+ int YToRow(int y, bool clipToMinMax = false) const;
+ /**
+ Returns @true if this grid has support for cell attributes.
+ The grid supports attributes if it has the associated table which, in
+ turn, has attributes support, i.e. wxGridTableBase::CanHaveAttributes()
+ returns @true.
+ */
+ bool CanHaveAttributes() const;
+ /**
+ Get the minimal width of the given column/row.
+ The value returned by this function may be different than that returned
+ by GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() if SetColMinimalWidth() had been
+ called for this column.
+ */
+ int GetColMinimalWidth(int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the coordinate of the right border specified column.
+ */
+ int GetColRight(int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the coordinate of the left border specified column.
+ */
+ int GetColLeft(int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the minimal size for the given column.
+ The value returned by this function may be different than that returned
+ by GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() if SetRowMinimalHeight() had been
+ called for this row.
+ */
+ int GetRowMinimalHeight(int col) const;