+// Delete the word to the left of the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DelWordLeft()
+ SendMsg(2335, 0, 0);
+// Delete the word to the right of the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DelWordRight()
+ SendMsg(2336, 0, 0);
+// Delete the word to the right of the caret, but not the trailing non-word characters.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DelWordRightEnd()
+ SendMsg(2518, 0, 0);
+// Cut the line containing the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineCut()
+ SendMsg(2337, 0, 0);
+// Delete the line containing the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineDelete()
+ SendMsg(2338, 0, 0);
+// Switch the current line with the previous.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineTranspose()
+ SendMsg(2339, 0, 0);
+// Duplicate the current line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineDuplicate()
+ SendMsg(2404, 0, 0);
+// Transform the selection to lower case.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LowerCase()
+ SendMsg(2340, 0, 0);
+// Transform the selection to upper case.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::UpperCase()
+ SendMsg(2341, 0, 0);
+// Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineScrollDown()
+ SendMsg(2342, 0, 0);
+// Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineScrollUp()
+ SendMsg(2343, 0, 0);
+// Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
+// Will not delete the character before at the start of a line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DeleteBackNotLine()
+ SendMsg(2344, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to first position on display line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::HomeDisplay()
+ SendMsg(2345, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to
+// new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::HomeDisplayExtend()
+ SendMsg(2346, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to last position on display line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineEndDisplay()
+ SendMsg(2347, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new
+// caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineEndDisplayExtend()
+ SendMsg(2348, 0, 0);
+// These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)?
+// except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled:
+// They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display
+// The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start
+// or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::HomeWrap()
+ SendMsg(2349, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::HomeWrapExtend()
+ SendMsg(2450, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineEndWrap()
+ SendMsg(2451, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineEndWrapExtend()
+ SendMsg(2452, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::VCHomeWrap()
+ SendMsg(2453, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::VCHomeWrapExtend()
+ SendMsg(2454, 0, 0);
+// Copy the line containing the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineCopy()
+ SendMsg(2455, 0, 0);
+// Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::MoveCaretInsideView()
+ SendMsg(2401, 0, 0);
+// How many characters are on a line, not including end of line characters?
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::LineLength(int line) const
+ return SendMsg(2350, line, 0);
+// Highlight the characters at two positions.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::BraceHighlight(int pos1, int pos2)
+ SendMsg(2351, pos1, pos2);
+// Highlight the character at a position indicating there is no matching brace.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::BraceBadLight(int pos)
+ SendMsg(2352, pos, 0);
+// Find the position of a matching brace or INVALID_POSITION if no match.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::BraceMatch(int pos)
+ return SendMsg(2353, pos, 0);
+// Are the end of line characters visible?
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetViewEOL() const
+ return SendMsg(2355, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Make the end of line characters visible or invisible.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetViewEOL(bool visible)
+ SendMsg(2356, visible, 0);
+// Retrieve a pointer to the document object.
+void* wxStyledTextCtrl::GetDocPointer() {
+ return (void*)SendMsg(2357);
+// Change the document object used.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetDocPointer(void* docPointer) {
+ SendMsg(2358, 0, (sptr_t)docPointer);
+// Set which document modification events are sent to the container.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetModEventMask(int mask)
+ SendMsg(2359, mask, 0);
+// Retrieve the column number which text should be kept within.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetEdgeColumn() const
+ return SendMsg(2360, 0, 0);
+// Set the column number of the edge.
+// If text goes past the edge then it is highlighted.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetEdgeColumn(int column)
+ SendMsg(2361, column, 0);
+// Retrieve the edge highlight mode.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetEdgeMode() const
+ return SendMsg(2362, 0, 0);
+// The edge may be displayed by a line (EDGE_LINE) or by highlighting text that
+// goes beyond it (EDGE_BACKGROUND) or not displayed at all (EDGE_NONE).
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetEdgeMode(int mode)
+ SendMsg(2363, mode, 0);
+// Retrieve the colour used in edge indication.
+wxColour wxStyledTextCtrl::GetEdgeColour() const
+ long c = SendMsg(2364, 0, 0);
+ return wxColourFromLong(c);
+// Change the colour used in edge indication.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetEdgeColour(const wxColour& edgeColour)
+ SendMsg(2365, wxColourAsLong(edgeColour), 0);
+// Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SearchAnchor()
+ SendMsg(2366, 0, 0);
+// Find some text starting at the search anchor.
+// Does not ensure the selection is visible.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::SearchNext(int flags, const wxString& text)
+ return SendMsg(2367, flags, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(text));
+// Find some text starting at the search anchor and moving backwards.
+// Does not ensure the selection is visible.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::SearchPrev(int flags, const wxString& text)
+ return SendMsg(2368, flags, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(text));
+// Retrieves the number of lines completely visible.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::LinesOnScreen() const
+ return SendMsg(2370, 0, 0);
+// Set whether a pop up menu is displayed automatically when the user presses
+// the wrong mouse button.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::UsePopUp(bool allowPopUp)
+ SendMsg(2371, allowPopUp, 0);
+// Is the selection rectangular? The alternative is the more common stream selection.
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::SelectionIsRectangle() const
+ return SendMsg(2372, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Set the zoom level. This number of points is added to the size of all fonts.
+// It may be positive to magnify or negative to reduce.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetZoom(int zoom)
+ SendMsg(2373, zoom, 0);
+// Retrieve the zoom level.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetZoom() const
+ return SendMsg(2374, 0, 0);
+// Create a new document object.
+// Starts with reference count of 1 and not selected into editor.
+void* wxStyledTextCtrl::CreateDocument() {
+ return (void*)SendMsg(2375);
+// Extend life of document.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::AddRefDocument(void* docPointer) {
+ SendMsg(2376, 0, (sptr_t)docPointer);
+// Release a reference to the document, deleting document if it fades to black.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ReleaseDocument(void* docPointer) {
+ SendMsg(2377, 0, (sptr_t)docPointer);
+// Get which document modification events are sent to the container.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetModEventMask() const
+ return SendMsg(2378, 0, 0);
+// Change internal focus flag.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetSTCFocus(bool focus)
+ SendMsg(2380, focus, 0);
+// Get internal focus flag.
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetSTCFocus() const
+ return SendMsg(2381, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Change error status - 0 = OK.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetStatus(int statusCode)
+ SendMsg(2382, statusCode, 0);
+// Get error status.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetStatus() const
+ return SendMsg(2383, 0, 0);
+// Set whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetMouseDownCaptures(bool captures)
+ SendMsg(2384, captures, 0);
+// Get whether mouse gets captured.
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetMouseDownCaptures() const
+ return SendMsg(2385, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Sets the cursor to one of the SC_CURSOR* values.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetSTCCursor(int cursorType)
+ SendMsg(2386, cursorType, 0);
+// Get cursor type.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetSTCCursor() const
+ return SendMsg(2387, 0, 0);
+// Change the way control characters are displayed:
+// If symbol is < 32, keep the drawn way, else, use the given character.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetControlCharSymbol(int symbol)
+ SendMsg(2388, symbol, 0);
+// Get the way control characters are displayed.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetControlCharSymbol() const
+ return SendMsg(2389, 0, 0);
+// Move to the previous change in capitalisation.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordPartLeft()
+ SendMsg(2390, 0, 0);
+// Move to the previous change in capitalisation extending selection
+// to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordPartLeftExtend()
+ SendMsg(2391, 0, 0);
+// Move to the change next in capitalisation.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordPartRight()
+ SendMsg(2392, 0, 0);
+// Move to the next change in capitalisation extending selection
+// to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordPartRightExtend()
+ SendMsg(2393, 0, 0);
+// Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line
+// is to be moved to by Find, FindNext, GotoLine, etc.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetVisiblePolicy(int visiblePolicy, int visibleSlop)
+ SendMsg(2394, visiblePolicy, visibleSlop);
+// Delete back from the current position to the start of the line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DelLineLeft()
+ SendMsg(2395, 0, 0);
+// Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::DelLineRight()
+ SendMsg(2396, 0, 0);
+// Get and Set the xOffset (ie, horizonal scroll position).
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetXOffset(int newOffset)
+ SendMsg(2397, newOffset, 0);
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetXOffset() const
+ return SendMsg(2398, 0, 0);
+// Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ChooseCaretX()
+ SendMsg(2399, 0, 0);
+// Set the way the caret is kept visible when going sideway.
+// The exclusion zone is given in pixels.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetXCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)
+ SendMsg(2402, caretPolicy, caretSlop);
+// Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible.
+// The exclusion zone is given in lines.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetYCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)
+ SendMsg(2403, caretPolicy, caretSlop);
+// Set printing to line wrapped (SC_WRAP_WORD) or not line wrapped (SC_WRAP_NONE).
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetPrintWrapMode(int mode)
+ SendMsg(2406, mode, 0);
+// Is printing line wrapped?
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetPrintWrapMode() const
+ return SendMsg(2407, 0, 0);
+// Set a fore colour for active hotspots.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetHotspotActiveForeground(bool useSetting, const wxColour& fore)
+ SendMsg(2410, useSetting, wxColourAsLong(fore));
+// Get the fore colour for active hotspots.
+wxColour wxStyledTextCtrl::GetHotspotActiveForeground() const
+ long c = SendMsg(2494, 0, 0);
+ return wxColourFromLong(c);
+// Set a back colour for active hotspots.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetHotspotActiveBackground(bool useSetting, const wxColour& back)
+ SendMsg(2411, useSetting, wxColourAsLong(back));
+// Get the back colour for active hotspots.
+wxColour wxStyledTextCtrl::GetHotspotActiveBackground() const
+ long c = SendMsg(2495, 0, 0);
+ return wxColourFromLong(c);
+// Enable / Disable underlining active hotspots.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetHotspotActiveUnderline(bool underline)
+ SendMsg(2412, underline, 0);
+// Get whether underlining for active hotspots.
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetHotspotActiveUnderline() const
+ return SendMsg(2496, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Limit hotspots to single line so hotspots on two lines don't merge.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetHotspotSingleLine(bool singleLine)
+ SendMsg(2421, singleLine, 0);
+// Get the HotspotSingleLine property
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetHotspotSingleLine() const
+ return SendMsg(2497, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines).
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ParaDown()
+ SendMsg(2413, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ParaDownExtend()
+ SendMsg(2414, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ParaUp()
+ SendMsg(2415, 0, 0);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ParaUpExtend()
+ SendMsg(2416, 0, 0);
+// Given a valid document position, return the previous position taking code
+// page into account. Returns 0 if passed 0.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::PositionBefore(int pos)
+ return SendMsg(2417, pos, 0);
+// Given a valid document position, return the next position taking code
+// page into account. Maximum value returned is the last position in the document.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::PositionAfter(int pos)
+ return SendMsg(2418, pos, 0);
+// Copy a range of text to the clipboard. Positions are clipped into the document.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::CopyRange(int start, int end)
+ SendMsg(2419, start, end);
+// Copy argument text to the clipboard.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::CopyText(int length, const wxString& text)
+ SendMsg(2420, length, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(text));
+// Set the selection mode to stream (SC_SEL_STREAM) or rectangular (SC_SEL_RECTANGLE) or
+// by lines (SC_SEL_LINES).
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetSelectionMode(int mode)
+ SendMsg(2422, mode, 0);
+// Get the mode of the current selection.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetSelectionMode() const
+ return SendMsg(2423, 0, 0);
+// Retrieve the position of the start of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line).
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetLineSelStartPosition(int line)
+ return SendMsg(2424, line, 0);
+// Retrieve the position of the end of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line).
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetLineSelEndPosition(int line)
+ return SendMsg(2425, line, 0);
+// Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineDownRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2426, 0, 0);
+// Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineUpRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2427, 0, 0);
+// Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::CharLeftRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2428, 0, 0);
+// Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::CharRightRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2429, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::HomeRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2430, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to before first visible character on line.
+// If already there move to first character on line.
+// In either case, extend rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::VCHomeRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2431, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::LineEndRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2432, 0, 0);
+// Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::PageUpRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2433, 0, 0);
+// Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::PageDownRectExtend()
+ SendMsg(2434, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StutteredPageUp()
+ SendMsg(2435, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StutteredPageUpExtend()
+ SendMsg(2436, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StutteredPageDown()
+ SendMsg(2437, 0, 0);
+// Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StutteredPageDownExtend()
+ SendMsg(2438, 0, 0);
+// Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordLeftEnd()
+ SendMsg(2439, 0, 0);
+// Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordLeftEndExtend()
+ SendMsg(2440, 0, 0);
+// Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordRightEnd()
+ SendMsg(2441, 0, 0);
+// Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordRightEndExtend()
+ SendMsg(2442, 0, 0);
+// Set the set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by word.
+// Should be called after SetWordChars.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetWhitespaceChars(const wxString& characters)
+ SendMsg(2443, 0, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(characters));
+// Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the defaults.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetCharsDefault()
+ SendMsg(2444, 0, 0);
+// Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::AutoCompGetCurrent()
+ return SendMsg(2445, 0, 0);