-// Callback flags
+// Callback flags (see wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::OnDrawItem)
// when set, we are painting the selected item in control,
// not in the popup
virtual void OnComboDoubleClick();
virtual bool LazyCreate();
- // Callbacks for drawing and measuring items. Override in a derived class for
- // owner-drawnness.
- // item: item index to be drawn, may be wxNOT_FOUND when painting combo control itself
- // and there is no valid selection
- // flags: wxCP_PAINTING_CONTROL is set if painting to combo control instead of list
- virtual void OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags ) const;
- // Return item width, or -1 for calculating from text extent (default)
- virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItemWidth( size_t item ) const;
// Item management
void SetSelection( int item );
void Insert( const wxString& item, int pos );
// gets value, sends event and dismisses
void DismissWithEvent();
- // Re-calculates width for given item
- void CheckWidth( int pos );
+ // OnMeasureItemWidth will be called on next GetAdjustedSize.
+ void ItemWidthChanged(unsigned int item)
+ {
+ m_widths[item] = -1;
+ m_widthsDirty = true;
+ }
- // wxVListBox implementation
- virtual void OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
- //virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem(size_t n) const;
- void OnDrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
+ // Callbacks for drawing and measuring items. Override in a derived class for
+ // owner-drawnness. Font, background and text colour have been prepared according
+ // to selection, focus and such.
+ //
+ // item: item index to be drawn, may be wxNOT_FOUND when painting combo control itself
+ // and there is no valid selection
+ // flags: wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL is set if painting to combo control instead of list
+ // NOTE: If wxVListBoxComboPopup is used with wxComboCtrl class not derived from
+ // wxOwnerDrawnComboBox, this method must be overridden.
+ virtual void OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags ) const;
- // Return item height
+ // This is same as in wxVListBox
virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem( size_t item ) const;
+ // Return item width, or -1 for calculating from text extent (default)
+ virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItemWidth( size_t item ) const;
+ // Draw item and combo control background. Flags are same as with OnDrawItem.
+ // NB: Can't use name OnDrawBackground because of virtual function hiding warnings.
+ virtual void OnDrawBg(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags) const;
+ // Additional wxVListBox implementation (no need to override in derived classes)
+ virtual void OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
+ void OnDrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
// filter mouse move events happening outside the list box
// move selection with cursor
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
wxArrayString m_strings;
wxArrayPtrVoid m_clientDatas;
- wxArrayInt m_widths; // cached line widths
wxFont m_useFont;
//wxString m_stringValue; // displayed text (may be different than m_strings[m_value])
int m_value; // selection
int m_itemHover; // on which item the cursor is
- int m_widestWidth; // width of widest item thus far
- int m_avgCharWidth;
- int m_baseImageWidth; // how much per item drawn in addition to text
int m_itemHeight; // default item height (calculate from font size
// and used in the absence of callback)
wxClientDataType m_clientDataItemsType;
+ // Cached item widths (in pixels).
+ wxArrayInt m_widths;
+ // Width of currently widest item.
+ int m_widestWidth;
+ // Index of currently widest item.
+ int m_widestItem;
+ // Measure some items in next GetAdjustedSize?
+ bool m_widthsDirty;
+ // Find widest item in next GetAdjustedSize?
+ bool m_findWidest;
// has the mouse been released on this control?
- bool m_clicked;
+ bool m_clicked;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxOwnerDrawnComboBox : public wxComboCtrl,
public wxItemContainer
- friend class wxComboPopupWindow;
- friend class wxComboCtrlBase;
+ //friend class wxComboPopupWindow;
+ friend class wxVListBoxComboPopup;
// ctors and such
virtual ~wxOwnerDrawnComboBox();
- // NULL popup can be used to indicate default interface
- virtual void SetPopupControl( wxComboPopup* popup );
+ // Prevent app from using wxComboPopup
+ void SetPopupControl(wxVListBoxComboPopup* popup)
+ {
+ DoSetPopupControl(popup);
+ }
// wxControlWithItems methods
virtual void Clear();
+ // Callback for drawing. Font, background and text colour have been
+ // prepared according to selection, focus and such.
+ // item: item index to be drawn, may be wxNOT_FOUND when painting combo control itself
+ // and there is no valid selection
+ // flags: wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL is set if painting to combo control instead of list
+ virtual void OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags ) const;
+ // Callback for item height, or -1 for default
+ virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem( size_t item ) const;
+ // Callback for item width, or -1 for default/undetermined
+ virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItemWidth( size_t item ) const;
+ // Callback for background drawing. Flags are same as with
+ // OnDrawItem.
+ virtual void OnDrawBackground( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags ) const;
+ // NULL popup can be used to indicate default interface
+ virtual void DoSetPopupControl(wxComboPopup* popup);
// clears all allocated client datas
void ClearClientDatas();