// source such as opening and closing the data source.
// Author: Doug Card
// Modified by:
-// Mods: Dec, 1998: Added support for SQL statement logging and database
-// cataloging
+// Mods: Dec, 1998:
+// -Added support for SQL statement logging and database cataloging
+// April, 1999
+// -Added QUERY_ONLY mode support to reduce default number of cursors
+// -Added additional SQL logging code
+// -Added DEBUG-ONLY tracking of Ctable objects to detect orphaned DB connections
+// -Set ODBC option to only read committed writes to the DB so all
+// databases operate the same in that respect
// Created: 9.96
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1996 Remstar International, Inc.
// Licence: wxWindows licence, plus:
-// Notice: This class library and its intellectual design are free of charge for use,
+// Notice: This class library and its intellectual design are free of charge for use,
// modification, enhancement, debugging under the following conditions:
// 1) These classes may only be used as part of the implementation of a
// wxWindows-based application
#ifndef DB_DOT_H
#define DB_DOT_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "db.h"
+// Use this line for wxWindows v1.x
+//#include "wx_ver.h"
+// Use this line for wxWindows v2.x
+#include "wx/version.h"
+#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
+ #ifdef __GNUG__
+ #pragma interface "db.h"
+ #endif
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(wx_msw) || defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
+#ifdef _IODBC_
+#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
+ extern "C" {
+ #include "../../src/iodbc/isql.h"
+ #include "../../src/iodbc/isqlext.h"
+ }
+#else // version == 1
+ extern "C" {
+ #include "iodbc.h"
+ #include "isqlext.h"
+ }
+ typedef float SFLOAT;
+ typedef double SDOUBLE;
+ typedef unsigned int UINT;
+ #define ULONG UDWORD
+#else // msw
+ #define ODBCVER 0x0250
+ #include <sql.h>
+ #include <sqlext.h>
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-extern "C" {
-#include <../iodbc/isql.h>
-#include <../iodbc/isqlext.h>
-#include <../iodbc/odbc_funcs.h>
-#include <../iodbc/odbc_types.h>
-typedef float SFLOAT;
-typedef double SDOUBLE;
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+# ifndef strnicmp
+# define strnicmp strncasecmp
+# endif
+# ifndef stricmp
+# define stricmp strcasecmp
+# endif
+# include <io.h>
+enum enumDummy {enumDum1};
+#define SQL_C_BOOLEAN(datatype) (sizeof(datatype) == 1 ? SQL_C_UTINYINT : (sizeof(datatype) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG))
+// #define SQL_C_BOOLEAN (sizeof(Bool) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG)
-#define ODBCVER 0x0250
-#include <sql.h>
-#include <sqlext.h>
+#define SQL_C_ENUM (sizeof(enumDummy) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG)
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
-enum enumDummy {enumDum1};
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
-#define SQL_C_BOOLEAN (sizeof(int) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG)
-#define SQL_C_ENUM (sizeof(enumDummy) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG) //glt 2-21-97
+const int DB_PATH_MAX = 254;
// Database Globals
const int DB_TYPE_NAME_LEN = 40;
-const int DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN = 2048;
-const int DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN = 1024;
-const int DB_MAX_ERROR_MSG_LEN = 512;
-const int DB_MAX_ERROR_HISTORY = 5;
+const int DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN = 2048;
+const int DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN = 1024;
+const int DB_MAX_ERROR_MSG_LEN = 512;
+const int DB_MAX_ERROR_HISTORY = 5;
const int DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN = 128;
const int DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN = 128;
-const int DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR = 1;
-const int DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER = 2;
+const int DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR = 1;
+const int DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER = 2;
const int DB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT = 3;
-const int DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE = 4;
+const int DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE = 4;
const int DB_SELECT_KEYFIELDS = 1;
const int DB_SELECT_WHERE = 2;
const int DB_DEL_MATCHING = 3;
const int DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS = 1;
-const int DB_WHERE_MATCHING = 2;
-const int DB_CURSOR0 = 0;
-const int DB_CURSOR1 = 1;
-const int DB_CURSOR2 = 2;
-//const int DB_CURSOR3 = 3;
-//const int DB_CURSOR4 = 4;
-//const int DB_CURSOR5 = 5;
+const int DB_WHERE_MATCHING = 2;
const int DB_GRANT_SELECT = 1;
const int DB_GRANT_INSERT = 2;
// ODBC Error codes (derived from ODBC SqlState codes)
DB_ERR_GENERAL_WARNING, // SqlState = '01000'
DB_ERR_DISCONNECT_ERROR, // SqlState = '01002'
struct DbStuff
HENV Henv;
- char Dsn[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1]; // Data Source Name
- char Uid[20]; // User ID
- char AuthStr[20]; // Authorization string (password)
+ char Dsn[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1]; // Data Source Name
+ char Uid[20+1]; // User ID
+ char AuthStr[20+1]; // Authorization string (password)
+ char description[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1]; // Not sure what the max length is
+ char fileType[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1]; // Not sure what the max length is
+ // Optionals needed for some databases like dBase
+ char defaultDir[DB_PATH_MAX]; // Directory that db file resides in
typedef struct
+enum dbms
+ dbmsORACLE,
+ dbmsSYBASE_ASA, // Adaptive Server Anywhere
+ dbmsSYBASE_ASE, // Adaptive Server Enterprise
+ dbmsMY_SQL,
+ dbmsACCESS,
+ dbmsDBASE
+typedef enum dbms DBMS;
+// The wxDB::errorList is copied to this variable when the wxDB object
+// is closed. This way, the error list is still available after the
+// database object is closed. This is necessary if the database
+// connection fails so the calling application can show the operator
+// why the connection failed. Note: as each wxDB object is closed, it
+// will overwrite the errors of the previously destroyed wxDB object in
+// this variable.
char dbmsName[40]; // Name of the dbms product
- char dbmsVer[20]; // Version # of the dbms product
+ char dbmsVer[64]; // Version # of the dbms product
char driverName[40]; // Driver name
- char odbcVer[20]; // ODBC version of the driver
- char drvMgrOdbcVer[20]; // ODBC version of the driver manager
- char driverVer[40]; // Driver version
- char serverName[40]; // Server Name, typically a connect string
+ char odbcVer[60]; // ODBC version of the driver
+ char drvMgrOdbcVer[60]; // ODBC version of the driver manager
+ char driverVer[60]; // Driver version
+ char serverName[80]; // Server Name, typically a connect string
char databaseName[128]; // Database filename
char outerJoins[2]; // Indicates whether the data source supports outer joins
char procedureSupport[2]; // Indicates whether the data source supports stored procedures
//Error reporting mode
bool silent;
+ // Number of Ctable objects connected to this db object
+ unsigned int nTables;
// Inf. about logical data types VARCHAR, INTEGER, FLOAT and DATE.
// This inf. is obtained from the ODBC driver by use of the
// SQLGetTypeInfo() function. The key piece of inf. is the
bool DispAllErrors(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
bool GetNextError(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
void DispNextError(void);
- bool CreateView(char *viewName, char *colList, char *pSqlStmt);
+ bool CreateView(char *viewName, char *colList, char *pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
+ bool DropView(char *viewName);
bool ExecSql(char *pSqlStmt);
+ bool GetNext(void);
+ bool GetData(UWORD colNo, SWORD cType, PTR pData, SDWORD maxLen, SDWORD FAR *cbReturned);
bool Grant(int privileges, char *tableName, char *userList = "PUBLIC");
int TranslateSqlState(char *SQLState);
bool Catalog(char *userID, char *fileName = "Catalog.txt");
- CcolInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[]);
+ CcolInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[], char *userID=NULL);
char *GetDatabaseName(void) {return dbInf.dbmsName;}
char *GetDataSource(void) {return dsn;}
- char *GetUsername(void) {return uid;}
- char *GetPassword(void) {return authStr;}
+ char *GetUsername(void) {return uid;}
+ char *GetPassword(void) {return authStr;}
bool IsOpen(void) {return dbIsOpen;}
HENV GetHENV(void) {return henv;}
HDBC GetHDBC(void) {return hdbc;}
- HSTMT GetHSTMT(void) {return hstmt;}
- bool TableExists(char *tableName); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
+ HSTMT GetHSTMT(void) {return hstmt;}
+ bool TableExists(char *tableName, char *userID=NULL, char *path=NULL); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
void LogError(char *errMsg, char *SQLState = 0) {logError(errMsg, SQLState);}
bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt", bool append = FALSE);
bool WriteSqlLog(char *logMsg);
+ DBMS Dbms(void);
}; // wxDB
DbList *PtrNext; // Pointer to next item in the list
+#if __WXDEBUG__ > 0
+#include "wx/object.h"
+class CstructTablesInUse : public wxObject
+ public:
+ const char *tableName;
+ ULONG tableID;
+ class wxDB *pDb;
+}; // CstructTablesInUse
// The following routines allow a user to get new database connections, free them
// for other code segments to use, or close all of them when the application has
// completed.
-wxDB *GetDbConnection(DbStuff *pDbStuff);
-bool FreeDbConnection(wxDB *pDb);
-void CloseDbConnections(void);
-int NumberDbConnectionsInUse(void);
+wxDB* WXDLLEXPORT GetDbConnection(DbStuff *pDbStuff);
+bool WXDLLEXPORT FreeDbConnection(wxDB *pDb);
+void WXDLLEXPORT CloseDbConnections(void);
+int WXDLLEXPORT NumberDbConnectionsInUse(void);
+// This function sets the sql log state for all open wxDB objects
+bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt");
// This routine allows you to query a driver manager
// for a list of available datasources. Call this routine
// the first time using SQL_FETCH_FIRST. Continue to call it
// using SQL_FETCH_NEXT until you've exhausted the list.
-bool GetDataSource(HENV henv, char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax,
+bool WXDLLEXPORT GetDataSource(HENV henv, char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax,
UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT);