+ enum
+ {
+ Icon_None,
+ Icon_Info,
+ Icon_Warning,
+ Icon_Error,
+ Icon_Custom,
+ Icon_Max
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ Bg_Default,
+ Bg_Solid,
+ Bg_Gradient,
+ Bg_Max
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ Timeout_None,
+ Timeout_Default,
+ Timeout_3sec,
+ Timeout_Max
+ };
+ void OnShowTipForText(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ {
+ DoShowTip(m_textTitle);
+ }
+ void OnShowTipForBtn(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ {
+ DoShowTip(FindWindow(wxID_OK));
+ }
+ void DoShowTip(wxWindow* win)
+ {
+ wxRichToolTip tip(m_textTitle->GetValue(), m_textBody->GetValue());
+ const int iconSel = m_icons->GetSelection();
+ if ( iconSel == Icon_Custom )
+ {
+ tip.SetIcon(tip_xpm);
+ }
+ else // Use a standard icon.
+ {
+ static const int stdIcons[] =
+ {
+ };
+ tip.SetIcon(stdIcons[iconSel]);
+ }
+ switch ( m_bgStyles->GetSelection() )
+ {
+ case Bg_Default:
+ break;
+ case Bg_Solid:
+ tip.SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
+ break;
+ case Bg_Gradient:
+ tip.SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE, wxColour(0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf0));
+ break;
+ }
+ int delay = m_timeDelay->IsChecked() ? 500 : 0;
+ switch ( m_timeouts->GetSelection() )
+ {
+ case Timeout_None:
+ // Don't call SetTimeout unnecessarily
+ // or msw will show generic impl
+ if ( delay )
+ tip.SetTimeout(0, delay);
+ break;
+ case Timeout_Default:
+ break;
+ case Timeout_3sec:
+ tip.SetTimeout(3000, delay);
+ break;
+ }
+ tip.SetTipKind(static_cast<wxTipKind>(m_tipKinds->GetSelection()));
+ tip.ShowFor(win);
+ }
+ wxTextCtrl* m_textTitle;
+ wxTextCtrl* m_textBody;
+ wxRadioBox* m_icons;
+ wxRadioBox* m_tipKinds;
+ wxRadioBox* m_bgStyles;
+ wxRadioBox* m_timeouts;
+ wxCheckBox* m_timeDelay;
+void MyFrame::OnRichTipDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ RichTipDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+#endif // wxUSE_RICHTOOLTIP
+void MyFrame::OnStandardButtonsSizerDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ StdButtonSizerDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+// TestDefaultAction
+#define ID_LISTBOX 101
+#define ID_DISABLE_OK 102
+#define ID_DISABLE_CANCEL 103
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TestDefaultActionDialog, wxDialog)
+ EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_CATCH_LISTBOX_DCLICK, TestDefaultActionDialog::OnCatchListBoxDClick)
+ EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_DISABLE_OK, TestDefaultActionDialog::OnDisableOK)
+ EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_DISABLE_CANCEL, TestDefaultActionDialog::OnDisableCancel)
+ EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(ID_LISTBOX, TestDefaultActionDialog::OnListBoxDClick)
+ EVT_TEXT_ENTER(wxID_ANY, TestDefaultActionDialog::OnTextEnter)
+TestDefaultActionDialog::TestDefaultActionDialog( wxWindow *parent ) :
+ wxDialog( parent, -1, "Test default action" )
+ m_catchListBoxDClick = false;
+ wxBoxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ wxFlexGridSizer *grid_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 5, 5 );
+ wxListBox *listbox = new wxListBox( this, ID_LISTBOX );
+ listbox->Append( "String 1" );
+ listbox->Append( "String 2" );
+ listbox->Append( "String 3" );
+ listbox->Append( "String 4" );
+ grid_sizer->Add( listbox );
+#endif // wxUSE_LISTBOX
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxCheckBox( this, ID_CATCH_LISTBOX_DCLICK, "Catch DoubleClick from wxListBox" ), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80,-1), 0 ), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxStaticText( this, -1, "wxTextCtrl without wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER" ), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80,-1), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER ), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxStaticText( this, -1, "wxTextCtrl with wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER" ), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxCheckBox(this, ID_DISABLE_OK, "Disable \"OK\""), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ grid_sizer->Add( new wxCheckBox(this, ID_DISABLE_CANCEL, "Disable \"Cancel\""), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL );
+ main_sizer->Add( grid_sizer, 0, wxALL, 10 );
+ wxSizer *button_sizer = CreateSeparatedButtonSizer( wxOK|wxCANCEL );
+ if (button_sizer)
+ main_sizer->Add( button_sizer, 0, wxALL|wxGROW, 5 );
+ SetSizerAndFit( main_sizer );
+void TestDefaultActionDialog::OnDisableOK(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ FindWindow(wxID_OK)->Enable(!event.IsChecked());
+void TestDefaultActionDialog::OnDisableCancel(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ FindWindow(wxID_CANCEL)->Enable(!event.IsChecked());
+void TestDefaultActionDialog::OnListBoxDClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ event.Skip( !m_catchListBoxDClick );
+void TestDefaultActionDialog::OnCatchListBoxDClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ m_catchListBoxDClick = !m_catchListBoxDClick;
+void TestDefaultActionDialog::OnTextEnter(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ wxLogMessage("Text \"%s\" entered.", event.GetString());
+void MyFrame::OnTestDefaultActionDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ TestDefaultActionDialog dialog( this );
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+void MyFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ Close(true);
+void MyFrame::ShowProgress( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ static const int max = 100;
+ wxProgressDialog dialog("Progress dialog example",
+ // "Reserve" enough space for the multiline
+ // messages below, we'll change it anyhow
+ // immediately in the loop below
+ wxString(' ', 100) + "\n\n\n\n",
+ max, // range
+ this, // parent
+ //wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | // -- try this as well
+ wxPD_SMOOTH // - makes indeterminate mode bar on WinXP very small
+ );
+ bool cont = true;
+ for ( int i = 0; i <= max; i++ )
+ {
+ wxString msg;
+ // test both modes of wxProgressDialog behaviour: start in
+ // indeterminate mode but switch to the determinate one later
+ const bool determinate = i > max/2;
+ if ( i == max )
+ {
+ msg = "That's all, folks!\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Nothing to see here any more.";
+ }
+ else if ( !determinate )
+ {
+ msg = "Testing indeterminate mode\n"
+ "\n"
+ "This mode allows you to show to the user\n"
+ "that something is going on even if you don't know\n"
+ "when exactly will you finish.";
+ }
+ else if ( determinate )
+ {
+ msg = "Now in standard determinate mode\n"
+ "\n"
+ "This is the standard usage mode in which you\n"
+ "update the dialog after performing each new step of work.\n"
+ "It requires knowing the total number of steps in advance.";
+ }
+ // will be set to true if "Skip" button was pressed
+ bool skip = false;
+ if ( determinate )
+ {
+ cont = dialog.Update(i, msg, &skip);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cont = dialog.Pulse(msg, &skip);
+ }
+ // each skip will move progress about quarter forward
+ if ( skip )
+ {
+ i += max/4;
+ if ( i >= 100 )
+ i = 99;
+ }
+ if ( !cont )
+ {
+ if ( wxMessageBox(wxT("Do you really want to cancel?"),
+ wxT("Progress dialog question"), // caption
+ wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES )
+ break;
+ cont = true;
+ dialog.Resume();
+ }
+ wxMilliSleep(200);
+ }
+ if ( !cont )
+ {
+ wxLogStatus(wxT("Progress dialog aborted!"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogStatus(wxT("Countdown from %d finished"), max);
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_PROGRESSDLG
+static void InitAboutInfoMinimal(wxAboutDialogInfo& info)
+ info.SetName(wxT("Dialogs Sample"));
+ info.SetVersion(wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING,
+ wxString::Format
+ (
+ "%s version %s",
+ wxMINOR_VERSION % 2 ? "Development" : "Stable",
+ ));
+ info.SetDescription(wxT("This sample shows different wxWidgets dialogs"));
+ info.SetCopyright(wxT("(C) 1998-2006 wxWidgets dev team"));
+ info.AddDeveloper(wxT("Vadim Zeitlin"));
+static void InitAboutInfoWebsite(wxAboutDialogInfo& info)
+ InitAboutInfoMinimal(info);
+ info.SetWebSite(wxT("http://www.wxwidgets.org/"), wxT("wxWidgets web site"));
+static void InitAboutInfoAll(wxAboutDialogInfo& info)
+ InitAboutInfoWebsite(info);
+ // we can add a second developer
+ info.AddDeveloper(wxT("A.N. Other"));
+ // or we can add several persons at once like this
+ static const wxChar *docwriters[] =
+ {
+ wxT("First D. Writer"),
+ wxT("Second One"),
+ };
+ info.SetDocWriters(wxArrayString(WXSIZEOF(docwriters), docwriters));
+ info.SetLicence(wxString::FromAscii(
+" wxWindows Library Licence, Version 3.1\n"
+" ======================================\n"
+" Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Julian Smart, Robert Roebling et al\n"
+" Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies\n"
+" of this licence document, but changing it is not allowed.\n"
+" ...and so on and so forth...\n"
+ ));
+ info.AddTranslator(wxT("Wun Ngo Wen (Martian)"));
+void MyFrame::ShowSimpleAboutDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxAboutDialogInfo info;
+ InitAboutInfoMinimal(info);
+ wxAboutBox(info, this);
+void MyFrame::ShowFancyAboutDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxAboutDialogInfo info;
+ InitAboutInfoWebsite(info);
+ wxAboutBox(info, this);
+void MyFrame::ShowFullAboutDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxAboutDialogInfo info;
+ InitAboutInfoAll(info);
+ wxAboutBox(info, this);
+// a trivial example of a custom dialog class
+class MyAboutDialog : public wxGenericAboutDialog
+ MyAboutDialog(const wxAboutDialogInfo& info, wxWindow* parent)
+ {
+ Create(info, parent);
+ }
+ // add some custom controls
+ virtual void DoAddCustomControls()
+ {
+ AddControl(new wxStaticLine(this), wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ AddText(wxT("Some custom text"));
+ AddControl(new wxStaticLine(this), wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ }
+void MyFrame::ShowCustomAboutDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxAboutDialogInfo info;
+ InitAboutInfoAll(info);
+ MyAboutDialog dlg(info, this);
+ dlg.ShowModal();
+#endif // wxUSE_ABOUTDLG
+void MyFrame::ShowBusyInfo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxWindowDisabler disableAll;
+ wxBusyInfo info(wxT("Working, please wait..."), this);
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 18; i++ )
+ {
+ wxMilliSleep(100);
+ wxTheApp->Yield();
+ }
+ wxSleep(2);
+ //wxWakeUpIdle();
+#endif // wxUSE_BUSYINFO
+void MyFrame::ShowReplaceDialog( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ if ( m_dlgReplace )
+ {
+ wxDELETE(m_dlgReplace);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_dlgReplace = new wxFindReplaceDialog
+ (
+ this,
+ &m_findData,
+ wxT("Find and replace dialog"),
+ );
+ m_dlgReplace->Show(true);
+ }
+void MyFrame::ShowFindDialog( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ if ( m_dlgFind )
+ {
+ wxDELETE(m_dlgFind);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_dlgFind = new wxFindReplaceDialog
+ (
+ this,
+ &m_findData,
+ wxT("Find dialog"),
+ // just for testing
+ );
+ m_dlgFind->Show(true);
+ }
+static wxString DecodeFindDialogEventFlags(int flags)
+ wxString str;
+ str << (flags & wxFR_DOWN ? wxT("down") : wxT("up")) << wxT(", ")
+ << (flags & wxFR_WHOLEWORD ? wxT("whole words only, ") : wxT(""))
+ << (flags & wxFR_MATCHCASE ? wxT("") : wxT("not "))
+ << wxT("case sensitive");
+ return str;
+void MyFrame::OnFindDialog(wxFindDialogEvent& event)
+ wxEventType type = event.GetEventType();
+ if ( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND || type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT )
+ {
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("Find %s'%s' (flags: %s)"),
+ type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT ? wxT("next ") : wxT(""),
+ event.GetFindString().c_str(),
+ DecodeFindDialogEventFlags(event.GetFlags()).c_str());
+ }
+ else if ( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE ||
+ {
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("Replace %s'%s' with '%s' (flags: %s)"),
+ type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL ? wxT("all ") : wxT(""),
+ event.GetFindString().c_str(),
+ event.GetReplaceString().c_str(),
+ DecodeFindDialogEventFlags(event.GetFlags()).c_str());
+ }
+ else if ( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE )
+ {
+ wxFindReplaceDialog *dlg = event.GetDialog();
+ int idMenu;
+ const wxChar *txt;
+ if ( dlg == m_dlgFind )
+ {
+ txt = wxT("Find");
+ idMenu = DIALOGS_FIND;
+ m_dlgFind = NULL;
+ }
+ else if ( dlg == m_dlgReplace )
+ {
+ txt = wxT("Replace");
+ m_dlgReplace = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ txt = wxT("Unknown");
+ idMenu = wxID_ANY;
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unexpected event") );
+ }
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("%s dialog is being closed."), txt);
+ if ( idMenu != wxID_ANY )
+ {
+ GetMenuBar()->Check(idMenu, false);
+ }
+ dlg->Destroy();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogError(wxT("Unknown find dialog event!"));
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_FINDREPLDLG
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyCanvas
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
+ dc.DrawText(
+ wxT("wxWidgets common dialogs")
+#if !defined(__SMARTPHONE__)
+ wxT(" test application")
+ , 10, 10);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyModelessDialog
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MyModelessDialog::MyModelessDialog(wxWindow *parent)
+ : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(wxT("Modeless dialog")))
+ wxBoxSizer *sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ wxButton *btn = new wxButton(this, DIALOGS_MODELESS_BTN, wxT("Press me"));
+ wxCheckBox *check = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Should be disabled"));
+ check->Disable();
+ sizerTop->Add(btn, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
+ sizerTop->Add(check, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
+ SetSizerAndFit(sizerTop);
+void MyModelessDialog::OnButton(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("Button pressed in modeless dialog"), wxT("Info"),
+ wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
+void MyModelessDialog::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
+ if ( event.CanVeto() )
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("Use the menu item to close this dialog"),
+ wxT("Modeless dialog"),
+ wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
+ event.Veto();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------