char)s[2] );
+ // this tests for a possible bug in UTF-8 based wxString implementation:
+ // the 3rd character of the underlying byte string is going to change, but
+ // the 3rd character of wxString should remain the same
+ s[0] = L'\xe9';
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 'r', (char)s[2] );
+void StringTestCase::BeforeAndAfter()
+ const wxString s(L"letter=\xe9;\xe7a=l\xe0");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "letter", s.BeforeFirst('=') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( s, s.BeforeFirst('!') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"letter=\xe9", s.BeforeFirst(';') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"letter=\xe9;\xe7a", s.BeforeLast('=') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", s.BeforeLast('!') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"letter=\xe9", s.BeforeLast(';') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"\xe9;\xe7a=l\xe0", s.AfterFirst('=') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "", s.AfterFirst('!') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"\xe7a=l\xe0", s.AfterFirst(';') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"l\xe0", s.AfterLast('=') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( s, s.AfterLast('!') );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( L"\xe7a=l\xe0", s.AfterLast(';') );
+void StringTestCase::ScopedBuffers()
+ // wxString relies on efficient buffers, verify they work as they should
+ const char *literal = "Hello World!";
+ // non-owned buffer points to the string passed to it
+ wxScopedCharBuffer sbuf = wxScopedCharBuffer::CreateNonOwned(literal);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sbuf.data() == literal );
+ // a copy of scoped non-owned buffer still points to the same string
+ wxScopedCharBuffer sbuf2(sbuf);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sbuf.data() == sbuf2.data() );
+ // but assigning it to wxCharBuffer makes a full copy
+ wxCharBuffer buf(sbuf);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( buf.data() != literal );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( literal, buf.data() );
+ wxCharBuffer buf2 = sbuf;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( buf2.data() != literal );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( literal, buf2.data() );