+XRS file is esentially a renamed ZIP archive which means that you can manipulate
+it with standard ZIP tools. Note that if you are using XRS files, you have
+to initialize \helpref{wxFileSystem}{wxfilesystem} ZIP handler first! It is a simple
+thing to do:
+ #include <wx/filesys.h>
+ #include <wx/fs_zip.h>
+ ...
+ wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler);
+\subsection{Using embedded resources}\label{embeddedresource}
+It is sometimes useful to embed resources in the executable itself instead
+of loading external file (e.g. when your app is small and consists only of one
+exe file). XRC provides means to convert resources into regular C++ file that
+can be compiled and included in the executable.
+Use the {\tt -c} switch to
+{\tt wxrc} utility to produce C++ file with embedded resources. This file will
+contain a function called {\it InitXmlResource} (unless you override this with
+a command line switch). Use it to load the resource:
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers();
+ InitXmlResource();
+ ...